Does cv2.flip return a BGR or an RGB image? - cv2

Does cv2.flip return a BGR image? or it will return the same type as the source image (either RGB, or BGR)?

cv2.flip() flips within each layer, leaving the ordering of the layers unchanged.


How can I add the countries' names upon the geochoropleth map ?

I'm working with dc.js and I'm about to create a world map.
How can I add the countries' names upon the geochoropleth map ?
I create a crude example of this approach here:
1) First I attained the json file containing the centroids of all of the states: For the purposes of this example, I copied the json to the jsfiddle.
var labels = {"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[
2) Then I added a svg element to the chart that would contain all of the labels:
var labelG ="svg")
.attr("id", "labelG")
.attr("class", "Title");
3) Next I added a svg text element for every state in the labels json:
4) Then I positioned the text elements using the coordinates of the centroid. To accomplish this you should use the projection from the chart to translate the coordinates to relative x and y values.
.attr("x", function(d){return project(d.geometry.coordinates)[0];})
.attr("y", function(d){return project(d.geometry.coordinates)[1];})
.attr("dx", "-1em");
Here is the final result:
You'll notice two problems:
There isn't enough room to display all of the names in the northeast states
The labels aren't centered very well
Both of these problems could be resolved by changing the labels json by manually moving the coordinates.
Note, I used this question as a basis for my answer:!topic/d3-js/uAWkwnuNQ3Q

How to enlarge the hover area of a QGraphicsItem

I have a QGraphicsScene with rather small point markers. I would like to enlarge the area of these markers to make dragging easier. The marker is a cross, +/- 2 pixels from the origin. I have reimplemented
QGraphicsItem::contains(const QPointF & point ) const
return QRectF(-10,-10,20,20);
void hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event)
but the marker only turns red when it is directly hit by the cursor (and even that is a bit picky). How can I enlarge the "hover area"?
As stated in the short comment:
Usually those things are handled via the bounding rect or the shape function, try overloading those. Take a look into the qt help of QGraphicsItem under shape (
Returns the shape of this item as a QPainterPath in local coordinates.
The shape is used for many things, including collision detection, hit
tests, and for the QGraphicsScene::items() functions.
The default implementation calls boundingRect() to return a simple
rectangular shape, but subclasses can reimplement this function to
return a more accurate shape for non-rectangular items. For example, a
round item may choose to return an elliptic shape for better collision
detection. For example:
QPainterPath RoundItem::shape() const {
QPainterPath path;
return path; } The outline of a shape can vary depending on the width and style of the pen used when drawing. If you want to include
this outline in the item's shape, you can create a shape from the
stroke using QPainterPathStroker.
This function is called by the default implementations of contains()
and collidesWithPath().
So what basically happens is that all functions that want to access the "Zone" which is associated with an item, call shape and then do e.g. a containment or collision detection with the resulting painterpath.
Thus if you have small items you should enlargen the shape zone.
Lets for instance consider a line that is your target, than your shape implementation could look like the following:
QPainterPath Segment::shape() const{
QLineF temp(qLineF(scaled(Plotable::cScaleFactor)));
QPolygonF poly;
QPainterPath path;
return path;
Pen is a member of the segment, and I use its width to enlarge the shape zone. But you can take anything else as well that has a good relation to the actual dimension of your object.

QPainter declared inside a run function creates artifact

I am rendering a QPixmap inside of a QThread. the code to paint is inside a function. If I declare the painter inside the drawChart function everything seems ok but if I declare the painter inside the run function the image is wrong in the sense that at the edge of a black and white area, the pixels at the interface are overlapped to give a grey. Does anyone know why this is so? Could it be because of the nature of the run function itself?
//This is ok
void RenderThread::run()
QImage image(resultSize, QImage::Format_RGB32);
emit renderedImage(image, scaleFactor);
QPainter painter(image);
//This gives a image that seems to have artifacts
void RenderThread::run()
QImage image(resultSize, QImage::Format_RGB32);
QPainter painter(image);
emit renderedImage(image, scaleFactor);
From C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 by Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield:
One important thing to understand is
that the center of a pixel lies on
“half-pixel” coordinates. For example,
the top-left pixel covers the area
between points (0, 0) and (1, 1), and
its center is located at (0.5, 0.5).
If we ask QPainter to draw a pixel at,
say, (100, 100), it will approximate
the result by shifting the coordinate
by +0.5 in both directions, resulting
in the pixel centered at (100.5,
100.5) being drawn.
This distinction may seem rather
academic at first, but it has
important consequences in practice.
First, the shifting by +0.5 only
occurs if antialiasing is disabled
(the default); if antialiasing is
enabled and we try to draw a pixel at
(100, 100) in black, QPainter will
actually color the four pixels (99.5,
99.5), (99.5, 100.5), (100.5, 99.5), and (100.5, 100.5) light gray, to give
the impression of a pixel lying
exactly at the meeting point of the
four pixels. If this effect is
undesirable, we can avoid it by
specifying half-pixel coordinates, for
example, (100.5, 100.5).

QGraphicsItem : emulating an item origin which is not the top left corner

My application is using Qt.
I have a class which is inheriting QGraphicsPixmapItem.
When applying transformations on these items (for instance, rotations), the origin of the item (or the pivot point) is always the top left corner.
I'd like to change this origin, so that, for instance, when setting the position of the item, this would put actually change the center of the pixmap.
Or, if I'm applying a rotation, the rotation's origin would be the center of the pixmap.
I haven't found a way to do it straight out of the box with Qt, so I thougth of reimplementing itemChange() like this :
QVariant JGraphicsPixmapItem::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange Change, const QVariant& rValue)
switch (Change)
case QGraphicsItem::ItemPositionHasChanged:
// Emulate a pivot point in the center of the image
this->translate(this->boundingRect().width() / 2,
this->boundingRect().height() / 2);
case QGraphicsItem::ItemTransformHasChanged:
return QGraphicsItem::itemChange(Change, rValue);
I thought this would work, as Qt's doc mentions that the position of an item and its transform matrix are two different concepts.
But it is not working.
Any idea ?
You're overthinking it. QGraphicsPixmapItem already has this functionality built in. See the setOffset method.
So to set the item origin at its centre, just do setOffset( -0.5 * QPointF( width(), height() ) ); every time you set the pixmap.
The Qt-documentation about rotating:
void QGraphicsItem::rotate ( qreal angle )
Rotates the current item
transformation angle degrees clockwise
around its origin. To translate around
an arbitrary point (x, y), you need to
combine translation and rotation with
// Rotate an item 45 degrees around (0, 0).
// Rotate an item 45 degrees around (x, y).
item->setTransform(QTransform().translate(x, y).rotate(45).translate(-x, -y));
You need to create a rotate function, that translate the object to the parent's (0, 0) corner do the rotation and move the object to the original location.

Terminal emulation in Flex

I need to do some emulation of some old DOS or mainframe terminals in Flex. Something like the image below for example.
The different coloured text is easy enough, but the ability to do different background colours, such as the yellow background is beyond the capabilities of the standard Flash text.
I may also need to be able to enter text at certain places and scroll text up the "terminal". Any idea how I'd attack this? Or better still, any existing code/components for this sort of thing?
Use TextField.getCharBoundaries to get a rectangle of the first and last characters in the areas where you want a background. From these rectangles you can construct a rectangle that spans the whole area. Use this to draw the background in a Shape placed behind the text field, or in the parent of the text field.
Update you asked for an example, here is how to get a rectangle from a range of characters:
var firstCharBounds : Rectangle = textField.getCharBoundaries(firstCharIndex);
var lastCharBounds : Rectangle = textField.getCharBoundaries(lastCharIndex);
var rangeBounds : Rectangle = new Rectangle();
rangeBounds.topLeft = firstCharBounds.topLeft;
rangeBounds.bottomRight = lastCharBounds.bottomRight;
If you want to find a rectangle for a whole line you can do this instead:
var charBounds : Rectangle = textField.getCharBoundaries(textField.getLineOffset(lineNumber));
var lineBounds : Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, charBounds.y, textField.width, firstCharBounds.height);
When you have the bounds of the text range you want to paint a background for, you can do this in the updateDisplayList method of the parent of the text field (assuming the text field is positioned at [0, 0] and has white text, and that textRangesWithYellowBackground is an array of rectangles that represent the text ranges that should have yellow backgrounds):
// this draws the black background
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, textField.width, textField.height);
// this draws yellow text backgrounds
for each ( var r : Rectangle in textRangesWithYellowBackground )
graphics.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
The font is fixed width and height, so making a background bitmap dynamically isn't difficult, and is probably the quickest and easiest solution. In fact, if you size it correctly there will only be one stretched pixel per character.
Color the pixel (or pixels) according to the background of the character.
