Reading list with Dialoglfow fulfillment from Real-Time Database - firebase

I am creating a chatbot using Dialogflow and Dialogflow's Inline Editor (for Cloud functions and Firebase database "Real-Time Database"). I will integrate this chatbot with Google Assistant.
I have to read a list from the database, wherein the list has several children, few of them have sub-children, and few of sub-children have sub-sub-children. Because the output is a list and consists long-text, it will take too long to speak all data at once. So I would like to output one child from the list and ask the user for permission (Yes/No) as "Do you want to read the next?". If the user says "Yes", I will continue reading likewise until the end. And if the user says "No", I will trigger an event. Asking for the permission from the user is true before reading a child, even sub-child, and even sub-sub-child.
The approach that I have taken involves creating a separate DB record for each user when they first request the list, to keep track of where they are in the list. When the user says yes, get user’s current item id from the database, get the next item in the list (return it to the user via agent.add) and then update the user’s DB record to the next item’s id and so on until the user reaches the end of the list. After agent.add(), ask for the permission from the user by agent.setFollowupEvent(). If the user says no, just reset/delete the DB record for that user.
Few questions I would like to ask:
How will I identify each user as an individual: by some id, session, or something else?
When I run the below code in return cloud function, agent.add is overridden by agent.setFollowupEvent. How do I stop this?
agent.add('I will print the list here!');
agent.setFollowupEvent('SOME_EVENT'); //invoking an intent to ask for the permission.

You have a few issues you're trying to raise here, in addition to the one you're dealing with. Looking at each:
How can I stop setFollowupEvent() from overriding the message I've set?
You don't. The entire point of setFollowupEvent() is to switch to a different Intent instead of the one that is currently being processed.
Most of the time you think you want setFollowupEvent(), you probably don't. Don't use it.
So how can I add the question at the end of what I'm saying?
Just ask it.
Really, it is that easy.
You can either include it in the string you're sending to agent.add(), or (depending on the details), you can do a second add() with the prompt.
But don't I need to trigger an Intent to get the answer?
No. That isn't what an Intent is for.
Intents capture what the user is saying, not what you are asking or what your agent is doing. Your fulfillment does something based on both the Intent that is triggered as well as the rest of the state that you know about the conversation. But the Intent is just one bit of that information.
You mentioned user state. How can I keep track of the user state during the conversation?
Since it looks like you're using the dialogflow-fulfillment library, the easiest way is to store your state in the parameters in a Context with a very long lifespan (or that you keep renewing).
So the first time your fulfillment is triggered, you can check the Context. If the Context or ID aren't there, then you would generate a random user ID and store it in the Context. Subsequently, you would use this ID to look up the user's information in the real time database.
If I'm doing this work, do I need the database?
Nope! If you are just storing a little bit of information about the user, and the information will just last the lifespan of the conversation, you can store all of it in Context parameters directly. You do need to make sure that these parameter names don't conflict with any parameters that your Intents have, but otherwise these will last las long as the Context does.
If you need to store information about this person in between conversations, then you will need to look into other methods. There is a User ID available for Actions, but this is deprecated and scheduled to be removed. There are also session storage and user storage fields that the Assistant makes available, but these are a little tricker to use using the dialogflow-fulfillment library if you don't need them.


Firebase Realtime - Transaction with additional variables

So I know how to use transaction to increment or decrement a number. But how do I know who sends this number?
For example, there's a plate of cookies and everyone grab one, almost if not at the same time. How do I get the person's id or name that grabs the last cookie?
There's nothing built into the SDK or product for this, so you'll have to build it yourself on top of those. For example, if you:
Have every user write their name/UID when they grab a cookie.
Reject writes in security rules when there are no cookies left.
The name/UID that is in the database once no cookies are left will be the person who grabbed the last cookie.
There are many variations possible on this scheme, so pick whatever meets your use-case. The important thing is that you'll need to write the user name/UID in addition to their action.

Can you authenticate, then make multiple dependent requests for data using Cloud Firestore?

In my app, a user can log in, then a list of their "pages" (a collection of documents) is retrieved, and their "selectedPageId" is retrieved. This way the UI can show a list of page names, and the content of the selected page.
This means three requests have to happen, each waiting for the other:
log in
get list of pages
get selected page id
Is there a way to make all this happen on the server at once so I can make a single request, which I assume would make my UI render more quickly?
As Dharmaraj mentioned in his comment, "Firebase Auth will still be required on client side". However, is you use the default Auth state persistence (i.e. firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.LOCAL) once a user is signed in he/she doesn't need to sign in the next times ("the state will be persisted even when the browser window is closed. An explicit sign out is needed to clear that state"). So signing in is not really a problem IMO.
For the Firestore queries: Executing the two queries back-to-back with the second one returning only one document should not take a lot of extra time compare to executing only the first query (which fetches the pages list).
Having said that, one possible approach would be to save, for each user, a Firestore document containing the list of the user's pages plus the user's selectedPageId. You can maintain this page with a Cloud Function which, for example, mirrors the list (documents in a collection) with an array in this Firebase doc. However, you need to take care to not reach the maximum size for a document i.e. 1MiB (hence my question on the number of fields displayed for a page).
One possible variation in this case would be to initially present, in your first app page, a limited number (e.g. 25) of pages of the list, with a "Show more" button.
Finally, note that using a Cloud Function as mentioned in the above comments will very most probably increase the response time compare to standard queries executed via the SDK.

Firebase authorisation and registration

I am trying to create a basic app for my small educational business.
We supply English teachers to schools and I want a way for parents to access the progress reports and other data about their children.
I'm using Android Studio and Flutter as well as Firebase to store the data. I don't want parents to be able to access the data of every child, obviously, but they may have more than one child at the school.
So I need to limit their read privileges to just the records that relate to their children. I'd like to do that by giving them some sort of registration code that they could use the first time they access the app so that we can ensure that they are only being given access to the correct records. Subsequent logins would then be via email and password.
Is there a way to do this with Firebase?
Your use-case sounds feasible, but it is really broad which makes it impossible to answer it completely-yet-succinctly.
Specific on what to do with the registration code that associates a parent with their children, when you generate the registration code, you write that code and the associated children to a database. Then when the parent registers with that code, you associate their account (UID) with the code. You'll just have to ensure that the code is sufficiently long and random that it can't be reasonably guessed by another user.

Adding notifications to my web app

I'm creating a chrome extension that allows users to chat with one another. I've finished the basic implementation and want to add notifications that tell a user if they've received a new chat message since the last time they were connected. I have an idea of how I want to implement it but need input on whether it seems feasible and suitable.
Basically, my database is structured so that there is a list of users and chatrooms. Each user has a section called chats which lists all the names of the chatrooms they're in:
What I plan to do is the following: In every chat under each user's chats section, instead of setting its value to true, I set it to the last time they disconnected. Then in each chatroom, I add another field after user2 called timeLastMessageSent and always update it to the current time a new message is sent.
With that information, every time a user connects I'll loop through the chatroom's listed in their chats section and see if the value of timeLastMessageSent is higher than their last disconnect time, which means a message was sent while they were away and I can add some sort of notification that they have a new message.
I'm relatively new to firebase so if anyone with more experience can tell me what they think of my idea I'd really appreciate it. Is this idea feasible? Am I approaching the problem correctly? What sort of commands should I get familiar with to achieve this?

'Assigning a player in multiplayer game' firebase example is not very scalable or is it?

In the firebase example (, to add an user to the game, we attach the transaction method to playerListRef. Now, every time firebase attempts to update data, it will call the callback passed to the transaction method with the list of userid of all players. If my game supports thousands of users to join at a time, every instance this method executes, the entire user list will be downloaded and passed which will be bad.
If this is true, what is the recommended way to assign users then?
This is specifically what Firebase was designed to handle. If your application needs to actually assign player numbers, this example is the way to go. Otherwise, if the players just need to be in the same "game" or "room" without any notion of ordering you could remove the transaction code to speed things up a bit. The snippet as well as the backend have handled the number of concurrent connections you've mentioned—if you're seeing any specific problems with your code or behavior with Firebase that appears to be a bug, please contact us at and we can dig into it.
