Replacing types in AST rascal - abstract-syntax-tree

I am trying to replace all types in an AST.
Analyzing Java language using m3 model; definitions from here
If we take this code:
Int a = 1;
I am able to update the type of 1 to void for example.
But I am not able to change the type of the variable itself.
I've included some example lines.
Is someone able to point out the errors in the lines?
case \method(Type \return, str name, list[Declaration] parameters, list[Expression] exceptions)
=> \method(\int(), "funcHolder", parameters, exceptions)
case \type(Type \type) => \void()
case \type => \void

Ok, excellent question. First your code and the errors it might have:
This looks good:
case \method(Type \return, str name, list[Declaration] parameters, list[Expression] exceptions)
=> \method(\int(), "funcHolder", parameters, exceptions)
The definition is: data Declaration = \method(Type \return, str name, list[Declaration] parameters, list[Expression] exceptions, Statement impl); (see here), and your code follows exactly the definition. Every abstract method declaration in the ASTs you've parsed will match with this, since there is another \method declaration for methods with bodies with an additional argument.
It may be that you do not have abstract method bodies in your example code, in that case this does nothing.
A simpler version would also work fine:
case \method(_, _, parameters, exceptions) => \method(\int(), "funcHolder", parameters, exceptions)
The next one has issues:
case \type(Type \type) => \void()
Because data Expression = \type(Type \type), that is an Expression and data Type = \void() that is a Type or data TypeSymbol = \void() it is a TypeSymbol the rewrite is not type-preserving and would do wrong things if the Rascal compiler would not detect this. Mostly it will probably not work for you because your example code does not contain this particular kind of expression. I suspect it might be the abstract notation for things such as int.class and Integer.class.
Then this one is "interesting":
case \type => \void()
In principle, if \type is not bound in the current scope, then this matches literally anything. But probably there is a function called \type or a variable or something somewhere, and thus this pattern tests for equality with that other thing in scope. Very nasty! It will not match with anything I would guess. BTW, we are planning a "Rascal Amendement Proposal" for a language change to avoid such accidental bindings of things in the scope of a pattern.
Later from the commments I learned that the goal was to replace all instances of a Type in the AST by void(), to help in clone detection modulo type names. This is done as follows:
case Type _ => \void()
We use a [TypedVariable] pattern, with the variable name _ to match any node of algebraic type Type and forget about the binding. That node will then be replaced by void().
My way of working in the absence of a content-assist tool for pattern matching is as follows:
find full one AST example of something you want to match, say Int a = 1;
copy it into the Rascal source file
remove the parts you want to abstract from by introducing variables or _
test on the original example
test on the rest of the system by printing out the loc that have matched and clicking on the locs to bring you to the code and see if it wasn't a false positive.
for example I want to rewrite Int to void, I find an example of Int in an AST and paste it:
visit (ast) {
case simpleType(simpleName("Int")) => Type::\void() // I added Type:: to be sure to disambiguate with TypeSymbol::void()
With some debugging code attached to print out all matches:
visit (ast) {
case e:simpleType(simpleName("Int")) => Type::\void()
when bprintln("found a type at <e.src?|unknown:///|>");
Maybe you find out that that has way too many matches, and you have to become more specific, so let's only change declarations Int _ = ....;, we first take an example:
\variables(simpleType(simpleName("Int")), [...lots of stuff here...])
and then we simplify it:
\variables(simpleType(simpleName("Int")), names)
and then include it in the visit:
visit (ast) {
case \variables(simpleType(simpleName("Int")), names) => \variables(Type::\void(), names)
Final remark, as you can see you can nest patterns as deeply as you want, so any combination is fine. A "complex" example:
\variables(/"Int", names)
This pattern finds any variable declaration where the name "Int" is used somewhere as part of the type declaration. That's more loose than our original and might catch more than you bargained for. It's just to show what combinations you might want to do.
A final example of this: find all variable declarations with a type name which starts with "Int" but could end with anything else, like "Integer" or "IntFractal", etc:
\variables(simpleType(simpleName(/^Int/)), names)


How to set value to the child map in the father map in kotlin?

as title, I have the code:
val description= mutableMapOf(
"father2" to "123",
"father" to mutableMapOf<String,String>())
description["father"]["child"] = "child value"
if i try this: description["father"]["child"]="child value"
I will get the error:
Unresolved reference. None of the following candidates is applicable because of receiver type mismatch:
public inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<String!, String!>.set(key: String!, value: String!): Unit defined in kotlin.collections
public inline operator fun kotlin.text.StringBuilder /* = java.lang.StringBuilder */.set(index: Int, value: Char): Unit defined in kotlin.text
how can i do?
This is about typing (or lack of it).
The description map is created from two pairs, one from a String to a String, and the other from a String to a MutableMap<String, String>.  The keys are both String, so Kotlin will infer String for the type of key.  But what about the values?  They're two completely unrelated types, with no common superclass except Any.  So the type of description is inferred to be MutableMap<String, Any>.  (You can check that in e.g. the REPL.)
So, when you pull out a value, what can the compiler tell about it?  Almost nothing.  It's an Any, so the only thing you can be sure of is that it's not null.
That's why the compiler isn't treating that pulled-out value like a map; as far as it knows, it might not be a map!  (We know — but only because we can see what the map was initialised with, and that it's not modified since then, nor is the reference shared with any other objects or threads that could modify it.  But that's a relatively rare circumstance.)
Kotlin is a strongly-typed language, which means the compiler tracks the type of everything, and tries very hard not to let you do anything that could cause a runtime error.  Your code, if it compiled, would risk a ClassCastException any time the data didn't exactly match what you expected, which is hardly a route to good programs.
So, what can you do?
The safest thing would be to change your program so that you don't have any maps with unknown types of values.  Obviously, that depends on what your program is doing, so we can't make useful suggestions here.  But if your description were a MutableMap<String, MutableMap<String, String>>, then the compiler would know exactly what type everything was, and your intended code would compile and run fine.
The other main alternative would be to check what the value is before trying to treat it like a map.  One way to do this uses the as? safe-cast operator.  That checks whether a value is of a given type; if so, it's cast to that type; otherwise, it returns null.  You can then use the .? safe-call operator to call a method only if the value isn't null.  Putting that together:
(description["father"] as? MutableMap<String, String>)?.put("child", "child value")
If the value is as you expect, that will work fine; if not, it will do nothing and continue.
That's rather long-winded, but it will compile and run safely.  Alternatively, you could do the same thing in a more explicit way like this:
val child = description["father"]
if (child is MutableMap<String, String>))
child["child"] = "child value"
(Within the if, the compiler knows the type of child, and uses a a ‘smart cast’ to allow the putter call.)
That's even more long-winded, of course.  But that's what you get from trying to work against the type system :-)
(Oh, and by the way, I think the usual terminology for recursive data structures is ‘parent’ and ‘child’; I've not seen ‘father’ used that way before.)
Try this:
description["father"]?.put("child", "child value")
My current solution:
val description:MutableMap<String,Any> = mutableMapOf(
"father" to "123"
val father2 = mutableMapOf<String,String>()
father2.put("child", "child value")
You can try this:
val description = mutableMapOf<String?,MutableMap<String,String>?>
("father" to mutableMapOf<String,String>())
println(description) // {father={Key=Value}}

Getting method parameter names

Given the following Go method:
func (t *T) TMethod(data *testData) (interface{}, *error) {
I want to reflect the name of the parameter (which is data here).
I tried the following, but it returns the structure name (which is testData here):
How can I get the name of the parameter?
There is no way to get the names of the parameters of a method or a function.
The reason for this is because the names are not really important for someone calling a method or a function. What matters is the types of the parameters and their order.
A Function type denotes the set of all functions with the same parameter and result types. The type of 2 functions having the same parameter and result types is identical regardless of the names of the parameters. The following code prints true:
func f1(a int) {}
func f2(b int) {}
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(f1) == reflect.TypeOf(f2))
It is even possible to create a function or method where you don't even give names to the parameters (within a list of parameters or results, the names must either all be present or all be absent). This is valid code:
func NamelessParams(int, string) {
fmt.Println("NamelessParams called")
For details and examples, see Is unnamed arguments a thing in Go?
If you want to create some kind of framework where you call functions passing values to "named" parameters (e.g. mapping incoming API params to Go function/method params), you may use a struct because using the reflect package you can get the named fields (e.g. Value.FieldByName() and Type.FieldByName()), or you may use a map. See this related question: Initialize function fields
Here is a relevant discussion on the golang-nuts mailing list.

How to suppress function return

Suppose I have a function that has multiple returned values (shown below). However, this output is not informative as users do not know what each value stands for unless they look up the function definition. So I would like to use println() to print the results with appropriate names to the screen, while suppressing the the actual returned values from being printed on the screen. In R, the function invisible() does that, but how do you do the same thing in Julia?
function trimci(x::Array; tr=0.2, alpha=0.05, nullvalue=0)
ci=[tmean(x, tr=tr)-qt(1-alpha./2, df).*se, tmean(x, tr=tr)+qt(1-alpha./2, df).*se]
return ci, tmean(x, tr=tr), test, se, sig
In addition to what Harlan and Stefan said, let me share an example from the ODBC.jl package (source here).
One of my favorite features of Julia over other languages is how dead simple it is to create custom types (and without performance issues either!). Here's a custom type, Metadata, that simply holds several fields of data that describe an executed query. This doesn't necessarily need its own type, but it makes it more convenient passing all this data between functions as well as allowing custom formatting of its output by overloading the function.
type Metadata
function show(io::IO,meta::Metadata)
if meta == null_meta
print(io,"No metadata")
println(io,"Resultset metadata for executed query")
println(io,"Columns: $(meta.cols)")
println(io,"Rows: $(meta.rows)")
println(io,"Column Names: $(meta.colnames)")
println(io,"Column Types: $(meta.coltypes)")
println(io,"Column Sizes: $(meta.colsizes)")
println(io,"Column Digits: $(meta.coldigits)")
println(io,"Column Nullable: $(meta.colnulls)")
print(io,"Query: $(meta.querystring)")
Again, nothing fancy, but illustrates how easy it really is to define a custom type and produce custom output along with it.
One thing you could do would be to define a new type for the return value for this function, call it TrimCIResult or something. Then you could define appropriate methods to show that object in the REPL. Or you may be able to generalize that solution with a type hierarchy that could be used for storing the results from and displaying any statistical test.
The value nothing is how you return a value that won't print: the repl specifically checks for the value nothing and prints nothing if that's the value returned by an expression. What you're looking to do is to return a bunch of values and not print them, which strikes me as rather odd. If a function returns some stuff, I want to know about it – having the repl lie to users seems like a bad idea. Harlan's suggesting would work though: define a type for this value with the values you don't want to expose to the user as fields and customize its printing so that the fields you don't want to show people aren't printed.

generic duck typing in F#?

using let inline and member constraints I'll be able to make duck typing for known members but what if I would like to define a generic function like so:
let duckwrapper<'a> duck = ...
with the signature 'b -> 'a and where the returned value would be an object that implemented 'a (which would be an interface) and forwarded the calls to duck.
I've done this in C# using Reflection.Emit but I'm wondering if F# reflection, quotations or other constructs would make it easier.
Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
after reading Tims answer I thought I'd give a bit more details
What I was thinking of when I wrote about using quotations to help was something like:
{new IInterface with member x.SayHello() = !!<# %expr #>}
!! being an operator translating the quotation to a function and %expr being the unit of work for the method. I'd be able to translate the expression to a function (I guess) but wouldn't know how to
of course this wouldn't do the trick completely either since IInterface would be 'a which is where I hope F# reflection might have some handy functions so that I could construct a type based on a type object and some function values
As an update to Tomas Petricek answer I'll give some code to explain my needs
type SourceRole =
abstract transfer : decimal -> context
and context(sourceAccount:account, destinationAccount) =
let source = sourceAccount
let destination = destinationAccount
member self.transfer amount =
let sourcePlayer =
{new SourceRole with
member this.transfer amount =
use scope = new TransactionScope()
let source = source.decreaseBalance amount
let destination = destination.increaseBalance amount
which is a try at porting "the" textbook example of DCI in F#. The source and destination are DCI roles. It's the idea that any data object that adhere's to a specific contract can play those. In this case the contract is simple. source needs a memberfunction called decreaseBalance and destination needs a member function called increaseBalance.
I can accomplish that for this specific case with let inline and member constraints.
But I'd like to write a set of functions that given an interface and an object. In this case it could be source (as the object) and
type sourceContract =
abstract decreaseBalance : decimal -> sourceContract
as the type. The result would be an object of type sourceContract that would pipe method calls to a method with the same name on the source object.
F# reflection (Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection) is an F#-friendly wrapper around the plain System.Reflection APIs, so I don't think it would add anything here.
Quotations can't define new types: (you'd need to define a new type to do your interface-based duck typing)
> <# { new IInterface with member x.SayHello = "hello" } #>;;
<# { new IInterface with member x.SayHello = "hello" } #>;;
stdin(7,4): error FS0449: Quotations cannot contain object expressions
> <# type Test() = class end #>;;
<# type Test() = class end #>;;
stdin(8,4): error FS0010: Unexpected keyword 'type' in quotation literal
Reflection.Emit is still the way to go with this.
I hope F# reflection might have some handy functions so that I could construct a type based on a type object and some function values
I'm afraid it doesn't. Here's the documentation on F# reflection:
You can compile F# quotations using components from F# PowerPack. So I think you could use quotations to generate and execute code at runtime. If you write a quotation representing a function & compile it you'll get a function value that you could use to implement an interface. Here is a trivial example:
#r "FSharp.PowerPack.Linq.dll"
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QuotationEvaluation
// Create a part using "Expr." calls explicitly
let expr = Expr.Value(13)
// Create a part using quotation syntax
let expr2 = <# (fun x -> x * %%expr) #>
// Compile & Run
let f = expr2.Compile()()
f 10
You can mix quotation syntax and calls to Expr, which makes it easier to compose code from basic blocks. The compilation is a bit stupid (currently) so the generated code won't be as efficient as usual F# code (but you'll need to measure it in your case).
I'm not quite sure I understand what exactly are you trying to do, so if you can provide more details, I can give more specific answer.

What is the exact definition of a closure?

I've read through previous topics on closures on stackflow and other sources and one thing is still confusing me. From what I've been able to piece together technically a closure is simply the set of data containing the code of a function and the value of bound variables in that function.
In other words technically the following C function should be a closure from my understanding:
int count()
static int x = 0;
return x++;
Yet everything I read seems to imply closures must somehow involve passing functions as first class objects. In addition it usually seems to be implied that closures are not part of procedural programming. Is this a case of a solution being overly associated with the problem it solves or am I misunderstanding the exact definition?
No, that's not a closure. Your example is simply a function that returns the result of incrementing a static variable.
Here's how a closure would work:
function makeCounter( int x )
return int counter() {
return x++;
c = makeCounter( 3 );
printf( "%d" c() ); => 4
printf( "%d" c() ); => 5
d = makeCounter( 0 );
printf( "%d" d() ); => 1
printf( "%d" c() ); => 6
In other words, different invocations of makeCounter() produce different functions with their own binding of variables in their lexical environment that they have "closed over".
Edit: I think examples like this make closures easier to understand than definitions, but if you want a definition I'd say, "A closure is a combination of a function and an environment. The environment contains the variables that are defined in the function as well as those that are visible to the function when it was created. These variables must remain available to the function as long as the function exists."
For the exact definition, I suggest looking at its Wikipedia entry. It's especially good. I just want to clarify it with an example.
Assume this C# code snippet (that's supposed to perform an AND search in a list):
List<string> list = new List<string> { "hello world", "goodbye world" };
IEnumerable<string> filteredList = list;
var keywords = new [] { "hello", "world" };
foreach (var keyword in keywords)
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(keyword));
foreach (var s in filteredList) // closure is called here
It's a common pitfall in C# to do something like that. If you look at the lambda expression inside Where, you'll see that it defines a function that it's behavior depends on the value of a variable at its definition site. It's like passing a variable itself to the function, rather than the value of that variable. Effectively, when this closure is called, it retrieves the value of keyword variable at that time. The result of this sample is very interesting. It prints out both "hello world" and "goodbye world", which is not what we wanted. What happened? As I said above, the function we declared with the lambda expression is a closure over keyword variable so this is what happens:
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(keyword))
.Where(item => item.Contains(keyword));
and at the time of closure execution, keyword has the value "world," so we're basically filtering the list a couple times with the same keyword. The solution is:
foreach (var keyword in keywords) {
var temporaryVariable = keyword;
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(temporaryVariable));
Since temporaryVariable is scoped to the body of the foreach loop, in every iteration, it is a different variable. In effect, each closure will bind to a distinct variable (those are different instances of temporaryVariable at each iteration). This time, it'll give the correct results ("hello world"):
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(temporaryVariable_1))
.Where(item => item.Contains(temporaryVariable_2));
in which temporaryVariable_1 has the value of "hello" and temporaryVariable_2 has the value "world" at the time of closure execution.
Note that the closures have caused an extension to the lifetime of variables (their life were supposed to end after each iteration of the loop). This is also an important side effect of closures.
From what I understand a closure also has to have access to the variables in the calling context. Closures are usually associated with functional programming. Languages can have elements from different types of programming perspectives, functional, procedural, imperative, declarative, etc. They get their name from being closed over a specified context. They may also have lexical binding in that they can reference the specified context with the same names that are used in that context. Your example has no reference to any other context but a global static one.
From Wikipedia
A closure closes over the free variables (variables which are not local variables)
A closure is an implementation technique for representing procedures/functions with local state. One way to implement closures is described in SICP. I will present the gist of it, anyway.
All expressions, including functions are evaluated in an environement, An environment is a sequence of frames. A frame maps variable names to values. Each frame also has a
pointer to it's enclosing environment. A function is evaluated in a new environment with a frame containing bindings for it's arguments. Now let us look at the following interesting scenario. Imagine that we have a function called accumulator, which when evaluated, will return another function:
// This is some C like language that has first class functions and closures.
function accumulator(counter) {
return (function() { return ++counter; });
What will happen when we evaluate the following line?
accum1 = accumulator(0);
First a new environment is created and an integer object (for counter) is bound to 0 in it's first frame. The returned value, which is a new function, is bound in the global environment. Usually the new environment will be garbage collected once the function
evaluation is over. Here that will not happen. accum1 is holding a reference to it, as it needs access to the variable counter. When accum1 is called, it will increment the value of counter in the referenced environment. Now we can call accum1 a function with local state or a closure.
I have described a few practical uses of closures at my blog (See the posts "Dangerous designs" and "On Message-Passing").
There's a lot of answers already, but I'll add another one anyone...
Closures aren't unique to functional languages. They occur in Pascal (and family), for instance, which has nested procedures. Standard C doesn't have them (yet), but IIRC there is a GCC extension.
The basic issue is that a nested procedure may refer to variables defined in it's parent. Furthermore, the parent may return a reference to the nested procedure to its caller.
The nested procedure still refers to variables that were local to the parent - specifically to the values those variables had when the line making the function-reference was executed - even though those variables no longer exist as the parent has exited.
The issue even occurs if the procedure is never returned from the parent - different references to the nested procedure constructed at different times may be using different past values of the same variables.
The resolution to this is that when the nested function is referenced, it is packaged up in a "closure" containing the variable values it needs for later.
A Python lambda is a simple functional-style example...
def parent () :
a = "hello"
return (lamda : a)
funcref = parent ()
print funcref ()
My Pythons a bit rusty, but I think that's right. The point is that the nested function (the lambda) is still referring to the value of the local variable a even though parent has exited when it is called. The function needs somewhere to preserve that value until it's needed, and that place is called a closure.
A closure is a bit like an implicit set of parameters.
Great question! Given that one of the OOP principles of OOP is that objects has behavior as well as data, closures are a special type of object because their most important purpose is their behavior. That said, what do I mean when I talk about their "behavior?"
(A lot of this is drawn from "Groovy in Action" by Dierk Konig, which is an awesome book)
On the simplest level a close is really just some code that's wrapped up to become an androgynous object/method. It's a method because it can take params and return a value, but it's also an object in that you can pass around a reference to it.
In the words of Dierk, imagine an envelope that has a piece of paper inside. A typical object would have variables and their values written on this paper, but a closure would have a list of instructions instead. Let's say the letter says to "Give this envelope and letter to your friends."
In Groovy: Closure envelope = { person -> new Letter(person).send() }
addressBookOfFriends.each (envelope)
The closure object here is the value of the envelope variable and it's use is that it's a param to the each method.
Some details:
Scope: The scope of a closure is the data and members that can be accessed within it.
Returning from a closure: Closures often use a callback mechanism to execute and return from itself.
Arguments: If the closure needs to take only 1 param, Groovy and other langs provide a default name: "it", to make coding quicker.
So for example in our previous example:
addressBookOfFriends.each (envelope)
is the same as:
addressBookOfFriends.each { new Letter(it).send() }
Hope this is what you're looking for!
An object is state plus function.
A closure, is function plus state.
function f is a closure when it closes over (captured) x
I think Peter Eddy has it right, but the example could be made more interesting. You could define two functions which close over a local variable, increment & decrement. The counter would be shared between that pair of functions, and unique to them. If you define a new pair of increment/decrement functions, they would be sharing a different counter.
Also, you don't need to pass in that initial value of x, you could let it default to zero inside the function block. That would make it clearer that it's using a value which you no longer have normal access to otherwise.
