why does GE PACS use Modality with c-find in StudyLevel - dicom

I use the c-find of DCMTK to query GE's pacs with study root, study level. And the condition is studydate = 20181112, Modality= "" to query PatientID.
I know that Modality is a tag under series level. PACS should not use this condition with study root, study level. And I use dicomobject and dcm4chee to be scp, cfind does not return modality.
I use ModalitiesInStudy instead of Modality, GE pacs can find the correct number. I know study ModalitiesInStudy is Study level.
Why did GE return modality values and query the wrong number of study on that day, much less than the actual number?

It is incorrect to assume that the PACS should ignore inappropriate query keys. The most DICOM-conformant reaction towards a malformed query would be to reject the request with the status A900 (Identifier does not match SOP class).
However in practice it is not always the best choice to be that restrictive. So the behavior you observe could be seen as "GE PACS tries to make the best out of your malformed request". Obviously there is no right and wrong in this.
Without knowing the contents of the PACS and the exact requests and responses, it is impossible to guess how the PACS uses the inappropriate attribute in filtering. But since the baseline is "garbage in / garbage out", I do not think that this really matters


Is fast data access related to the availability (A) in CAP theorem?

I realize that it will be a basic concept, but it would be helpful if anyone could explain if fast data access related to the availability (A) in CAP theorem. Fast data access is an important feature expected of Big Data systems. And does the various K-Access and K-grouping method all a part of it.
Availability in CAP theorem is about whether you can access your data even if there is failure in the hardware (e.g. network outage, node outage etc).
Fast access to large volume of data is important feature observed in most of the big data systems. But, it should not confused with availability as described above.
Availability in CAP theorem means that all your requests will receive a response, but does not specify when or how accurate. Nor does it specify what fast could mean.
Every request receives a (non-error) response – without guarantee that
it contains the most recent write
Keep in mind that this theorem enforces strict guarantees. For example, systems can guarantee C and A, and still be good at P most of the time.

Should I test all enum values in a contract?

I have a doubt about about whether I should consider a certain type of test functional or contract.
Let's say I have an API like /getToolType, that accepts a {object" "myObject"} as input, and returns at type in the form {type: "[a-z]+"}
It was agreed between client and server that the types returned will match a set of strings, let's say [hammer|knife|screwdriver], so the consumer decided to parse them in an enum, with a fallback value when the returned type is unknown.
Should the consumer include a test case for each type(hammer, knife, screwdriver) to ensure the producer is still following the agreement that it will always return , for instance , the lowercase string "hammer" when /getToolType is called with an hammer object?
Or would you consider such a test case as functional? And why?
IMO the short answer is 'no'.
Contract testing is more interested in structure, if we start boundary testing the API we move into functional test territory, which is best done in the provider code base. You can use a matcher to ensure only one of those three values is returned, this should ensure the Provider build can't return other values.
I would echo #J_A_X's comments - there is no right or wrong answer, just be wary of testing all permutations of input/output data.
Great question. Short answer: there's no right or wrong way, just how you want to do it.
Longer answer:
The point of Pact (and contract testing) is to test specific scenarios and making sure that they match up. You could simply, in your contract, create a regex that allows any string type for those enums, or maybe null, but only if your consumer simply doesn't care about that value. For instance, if the tool type had a brand, I wouldn't care about the brand, just that it's returned back as a string since I just display the brand verbatim on the consumer (front-end).
However, if it was up to me, from what I understand of your scenario, it seems like the tool type is actually pretty important considering the endpoint it's hitting, hence I would probably have specific tests and contracts for each enum to make sure that those particular scenarios on my consumer are valid (I call X with something and I expect Y to have tool type Z).
Both of these solutions are valid, what it comes down to is this: Do you think the specific tool type is important to the consumer? If it is, create contracts specific to it, if not, then just create a generic contract.
Hope that helps.
The proper state is that consumer consumes hammer, knife, and screwdriver, c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver) for short while producer produces hammer, knife, and screwdriver, p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver).
There are four regression scenarios:
c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver,sword), p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver)
c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver), p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver,sword)
c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver), p=(hammer,knife)
c=(hammer,knife), p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver)
1 and 3 break the contract in a very soft way.
In the 1st scenario, the customer declared a new type that is not (yet) supported by the producer.
In the 3rd scenario, the producer stops supporting a type.
The gravity of scenarios may of course wary, as something I consider soft regression, might be in a certain service in a business-critical process.
However, if it is critical then there is a significant motivation to cover it with a dedicated test case.
2nd and 4th scenarios are more severe, in both cases, the consumer may end up in an error, e.g. might be not able to deserialize the data.
Having a test case for each type should detect scenario 3 and 4.
In the 1st scenario, it may trigger the developer to create an extra test case that will fail on the producer site.
However, the test cases are helpless against the 2nd scenario.
So despite the relatively high cost, this strategy does not provide us with full test coverage.
Having one test case with a regex covering all valid types (i.e. hammer|knife|screwdriver) should be a strong trigger for the consumer developer to redesign the test case in 1st and 4th scenario.
Once the regex is adjusted to new consumer capabilities it can detect scenario 4 with probability p=1/3 (i.e. the test will fail if the producer selected screwdriver as sample value).
Even without regex adjustment, it will detect the 3rd scenario with p=1/3.
This strategy is helpless against the 1st and 2nd scenario.
However, on top of the regex, we can do more.
Namely, we can design the producer test case with random data.
Assuming that the type in question is defined as follows:
enum Tool {hammer,knife,screwdriver}
we can render the test data with:
responseBody = Arranger.some(Tool.class);
This piece of code uses test-arranger, but there are other libraries that can do the same as well.
It selects one of the valid enum values.
Each time it can be a different one.
What does it change?
Now we can detect the 2nd scenario and after regex adjustment the 4th one.
So it covers the most severe scenarios.
There is also a drawback to consider.
The producer test is nondeterministic, depending on the drawn value it can either succeed or fail which is considered to be an antipattern.
When some tests sometimes fail despite the tested code being correct, people start to ignore the results of the tests.
Please note that producer test case with random data is not the case, it is in fact the opposite.
It can sometimes succeed despite the tested code is not correct.
It still is far from perfect, but it is an interesting tradeoff as it is the first strategy that managed to address the very severe 2nd scenario.
My recommendation is to use the producer test case with random data supported with a regex on the customer side.
Nonetheless, there is no perfect solution, and you should always consider what is important for your services.
Specifically, if the consumer can safely ignore unknown values, the recommended approach might be not a perfect fit.

DICOM C-StoreSCP: How to know in advance number of images SCU will send?

I have DICOM C-StoreSCP application which receives DICOM images from my other C-StoreSCU application. My SCU always send one (and only one) and complete (all images from given study) study on one association. So SCP always know that all images received from SCU belong to single study. I know I can also check StudyIUID; but that is not my point of interest here.
I want to know total number of images in study that is being transferred. Using this data, I want to display status like "Received 3 of 10 images..." on screen. I can count images received (3 in this case) but how can I know total number of images in given study (10 in this case) that is being transferred?
On receiving first C-Store request on SCP, I should read the StudyIUID and establish new association with SCU (SCU should also support Q\R SCP capabilities in this case) for Q\R and get total count of images in study using C-Find.
Limitations: -
SCU should also support Q\R SCP features.
SCU should compulsorily send image count in C-Find response.
SCU should always send all images from only one study on one asociation.
I can easily overcome the limitations if I write SCU (with Q\R SCP capabilities) myself. But my SCP also receive images from third party SCUs those may not implement features necessary.
Please suggest if there is any DICOM compatible solution?
Is this possible using MPPS? I have not worked on MPPS part of DICOM yet.
Conclusion: -
Accepted answer (kritzel_sw) suggests very good solution (using MPPS) with only one drawback. MPPS is not mandatory service for each SCU. MPPS is applicable to only SCUs those actually acquire the image i.e. modalities. Even not all modalities support MPPS out of the box; they need unlock of feature with additional license cost and configurations. Also, there are lot of scenarios where modalities push instances to some intermediate workstation and the workstation further push it to SCP.
May be, I need to look into combination of DICOM + NON_DICOM wayout.
Good question, but no simple answer.
Expecting a Storage SCU to support the C-FIND-SCP as well is not going to work well in practice unless you are referring to archive servers / VNAs.
MPPS is not a bad idea. All attributes (Study, Series, SOP Instance UID) you need are mandatory, so it should be valid to rely on them. "Should" because I have seen vendors violating these constraints.
However, how can you be sure that the SCU has received the complete study? Maybe the study consists of CT and MR series, but the SCU sending the images to you only conforms to CT and rejects to receive MRs.
You might want to consider the Instance Availability Notification service which is another service class with which information about "who has got which image" can be made available to other systems. Actually this would exactly do what you need, because you know in advance for each AET ("device") which images are available there. But this service is not widely supported in practice.
Even if you really know which images are available on the system that is sending the study to you - how can you be sure that there is no user sitting in front of it who has just selected a sub-set of the study for sending.
Sorry, that I cannot provide a "real solution" to you but for the reasons I have mentioned above, I am not aware of any real-world system which supports the functionality (progress bar) you are describing.

Handling Race Conditions / Concurrency in Network Protocol Design

I am looking for possible techniques to gracefully handle race conditions in network protocol design. I find that in some cases, it is particularly hard to synchronize two nodes to enter a specific protocol state. Here is an example protocol with such a problem.
Let's say A and B are in an ESTABLISHED state and exchange data. All messages sent by A or B use a monotonically increasing sequence number, such that A can know the order of the messages sent by B, and A can know the order of the messages sent by B. At any time in this state, either A or B can send a ACTION_1 message to the other, in order to enter a different state where a strictly sequential exchange of message needs to happen:
send ACTION_1
recv ACTION_2
send ACTION_3
However, it is possible that both A and B send the ACTION_1 message at the same time, causing both of them to receive an ACTION_1 message, while they would expect to receive an ACTION_2 message as a result of sending ACTION_1.
Here are a few possible ways this could be handled:
1) change state after sending ACTION_1 to ACTION_1_SENT. If we receive ACTION_1 in this state, we detect the race condition, and proceed to arbitrate who gets to start the sequence. However, I have no idea how to fairly arbitrate this. Since both ends are likely going to detect the race condition at about the same time, any action that follows will be prone to other similar race conditions, such as sending ACTION_1 again.
2) Duplicate the entire sequence of messages. If we receive ACTION_1 in the ACTION_1_SENT state, we include the data of the other ACTION_1 message in the ACTION_2 message, etc. This can only work if there is no need to decide who is the "owner" of the action, since both ends will end up doing the same action to each other.
3) Use absolute time stamps, but then, accurate time synchronization is not an easy thing at all.
4) Use lamport clocks, but from what I understood these are only useful for events that are causally related. Since in this case the ACTION_1 messages are not causally related, I don't see how it could help solve the problem of figuring out which one happened first to discard the second one.
5) Use some predefined way of discarding one of the two messages on receipt by both ends. However, I cannot find a way to do this that is unflawed. A naive idea would be to include a random number on both sides, and select the message with the highest number as the "winner", discarding the one with the lowest number. However, we have a tie if both numbers are equal, and then we need another way to recover from this. A possible improvement would be to deal with arbitration once at connection time and repeat similar sequence until one of the two "wins", marking it as favourite. Every time a tie happens, the favourite wins.
Does anybody have further ideas on how to handle this?
Here is the current solution I came up with. Since I couldn't find 100% safe way to prevent ties, I decided to have my protocol elect a "favorite" during the connection sequence. Electing this favorite requires breaking possible ties, but in this case the protocol will allow for trying multiple times to elect the favorite until a consensus is reached. After the favorite is elected, all further ties are resolved by favoring the elected favorite. This isolates the problem of possible ties to a single part of the protocol.
As for fairness in the election process, I wrote something rather simple based on two values sent in each of the client/server packets. In this case, this number is a sequence number starting at a random value, but they could be anything as long as those numbers are fairly random to be fair.
When the client and server have to resolve a conflict, they both call this function with the send (their value) and the recv (the other value) values. The favorite calls this function with the favorite parameter set to TRUE. This function is guaranteed to give the opposite result on both ends, such that it is possible to break the tie without retransmitting a new message.
BOOL ResolveConflict(BOOL favorite, UINT32 sendVal, UINT32 recvVal)
BOOL winner;
int sendDiff;
int recvDiff;
UINT32 xorVal;
xorVal = sendVal ^ recvVal;
sendDiff = (xorVal < sendVal) ? sendVal - xorVal : xorVal - sendVal;
recvDiff = (xorVal < recvVal) ? recvVal - xorVal : xorVal - recvVal;
if (sendDiff != recvDiff)
winner = (sendDiff < recvDiff) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* closest value to xorVal wins */
winner = favorite; /* break tie, make favorite win */
return winner;
Let's say that both ends enter the ACTION_1_SENT state after sending the ACTION_1 message. Both will receive the ACTION_1 message in the ACTION_1_SENT state, but only one will win. The loser accepts the ACTION_1 message and enters the ACTION_1_RCVD state, while the winner discards the incoming ACTION_1 message. The rest of the sequence continues as if the loser had never sent ACTION_1 in a race condition with the winner.
Let me know what you think, and how this could be further improved.
To me, this whole idea that this ACTION_1 - ACTION_2 - ACTION_3 handshake must occur in sequence with no other message intervening is very onerous, and not at all in line with the reality of networks (or distributed systems in general). The complexity of some of your proposed solutions give reason to step back and rethink.
There are all kinds of complicating factors when dealing with systems distributed over a network: packets which don't arrive, arrive late, arrive out of order, arrive duplicated, clocks which are out of sync, clocks which go backwards sometimes, nodes which crash/reboot, etc. etc. You would like your protocol to be robust under any of these adverse conditions, and you would like to know with certainty that it is robust. That means making it simple enough that you can think through all the possible cases that may occur.
It also means abandoning the idea that there will always be "one true state" shared by all nodes, and the idea that you can make things happen in a very controlled, precise, "clockwork" sequence. You want to design for the case where the nodes do not agree on their shared state, and make the system self-healing under that condition. You also must assume that any possible message may occur in any order at all.
In this case, the problem is claiming "ownership" of a shared clipboard. Here's a basic question you need to think through first:
If all the nodes involved cannot communicate at some point in time, should a node which is trying to claim ownership just go ahead and behave as if it is the owner? (This means the system doesn't freeze when the network is down, but it means you will have multiple "owners" at times, and there will be divergent changes to the clipboard which have to be merged or otherwise "fixed up" later.)
Or, should no node ever assume it is the owner unless it receives confirmation from all other nodes? (This means the system will freeze sometimes, or just respond very slowly, but you will never have weird situations with divergent changes.)
If your answer is #1: don't focus so much on the protocol for claiming ownership. Come up with something simple which reduces the chances that two nodes will both become "owner" at the same time, but be very explicit that there can be more than one owner. Put more effort into the procedure for resolving divergence when it does happen. Think that part through extra carefully and make sure that the multiple owners will always converge. There should be no case where they can get stuck in an infinite loop trying to converge but failing.
If your answer is #2: here be dragons! You are trying to do something which buts up against some fundamental limitations.
Be very explicit that there is a state where a node is "seeking ownership", but has not obtained it yet.
When a node is seeking ownership, I would say that it should send a request to all other nodes, at intervals (in case another one misses the first request). Put a unique identifier on each such request, which is repeated in the reply (so delayed replies are not misinterpreted as applying to a request sent later).
To become owner, a node should receive a positive reply from all other nodes within a certain period of time. During that wait period, it should refuse to grant ownership to any other node. On the other hand, if a node has agreed to grant ownership to another node, it should not request ownership for another period of time (which must be somewhat longer).
If a node thinks it is owner, it should notify the others, and repeat the notification periodically.
You need to deal with the situation where two nodes both try to seek ownership at the same time, and both NAK (refuse ownership to) each other. You have to avoid a situation where they keep timing out, retrying, and then NAKing each other again (meaning that nobody would ever get ownership).
You could use exponential backoff, or you could make a simple tie-breaking rule (it doesn't have to be fair, since this should be a rare occurrence). Give each node a priority (you will have to figure out how to derive the priorities), and say that if a node which is seeking ownership receives a request for ownership from a higher-priority node, it will immediately stop seeking ownership and grant it to the high-priority node instead.
This will not result in more than one node becoming owner, because if the high-priority node had previously ACKed the request sent by the low-priority node, it would not send a request of its own until enough time had passed that it was sure its previous ACK was no longer valid.
You also have to consider what happens if a node becomes owner, and then "goes dark" -- stops responding. At what point are other nodes allowed to assume that ownership is "up for grabs" again? This is a very sticky issue, and I suspect you will not find any solution which eliminates the possibility of having multiple owners at the same time.
Probably, all the nodes will need to "ping" each other from time to time. (Not referring to an ICMP echo, but something built in to your own protocol.) If the clipboard owner can't reach the others for some period of time, it must assume that it is no longer owner. And if the others can't reach the owner for a longer period of time, they can assume that ownership is available and can be requested.
Here is a simplified answer for the protocol of interest here.
In this case, there is only a client and a server, communicating over TCP. The goal of the protocol is to two system clipboards. The regular state when outside of a particular sequence is simply "CLIPBOARD_ESTABLISHED".
Whenever one of the two systems pastes something onto its clipboard, it sends a ClipboardFormatListReq message, and transitions to the CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_LIST_REQ_SENT state. This message contains a sequence number that is incremented when sending the ClipboardFormatListReq message. Under normal circumstances, no race condition occurs and a ClipboardFormatListRsp message is sent back to acknowledge the new sequence number and owner. The list contained in the request is used to expose clipboard data formats offered by the owner, and any of these formats can be requested by an application on the remote system.
When an application requests one of the data formats from the clipboard owner, a ClipboardFormatDataReq message is sent with the sequence number, and format id from the list, the state is changed to CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_DATA_REQ_SENT. Under normal circumstances, there is no change of clipboard ownership during that time, and the data is returned in the ClipboardFormatDataRsp message. A timer should be used to timeout if no response is sent fast enough from the other system, and abort the sequence if it takes too long.
Now, for the special cases:
If we receive ClipboardFormatListReq in the CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_LIST_REQ_SENT state, it means both systems are trying to gain ownership at the same time. Only one owner should be selected, in this case, we can keep it simple an elect the client as the default winner. With the client as the default owner, the server should respond to the client with ClipboardFormatListRsp consider the client as the new owner.
If we receive ClipboardFormatDataReq in the CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_LIST_REQ_SENT state, it means we have just received a request for data from the previous list of data formats, since we have just sent a request to become the new owner with a new list of data formats. We can respond with a failure right away, and sequence numbers will not match.
Etc, etc. The main issue I was trying to solve here is fast recovery from such states, with going into a loop of retrying until it works. The main issue with immediate retrial is that it is going to happen with timing likely to cause new race conditions. We can solve the issue by expecting such inconsistent states as long as we can move back to proper protocol states when detecting them. The other part of the problem is with electing a "winner" that will have its request accepted without resending new messages. A default winner can be elected by default, such as the client or the server, or some sort of random voting system can be implemented with a default favorite to break ties.

Generating a multipart/byterange response without scanning the parts ahead of sending

I would like to generate a multipart byte range response. Is there a way for me to do it without scanning each segment I am about to send out, since I need to generate multipart boundary strings?
For example, I can have a user request a byterange that would have me fetch and scan 2GB of data, which in my case involves me loading that data into my (slow) VM as strings and so forth. Ideally I would like to simply state in the response that a part has a length of a certain number of bytes, and be done with it. Is there any tooling that could provide me with this option? I see that many developers just grab a UUID as the boundary and are probably willing to risk a tiny probability that it will appear somewhere within the part, but that risk seems to be small enough multiple people are taking it?
To explain in more detail: scanning the parts ahead of time (before generating the response) is not really feasible in my case since I need to fetch them via HTTP from an upstream service. This means that I effectively have to prefetch the entire part first to compute a non-matching multipart boundary, and only then can I splice that part into the response.
Assuming the data can be arbitrary, I don’t see how you could guarantee absence of collisions without scanning the data.
If the format of the data is very limited (like... base 64 encoded?), you may be able to pick a boundary that is known to be an illegal sequence of bytes in that format.
Even if your boundary does collide with the data, it must be followed by headers such as Content-Range, which is even more improbable, so the client is likely to treat it as an error rather than consume the wrong data.
Major Web servers use very simple strategies. Apache grabs 8 random bytes at startup and renders them in hexadecimal. nginx uses a sequential counter left-padded with zeroes.
UUIDs are designed to avoid collisions with other UUIDs, not with arbitrary data. A UUID is no more likely to be a good boundary than a completely random string of the same length. Moreover, some UUID variants include information that you may not want to disclose, such as your machine’s MAC address.
Ideally I would like to simply state in the response that a part has a length of a certain number of bytes, and be done with it. Is there any tooling that could provide me with this option?
Maybe you can avoid supporting multiple ranges and simply tell the clients to request each range separately. In that case, you don’t use the multipart format, so there is no problem.
If you do want to send multiple ranges in one response, then RFC 7233 requires the multipart format, which requires the boundary string.
You can, of course, invent your own mechanism instead of that of RFC 7233. In that case:
You cannot use 206 (Partial Content). You must use 200 (OK) or some other applicable status code.
You cannot use the multipart/byteranges media type. You must come up with your own media type.
You cannot use the Range request header.
Because a 200 (OK) response to a GET request is supposed to carry a (full) representation of the resource, you must do one of the following:
encode the requested ranges in the URL; or
use something like POST instead of GET; or
use a custom, non-standard status code instead of 200 (OK); or
(not sure if this is a correct approach) use media type parameters, send them in Accept, and add Accept to Vary.
The chunked transfer coding may be useful, but you cannot rely on it alone, because it is a property of the connection, not of the payload.
