Hopefully a simple question today:
I'm plotting an RDA (in R Studio) and would like to remove the second X and Y (top and right) axes . Purely for aesthetic purposes, but still. The code I'm using is below. I've managed to remove the first axes (I'll replace them with something nicer later) with xaxt="n" and yaxt="n", but it still puts the others in.
The question: How do I remove the top and right axes from a plot in R?
To make this example reproducible you will need two data frames of equal length called "bio" and "abio" respectively.
library (vegan) ##not sure which package I'm actually employing
library(MASS) ##these are just my defaults
rdaY1<-rda(bio,Abio) #any dummy data will do so long as they're of equal length
plot(rdaY1,type="n",bty="n",main="Y1. P<0.001 R2=XXX",
ylab="XXX% variance explained",
xlab="XXX% variance explained",
col.main="black",col.lab="black", col.axis="white",
xaxt="n",yaxt="n",axes=FALSE, bty="n")
UPDATE: Using comments below I've played around with various ways to get rid of the axes and it seems like that second "points" command where I call for the vectors to be plotted is the problem. Any ideas?
bty="L" worked for me. I generated some random data using rnorm() to test:
mat <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10)
pl <- rda(mat)
plot(pl, bty="L")
Here's the result.
I am using filled.contour() to plot data stored in a matrix. The data is generated by a (highly) non-linear function, hence its distribution is not uniform at all and the range is very large.
Consequently, I have to use the option "levels" to fine tune the plot. However, filled.contour() does not use these custom levels to make an appropriate color key for the heat map, which I find quite surprising.
Here is a simple example of what I mean:
x = c(20:200/100)
y = c(20:200/100)
z = as.matrix(exp(x^2)) %*% exp(y^2)
As you can see, the color key produced with the code above is pretty much useless. I would like to use some sort of projection (perhaps sin(x) or tanh(x)?), so that the upper range is not over-represented in the key (in a linear way).
At this point, I would like to:
1) know if there is something very simple/obvious I am missing, e.g.: an option to make this "key range adapting" automagically;
2) seek suggestions/help on how to do it myself, should the answer to 1) be negative.
Thanks a lot!
PS: I apologize for my English, which is far from perfect. Please let me know if you need me to clarify anything.
I feel your frustration. I never found a way to do this with filled contour, so have usually reverted to using image and then adding my own scale as a separate plot. I wrote the function image.scale to help out with this (link). Below is an example of how you can supply a log-transform to your scale in order to stretch out the small values - then label the scale with the non-log-transformed values as labels:
source("image.scale.R") #
x = c(20:200/100)
y = c(20:200/100)
z = as.matrix(exp(x^2)) %*% exp(y^2)
pal <- colorRampPalette(c('green','yellow','red'))
breaks <- c(1:60/3,30,50,150,250,1000,3000)
ncolors <- length(breaks)-1
labs <- c(0.5, 1, 3,30,50,150,250,1000,3000)
#x11(width=6, height=6)
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(5,1), heights=c(6))
image(x=x,y=y,z=log(z), col=pal(ncolors), breaks=log(breaks))
image.scale(log(z), col=pal(ncolors), breaks=log(breaks), horiz=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
axis(4, at=log(labs), labels=labs)
I've run a 2d simulation in some modelling software from which i've got an export of x,y point locations with a set of 6 attributes. I wish to recreate a figure that combines the data, like this:
The ellipses and the background are shaded according to attribute 1 (and the borders of these are of course representing the model geometry, but I don't think I can replicate that), the isolines are contours of attribute 2, and the arrow glyphs are from attributes 3 (x magnitude) and 4 (y magnitude).
The x,y points are centres of the triangulated mesh I think, and look like this:
I want to know how I can recreate a plot like this with R. To start with I have irregularly-spaced data due to it being exported from an irregular mesh. That's immediately where I get stuck with R, having only ever used it for producing box-and-whisper plots and the like.
Here's the data:
Edit: fields: x, y, heat flux (x), heat flux (y), thermal conductivity, Temperature, gradT (x), gradT (y).
names(Ellipses) <- c('x','y','dfluxx','dfluxy','kxx','Temps','gradTx','gradTy')
It's quite easy to make the lower plot (making the assumption that there is a dataframe named 'edat' read in with:
edat <- read.table(file=file.choose())
with(edat, plot(V1,V2), cex=0.2)
Things get a bit more beautiful with:
with(edat, plot(V1,V2, cex=0.2, col=V5))
So I do not think your original is being faithfully represented by the data. The contour lines are NOT straight across the "conductors". I call them "conductors" because this looks somewhat like iso-potential lines in electrostatics. I'm adding some text here to serve as a search handle for others who might be searching for plotting problems in real world physics: vector-field (the arrows) , heat equations, gradient, potential lines.
You can then overlay the vector field with:
with(edat, arrows(V1,V2, V1-20*V6*V7, V2-20*V6*V8, length=0.04, col="orange") )
You could"zoom in" with xlim and ylim:
with(edat, plot(V1,V2, cex=0.3, col=V5, xlim=c(0, 10000), ylim=c(-8000, -2000) ))
with(edat, arrows(V1,V2, V1-20*V6*V7, V2-20*V6*V8, length=0.04, col="orange") )
Guessing that the contour requested if for the Temps variable. Take your pick of contourplots.
intflow<- with(edat, interp(x=x, y=y, z=Temps, xo=seq(min(x), max(x), length = 410),
yo=seq(min(y), max(y), length = 410), duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE) )
with( intflow, contour(x=x, y=y, z=z) )
The last one will mix with the other plotting examples since those were using base plotting functions. You may need to switch to points instead of plot.
There are several parts to your plot so you will probably need several tools to make the different parts.
The background and ellipses can be created with polygon (once you figure where they should be).
The contourLines function can calculate the contour lines for you which you can add with the lines function (or contour has and add argument and could probably be used to add the lines directly).
The akima package has a function interp which can estimate values on a grid given the values ungridded.
The my.symbols function along with ms.arrows, both from the TeachingDemos package, can be used to draw the vector field.
#DWin is right to say that your graph don't represent faithfully your data, so I would advice to follow his answer. However here is how to reproduce (the closest I could) your graph:
Ellipses <- read.table(file.choose())
names(Ellipses) <- c('x','y','dfluxx','dfluxy','kxx','Temps','gradTx','gradTy')
First preparing the data:
#First the background layer (the 'kxx' layer):
# Here the regular grid on which we're gonna do the interpolation
E.grid <- with(Ellipses,
names(E.grid) <- c("x","y") # Without this step, function inout throws an error
E.grid$Value <- rep(0,nrow(E.grid))
#Split the dataset according to unique values of kxx
E.k <- split(Ellipses,Ellipses$kxx)
# Find the convex hull delimiting each of those values domain <- lapply(E.k,function(X){X[chull(X$x,X$y),]})
for(i in unique(Ellipses$kxx)){ # Pick the value for each coordinate in our regular grid
# Then the regular grid for the second layer (Temp)
T.grid <- with(Ellipses,
interp(x,y,Temps, xo=seq(min(x),max(x),length=200),
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
# The regular grids for the arrow layer (gradT)
dx <- with(Ellipses,
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
dy <- with(Ellipses,
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
T.grid2 <- with(Ellipses,
interp(x,y,Temps, xo=seq(min(x),max(x),length=15),
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
And then the plotting:
plot(E.grid$x, E.grid$y, col=E.grid$Value,
axes=F, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", pch=19)
contour(T.grid, add=TRUE, col=colorRampPalette(c("blue","red"))(15), drawlabels=FALSE)
arrows(gradTgrid[,1], gradTgrid[,2], # Here I multiply the values so you can see them
gradTgrid[,1]-dx$z*40*T.grid2$z, gradTgrid[,2]-dy$z*40*T.grid2$z,
col="yellow", length=0.05)
To understand in details how this code works, I advise you to read the following help pages: ?inout, ?chull, ?interp, ?expand.grid and ?contour.
I have this problem. I got a heatmap, (but i suppose this applies to every plot) but I need to mirror my y-axis.
I got here some example code:
x <- seq(1,50,length=50)
y <- seq(1,50,length=50)
z <- rnorm(1000)
df <- data.frame(x=x,y=y,z=z)
This will generate the following heatmap
But I need the y-axis mirrored. Starting with 0 on the top and 50 on the bottom. Does anybody has a clue as to what I must do to change this?
See the help page for ?plot.default, which specifies
xlim: the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot. Note that ‘x1 > x2’ is
allowed and leads to a ‘reversed axis’.
x <- seq(1,50,length=50)
y <- seq(1,50,length=50)
z <- rnorm(1000)
df <- data.frame(x=x,y=y,z=z)
image(df,col=heat.colors(256), ylim = rev(range(y)))
Does this work for you (it's a bit of a hack, though)?
df2$y<-50-df2$y #reverse oredr
image(df2,col=heat.colors(256),yaxt="n") #avoid y axis
axis(2, at=c(0,10,20,30,40,50), labels=c(50,40,30,20,10,0)) #draw y axis manually
The revaxis function in the plotrix package "reverses the sense of either or both the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axes". It doesn't solve your problem (Nick's solution is the correct one) but can be useful when you need to plot a scatterplot with reversed axes.
I would use rev like so:
df <- data.frame(x=x,y=rev(y),z=z)
In case you were not aware, notice that df is actually a function. You might want to be careful when overwriting. If you rm(df), things will go back to normal.
Don't forget to relabel the y axis as Nick suggests.
For the vertical axis increasing in the downward direction, I provided two ways (two different answers) for the following question:
R - image of a pixel matrix?
I have come across a number of situations where I want to plot more points than I really ought to be -- the main holdup is that when I share my plots with people or embed them in papers, they occupy too much space. It's very straightforward to randomly sample rows in a dataframe.
if I want a truly random sample for a point plot, it's easy to say:
However, I was wondering if there were more effective (ideally canned) ways to specify the number of plot points such that your actual data is accurately reflected in the plot. So here is an example.
Suppose I am plotting something like the CCDF of a heavy tailed distribution, e.g.
ccdf <- function(myList,density=FALSE)
# generates the CCDF of a list or vector
freqs = table(myList)
X = rev(as.numeric(names(freqs)))
Y =cumsum(rev(as.list(freqs)));
This will produce a plot where the x & y axis become increasingly dense. Here it would be ideal to have fewer samples plotted for large x or y values.
Does anybody have any tips or suggestions for dealing with similar issues?
I tend to use png files rather than vector based graphics such as pdf or eps for this situation. The files are much smaller, although you lose resolution.
If it's a more conventional scatterplot, then using semi-transparent colours also helps, as well as solving the over-plotting problem. For example,
x <- rnorm(10000); y <- rnorm(10000)
qplot(x, y, colour=I(alpha("blue",1/25)))
Beyond Rob's suggestions, one plot function I like as it does the 'thinning' for you is hexbin; an example is at the R Graph Gallery.
Here is one possible solution for downsampling plot with respect to the x-axis, if it is log transformed. It log transforms the x-axis, rounds that quantity, and picks the median x value in that bin:
downsampled_qplot <- function(x,y,data,rounding=0, ...) {
# assumes we are doing log=xy or log=x
group = factor(round(log(data$x),rounding))
d <-, by(data, group,
function(X) X[order(X$x)[floor(length(X)/2)],]))
qplot(x,count,data=d, ...)
Using the definition of ccdf() from above, we can then compare the original plot of the CCDF of the distribution with the downsampled version:
downsampled_qplot(x,count,data=myccdf,log='xy',rounding=1,main='rounding = 1')
downsampled_qplot(x,count,data=myccdf,log='xy',rounding=0,main='rounding = 0')
In PDF format, the original plot takes up 640K, and the downsampled versions occupy 20K and 8K, respectively.
I'd either make image files (png or jpeg devices) as Rob already mentioned, or I'd make a 2D histogram. An alternative to the 2D histogram is a smoothed scatterplot, it makes a similar graphic but has a more smooth cutoff from dense to sparse regions of space.
If you've never seen addictedtor before, it's worth a look. It has some very nice graphics generated in R with images and sample code.
Here's the sample code from the addictedtor site:
2-d histogram:
# example data, bivariate normal, no correlation
x <- rnorm(2000, sd=4)
y <- rnorm(2000, sd=1)
# separate scales for each axis, this looks circular
hist2d(x,y, nbins=50, col = c("white",heat.colors(16)))
library("geneplotter") ## from BioConductor
require("RColorBrewer") ## from CRAN
x1 <- matrix(rnorm(1e4), ncol=2)
x2 <- matrix(rnorm(1e4, mean=3, sd=1.5), ncol=2)
x <- rbind(x1,x2)
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
op <- par(mar=rep(2,4))
smoothScatter(x, nrpoints=0)
smoothScatter(x, nrpoints=Inf,
colors <- densCols(x)
plot(x, col=colors, pch=20)