Translate ACF field that renders in twig template - wordpress

I'm working on a site where i in twig renders content that gets set via ACF-fields. Currently i'm implementing translations and was wondering how i would do it since it not really strings, its twig.
Php file:
$context = Timber::get_context();
$context['header'] = array(
'title' => get_field('header_title')
Timber::render('/templates/index.twig', $context);
My template looks like this.
{% if header.title %}
{{ header.title }}
{% endif %}
But for the translation tool (po files) want the syntax to be:
{{ __("string to translate") }}
So how can i instead pass in {{ header.title }} into that?

You can’t pass the header title into __(). Only static strings that are written in your code are handled with gettext functions like __(). They don’t work with variables. If you have strings from the database, you won’t use string translation functions. Instead, you need a multilingual solution for WordPress.
Read the Codex page about Multilingual WordPress to get started. You’ll probably want to use a plugin if you want to have content that is pulled from the database translated. Among the popular ones are:


How can I display image of dynamic field in drupal 8?

I am new to learning Drupal 8.
I need your help in how can i display dynamic images using Twig template. Also I have tried with below syntax.
{{ file_url(market.getFieldCollectionItem().field_turnpike_image.entity.uri.value|e) }}
{{ file_url(media.entity.field_image.entity.uri.value) }}
Using above syntax I could not display images using in twig template. Also with this syntax I have got some errors.
Please any one help me out to how can i display images using twig template.
Thank you.
Use the following snippet to get the image if you are in node twig template
{{ file_url(node.field_image['#items'].entity.uri.value) }}
{{ node.field_image.entity.url }}

Theming Drupal 8 - Loop through all posted articles and print specific section

I am trying to create my first Drupal 8 theme. On the frontpage, I want to list all articles with the title, summary, date posted, etc.
I more or less achieved this using views. Basically {{ page.content }} in twig, but found it to be really inflexible and I didn't really get the results that I wanted. What I want to do is just to iterate through all the articles and print each section of that article "manually". For instance:
{% for page in pages %}
{{ page.content.title }}
{{ page.content.datePosted }}
{{ page.content.body }}
{% endfor %}
So that I can have more control of what is happening and not making a lot of configuration in the views module when deploying. What is the best soltuion to achieve this? Thanks!
I recommend to use Views. Configure you view (filter by content type, etc.), you have a lot of parameters to achieve what you need.
Set the view to show "Content" and give it a view mode (you can use the default teaser, full, or create your own view mode). Then you can create a custom template for this :
In order to know how to name your custom template file, enable Twig Debugging in sites/default/services.yml. Set the debug variable to true. And clear cache. Then, you will see in source code the template name suggestion like this :
* node--1--full.html.twig
* node--1.html.twig
x node--oeuvre--full.html.twig
* node--oeuvre.html.twig
* node--full.html.twig
* node.html.twig
In your twig, you can do that kind of templating :
{{ content.my_field_image[0] }}
<h2>{{ node.title.value }}</h2>
<p>{{ content.body }}</p>

Timber get_posts in template/view

I have an ACF field that allows a choice of post types, these are then going to be put in a carousel. There could be any number as every module on the page is controlled by the admin users.
In the carousel template, I want to be able to get the recent posts for the selected post type. I can to this with:
{% set items = fn('get_posts', {'post_type': 'team' }) %}
Is there a way to do this without calling it as a function? I was thinking along the lines of:
{% set items = Posts(params) %}
Is this possible or is the function call the only/best way?
Currently, what you want to do is not possible. You could use Timber::get_posts through the array notation to get an array of Timber posts instead of regular WordPress posts:
{% set items = fn(['Timber\Timber', 'get_posts'], { 'post_type': 'team' }) %}
But in the future, the recommended way to get posts will be to use Timber\PostQuery. In the upcoming version 2 of Timber, we will add a PostQuery function to Twig. This means that you’ll be able to do something like this:
{% for items in PostQuery(params) %}
{# Display item #}
{% endfor }
This would work well for simpler use cases. I’d also recommend what Luckyfella said, it may be better to not have this in Twig at all, but prepare everything in PHP and then pass the items on to the Twig view.

How to trigger a Twig Extension function from a twig variables content

I want to be able to pass into twig some html in a variable and render it as
{{ data.content | raw }}
But within that content variable I would like to be able to have content like this - pulled from a database:
<p>Text with a Twig Extension function call eg: {{ doSomething('112233') }}</p>
Is there any way to get that twig extension to fire having come from the Twig variable itself?
Thank you.
There is one possible solution. Look at template_from_string twig function. It says:
New in version 1.11: The template_from_string function was added in Twig 1.11.
The template_from_string function loads a template from a string:
{{ include(template_from_string(data.content)) }}
But doc also says:
The template_from_string function is not available by default. You must add the Twig_Extension_StringLoader extension explicitly when creating your Twig environment.
So, probably it won't work out of box.

How to reference twig for custom field types in dedicated bundle?

I am (still) trying to introduce into a dedicated bundle. As far, I have a type as a child of text and a data transformer that converts comma-separated strings into arrays of Objects and vice versa.
Now I want to decorate the text field with the JQuery code linked above. As far as I understand, I have to define a block like
{% block manytomanycomboselector_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ block('text_widget') }}
$("#{{ id }}").tagsInput();
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock manytomanycomboselector_widget %}
in [MyTypeBundle]Resources/views/Form/fields.html.twig
Now, both the documentation and the answers for this question at StackOverflow state that I have to reference fields.html.twig somewhere either in the template that uses the form or in app/, but this doesn't seem to be necessarily for other field-type bundles, though I cannot see in their code why.
What do I have to configure inside the bundle besides this block in this file?
Also I didn't get where I have to put the css and js requirements for the header and how I deal with general requirements like jQuery itself.
I have the same issue & I resolve it by merging my field template in the twig.form.resources parameter.
So, in the DI extension of my bundle (MyBundle/DependencyInjection/MyBundleExtension.php), I add:
$container->setParameter('twig.form.resources', array_merge(
Be aware, your bundle must be registered after the TwigBundle in your AppKernel.
A form field is not linked to any JS or CSS. So, IMO, you have 2 solutions.
Firstly, you directly wrap your JS & CSS in your field template and your bundle stays stand-alone.
Secondly, you instruct final users that they need to include manually some JSS & CSS each time they use your field type.
The IoFormBundle & GenemuFormBundle uses the second solution like explain in their documentation.
