SqlKata - I'm not understanding how Paginate works - asp.net

I am a beginner using this library SqlKata, and I'm having hard time understanding the functionality of the Paginate method.
With the Get method, I can access the SQL records. But with Paginate I can not. Will the Paginate method bring me the records of the database?
dim db = new QueryFactory(new SqlConnection("[connection-string]"), new SqlServerCompiler())
dim library = db.Query("my_table").Select("*").Paginate(1, 10)
for each book in library.each
This throws a error:
Public member 'id' on type 'PaginationResult(Of Object)' not found.
System information:
SqlKata 1.1.3
Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.3163.0

It looks like the documentation needs an update.
Here's how I managed to use the pagination:
dim db = new QueryFactory(new SqlConnection("[connection-string]"), new SqlServerCompiler())
dim q = db.Query("my_table")
'Just if you need to know total of pages and other utilities
dim info = q.Paginate(1, 10)
'DB rows
for each book in info.list
'If you do not need the pagination object, you can use:
'here we retrieve 10 records from page 2
for each book in q.ForPage(2, 10).Get()


User details stored in separate table ASP.NET Identity

I am a complete beginner at ASP.net(and this forum) i am using Visual studio 2013 and have created created another table in the created database using the package manager console.
How do i go about placing the information into this new table? (I am looking to store firstname and last name in a separate table)
The create account button is below:
Protected Sub CreateUser_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim userName As String = UserNameCtrl.Text
Dim Firstnane As String = firstnamectrl.Text
Dim manager = New UserManager
Dim User = New ApplicationUser() With {.UserName = userName}
Dim result = manager.Create(User, Password.Text)
If result.Succeeded Then
IdentityHelper.SignIn(manager, User, isPersistent:=False)
IdentityHelper.RedirectToReturnUrl(Request.QueryString("ReturnUrl"), Response)
ErrorMessage.Text = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault()
End If
End Sub
Any pointers in the right direction, hints or suggested reading would be very helpful.
If I understand correctly, this link may be of some help:
It is for a windows form application, but it should translate pretty well if you're using web forms. Basically, you just want to make a connection to the database during the button click event (the simplest way I know of to make this connection is using ADO.NET), and pass the values of the first and last name in a SQL query to the sql server.
You would be building the sql query as a string, and concatenating your vb variables into that string. Something like; "Insert into table xxx(firstname, LastName) values " & Firstname & ", " & Lastname...

Batch processing with Google Calendar V3 API

I've been working with the new google Calendar V3 API and I've coded all my class methods to process Adds, Updates, retrievals etc but I was wondering if there is a way to send a batch of adds + updates + deletes all at once rather than sending each request separately and possible exceeding the trans/sec threshold. I understand the .Batch method has been depreciated in V3 and I found another methodology that uses web services that will notify a client that changes are ready but I'm trying to do this from a .NET Winform application so it needs to be something initiated from the client and not dependent upon online services or a PUSH methodology.
I got this to work using the BatchRequest object:
Dim initializer As New BaseClientService.Initializer()
initializer.HttpClientInitializer = credential
initializer.ApplicationName = "My App"
Dim service = New CalendarService(initializer)
'fetch the calendars
Dim list = service.CalendarList.List().Execute().Items()
'get the calendar you want to work with
Dim calendar = list.First(Function(x) x.Summary = "{Calendar Name}")
Dim br As New Google.Apis.Requests.BatchRequest(service)
'make 5 events
For i = 1 To 5
'create a new event
Dim e As New [Event]
'set the event properties
e.Summary = "Test Event"
e.Description = "Test Description"
e.Location = "Test Location"
'make a request to insert the event
Dim ins As New InsertRequest(service, e, calendar.Id)
'queue the request
br.Queue(Of Dummy)(ins, AddressOf OnResponse)
'execute the batch request
Dim t = br.ExecuteAsync()
'wait for completion
For some reason, you can't have a deferred request without specifying a callback to the Queue method, and that method requires a generic type parameter. So I defined the following:
Class Dummy
End Class
Sub OnResponse(content As Dummy, err As Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError, index As Integer, message As System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage)
End Sub
With this in place, the batch inserts worked fine.

Create an Appointment with EWS in VB.NET, what am i missing?

Hello i want to send a calendar invite to other members, how can i do that in vb.net,
i added the exchange webreference and can send a normal mail to other people.
here is what i have so far
Public Sub Einladungen()
Dim esb As New ExchangeServer.ExchangeServiceBinding
esb.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(Session("EX_UserName").ToString, Session("EX_Password").ToString)
esb.Url = Session("EX_DomainURL")
Dim appointment As CalendarItemType = New CalendarItemType
' Set properties on the appointment.
appointment.Subject = "Dentist Appointment"
appointment.Body = New BodyType
appointment.Body.BodyType1 = BodyTypeType.Text
appointment.Body.Value = "Agenda Items...."
appointment.Start = New DateTime(2012, 3, 1, 9, 0, 0)
appointment.End = appointment.Start.AddHours(2)
appointment.Location = "Conf Room"
' Save the appointment.
End Sub
Visual Studio tells me that:
Add is not a member of "System.Array"
"Save" is not a member of "ExchangeServer.CalendarItemType"
The name "SendInvitationMode" is not declared
What am i missing?
Thanks in advance for your help
The problem is that you have created your own EWS proxy classes by referencing your Exchange web service directly but the sample code you have found is built using the Exchange Web Service Managed API.
So what you should do is to download the EWS Managed API, add a reference to Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll, and change the beginning of your code into something similar to this:
Dim esb As New ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
esb.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(Session("EX_UserName").ToString, Session("EX_Password").ToString)
esb.Url = Session("EX_DomainURL")
Dim appointment As new Appointment(esb);
// ... the rest of your code here.
You might want to have a look at this example:

Exception thrown when using GData .NET Analytics API

I am facing an issue while trying to fetch data from GoogleAnalytics API on piece of code that has been working well just a couple of days ago.
For this I am referencing the following DLL's:
And I am using the following code:
Dim visits As String = String.Empty
Dim username As String = "myuser#mydomain.com"
Dim pass As String = "mypassword"
Const dataFeedUrl As String = "https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data"
Dim query As AccountQuery = New AccountQuery()
Dim service As AnalyticsService = New AnalyticsService("MyWebAnalyticsService")
service.setUserCredentials(username, pass)
Dim accountFeed As AccountFeed = service.Query(query) ''----------> Exception thrown in this line: GDataRequestException Execution of request failed: https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/accounts/default
I thought it had to do with a blocking to the account I was using but it wasn't the case because I verified registering the site for another analytics account and is still not working.
This code has been working flawlessly as I've said but all of a sudden has stopped doing so yesterday.
Could you please help me figuring out what's wrong?. Maybe the way the user credentials are set has changed and I am missing something.
Thank you very much for your help.
I managed to make it work and now I can query the visits for a desired domain. The code goes as follows:
Dim visits As String = String.Empty
Dim username As String = "myuser#mydomain.com"
Dim pass As String = "mypassword"
'Follow the instructions on https://developers.google.com/analytics/resources/articles/gdata-migration-guide (Create a Project in the Google APIs Console) to generate your key
'Once you have it set it as part of the querystring to request our GA service
Dim gkey As String = "key=yourkeystring"
'Set the new URI to retrieve the feed data and append it the generated key
Dim dataFeedUrl As String = "https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data?" & gkey
'Create and authenticate on our service instance
Dim service As AnalyticsService = New AnalyticsService("MyAnaliticsService")
service.setUserCredentials(username, pass)
'Use the profile id for the account you want to get ths visits from, you can find it
'logging in your analytics account, select the desired domain on your list (blue link)
click on the administrator button and on the profiles tab find the profile
'configuration subtab, right there you will find the profile id in this case the eight characters long id 12345678
Dim query1 As DataQuery = New DataQuery(dataFeedUrl)
With query1
.Ids = "ga:12345678"
.Metrics = "ga:visits"
.Sort = "ga:visits"
.GAStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
.GAEndDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
.StartIndex = 1
End With
'Use the generated datafeed based on the former query to get the visits
Dim dataFeedVisits As DataFeed = service.Query(query1)
For Each entry As DataEntry In dataFeedVisits.Entries
Dim st As String = entry.Title.Text
Dim ss As String = entry.Metrics(0).Value
visits = ss
I have the same problem and it looks like google recently shut down the feed. It is answered in another post. Issue com.google.gdata.util.ResourceNotFoundException: Not Found with Google Analytic
Please make sure you registered your project in the APIs Console and you are sending the API Key with your requests.
If that is not the issue, inspecting the inner exception will give you more details about the error. As an alternative, you can use Fiddler to capture the HTTP request and the response. The latter will include a more descriptive error message.

an error of report document object model

I created a report using report document object model in visual studio 2008 with vb.net. But I found one error. When the user clicks export button in client side, the following error will show. But the first time is OK before the user clicks export button.
Logon failed. Details: ADO Error Code: 0x Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description: Login failed for user 'zanhtet'. SQL State: 42000 Native Error:
This is calling report code.
Dim ReportDocument As New ReportDocument()
Dim ReportPath As String = Server.MapPath("~/ReportDocumentOM/DBlogInRDOM.rpt")
ReportViewer.ReportSource = ReportDocument
Dim ConnectionInfo As New ConnectionInfo
ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "ZANHTET\SQLEXPRESS"
ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "EAS_DevTrack4UDev"
ConnectionInfo.UserID = "zanhtet"
ConnectionInfo.Password = "123456"
For Each Table As Table In ReportDocument.Database.Tables
Dim TableLogOn As TableLogOnInfo = Table.LogOnInfo
TableLogOn.ConnectionInfo = ConnectionInfo
How can I solve this. Please, help me.
I am not sure your code above is invoked at what place. But if you are not already doing this, then handle important events from reportviewer. Inside those event handling method, make sure you invoke this authentication code again.
Export related event should do you a luck but you may have to handle couple of others as well (like for pagination also i had similar issues).
See here for Report Viewer Events
