Centered signup form box with sticky footer, resizing problems - css

Here's the example of what I have so far:
My objective is to center that box in the middle to the center of the page, and have the rest of the elements respond appropriately. I've ended up using margin-top: 10%; as a way to center the box, but the problem with this approach is that on smaller browser heights users will have to scroll. It's also not perfectly centered.
Ideally, what I'm looking for, is to:
Center the box (vertically and horizontally)
On small browser heights the center box should sit just underneath the navbar with a small margin, to eliminate the scrolling on small browsers.
Sticky the footer with a gap between the footer and the box when the browser height is really small.
When the center box expands its contents or the navbar expands its contents everything else should move appropriately and not overlap.
I made some javascript buttons to expand the navbar and centerbox so it's easier to experiment with. My actual app is obviously different, this is a stripped down version of what I have.
I tried a bunch of different things to get this to work with no luck, when I used calc() to set it to the center on small browser heights the footer or navbar would overlap the box. I'm out of ideas now, and CSS is not my strong suit. Thanks!

You can try a full page wrapper with a header, the footer, and the div you want centered. Using display:flex; with the flex-direction set to column and justify-content: space-between; you can basically center the div. It will be off a little bit if your header and footer are different sizes but you won't need a ton of media queries or code that is hard to maintain. Set the min-height of the wrapper to 100vh and your footer will be sticky, unless the window is too short to fit all of the pieces.
$('#nav-button').on('click', function(e) {
header {
background: red;
padding: 5px;
header a {
color: white;
#nav-content {
height: 0;
transition: height .3s;
#nav-content.expand {
height: 300px;
footer {
color: white;
background: red;
padding: 5px;
#centered-box {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
background: green;
margin: 10px auto;
#wrap {
min-height: 100vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
flex-direction: column;
body {
margin: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="wrap">
<div id="nav-content"></div>
<div id="centered-box"></div>
<footer>This is the footer</footer>

Are you using media queries at all in your CSS? Media queries allow you to style elements a certain way if the browser window size falls within the query.


How can I have a sticky footer in CSS (Flexbox)?

"How can I pin the footer to the bottom of the page"
I've been in a sticky situation with footers many times and I always end up with a different result.
What's the simplest way to have a sticky footer using CSS Flexbox?
I want this:
To look like this:
If a web page has a <header>, <main> and a <footer> all inside of the <body>:
body {
min-height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
footer {
background: grey;
margin-top: auto;
Making the body flex column allows all items within to be stacked, the margin-top: auto is the magic piece here. It automatically fills any white space with a margin.
Credit goes to Stephanie Eckles:

horizontal scroll cutting items off

.width-100vw {
width: 100vw;
.height-100vh {
height: 100vh;
.layout {
min-width: 1000px;
.flex {
display: flex;
.justify-center {
justify-content: center;
.absolute-scroll-x {
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-x: overlay;
.width-100 {
width: 100% !important;
.height-100 {
height: 100%;
.left-side {
width: calc((7 / 16 * 100%));
background-color: orange;
.right-side {
width: calc((9 / 16 * 100%));
background-color: red;
<div class="width-100vw height-100vh flex justify-center absolute-scroll-x">
<div class="width-100 height-100 flex layout">
<div class="height-100 left-side">
<div class="height-100 right-side">
Loom link
When I decrease the screen width to 344px (in chrome dev tools), then as per dev tools, the layout div is of width 1000px (correct), left div is of width 437.5px (correct) and right div is of width 562.5px (correct).
But scrolling clearly shows that the left div is way smaller than the 437.5px. Why is it so?
Answer is very simple. You can not scroll to the left past the beginning of the page. Y-axis scrolling begins at 0 and goes on to the end of the content, if you add more content it goes further, but if you move content up with lets say top: -5000px scrolling area will not be expanded, everything below 0 just gets cut off. Same with X-axis, everything on the left below 0 gets cut off.
Your main div has justify-content: center; style which puts your layout div always in the center, no matter how big it is. When main div is smaller then layout div, since layout has min-width: 1000px; it puts it to the center and as result everything on the left gets cut off.
Main div
Layout div (centered)
Bigger than Main div. Extends to the right and left, since it is centered, but everything to the left can not be reached with scrolling. Scrolling does not go below 0.
Left side element
Is actually correct size, but looks smaller because can not be accessed via scrolling.
In your case everything can be fixed by just removing justify-center from main div.

CSS - how to style a footer

is there a way to style a footer, so when there is a content (more than the height of the browser) it will be at bottom of the page(hidden), but if there is not enough content it will stick at bottom edge of the browser?
One solution I use requires a known height of your footer.
A lot of content
A little content
Here's the HTML:
i am the footer
And here's the CSS:
html, body {
height: 100%;
main {
min-height: 100%;
margin-bottom: -100px;
background: #ddd;
main:after {
content: "";
display: block;
height: 100px;
footer {
height: 100px;
background: #eee;
The trick is to set the main part of your document to have a min-height of 100%. This element must contain everything else on your page. In my example, I used the main element for this.
Next, give this element a negative margin equal to the height of the footer. This moves it up just enough to leave room for the footer there at the bottom.
The last piece of the puzzle is the after element. This is required to fill the space of that negative margin. Otherwise, the content of the main will overflow into the footer.
I can only recommend to read this.
Show footer if at bottom of page or page is short else hide
or this
You can always use the calc function in CSS to make out the difference in between the footer and the body height.
footer {
height: calc(100vh - 100px);
for example...

Centering a div on a VERY SIMPLE PAGE

Yes. This has been asked a billion times. But nobody has given an answer that works for me.
It's so stupid. I have a SPLASH PAGE.. which has almost NO code on it. All it has is some js and a series of photos that fade in, one by one.
No matter what i do, it aligns top left of the screen. Here's the code.
<div style="height:100%; width=100%; margin: 0px auto;" id="these">
<img src="photos/splash/Y.png" height="250px" style="padding: 20px;">
<img src="photos/splash/I.png" height="250px" style="padding: 20px;">
<img src="photos/splash/K.png" height="250px" style="padding: 20px;">
<img src="photos/splash/M.png" height="250px" style="padding: 20px;">
<img src="photos/splash/U.png" height="250px" style="padding: 20px;">
<img src="photos/splash/N.png" height="250px" style="padding: 20px;">
I want it to align in the very center of any screen, regardless of resolution. ID="these" is related to the javascript that displays them and not to any css-level styles or positioning.
Ridiculously simple right?? Yeah. It's always showing up on the top left.
I don't feel it's necessary to post the js (also it's breaking my post) but if you want it, ask. It works fine. I'm a backend coder who HATES (as in detests) HTML/CSS. So you'll have to really walk me through it and not just make vague suggestions.
I even tried a table! With a valign center. That centered it but each image showed up in the center and then was pushed left as the next image faded in. Obviously not what i want.
What i want is for each image to show up, one after the other, in it's own position. But will work for any screen resolution.
I'm losing my mind.
Your example shows you centering inline elements within a block level element. So all you need to do is this:
these { text-align:center; }
If you want to center the div within its parent, that div must have some width less than 100%. For example:
div#these {
width: 350px;
margin: 0px auto;
border: solid red 1px;
For example:
100% height on a div will not work, which is one of the shortcomings of CSS (in my opinion).
In the end, it can only be done if you know the height of your <div>. What you want to do then is to position it absolutely, 50% off the top and left of your screen and with a margin of half its height/width.
Check out the following JSFiddle for an idea of how it can be done:
Note that you could also use percentages for the height and width on the surrounding <div>, but for the percentage-based height to work, the <div>'s parent element's height must be set/known.
Using this tutorial as a guideline. First add a centered class with this css.
.centered {
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
Add this class to your div:
<div class="centered" id="these">
The problem is this centers the top left of the div. So you need to subtract off half of the width from the margin-left and half of the height from the margin-top.
Add this javascript (uses jQuery, let me know if thats a problem) to do the adjustment
function adjust() {
var height = $("#these").height();
var width = $("#these").width();
$("#these").css("margin-top", "-" + height/2 + "px");
$("#these").css("margin-left", "-" + width/2 + "px");
$(window).on("resize", adjust);
This sets the margins appropriately on a resize, as well as calls the adjust method on the initial load.
The simplest solution (fiddle):
html, body {
height: 100%; /* necessary to make the window height be 100% */
margin: 0;
body {
display: table;
width: 100%;
#these {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle; /* for table cells, it aligns their content */
text-align: center;
Another option (fiddle):
html, body {
height: 100%; /* necessary to make the window height be 100% */
margin: 0;
#these {
text-align: center; /* images are text content */
white-space: nowrap;
#these:after {
content: '';
display: inline-block; /* adding invisible inline placeholder after images */
height: 100%; /* make it 100% tall */
vertical-align: middle; /* and align the whole line to its vertical center */
img {
vertical-align: middle; /* align vertical centers of images to the middle of the line */
Unless you have some other css that'll mess this up, just add
#these {
text-align: center;
to the div wrapper and toggle visibility on/off to keep them in place:

Dynamic size, two column layout with one column vertically and horizontally aligned, legacy browser support

I am trying to create a two column layout, with content in column 1 both horizontally and vertically aligned in the middle, whereby the content of column 2 will vary in size. The width of both columns is fixed to 50% of the width of the screen.
In modern CSS complaint browsers I can simply do the following:
display: table;
width: 100%;
/* for illustration purposes */
background: #ddd;
display: table-cell;
width: 50%;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
/* for illustration purposes */
background: #fdd;
display: table-cell;
/* for illustration purposes */
background: #ddf;
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="left-column">
<p>I am both horizontally and vertically centered in column 1</p>
<div id="right-column">
<p>I am dynamic content in column 2, i.e. my size will vary</p>
<p>I am dynamic content in column 2, i.e. my size will vary</p>
<p>I am dynamic content in column 2, i.e. my size will vary</p>
<p>I am dynamic content in column 2, i.e. my size will vary</p>
<p>I am dynamic content in column 2, i.e. my size will vary</p>
However, the bad news is I also need this to work in IE6, and IE7...
The solutions I've seen so far are quite ugly and involve lots of nested divs. What's the cleanest way to achieve this so that it will work in all browsers? I've experimented with float: left, for the two column layout, but my main problem is the vertical alignment in the first column.
PS. I don't want to use tables for the layout, although it does work, it's bad for screen readers and therefore breaks my accessibility guidelines.
Thanks in advance!
With static content on the left-hand column, your solution is simple: use fixed heights and padding.
#left-column {
height: 50%; /* adjust height dependent on N&S padding */
padding: 20% 0; /* adds north and south padding to "center" #left-content */
#left-content {
height: 10%; /* adjust to exactly fit content */
text-align: center;
/* basically for testing, this will help us find the ideal
* percentage for our #left-content height. */
overflow: hidden;
background-color: red;
<div id="left-column">
<div id="left-content">
your image and text goes here
</div><!-- /left-content -->
</div><!-- /left-column -->
In your CSS, you will need to adjust the heights and paddings to achieve your desired result.
I would suggest ensuring the content in #left-content is 100% responsive. This may not be a 100% solution, but with some work on it (#media queries, etc), you should be able to achieve your goal in every browser and viewport size. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head that might break something like this is user-increased font size.
Unfortunately vertically centering something is either going to take javascript or a few ugly nested divs. If you are a maniacal purist I would recommend a float left, top aligned left column and enhance with javascript to be pushed to center.
That said, a couple wrapper divs never killed anyone.
Cracked it, I think... Html as in the original post, and CSS as follows:
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
/* for illustration purposes */
background: #ddd;
#wrapper p { font-size:1em; margin: .5em; }
margin-left: 50%;
overflow: hidden;
/* for illustration purposes */
background: #ddf;
width: 50%;
height: 2em;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -1em;
text-align: center;
/* for illustration purposes */
background: #fdd;
The margin on the inner <p> tag needs setting so that we know what the height will be (the different browsers seem to default the margin of a <p> differently if you don't explicitly set it), I used em so that it scales nicely on different displays.
It's funny how something this simple can be such a pain to achieve... I'm still not 100% happy with it as if the content of column 1 wraps on a small display (or minimised window), then it won't be vertically aligned properly...
