Google IOT - What is the max limit of Device telemetry publishes per project - google-cloud-iot

As per Google IOT docs, Rate limits of "Device telemetry publishes per project" is "Unlimited, but the default is 60,000 per min" and can be increased. Is there a max limit to which this can be increased?
Similarly what is the max limit for "Device manager API modifyCloudToDeviceConfig calls per project" and "Open MQTT connections, active HTTP device connections (within the past 5 minutes), or both, per project per region"
The other confusion is "Device MQTT connections and HTTP requests per project" is limited to 60000 per minute and this cannot be increased. However "Open MQTT connections, active HTTP device connections (within the past 5 minutes), or both, per project per region" is limited to 10000 and can be increased. Does this mean that in a 1-minute span, a max of 60000 connection requests can be made but there is no limit to the total no of MQTT connections alive?

For practical purposes, as you can see, almost all of the knobs can be increased upon request. The big reason they're there is to ensure we don't have idle resources lying around. If you are beyond these limits, it sounds like you've got a significant project and we'd love to discuss your requirements and expand the limits as you need.
So, the HTTP connection request limit is actually for auth requests, which functionally is the same, but just a confusion on the docs. That IS currently limited for HTTP but not MQTT as an assumption was made that MQTT would be the high throughput option because of the overwhelming benefits of MQTT for larger throughput, but if you have a project that has a requirement of using HTTP for high throughput, we definitely want to hear about it. I've talked to the eng team, and it's not something we can't change, but it is involved so we'd like to hear more about what the HTTP high connection requirement entails.


Adafruit IO data rate limit

I'm trying to send data from multiple ESP-8266 to feeds on my Adafruit IO account.
The problem is that when I try to send new values, I'm faced with a ban from publishing because the 2 seconds time limit is violated when two or more of my MCUs happen to send data at the same time (I can't synchronize them to avoid this).
is there any possible solution to this problem?
I suggest to consider those three options:
A sending token which is send from one ESp to the next. So basically all ESPs are mot allowed to send. If the token is received its allowed to send - waits the appropriate time limit hands the token to the next ESP. This solution has all Arduinos connected via an AP/router and would use client to client communication. It can be setup fail safe, so if the next ESP is not available (reset/out of battery etc) you take the next on the list and issue an additional warning to the server
The second solution could be (more flexible and dynamic BUT SPO - single point of failure) to set up one ESP as data collector to do the sending.
If the ESps are in different locations you have to set them up that they meet the following requirement:
If you have a free Adafruit IO Account, the rate limit is 30 data
points per minute.
If you exceed this limit, a notice will be sent to the
{username}/throttle MQTT topic. You can subscribe to the topic if you
wish to know when the Adafruit IO rate limit has been exceeded for
your user account. This limit applies to all Data record modification
actions over the HTTP and MQTT APIs, so if you have multiple devices
or clients publishing data, be sure to delay their updates enough that
the total rate is below your account limit.
so its not 2 sec limit but 30/min (60/min if pro) so you limit sending each ESP to the formula:
30 / Number of ESPs sending to I/O -> 30 / 5 = 6 ==> 5 incl. saftey margin
means each ESP is within a minute only allowed to send 5 times. Important if the 5 times send limit is up it HAS to wait a minute before the next send.
The answer is simple, just don't send that frequent.
In the IoT world
If data need frequent update (such as motor/servo, accelerometer, etc.), it is often that you'd want to keep it local and won't want/need to send it to the cloud.
If the data need to be in the cloud, it is often not necessary need to be updated so frequently (such as temperature/humidity).
Alternatively, if you still think that your data is so critical that need to be updated so frequently, dedicate one ESP as your Edge Gateway to collect the data from sensor nodes, and send it to the cloud at once, that actually the proper way of an IoT network design with multiple sensor nodes.
If that still doesn't work for you, you still have the choice of pay for the premium service to raise the rate limit, or build your own cloud service and integrate it with your Edge Gateway.

BizTalk 2013 R2 - Rate based Throttling on flooding messages

We have a solution that takes a message, and sends it to a web API.
Every day, an automatic procedure is run by another department that passes thousands of records into the messagebox, which seems to cause errors related to the API solicit-response port (strangely these errors don't allude to a timeout, but they do only trigger when such a massive quantity of data is sent downstream).
I've contacted the service supplier to determine the capacity of their API calls, so I'll be able to tailor our flow once I have a better idea.
I've been reading up on Rate Based Throttling this morning, and have a few questions I can't find an answer to;
If throttling is enabled, does it only process the Minimum number of samples/messages? If so, what happens to the remaining messages? I read somewhere they're queued in memory, but only of a max of 100, so where do all the others go?
If I have 2350 messages flood through in the space of 2 seconds, and I want to control the flow, would changing my Sampling Window duration down to 1 second and setting Throttling override to initiate throttling make a difference?
If you are talking about Host Throttling setting, the remaining messages will be in the message box database and will show as being in a Dehydrated state.
You would have to test the throttling settings under load. If you get it wrong it can be very bad. I've come across one server where the settings were configured incorrectly and it is constantly throttling.

Why is throughput for a server a function of upstream response time?

I have an application server which does nothing but send requests to an upstream service, wait, and then respond to the client with data recieved from the upstream service. The microservice takes Xms to respond, or sometimes Yms, where X<<Y. The client response time is (in steady state) essentially equal to the amount of time the upstream microservice takes to process the request - any additional latency is negligible, as the client, application server, and upstream microservice are all located in the same datacenter, and communicate over private IPs with a very large network bandwidth.
When the client starts sending requests at a rate of N, the application server becomes overloaded and response times spike dramatically as the server becomes unsteady. The client and the microservice have minimal CPU usage, and the application server is at maximum CPU usage. (The application server is on a much weaker baremetal than the other two services - this is a testing environment used to monitor the application server's behavior under stress.)
Intuivetly, I would expect N to be the same value, regardless of how long the microservice is taking to respond, but I'm finding that the maximum throughput in steady state is significantly less when the microservice takes Yms then when it's only taking Xms. The number of ephemeral ports in use when this happens is also significantly less than the limit. Since the amount of reading and writing being done is the same, and memory usage is the same, I can't really figure out why N is a factor of the microservice's execution time. Also, no, the input/output of the services is the same regardless of the execution time, so the amount of bytes being written is the same regardless. Since the only difference is the execution time, which only requires more TCP connections to be used when responses are taking a while, I'm not sure why maximum throughput is affected? From my understanding, the cost of a TCP connection is negligible once it has already been established.
Am I missing something?
Additional details:
The services use HTTP/1.1 with keepalive, with no pipelining.
Also should've mentioned that I'm using an IO-Thread model. If I were using a thread per request I could understand this behavior, but with only a thread per core it's confusing.

Why does HTTP/1.1 recommend to be conservative with opening connections?

With HTTP/1.0, there used to be a recommended limit of 2 connections per domain. More recent HTTP RFCs have relaxed this limitation but still warn to be conservative when opening multiple connections:
According to RFC 7230, section 6.4, "a client ought to limit the number of simultaneous open connections that it maintains to a given server".
More specifically, besides HTTP/2, these days, browsers impose a per-domain limit of 6-8 connections when using HTTP/1.1. From what I'm reading, these guidelines are intended to improve HTTP response times and avoid congestion.
Can someone help me understand what would happen with congestion and response times if many connections were opened by domain? It doesn't sound like an HTTP server problem since the amount of connection they can handle seems like an implementation detail. The explanation above seems to say it's about TCP performance? I can't find any more precise explanations for why HTTP clients limit the number of connections per domains.
The primary reasoning for this is resources on the server side.
Imagine that you have a server running Apache with the default of 256 worker threads. Imagine that this server is hosting an index page that has 20 images on it. Now imagine that 20 clients simultaneously connect and download the index page; each of these clients closes these connections after obtaining the page.
Since each of them will now establish connections to download the image, you likely see that the connections increase exponentially (or multiplicatively, I suppose). Consider what happens if every client is configured to establish up to ten simultaneous connections in parallel to optimize the display of the page with images. This takes us very quickly to 400 simultaneous connections. This is nearly double the number of worker processes that Apache has available (again, by default, with a pre-fork).
For the server, resources must be balanced to be able to serve the most likely load, but the clients help with this tremendously by throttling connections. If every client felt free to establish 100+ connections to a server in parallel, we would very quickly DoS lots of hosts. :)

What is the recommended HTTP POST content length?

I have several clients that constantly post data to a REST service. REST service is put behind a network load balancer. Each client sends 100 - 500 MB a day and I need to support 500+ clients.
I can POST either very large packets, this will reduce overhead for TCP/IP session set up and HTTP headers. This will, however, firmly tie one client to a particular server and limit my scalability options. Alternatively, I can send small HTTP packets, which I can load balance well, but I will get more overhead for TCP/IP session set up and HTTP headers.
What is the recommended packet size for HTTP POST? Or how can I calculate one for my environment?
There is no recommended size.
While HTTP POST size is not constrained by the RFCs, since HTTP is a commodity protocol implementing request / response type messaging, most of the infrastructure is configured around the idea that TCP connections are not particularly long lasting / does not carry significant amounts of data. i.e. there will be factors outside your control which may impact the service - although HTTP supports range requests for responses, there is no corollary for requests.
You can get around a lot of these (although not all) by using HTTPS. However you still need to think about how you detect/manage outages - are you happy to wait for a TCP timeout?
With 500+ clients presumably using the system quite heavily, the congestion avoidance limits shouldn't be a problem - whether TCP window scaling is likely to be an issue depends on how the system is used. HTTP handshakes should not be an issue unless you restrict the request size to something silly.
If the service is highly dependant on clients pushing lots of data on to your server, then I'd encourage you to look at parsing the data on the client (given the volume, presumably it's coming from files - implying a signed java applet or javascript with UniversalBrowserRead privilege) then sending it over a bi-directional communication channel (e.g. websocket).
Leaving that aside for now, the only way you can find out what the route between your clients and your server will support is to measure it - and monitor it. I would expect that a 2Mb upload size would work pretty much anywhere, while a 10Mb size would work most of the time within the US or Europe - and that you could probably increase this to 50Mb as long as there's no mobile clients.
But if you want to maintain the effectiveness of the service you'll need to monitor bandwidth, packet loss and lost connections.
