How do you change the javafx text style for a menubar? [closed] - javafx

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Closed 4 years ago.
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So I have a menubar in javafx and how do you change the text style of the menu and menu items font and color. I'm new to javafx.

so create a css file for the application
then for a example inside you will have
.menu .label {
-fx-font-family: what ever the font style you want then put a semicolon at then end.
-fx-fill: color name you want and put a semicolon at then end.
then apply the stylesheet to the main frame
in you fxml file
then you should be good to go.


How to remove underline from product in Shopify collection [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to remove the underline on hover.
Shopify Collection Link
The first step is to identify the element and then identify the styles being applied. In your example, the underline (border-bottom) appears when product card is in focus or being hovered. The relevant CSS rule is on line 8551 in your theme.scss.css file. So just remove this rule from your CSS file.
.product-card:hover .product-card__title,.product-card:focus-within .product-card__title {

How to align the icons to the right of the text with the icon list elementor module? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to Align the icons to the right of the text with the module "icon list elementor", there is no option for this can be a css solution?
icon list
You are correct, by saying that there is no option for that -
But in you module, you can achieve it by applying the following css.
selector .elementor-icon-list-item{
selector .elementor-icon-list-icon{
This would make your list have the icon at the end, and you can then toy around with positioning.

how to text wrap the tooltip in ag-grid in angular 6 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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please click here to see the image
is there any way to wrap the text inside ag-grid in the image the tooltip is not fully visible since it is a long text. i tried using customTooltip but its not worked also i have tooltip for all columns as well
You need to create a custom cell renderer component using ICellRendererAngularComp
and pass that in your column definitions.

How change foundation's button to always be enabled? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Which class I need to add, or to do something else, on my button to look still enabled after click?
Not sure if I have understood the question correctly, but:
You will need to target the buttons :active or :focus pseudo selector and set the background colour to the same as the button background colour.
So something like (in SCSS):
background: $primary-color;
So that when you click the button or it's activated, it'll still be the same colour as the initial state.

mouse cursor default while selecting text? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How can be the mouse cursor kept default while select text.
i use :-webkit-user-select: none;.
Use the following css style on the element containing your text
cursor: default;
cursor: pointer;
for getting a cursor like the one one which you get when hovered on a link
