Getting "table of extent 0" in Shiny Web app output - r

I have a data file that I read in in my Shiny server function. I would like to display a frequency table of the two columns the user selects using drop-downs. I get the error "table of extent 0". I have looked at R error - Table of extent 0 and Can't solve table issue but I have imported my data correctly and the column names match as well. The same line of code works when I run it in the console.
Here is my code:
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$courseData = renderPrint( {
data = read.csv(file = 'FourCourseTableLetterGrades_POLISHED.tsv', sep = '\t', header = TRUE)
c1 = input$course1
c2 = input$course2
tbl = table(data$c1, data$c2)
Update: this is what the table looks like right now:
I would like the output to be in matrix format, just as what you get when running the table command in console. I also don't know why the columns are named Var1 and Var2 and where to change them.

the first problem is that c1 and c2 are character variables therefore you need to use [[]] instead of $. The second problem is that what you see ist the table format of the result from table if you rather have the matrix you can calculate it quite easy with the package dplyr fro example
data = read.csv(file = 'FourCourseTableLetterGrades_POLISHED.tsv', sep = '\t', header = TRUE)
c1 = input$course1
c2 = input$course2
tbl = tibble(data[[c1]], data[[c2]]) %>%
group_by_all() %>%
tally() %>%
hope this helps!!

Using data[[c1]] instead of data$c1 as suggested in the comments removed the error and showed a basic (although malformed) output. I did not understand why.


Multiline text in R dataframe

I'm trying to include a multiline text in a dataframe cell, however R keeps reading the \n as a next row, resulting in row mismatches. If i change the 'code' input to a simple string, the code works fine.
Defined dataframe:
df <- data.frame(
"Id" = character(),
"Name" = character(),
"Code" = character()
Adding new row:
NewRow <- data.frame(
"Id" = Id, # Simple string
"Name" = Name, # Simple string
"Code" = Code # Complex multiline string containing '#' and '\n' (10+ lines)
df <- rbind(df, NewRow)
Received error: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0
Does anyone know how to get around this problem?
Many thanks in advance!
Maybe what you can try is to clean up the Code variable a bit, before adding it to the dataframe. In this sense, you can remove \n and # from the Code variable, and then add it inside the dataframe. For this you can use stringr and dplyr, to update the Code variable:
### Using the replace option:
Code <- Code %>%
str_replace_all("\\\n", "") %>%
str_replace_all("#", "")
### Using the remove option:
Code <- Code %>%
str_remove_all("\\\n") %>%

Using loop to create modicate dataframe

I have been struggling with finding a way to create a new data frame using a loop, where the main goal is to filter the data when is >= 0.5.
I´m using Rstudio; however, python is an option too.
Here is how looks like my data frame (csv file) and some lines of the script (incomplete):
df <- read.table(choose.files(), header = T, sep = ",", comment.char = "")
Site,Partition,alpha,beta,omega,alpha=beta,LRT,p-value,Total branch length
Then I use select function to take only two columns that interest me:
sdf <- subset(df, select = c("ï..Site", "alpha.beta"))
ï..Site alpha.beta
1 1 0.000
2 2 0.048
Then I thought in use a loop to create a new csv file, when the second column has a value >= 0.5 print this value, it doesn´t have a value that satisfies this requisite pass and print a 0.
Here I try differents ways; obviously neither works for me. Here are the last lines that I tried.
for (i in names(sdf1)) {
f_sdf1 <- sdf1[sdf1[, i] >= 0.5]
write.csv(f_sdf1, paste0(i, ".csv"))
So in this post I´m looking for some ideas to generate this script. Maybe it´s simple, but in this case, I need to ask how?
You could use subset to filter your data as in
# first get some example data
expl <- data.frame(site = 1:10, alpha.beta = runif(10))
# now do the filtering
expl.filtered = subset(expl, alpha.beta >= .5)
# Now write.table or write.csv...

Error in stream-delim when exporting to CSV

I'm trying to write this StatsBomb Data into a CSV but I keep on getting the following error message:
Error in stream_delim_(df, path, ..., bom = bom, quote_escape = quote_escape) :
Don't know how to handle vector of type list.
I'm lost (tried multiple things) and not sure what I did wrong here. Is there anyone out here who knows how to solve this? I've included my code below.
### Read in all free events and matches from the FAWSL
data <- StatsBombFreeEvents()
matches <- FreeMatches(Competitions = 72)
### Clean and separate all data loaded above
dataclean <- allclean(data)
### Filter event data to include only FAWSL data.
data1 <- dataclean %>%
filter(dataclean$competition_id == 72)
### Join event and match data by "match_id"
data1 <- left_join(data1, matches, by = "match_id")
FullData <- data1 %>%
select(-c(related_events, tactics.lineup, shot.freeze_frame, location, pass.end_location, shot.end_location, goalkeeper.end_location))
write_csv(FullData, "StatsBomb_FullData.csv")
I had the same problem. Unlisting the column fixed mine.
df$listcolumn <- sapply(df$listcolumn, function(x) paste0(unlist(x), collapse = "\n"))

Print row from table in R

I'm new in R, and I'm trying to display in console several columns from a row when a condition is fulfilled. I've searched through the internet and I couldn't find a proper solution. At the moment, I've tried the R where clause with little success.
Here's my script.
northing <- 398380.16
easting <- 6873865.89
filePath = '/media/jgm/Toshiba\ HDD/SatelliteData/data/'
file = 'MOD09GQ_2006075.csv'
mydata <- read.table(paste(filePath,file, sep = ""),header=TRUE,sep=",")
mydata$'(x-northing)²' <- (mydata$x-northing)**2
mydata$'(y-easting)²' <- (mydata$y-easting)**2
mydata$'DISTANCE' <- sqrt(mydata$`(x-northing)²`+mydata$`(y-easting)²`)
minDistance <- min(mydata[,10], na.rm = T)
I want to display in console the value of the columns sur_refl_b01, sur_refl_b02, NDVI and NDVI_SCALED when the value of the column DISTANCE is minDistance.
Hope this table output helps.
welcome to SO, try something like :

Need help writing data from a table in R for unique values using a loop

Trying to figure why when I run this code all the information from the columns is being written to the first file only. What I want is only the data from the columns unique to a MO number to be written out. I believe the problem is in the third line, but am not sure how to divide the data by each unique number.
Thanks for the help,
for (i in 1:nrow(MOs_InterestDF1)) {
MO = MOs_InterestDF1[i,1]
df = MOs_Interest[MOs_Interest$MO_NUMBER == MO, c("ITEM_NUMBER", "OPER_NO", "OPER_DESC", "STDRUNHRS", "ACTRUNHRS","Difference", "Sum")]
submit.df <- data.frame(df)
filename = paste("Variance", "Report",MO, ".csv", sep="")
write.csv(submit.df, file = filename, row.names = FALSE)}
If you are trying to write out a separate csv for each unique MO number, then something like this may work to accomplish that.
unique.mos <- unique(MOs_Interest$MO_NUMBER)
for (mo in unique.mos){
submit.df <- MOs_Interest[MOs_Interest$MO_NUMBER == mo, c("ITEM_NUMBER", "OPER_NO", "OPER_DESC", "STDRUNHRS", "ACTRUNHRS","Difference", "Sum")]
filename <- paste("Variance", "Report", mo, ".csv", sep="")
write.csv(submit.df, file = filename, row.names = FALSE)
It's hard to answer fully without example data (what are the columns of MOs_InterestDF1?) but I think your issue is in the df line. Are you trying to subset the dataframe to only the data matching the MO? If so, try which as in df = MOs_Interest[which(MOs_Interest$MO_NUMBER == MO),].
I wasn't sure if you actually had two separate dfs (MOs_Interest and MOs_InterestDF1); if not, make sure the df line points to the correct data frame.
I tried to create some simplified sample data:
MOs_InterestDF1 <- data.frame("MO_NUMBER" = c(1,2,3), "Item_No" = c(142,423,214), "Desc" = c("Plate","Book","Table"))
for (i in 1:nrow(MOs_InterestDF1)) {
MO = MOs_InterestDF1[i,1]
mydf = data.frame(MOs_InterestDF1[which(MOs_InterestDF1$MO_NUMBER == MO),])
filename = paste("This is number ",MO,".csv", sep="")
write.csv(mydf, file = filename, row.names=FALSE)
This output three different csv files, each with exactly one row of data. For example, "This is number 1.csv" had the following data:
MOs Item_No Desc
1 142 Plate
