Zero or more length of path in Cypher - graph

For example I have a path:
And we can use the * operator to define if a particular edge can be repeated. I would like to use the * operator on the entire path, or both edges combined. I would like to follow: (A AND B) zero or more times.
I am not sure how to apply the * operator for the entire path in Cypher. My intent is to express a pattern that allows a specific path to be repeated 0 or more times.

This is something variable-length patterns cannot do in Cypher. However, because of this, we added repeating sequences functionality to path expander procs in APOC Procedures.
As an example:
WHERE id(n) = 123
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(n, {relationshipFilter:'A>, B>'}) YIELD path
This expands from a start node (n) expanding out only a repeating sequence of outgoing :A and :B relationships. No minLevel or maxLevel properties were provided, so this has a minimum of 0 length and no bounds on max length.


Cypher allShortestPaths just return one path?

Background statement:
I have a graph like bellow:
I want to find all the path between Node A and Node F (something like how many ways I can reach F from A), then my Cypher like this bellow:
MATCH (start:kg:test), (end:kg:test), p = allShortestPaths((start)-[*..8]-(end))
where start.value = 'A' and end.value = 'F'
RETURN start, end, p
As I expected, this query will return the whole graph, but it just returns A->F (return the same thing with using the shortestPath function), like bellow:
Why that query won't return all the different paths in the graph?
Do I misuse the allShortestPaths function?
How can I get all the path from Node A to Node F?
shortestPath() returns the single shortest path between the nodes (and if there are multiple of the same size it just returns the first that it finds).
If there are multiple paths that could have been returned by shortestPath() (they will all have the same size), then allShortesPaths() will return them.
If you just want to find all possible paths between two nodes (the length of the path doesn't matter, and you don't care about shortest paths at all), then you don't need to use either of these functions.
MATCH p=(start:kg:test)-[*..8]-(end:kg:test)
where start.value = 'A' and end.value = 'F'
RETURN start, end, p

Using a recursive / fixed point / iterative structure in a Neo4j Cypher query

My Neo4j database contains relationships that may have a special property:
(a) -[{sustains:true}]-> (b)
This means that a sustains b: when the last node that sustains b is deleted, b itself should be deleted. I'm trying to write a Cypher statement that deletes a given node PLUS all nodes that now become unsustained as a result. This may set off a chain reaction, and I don't know how to encode this in Cypher. Is Cypher expressive enough?
In any other language, I could come up with a number of ways to implement this. A recursive algorithm for this would be something like:
delete(a) :=
MATCH (a) -[{sustains:true}]-> (b)
MATCH (aa) -[{sustains:true}]-> (b)
WHERE count(aa) = 0
Another way to describe the additional set of nodes to delete would be with a fixed point function:
setOfNodesToDelete(Set) :=
RETURN Set' ⊆ Set such that for all n ∈ Set'
there is no (m) -[{sustains:true}]-> (n) with m ∉ Set
We would start with the set of all z such that (a) -[{sustains:true}*1..]-> (z), then delete a, run setOfNodesToDelete on the set until it doesn't change anymore, then delete the nodes specified by the set. This requires an unspecified number of iterations.
Any way to accomplish my goal in Cypher?

How do you prove termination of a recursive list length?

Suppose we have a list:
List = nil | Cons(car cdr:List).
Note that I am talking about modifiable lists!
And a trivial recursive length function:
recursive Length(List l) = match l with
| nil => 0
| Cons(car cdr) => 1 + Length cdr
Naturally, it terminates only when the list is non-circular:
inductive NonCircular(List l) = {
empty: NonCircular(nil) |
\forall head, tail: NonCircular(tail) => NonCircular (Cons(head tail))
Note that this predicate, being implemented as a recursive function, also does not terminate on a circular list.
Usually I see proofs of list traversal termination that use list length as a bounded decreasing factor. They suppose that Length is non-negative. But, as I see it, this fact (Length l >= 0) follows from the termination of Length on the first place.
How do you prove, that the Length terminates and is non-negative on NonCircular (or an equivalent, better defined predicate) lists?
Am I missing an important concept here?
Unless the length function has cycle detection there is no guarantee it will halt!
For a singly linked list one uses the Tortoise and hare algorithm to determine the length where there is a chance there might be circles in the cdr.
It's just two cursors, the tortoise starts at first element and the hare starts at the second. Tortoise moves one pointer at a time while the hare moves two (if it can). The hare will eventually either be the same as the tortoise, which indicates a cycle, or it will terminate knowing the length is 2*steps or 2*steps+1.
Compared to finding cycles in a tree this is very cheap and performs just as well on terminating lists as a function that does not have cycle detection.
The definition of List that you have on top doesn't seem to permit circular lists. Each call to the "constructor" Cons will create a new pointer, and you aren't allowed to modify the pointer later to create the circularity.
You need a more sophisticated definition of List if you want to handle circularity. You probably need to define a Cell containing data value and an address, and a Node which contains a Cell and an address pointing to the previous node, and then you'll need to define the dereferencing operator to go back from addresses to Cells. You can also try to define non-circular on this object.
My gut feeling is that you will also need to define an injective function from the "simple" list definition you have above to the sophisticated one that I've outlined and then finally you'll be able to prove your result.
One other thing, the definition of NonCircular doesn't need to terminate. It isn't a program, it is a proof. If it holds, then you can examine the proof to see why it holds and use this in other proofs.
Edit: Thanks to Necto for pointing out I'm wrong.

Path properties in Cypher

I have a following graph in Neo4j
now I search paths from nodes with t:s to nodes with t:e such that only white-listed nodes with t:w are in-between.
So ideally i need a query to return only (0)-->(4)-->(5) but not (0)-->(1)-->(2)-->(3).
EDIT: i have forgotten to mention that paths may have variable length: from 0 to potentially infinity. It means that I may have an arbitrary number of "t:w" nodes
Best regards
Working just with the information that you have provided above you could use
MATCH p=({t:'s'})-->({t:'w'})-->({t:'e'}) RETURN p
Of course if an s could link directly to an e you will need to use variable length relationships matches.
MATCH p=({t:'s'})-[*0..1]->({t:'w'})-[]->({t:'e'})
EDIT - Paths of any length
MATCH p=({t:'s'})-[*0..1]->({t:'w'})-[*]->({t:'e'})
To match a path of any length use the * operator in the relationship path match. It is usually best to put some bounds on that match, an example of which is the *0..1 (length 0 to 1). You can leave either end open *..6 (length 1 to 6) or *2.. (length 2 to whatever).
The problem with this is that now you cannot guarantee the node types in the intervening nodes (so t:"b" will be matched). To avoid that I think you'll have to filter.
MATCH p=({t:'s'})-[*]->({t:'e'})
WHERE node.t = 's' OR node.t = 'w' OR node.t = 'e' )
End Edit
You should introduce labels to your nodes and use relationship types for traversal though as that is where Neo/Cypher is going to be able to help you out. You should also make sure that if you are matching on properties that they are indexed correctly.

Choosing unique items from a list, using recursion

As follow up to yesterday's question Erlang: choosing unique items from a list, using recursion
In Erlang, say I wanted choose all unique items from a given list, e.g.
List = [foo, bar, buzz, foo].
and I had used your code examples resulting in
NewList = [bar, buzz].
How would I further manipulate NewList in Erlang?
For example, say I not only wanted to choose all unique items from List, but also count the total number of characters of all resulting items from NewList?
In functional programming we have patterns that occur so frequently they deserve their own names and support functions. Two of the most widely used ones are map and fold (sometimes reduce). These two form basic building blocks for list manipulation, often obviating the need to write dedicated recursive functions.
The map function iterates over a list in order, generating a new list where each element is the result of applying a function to the corresponding element in the original list. Here's how a typical map might be implemented:
map(Fun, [H|T]) -> % recursive case
[Fun(H)|map(Fun, T)];
map(_Fun, []) -> % base case
This is a perfect introductory example to recursive functions; roughly speaking, the function clauses are either recursive cases (result in a call to iself with a smaller problem instance) or base cases (no recursive calls made).
So how do you use map? Notice that the first argument, Fun, is supposed to be a function. In Erlang, it's possible to declare anonymous functions (sometimes called lambdas) inline. For example, to square each number in a list, generating a list of squares:
map(fun(X) -> X*X end, [1,2,3]). % => [1,4,9]
This is an example of Higher-order programming.
Note that map is part of the Erlang standard library as lists:map/2.
Whereas map creates a 1:1 element mapping between one list and another, the purpose of fold is to apply some function to each element of a list while accumulating a single result, such as a sum. The right fold (it helps to think of it as "going to the right") might look like so:
foldr(Fun, Acc, [H|T]) -> % recursive case
foldr(Fun, Fun(H, Acc), T);
foldr(_Fun, Acc, []) -> % base case
Using this function, we can sum the elements of a list:
foldr(fun(X, Sum) -> Sum + X, 0, [1,2,3,4,5]). %% => 15
Note that foldr and foldl are both part of the Erlang standard library, in the lists module.
While it may not be immediately obvious, a very large class of common list-manipulation problems can be solved using map and fold alone.
Thinking recursively
Writing recursive algorithms might seem daunting at first, but as you get used to it, it turns out to be quite natural. When encountering a problem, you should identify two things:
How can I decompose the problem into smaller instances? In order for recursion to be useful, the recursive call must take a smaller problem as its argument, or the function will never terminate.
What's the base case, i.e. the termination criterion?
As for 1), consider the problem of counting the elements of a list. How could this possibly be decomposed into smaller subproblems? Well, think of it this way: Given a non-empty list whose first element (head) is X and whose remainder (tail) is Y, its length is 1 + the length of Y. Since Y is smaller than the list [X|Y], we've successfully reduced the problem.
Continuing the list example, when do we stop? Well, eventually, the tail will be empty. We fall back to the base case, which is the definition that the length of the empty list is zero. You'll find that writing function clauses for the various cases is very much like writing definitions for a dictionary:
%% Definition:
%% The length of a list whose head is H and whose tail is T is
%% 1 + the length of T.
length([H|T]) ->
1 + length(T);
%% Definition: The length of the empty list ([]) is zero.
length([]) ->
You could use a fold to recurse over the resulting list. For simplicity I turned your atoms into strings (you could do this with list_to_atom/1):
1> NewList = ["bar", "buzz"].
2> L = lists:foldl(fun (W, Acc) -> [{W, length(W)}|Acc] end, [], NewList).
This returns a proplist you can access like so:
3> proplists:get_value("buzz", L).
If you want to build the recursion yourself for didactic purposes instead of using lists:
count_char_in_list([], Count) ->
count_char_in_list([Head | Tail], Count) ->
count_char_in_list(Tail, Count + length(Head)). % a string is just a list of numbers
And then:
1> test:count_char_in_list(["bar", "buzz"], 0).
