Rstudio does not stop at breakpoint - r

A few weeks ago I worked with breakpoints in Rstudio. It worked as I expected: stopping at breakpoints.
However, now I need to use it again, I can't get it to work; more specifically: when I set a breakpoint in Rstudio a red dot is appearing next to the code line (see screenshot), but when running the code, it does not stop at the break point.
I created a simple code example for this post to show what I want: run a for loop line for line.
Perhaps I am just not understanding something :) So, could anyone help me with getting these usefull debugging tools in Rstudio to work?
Thanks in advance.

Breakpoints also do not work for me on shiny app developed in RStudio, I am using browser() instead of breakpoints, and it works.
see this


The ggplot theme assist add in for R keeps showing extremely small window so I cant see anything

Somewhat self explanatory. No matter what dataset I run, which libraries I have, etc. I keep having this happen when I run the theme assist add in for R:
This is at least semi-visible but often I can't see anything when I'm making bar graphs and such, so if there is a quick fix to this issue I would greatly appreciate it.
I figured out an answer. I tried repeatedly to just use the "ctrl +" command in the actual theme assistant window to no avail.
What I did after was exit out of the theme assistant altogether and then minimized the screen several times with "ctrl -" in the script area. It is now far more visible, though at the expense of the script looking super tiny.
Now it is far more visible!
Hopefully this is helpful if anybody else runs into this problem. Took me longer than it should have to figure this out, but didn't seem to have any clear answers elsewhere.

Why is r sourcing my script when i want to save it?

first time asking things here. Appreciate this community. I got a problem. If I want to save my script in RStudio either with the shortcut ctrl+s or if i click the icon on the top it only sources my active script. I even changed the shortcuts, but it didnt change anything. Is there anything i'm missing. Is this a known bug? Anyone can help me, i love the saving shortcut strg+s, thanks!

JavaFX: Stages are empty

I am facing a strange problem: When running my application everything works fine, the code compiles, the debugger shows that everything is in order but stages different to the primary stage do not show their continent, they appear just empty white.
I cannot provide a reproducible code sample because it works on my other system just OK.
So my question is: What could cause the stages not to display their content?
I am using JavaFX 11 with ZuluFX 11.
UPDATE: I just tried to run version which was built on a system where the displaying works and I have the same effect: Empty windows.
It's hard to say without further information, but try to start the application with -Djavafx.verbose=true -Dprism.verbose=true and check if you get some error message which might help you.
Apparently, using SW rendering works fine. I am not sure how large the impact of SW rendering is.

Why am I not able to step through my code in R?

I'm just trying to step through my R scripts for debugging and I noticed that I wasn't able to go line-by-line through code. I have an attached pic of my screen.
This shouldn't be happening. Any help is appreciated.
To execute the line of source code where the cursor currently resides you press the Ctrl+Enter key (or use the Run toolbar button):

Unable to debug aspx page

Everything worked normally untill yesterday. Today morning when I tried to debug java script function (in aspx), it is not hitting the debug points...
I thought debug thing is not working to test I added debug points in code behind is firing them..the only problem is with aspx page..
I tried the following:
Clean solution Re-Build..
close and re open visual studio..
Restart my machine..
I am confused what might be the reason..Can anybody please help me out?
I had the same problem recently and this checklist helped me solve my issue:
Some ideas.
Make sure it's a debug build and not release
Turn off optimizations in your project properties if they are on
Try inserting Debugger.Break() in your code instead of a breakpoint in VS
Make sure breakpoints are enabled (Debug->Windows->Breakpoints toolbar), and breakpoint symbol should be solid red circle, not a red outline of a circle
Execute your application. Load Debug->Window->Modules window. Check your assembly to see if symbols are loaded. It may give a relevant status message if not.
Have you been adjusting the date on your computer at all? This can really screw up a build process. If so, delete all your obj/bin folders manually and recompile.
This was copied from the an answer found in this post:
VS2012 Breakpoints are not getting hit
There are many other helpful suggestions there as well, im sure one of them should work!
In your aspx, find the tag <script runat="server">.....abx xyz... </script> then delete the content of this tag.
