Binomial probability mass function with confidence interval - r

The following question we need to solve.
Consider the following binomial probability mass function (pmf):
f(x;m,p) = (m¦x) p^x * (1-p)^(m-x), for x = 0, 1, 2,.....,m,
and otherwise equal to 0. Let X_1, X_2,....,Xn be independent and identically distributed random samples from f(x;m = 20; p = 0:45).
1) Assume n = 15 and calculate the 95% confidence interval on p using the p-hat = Σ_(i=1)^n X_i/mn (an estimator of p). Simulate these confidence intervals 10000 times and
count how often the parameter value p lies within these 10000 confidence intervals.
m <- 20
p <- 0.45
n <- 15
x <- m
nsim <- 10000
counter <- 0
for (i in 1:nsim) {
bpmf <- rbinom(x,m,p)
esti_p <- bpmf/(m*n)
var_bpmf <- var(bpmf)
CI_lower <- esti_p - qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(var_bpmf/n)
CI_upper <- esti_p + qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(var_bpmf/n)
if ((CI_lower<p) & (CI_upper>p)) counter <- counter + 1
It doesn't work properly and I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Is there anyone who can help me with this?
When I run my code, I believe the answer now is right, but it gives the following sentence: "There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)" When I run this it will give:
"1: In if ((CI_lower < p) & (CI_upper > p)) counter <- counter + ... :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used".
Also I don't know for sure if;
CI_lower <- esti_p - qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(var_bpmf/n)
CI_upper <- esti_p + qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(var_bpmf/n)
is the right formula to calculate the confidence interval.

m <- 20
p <- 0.45
nsim <- 10000
bpmf <- rbinom(size=m,prob=p,n=nsim)
esti_p <- bpmf/m
var_bpmf <- esti_p*(1-esti_p)/m
CI_lower <- esti_p - qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(var_bpmf)
CI_upper <- esti_p + qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(var_bpmf)
counter <-((CI_lower<p) & (CI_upper>p))


Running rJAGS when the likelihood is a custom density

I am trying to figure out how to sample from a custom density in rJAGS but am running into issues. having searched the site, I saw that there is a zeroes (or ones) trick that can be employed based on BUGS code but am having a hard time with its implementation in rJAGS. I think I am doing it correctly but keep getting the following error:
Error in jags.model(model1.spec, data = list(x = x, N = N), n.chains = 4, :
Error in node dpois(lambda)
Length mismatch in Node::setValue
Here is my rJAGS code for reproducibility:
N = 100
x = rexp(N, 3)
L = quantile(x, prob = 1) # Censoring point
censor = ifelse(x <= L, 1, 0) # Censoring indicator
x[censor == 1] <- L
model1.string <-"
model {
for (i in 1:N){
x[i] ~ dpois(lambda)
lambda <- -N*log(1-exp(-(1/mu)))
mu ~ dlnorm(mup, taup)
mup <- log(.0001)
taup <- 1/49
R <- 1 - exp(-(1/mu) * .0001)
jags <- jags.model(model1.spec,
data = list('x' = x,
'N' = N),
Here, my negative log likelihood of the density I am interested in is -N*log(1-exp(-(1/mu))). Is there an obvious mistake in the code?
Using the zeros trick, the variable on the left-hand side of the dpois() relationship has to be an N-length vector of zeros. The variable x should show up in the likelihood somewhere. Here is an example using the normal distribution.
N <- 100
x <- rnorm(100, mean=3)
z <- rep(0, N)
C <- 10
pi <- pi
model1.string <-"
model {
for (i in 1:N){
lambda[i] <- pow(2*pi*sig2, -0.5) * exp(-.5*pow(x[i]-mu, 2)/sig2)
loglam[i] <- log(lambda[i]) + C
z[i] ~ dpois(loglam[i])
mu ~ dnorm(0,.1)
tau ~ dgamma(1,.1)
sig2 <- pow(tau, -1)
sumLL <- sum(log(lambda[]))
jags <- jags.model(model1.spec,
data = list('x' = x,
'z' = z,
'N' = N,
'C' = C,
'pi' = pi),
inits = function()list(tau = 1, mu = 3),
samps1 <- coda.samples(jags, c("mu", "sig2"), n.iter=1000)
Iterations = 101:1100
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 4
Sample size per chain = 1000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
mu 4.493 2.1566 0.034100 0.1821
sig2 1.490 0.5635 0.008909 0.1144
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
mu 0.6709 3.541 5.218 5.993 7.197
sig2 0.7909 0.999 1.357 1.850 2.779

Bridge sampling Monte-carlo method in R studio for variance gamma

I am using trying to use bridge sampling in R studio to simulate paths for the variance gamma process. My code is:
sigma = 0.5054
theta = 0.2464
nu = 0.1184
G_[N]<-rgamma(1, shape=N*1/nu, scale=nu)
for(l in 1:k){
for(j in 1:2^i-1){
I'm not sure what I've done wrong. The algorithm I am trying to follow is as below in the picture:
Based on your code, a numerical sequence was simulated. And it can be roughly validated by using VarianceGamma::vgFit to estimate the parameters.
Note that the time index starts from 1 due to R syntax. The sqrt of variance was used for the standard deviation in rnorm. And I probably shouldn't add the change due to interest rate vgC in the end, since it is not included in your algorithm. Please set it as 0 if it doesn't make sense.
Simulation by Brownian bridge:
# Brownian-Gamma Bridge Sampling (BGBS) of a VG process
M <- 10
nt <- 2^M + 1 #number of observations
T <- nt - 1 #total time
T_ <- seq(0, T, length.out=nt) #fixed time increments
#random time increments
#T_ = c(0, runif(nt-2), 1)
#T_ = sort(T_) * T
r <- 1 + 0.2 #interest rate
vgC <- (r-1)
sigma <- 0.5054
theta <- 0.2464
nu <- 0.1184
V_ <- G_ <- rep(NA,nt)
V_[1] <- 0
G_[1] <- 0
G_[nt] <- rgamma(1, shape=T/nu, scale=nu)
V_[nt] <- rnorm(1, theta*G_[nt], sqrt(sigma^2*G_[nt]))
for (k in 1:M)
n <- 2^(M-k)
for (j in 1:2^(k-1))
i <- (2*j-1) * n
Y <- rbeta(1, (T_[i+1]-T_[i-n+1])/nu, (T_[i+n+1]-T_[i+1])/nu)
G_[i+1] <- G_[i-n+1] + (G_[i+n+1] - G_[i-n+1]) * Y
Z <- rnorm(1, sd=sqrt((G_[i+n+1] - G_[i+1]) * sigma^2 * Y))
V_[i+1] <- Y * V_[i+n+1] + (1-Y) * V_[i-n+1] + Z
V_ <- V_ + vgC*T_ # changes due to interest rate
plot(T_, V_)
The results roughly match with the estimation:
#Estimated parameters:
dV <- V_[2:nt] - V_[1:(nt-1)]
> vgC sigma theta nu
> 0.2996 0.5241 0.1663 0.1184
#Real parameters:
c(vgC, sigma, theta, nu)
> vgC sigma theta nu
> 0.2000 0.5054 0.2464 0.1184
As you commented, there is another similar algorithm and can be implemented in a similar way.
Your code could be modified as below:
M <- 7
nt <- 2^M + 1
T <- nt - 1
T_ <- seq(0, T, length.out=nt)
theta= -0.003856
V_ <- G_ <- rep(1,nt)
G_[T+1] <- rgamma(1, shape=T/nu, scale=nu) #
V_[T+1] <- rnorm(1, theta*G_[T+1], sqrt(sigma^2*G_[T+1])) #
V_[1] <- 0
G_[1] <- 0
for (m in 1:M){ #
Y <- rbeta(1,T/(2^m*nu), T/(2^m*nu))
for (j in 1:2^(m-1)){ #
i <- (2*j-1)
G_[i*T/(2^m)+1] = G_[(i-1)*T/(2^m)+1]+(-G_[(i-1)*T/(2^m)+1]+G_[(i+1)*T/(2^m)+1])*Y #
b=G_[T*(i+1)/2^m+1] - G_[T*(i)/2^m+1] #
Z_i <- rnorm(1, sd=b*sigma^2*Y)
#V_[i] <- Y* V_[i+1] + (1-Y)*V_[i-1] + Z_i
V_[i*T/(2^m)+1] <- Y* V_[(i+1)*T/(2^m)+1] + (1-Y)*V_[(i-1)*T/(2^m)+1] + Z_i
V_ <- V_ + vgc*T_
ts.plot(V_, main="BRIDGE", xlab="Time increment")
Ryan again, I have found another algorithm for bridge sampling which I tried on my own, But I am not convinced that my answers are correct. I have added my code, output and algorithm below and also the output I think it should loom like? I have used a similar format to your code:
M <- 7
nt <- 2^M + 1 #number of observations
T <- nt - 1 #total time
T_ <- seq(0, T, length.out=nt) #fixed time increments
theta= -0.003856
V_ <- G_ <- rep(1,nt)
G_[T] <- rgamma(1, shape=T/nu, scale=nu)
V_[T] <- rnorm(1, theta*G_[T], sqrt(sigma^2*G_[T]))
V_[1] <- 0
G_[1] <- 0
for (m in 2:M){
Y <- rbeta(1,T/(2^m*nu), T/(2^m*nu))
for (j in 2:2^(m-1)){
i <- (2*j-1)
G_[i*T/(2^m)] = G_[(i-1)*T/(2^m)]+(G_[(i-1)*T/(2^m)]+G_[(i+1)*T/(2^m)])*Y
b=G_[T*(i)/2^m] - G_[T*(i-1)/2^m]
Z_i <- rnorm(1, sd=b*sigma^2*Y)
V_[i] <- Y* V_[i+1] + (1-Y)*V_[i-1] + Z_i
V_ <- V_ + vgc*T_ # changes due to interest rate
ts.plot(V_, main="BRIDGE", xlab="Time increment")
However this is how my plot from my ouput, in figure 1:
Bu as Variance gamma is a jump process with finite activity, the path should look like this: , this is just an image from google for variance gamma paths, the sequential sampling one looks like this and my aim is to compare it to Bridge sampling for simulating paths. But my output looks really different. Please let me know your thoughts. If there is an issue in my code let me know thanks. Here is algortihm for it, much similar to the one above but slightly different:

one sample hypothesis test for proportions

I'm looking for a built-in R function that calculates the power of a one sample hypothesis test for proportions.
The built in function power.prop.test only does TWO SAMPLE hypothesis tests for proportions.
The original question is: "How many times do you have to toss a coin to determine that it is biased?
p.null <- 0.5 # null hypothesis.
We say that a coin is "biased" if the probability of tossing heads is either
greater than 0.51 or less than 0.49. Otherwise we say that it is "good enough"
delta <- 0.01
Here is a function to toss a biased coin N times and return the proportion of heads:
biased.coin <- function(delta, N) {
probs <- runif(N, 0, 1)
heads <- probs[probs < 0.5+delta]
We fix alpha and beta throughout at the standard values. Our goal is to calculate N.
alpha = 0.05 # 95% confidence interval
beta = 0.8 # Correctly reject the null hypothesis 80% of time.
The first step is to use a simulation.
A single experiment is to toss the coin N times and reject the null hypothesis if the number of heads deviates "too far" from the expected value of N/2
We then repeat the experiment M times and count how many times the null hypothesis is (correctly) rejected.
M <- 1000
simulate.power <- function(delta, N, p.null, M, alpha) {
print(paste("Calculating power for N =", N))
reject <- c()
se <- sqrt(p.null*(1-p.null))/sqrt(N)
for (i in (1:M)) {
heads <- biased.coin(delta, N) # perform an experiment
z <- (heads - p.null)/se # z-score
p.value <- pnorm(-abs(z)) # p-value
reject[i] <- p.value < alpha/2 # Do we rejct the null?
return(sum(reject)/M) # proportion of time null was rejected.
Next we plot a graph (slow, about 5 minutes):
ns <- seq(1000, 50000, by=1000)
my.pwr <- c()
for (i in (1:length(ns))) {
my.pwr[i] <- simulate.power(delta, ns[i], p.null, M, alpha)
plot(ns, my.pwr)
From the graph it looks like the N you need for a power of beta = 0.8 is about 20000.
The simulation is very slow so it would be nice to have a built in function.
A little fiddling around gave me this:
magic <- function(p.null, delta, alpha, N) {
magic <-power.prop.test(p1=p.null,
n=2*N, # mysterious 2
Let's plot it against our simulated data.
pwr.magic <- c()
for (i in (1:length(ns))) {
pwr.magic[i] <- magic(p.null, delta, alpha, ns[i])
points(ns, pwr.magic, pch=20)
The fit is good, but I have no idea why I would need to multiply N by two,
in order to get a one sample power out of a two sample proportion test.
It would be nice if there were a built in function that let you do one sample directly.
You could try
h <- ES.h(0.51, 0.5) # Compute effect size h for two proportions
pwr.p.test(h = h, n = NULL, sig.level = 0.05, power = 0.8, alternative = "two.sided")
# proportion power calculation for binomial distribution (arcsine transformation)
# h = 0.02000133
# n = 19619.53
# sig.level = 0.05
# power = 0.8
# alternative = two.sided
As an aside, one way to speed up your simulation significantly would be to use rbinom instead of runif:
biased.coin2 <- function(delta, N) {
rbinom(1, N, 0.5 + delta) / N

Confidence Interval (CI) simulation in R: How?

I was wondering how I could check via simulation in R that the 95% Confidence Interval obtained from a binomial test with 5 successes in 15 trials when TRUE p = .5 has a 95% "Coverage Probability" in the long-run?
Here is the 95% CI for such a test using R (how can show that the following CI has a 95% coverage in the long-run if TRUE p = .5):
as.numeric(binom.test(x = 5, n = 15, p = .5)[[4]])
# > [1] 0.1182411 0.6161963 (in the long-run 95% of the time, ".5" is contained within these
# two numbers, how to show this in R?)
Something like this?
fun <- function(n = 15, p = 0.5){
x <- rbinom(1, size = n, prob = p)
res <- binom.test(x, n, p)[[4]]
c(Lower = res[1], Upper = res[2])
R <- 10000
sim <- t(replicate(R, fun()))
Note that binom.test when called with 5 successes, 15 trials and p = 0.5 will always return the same value, hence the call to rbinom. The number of successes will vary. We can compute the proportion of cases when p is between Lower and Upper.
cov <- mean(sim[,1] <= .5 & .5 <= sim[,2])

Bayesian simple linear regression Gibbs Sampling with gamma prior

Please help me out.
I am doing Metopolis_hasting within Gibbs to generate a Markov Chian with stationary distribution equal to the joint conditional distribution of (beta,phi) given observed y. Where the model for y is simple linear regression and phi is 1/sigma^2. The full conditional distribution for phi is gamma(shape=shape_0+n/2,rate=rate_0 + 0.5*sum((y$y-b[1]-b[1]*y$x)^2)) where shape_0 and rate_0 are prior distribution of phi (which follows a gamma)
Here is my code:
y <- read.table("...",header = T)
n <- 50
shape_0 <- 10
rate_0 <- 25
shape <- shape_0+n/2
mcmc <- function (n = 10){
X <- matrix(0,n,3)
b <- c(5,2)
phi <- 0.2
X[1,] <- c(b,phi)
count1 <- 0
count2 <- 0
for (i in 2:n){
phi_new <- rnorm(1,phi,1) #generate new phi candidate
rate <- rate_0 + 0.5*sum((y$y-b[1]-b[1]*y$x)^2)
prob1 <- min(dgamma(phi_new,shape = shape,
rate = rate)/dgamma(phi,shape = shape, rate = rate),1)
##here is where I run into trouble, dgamma(phi_new,shape = shape,
##rate = rate)
##and dgamma(phi,shape = shape, rate = rate) both gives 0
u <- runif(1)
if (prob1>u)
{X[i,3] <- phi_new; count1=count1+1}
else {X[i,3] <-phi}
phi <- X[i,3]
I know I should use log transformation on the precision parameter, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. log(dgamma(phi_new,shape = shape, rate = rate)) would return -inf.
Thank you so much for help.
