How to make glTF and primitive materials work in A-Frame - aframe

We've created a simple ruby-coloured cube in Blender 2.8 beta to test glTF material exports.
When looking at it in Don Mccurdy's glTF viewer it looks fine:
It also looks fine in Windows 10's explorer preview pane.
However, when loading in aframe 0.8.2 it appears black.
To test there wasn't a problem with our scene, we created a primitive cube with a similar material in aframe. This also appears black, until we open the aframe inspector, after which it looks like this:
Here's the github repo:
Any thoughts on how to make primitive and glTF object materials appear correctly in aframe are most welcome!


Enter VR in A-Frame not working in Wolvic browser on Oculus Quest

A-Frame by default provides the "enter VR" button at the bottom right of the screen. This is working fine on my desktop, and also in Firefox Reality on my Oculus Quest. But in Wolvic, instead of opening in the VR mode, I see 2 views/screens.
I got the same behaviour for several examples on, this is 1 example:
Any idea what's causing this and/or how to fix this?
The example you pointed out uses a very old version of A-Frame (0.5.0) based on the old WebVR API that browsers no longer ship. Make sure you're using 1.3.0 or newer that comes with WebXR support.
All the A-Frame examples should work on Wolvic:
Can also use the official glitch A-Frame support as starting point:

Oculus controllers are black with A-frame

11-21-2021 I have been testing oculus quest 2 controllers with A-frame.
They were white in color but last night the suddenly changed to black? Why?
Oculus quest 2 controller models do not properly loaded in A-Frame
Latest is in this GitHub issue:
Seems to be an issue with the Oculus Quest 2 itself reporting the wrong profile.
Affects A-Frame, Babylon.js and Firefox Reality Browser environment (and probably som other things too).

Aframe, is aframe-extras navmesh still the way to go?

I'm trying to make an Aframe scene using a landscape that the user can navigate, but I have had a lot of issues with the aframe-extras nav mesh. Even downloading the aframe-extras repo and installing, building the bundle and then trying to run http://localhost:8000/examples/castle I get the same error as in my scene.
Uncaught TypeError: this.zones[t] is undefined
getClosestNode bundle.js:8722
getNode bundle.js:57166
tick bundle.js:55425
Aframe 57
I've looked into other posts like Uncaught TypeError using A-Frame 1.0.4 + A-Frame Extras nav-mesh and movement-controls, but their error is different than mine.
Before I go on the journey to solve this issue, can anyone weigh in on whether I'd just be better off using a different program/approach to constrain my camera to a 3D surface that is a landscape model?
If it is just a landscape you are better of using physics-systems like Ammo.js
For your use case as for the landscape is concerned, you can try adding ammo-body property of kinematic to the third-person camera while the landscape and 3D models have property of static.
Try finding more about physics-system there are lot of tutorials and documentation available.

A-frame showing as 3d image in phone instead of WebVR experience

My VR app brings up a 3d photo menu, where I can select what kind of stereographic view works for my app. Some a frame apps (like Mozillas a frame painting app) do show in 3d. How do I ensure that my aframe shows in 3d?
My code is here: .
I would post a snippet but no part of the code stands out as having a bug.
When I use Chrome DevTools to fake a phone, I'm getting the error shown in this bug report:
I've figured out part of the answer, and resolved the bug above. I forked a glitch project to start out with, and it had an old version. However, my app still appears to be incompatible with the Samsung Internet VR experience.
So I forked an old A-Frame VR snippet on Glitch, so it was outdated with that bug.
Samsung Internet doesn't support "async function* runGame()" as a snippet. Even though it still updates the display.

Qt camera image stays black after adding a QOpenGLWidget

Reproducing the issue
Go to the Welcome page in the Qt Creator and select the 'Camera Example'. Verify that your camera is working properly first by compiling it. Then add a QOpenGLWidget in the designer to the camera.ui form. Run again, now the webcam should stay black.
Windows 8.1
Qt 5.5
This is how it looks like for me:
A little more backstory
I'm working on a project that requires a video feed to work with OpenGL. I was using a QAbstractVideoSurface to get the image data for individual frames. I ran into this issue by just trying to add a QOpenGLWidget into the mix to see what happens. I haven't looked further into it yet other than searching for other reports of this. I couldn't find anything specific though.
