Unable to enable Javafx on Eclipse in Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS - javafx

I recently shifted from Windows 7 to Ubuntu. I have installed eclipse version 2018-09 . The java version that I am using is 1.8.0_191. I am trying to work on a project that makes use of Javafx. I installed Javafx using the instructions available at following link. After all the installation is complete and I have restarted eclipse I import the project. I am getting the following error:
the import javafx cannot be resovled
I have tried setting the build path but still I am getting the same error. Going over one of the stack overflow posts I have tried installing openjfx but still I am getting the same error.
Please any help would be much appreciated.

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk openjfx
And restart Eclipse


Unable to install the Rahlir/theme-gruvbox to JupyterLab due to conflicting dependencies

I am currently facing a problem installing a jupyterlab theme that is called rahlir/theme gruvbox.
Since I have installed the jupyterlab extensions and numerous other custom themes I thought that this shouldn't be a
Although, after many tries, I haven't managed to install it.
The message im getting is this:
Dependency confliction
I have tried using the instructions straight from the github repo but didn't seem to work.
First I tried to install via pip in the command prompt like that:
jupyterlab extension install #ahlir/theme-gruvbox
Unfortunately this didn't work!
After that I tried installng via the extension manager from jupyterlab itself but unfortunately I got the same message!
Note that I have already installed the latest version of jupyterLab and also I have recently update all the packages in my
Anaconda distribution and anaconda itself!
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

module "QtMultimedia" is not installed

I've installed Qt and Qtcreator on a Raspberry Pi 3 using the normal apt-get install method. Everything seems to work fine except when I try to build the declarative-camera example or other multimedia examples I get an error saying module "QtMultimedia" is not installed. Then the empty white application window pops up.
I've tried installing and reinstalling all the required packages such as libqt5multimedia5, qtmultimedia5-dev, etc and it just says they are installed with newest version.
Has anyone had success with getting qt multimedia working on raspberry pi?
I tried using the suggested solution of:
sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin
That gives me an error of:
E: Unable to locate package qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin
This seemed to work run the command below:
sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia5-plugins qml-module-qtmultimedia
I was missing libqt5multimedia5-plugins
Open Qt Maintenance Tool (It is already installed on your pc when you downloaded Qt)
Login to your Qt account and hit next
Select Add or Remove Components, next
Go to Qt -> (The Qt version you installed) -> Additional Libraries and select Qt Multimedia like this
Hit next to install it

pip says that module has already been installed while python

Now a bit of background of my current setup:
I have Python3.3 running on Centos 6. I'm currently working on a web application using Flask that runs on Apache 2.2.15 with mode WSGI 4.5.3 and virtualenv 15.0.2.
pip --version pip 8.1.2 from /usr/local/bin/lib/python3.3/site-packages (python 3.3)
I have installed pysvn with pip and when I run pip show pysvn says
Location: /usr/local/bin/lib/python3.3/site-packages
755 permissions recursively set to /usr/local/bin/lib/python3.3/site-packages. And I passed --system-site-packages argument to virtualenv to use the global site packages.
Even when I try to import the package from python interpreter it does not work. So it is not specific to my virtualenv setup but rather a global problem.
I must mention that other packages installed with pip work perfectly fine (i.e. flask).
I've exhausted all other avenues before coming forward to you guys. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated as I ran out of ideas.
I did manage to install it in the end. I'm not completly sure yet why and how but I presume is was compatibility issue.
First of all I have uninstalled svn 1.6+ and installed version 1.8.16 instead which seems to be tested against the latest two versions.
Second, I have uninstalled the troublesome pysvn instance and installed pysvn-1.8.0 workbench "sudo /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/flask/bin/pip install pysvn-1.8.0.tar.gz". In this case I have installed it my local environment. The 1.9.0 version of pysvn did not work.
False positive, still doesn't work. I'm going to interact with svn via command line from my script.
After installing svn 1.8.16 and svn-devel along with the rest of dependencies described in the readme file I have managed to successfully install it from the source fallowing the instructions.
Thanks for your help Barry.
pysvn is not available from PyPI because PyPI has no way to allow me to upload pysvn for each supported SVN version. Let alone deal with the issues of installing on a Linux distro given the choices for pysvn dependencies.
(APR, SVN, OpenSSL etc).
Fedora packages pysvn for the Fedora release.
I'm assuming that means it is on RHEL and therefore packaged by CentOS.
(But I do not have RHEL or CentOS to check this on)
If you find that a package is not available for your CentOs is not hard
to build pysvn on a linux distro. Get the source kit and follow the readme.html should get you going.
Barry (pysvn maintainer)

PyQT5 error: could not find or load Qt platform plugin xcb

Up until Anaconda3 (which contains Python 3.4) was re-installed on my RedHat 6.5 workstation, I have been able to develop Python apps that use PyQT5.
Post re-install of Anaconda I receive an error message:
....could not find or load Qt platform plugin xcb
The only difference between Anaconda installs is the folder name: /usr/local/ananaconda3 vs /usr/local/anaconda_py3
I checked libqxcb.so has no missing dependencies.
I rebuilt PyQT5.
I tried explicitly adding location of site-packages of PyQT5:
import site
Any other suggestions?
How does re-installing Python impact the use of PyQT5?
This is an error caused by having two different versions of Qt under the same installation/environment.
Check the packages installed and their versions in your environment (if for some reason you're not working in a virtual environment, you can skip the first line):
source activate yourenvname
conda list
If you see pyqt and qt both with version 4.X.X then remove them (assuming you want to work in Qt v5):
conda remove qt
conda remove pyqt
I had an issue that seems to match what happened here.
But in my case the solution was to "sudo rm -rf user/anaconda3" and reinstall it with "bash anaconda....sh", because I had previously installed it using sudo ("sudo bash anaconda....sh")

Installing iPDC Unix Programme

I am trying to install iPDC on a Centos unix laptop.
I am getting a make error when I attempt to install the programme - I have attached a screenshot of my problem.
The command run is sudo make install and I am attempting to install as the root user.
Your installed GTK version is probably too old to support this software. GtkBuilder (a component within GTK) showed up at version 2.12. To find out what version you have, run pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 at the command line. But that version has been around for quite some time. What version Centos are you running? I assume 5, which is quite old.
Upgrading GTK can be tricky, as most of your desktop software relies on it. If you're in for an adventure, the "easiest" would be to upgrade your Centos OS (to 6.x). You might be able to compile a more recent GTK from source and keep it separate from your system GTK, but that will take some patience.
It seems that GTK is not installed.
Try something like: yum install gtk2 or yum install gtk2-devel
