Aggregation function on result table consisting of data from multiple tables using Speedment - speedment

I have completely no idea how to translate this sql query into Java Streams using the Speedment Framework. The “result table” in Java could be of any type (it could be Map or even a specially defined user class).
Here’s the sql query I’m trying to translate into Java Streams:
SELECT d.dept_name, AVG(s.salary)
FROM employees e
JOIN salaries s
ON e.emp_no=s.emp_no
JOIN dept_emp de ON de.emp_no = e.emp_no
JOIN departments d ON d.dept_no=de.dept_no
WHERE s.to_date = '9999-01-01' AND de.to_date = '9999-01-01'
GROUP BY d.dept_name;
DB Scheme which I'm using
Thanks in advance.

Thanks to the Speedment channel on Youtube I have found a solution.
1) Create a “Result/Wrapper” class for aggregation:
private static class Result {
private Double salary;
private String departmentName;
public Double getSalary() { return salary; }
public void setSalary(Double salary) { this.salary = salary; }
public String getDepartmentName() { return departmentName; }
public void setDepartmentName(String departmentName) {
this.departmentName = departmentName;
public String toString() {
return "Result{" +
"salary=" + salary +
", departmentName='" + departmentName + '\'' +
2) Create a join object:
Join<Tuple2<Departments, Salaries>> join = app.getOrThrow(JoinComponent.class)
.build((a,b,c,d) -> Tuples.of(c,d));
3) Create rules for aggregation:
AggregationCollector<Tuple2<Departments, Salaries>, ?, Result> aggregationCollector = Aggregator.builder(Result::new)
.firstOn(Tuple2.<Departments, Salaries>getter0())
4) Create an aggregation object:
Aggregation<Result> aggregation =;
5) Do whatever you have to do with it:
Result{salary=67657.91955820487, departmentName='Development'}
Result{salary=78559.93696229013, departmentName='Finance'}
Result{salary=67843.30198484214, departmentName='Production'}
Result{salary=80058.84880743832, departmentName='Marketing'}
Result{salary=63921.89982943111, departmentName='Human Resources'}
Result{salary=88852.96947030538, departmentName='Sales'}
Result{salary=67285.23017815467, departmentName='Customer Service'}
Result{salary=67913.3749757136, departmentName='Research'}
Result{salary=65441.99340024768, departmentName='Quality Management'}


How to automatically set timestamp in room SQLite database?

I am trying to have SQLite create automatic timestamps with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
I took the liberty of using Google's code:
// roomVersion = '2.2.2'
public class Playlist {
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
long playlistId;
String name;
String description;
#ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "normal")
String category;
#ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
String createdTime;
#ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
String lastModifiedTime;
interface PlaylistDao {
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insert(playlist: Playlist): Long
This translates into an SQLite-Statement:
CREATE TABLE `Playlist` (
`name` TEXT,
`description` TEXT,
`category` TEXT DEFAULT 'normal',
I did make one insert:
mDb.playListDao().insert(Playlist().apply { name = "Test 1" })
But the timestamps are always Null.
With the DB Browser for SQLite I added another entry, here I get timestamps.
How do I insert without a Null-Timestamp in room?
(Info: createdTime is also always the same as lastModifiedTime. I think this has to be done with triggers in SQLite, but that is a different problem not to be discussed here).
You don't need to use another class, you can use #Query as an alternative to the convenience #Insert.
as per :-
There are 4 type of statements supported in Query methods: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
#Query("INSERT INTO test_table001 (name) VALUES(:name) ")
void insert(String name);
You are also not limited to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as the only means of getting the current timestamp you can use embedded datetime functions (as is shown below), which can store the value more efficiently and also be more flexible e.g. you could adjust the current time using modifiers such as '+7 days'.
If you consider the following :-
#Entity(tableName = "test_table001")
public class TestTable001 {
Long id;
#ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
String dt1;
#ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "(datetime('now'))")
String dt2;
#ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "(strftime('%s','now'))")
String dt3;
String name;
Note that the inefficient autogenerate = true has not been used BUT as will be shown you can still have an SQLite assigned id (note that you must use the type Long/Integer as opposed to long or int)
Also note the alternative ways of getting the current date time (the latter being more efficient as the value will ultimately be stored as an Integer (max 8 bytes) rather than a more byte hungry String).
With a Dao as :-
public interface TestTable001Dao {
long insert(TestTable001 testTable001);
#Query("INSERT INTO test_table001 (name) VALUES(:name) ")
long insert(String name);
#Query("SELECT * FROM test_table001")
List<TestTable001> getAllTestTable001();
And the following to test/demonstrate :-
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
AppDatabase mRoomDB;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mRoomDB = Room.databaseBuilder(this,AppDatabase.class,"testdb")
TestTable001 tt01 = new TestTable001();
private void logAllTestTable001() {
for (TestTable001 tt: mRoomDB.useTestTable001().getAllTestTable001()) {
"ID = " + tt.getId() +
" Name = " + tt.getName() +
" Date1 = " + tt.getDt1() +
" Date2 = " + tt.getDt2() +
" Date3 = " + tt.getDt3());
The result is :-
2019-12-14 03:18:32.569 D/TTINFO: ID = 1 Name = tt01 Date1 = null Date2 = null Date3 = null
2019-12-14 03:18:32.569 D/TTINFO: ID = 2 Name = tt02 Date1 = 2019-12-13 16:18:32 Date2 = 2019-12-13 16:18:32 Date3 = 1576253912
Found it. Did not read the manual.
You have to create a 2nd class without the auto-set fields to insert.
public class NameAndDescription {
String name;
String description
I think, this is not a good idea.
If you have an autoincrement field in the DB it will get an automatically updated value when you pass 0.
Likewise the default value of the timestamp should be used when passing null or "".
I found the best solution was creating an abstract Dao that implemented the insert and update methods. I didn't get the default value to work (perhaps I was doing something wrong). Take a look at my answer here: How to implement created_at and updated_at column using Room Persistence ORM tools in android

OrientDB execute script asynchronously and fetch records in a lazy fashion

Currently, we are using the Document API in OrientDB version 2.2. Let us suppose we have a class Company and a class Employee. Let's suppose we are interested in all Companies with at least one employee having a name from an arbitrary list. Employees are defined as LINKEDLISTs in our Company schema.
Our query would look smth like this:
select from Company where employees in (select from Employee where name in ["John", "Paul"])
Currently we have defined the following two indexes:
Company.employees (index on the employee links (their #rid)) -> dictionary hash index and -> notunique index
When executing the above query with explain we see that only the second index is used, since we did not define the above indexes as a compound index. AS far as I could understand compound indexes across different classes like in our case are not supported in Orient 2.x.
Queries like this:
select from Company let $e = select from employees where name in ["John", "Paul"] where employees in $e
do not solve our problem either.
Searching across different blogs revealed two suggestions so far:
trying to define a compound index via inheritance by introducing a parent class on employee and company and defining the above two indexes on that
bundle the two queries in a batch scrip like this:
String cmd = "begin\n";
cmd += "let a = select from Employees where name " + query + "\n";
cmd += "let b = select from Company where employees in $a\n";
cmd += "COMMIT\n";
cmd += "return $b";
Suggestion 1 did not work for us.
Suggestion 2. worked. Both indexes have been used in each separate query, but then we ran into the next limitation of Orient. Batch scripts seem to be executed only synchronously, meaning that we can only get the results as a list all at once and not one by one in a lazy fashion, which in our case is a NO GO due to the memory overhead.
One naive workaround we tried is as follows:
public class OCommandAsyncScript extends OCommandScript implements OCommandRequestAsynch{
public OCommandAsyncScript(String sql, String cmd) {
super(sql, cmd);
public boolean isAsynchronous() {
return true;
private void containsAtLeastOne(final #Nonnull ODatabaseDocumentTx documentTx,
final #Nonnull Consumer<Company> matchConsumer,
final #Nonnull String queryText
) throws TimeoutException {
String cmd = "begin\n";
cmd += "let a = select from Employee where name " + queryText + "\n";
cmd += "let b = select from Company where employees in $a\n";
cmd += "COMMIT\n";
cmd += "return $b";
final OCommandHandler resultListener = new OCommandHandler(documentTx, (document -> {
final Company companies = document2model(document);
OCommandAsyncScript request = new OCommandAsyncScript("sql", cmd);
public class OCommandHandler implements OCommandResultListener {
private final ODatabaseDocumentTx database;
private final Consumer<ODocument> matchConsumer;
public OCommandHandler(
final #Nonnull ODatabaseDocumentTx database,
final #Nonnull Consumer<ODocument> matchConsumer
) {
this.database = database;
this.matchConsumer = matchConsumer;
public boolean result(Object iRecord) {
if (iRecord != null) {
final ODocument document = (ODocument) iRecord;
Result handler might be asynchronous, if document is loaded in a lazy mode,
database will be queries to fetch various fields. Need to activate it on the current thread.
return true;
The approach of defining a custom OCommandAsyncScript did not work unfortunately. When debugging the OStorageRemote class of Orient it seems that no partial results could be read, Here the respective extract from the source code:
public Object command(final OCommandRequestText iCommand) {
try {
OStorageRemote.this.beginResponse(network, session);
List<ORecord> temporaryResults = new ArrayList();
boolean addNextRecord = true;
byte status;
if(asynch) {
while((status = network.readByte()) > 0) {
ORecord record = (ORecord)OChannelBinaryProtocol.readIdentifiable(network);
if(record != null) {
switch(status) {
case 1:
if(addNextRecord) {
addNextRecord = iCommand.getResultListener().result(record);
case 2:
if(record.getIdentity().getClusterId() == -2) {
Network.readbyte() is always null, hence no records could be fetched at all.
Is there any other workaround how we could execute a sql script in asynchronus mode and retrieve results in a lazy fashion preventing the generation of large lists on our application side?

Explicit construction of entity type 'tblpayment' in query is not allowed

I wrote a common query in my web application using linq but after executing i got this error :
Explicit construction of entity type 'AccidentCongress.dblinqtoDb.tblpayment' in query is not allowed.
My query is :
public List<tblpayment> returnpay(string uname)
List<tblpayment> q = (from i in db.tblpayments
where i.ownerUsername == uname
select new tblpayment
id =
return q;
I searched this problem but i couldn't find any useful solution.
Thank you .
There's a good explanation of the exception here:
Are you sure you need to construct a new instance of tblpayment in your query? Can you just do something like this:
public List<tblpayment> returnpay(string uname)
List<tblpayment> q = (from i in db.tblpayments
where i.ownerUsername == uname
select i).ToList();
return q;
If you really do need to create a new list of tblpayment objects based on your query, you could do it like this:
public List<tblpayment> returnpay(string uname)
List<tblpayment> q = (from i in db.tblpayments
where i.ownerUsername == uname
select i).ToList();
return q.Select(x => new tblpayment { id = }).ToList();

LINQ dynamic property in select

// Hi everyone
i do this call in Action :
public virtual ActionResult JsonGetProvinces(int countryId)
//WebSiteContext WbContext = new WebSiteContext();
//UnitOfWork UnitofWork = new UnitOfWork(WbContext);
var provinces =
from province in unitofWork.ProvinceRepository.All
where province.CountryId == countryId
select new
Id = province.Id,
Name = province.GetType().GetProperty("Name_" + CultureManager.GetCurrentCultureShortName()).GetValue(province)
return Json(provinces, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
something is wrong with my query :
var provinces =
from province in unitofWork.ProvinceRepository.All
where province.CountryId == countryId
select new
Id = province.Id,
Name = province.GetType().GetProperty("Name_" + CultureManager.GetCurrentCultureShortName()).GetValue(province)
Name = province.GetType().GetProperty("Name_" + CultureManager.GetCurrentCultureShortName()).GetValue(province)
In BDD, there is Name_fr, Name_en columns
and i'm trying to take one dynamically... Is it possible ?
Of course, i can take both and choose dynamically the column in View but i would to know how do...
Thank you for your help
The short answer is you need to change your code a bit and using expression tree inside. Look at this question
EF can not translate function calls to SQL. Using expression trees can be comlicated see this question
Here is a sample with expression trees. The GetQuery2 is the same as GetQuery but with expression tree and a propertyname parameter.
public static IQueryable<Foo> GetQuery(BlogContext context)
var query = from x in context.BlogEntries
select new Foo
NameX = x.Name
return query;
public static IQueryable<Foo> GetQuery2(BlogContext context, string propertyName)
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(Foo).GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
MethodInfo miFooGetName = typeof(Foo).GetMethod("set_NameX");
MethodInfo miBlogEntry = typeof(BlogEntry).GetMethod("get_" + propertyName);
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(BlogEntry), "x");
IQueryable<Foo> result = Queryable.Select<BlogEntry, Foo>(
Expression.Lambda<Func<BlogEntry, Foo>>(
Expression.New(ci, new Expression[0]),
new MemberBinding[]{
return result;
It is easier the fetch all all language strings and write an additional Property Name that does the magic.

Using HQL to query on a Map's Values

Let's say I have a map (call it myClass.mapElem<Object, Object>) like so:
Key Val
I want to write HQL that can query the Values such that I can get back all instances of myClass where mapElem's value is 'X' (where 'X' is a fully populated object-- I just don't want to go through each element and say x.e1 = mapElem.e1 and x.e2=... etc). I know I can do this for the keys by using where ? in index(myClass.mapElem), I just need the corresponding statement for querying the values!
Thanks in advance...
ETA: Not sure if the syntax makes a difference, but the way I am actually querying this is like so:
select myClass.something from myClass mc join myClass.mapElem me where...
You should use elements(). I tried simulating your example with the following class
public class TestClass {
private Integer id;
private Map<String, String> myMap;
#GenericGenerator(name="native", strategy = "native")
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public Map<String, String> getMyMap() {
return myMap;
public void setId(Integer id) { = id;
public void setMyMap(Map<String, String> myMap) {
this.myMap = myMap;
And persisted a few instances, which constain maps of a similar structure to what you have in your example. (using < String, String > since the values in your example are strings)
The following query gives me all instances of TestClass, where the map contains a specific value
FROM TestClass myClass JOIN myClass.myMap myMap
WHERE ? in elements(myMap)
In my particular case, I ended up having to use an SQL query. Not ideal, but it worked.
