Memory usage of imputation with mice in R - r

I am currently working on the imputation of 10 large datasets (by first creating a prediction matrix with correlation of 0.3, dfpred03) with mice in R and I am having a lot of issues like the following:
imptest <- mice(df, m=1, maxit = 1, method='cart',predictorMatrix=dfpred03)
iter imp variable
1 1 VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4Error: cannot allocate vector of size 446 Kb
Error during wrapup: cannot allocate vector of size 3.6 Mb
I understand I will have to make some concessions, but because I am not sure what the bottleneck is I do not really know which concessions to make.
Is there any documentation about how mice in R uses data?
My most important questions:
EDITED: How can I adapt the predictor matrix in order to make the imputation process less memory consuming? I am thinking of setting variables which have both low row and column sums to zero, but then I get left with NA's. Another thing I could do is to remove those variables and other variables with low observations.
If I succeed in doing one iteration of a dataset, would that mean that I can increase maxit and m because the maximum memory usage is in the iteration?
Is most memory used because of the amount of predictors or the amount of missingness in observations (and therefore the amount of observations)?
More generally, where does the spike in memory usage lie?


Variance inflation factors in R

I am trying to compute the VIFs from a regression model that has a lot of independent variables (> 100). I am using vif from the car package to do that.
I always get the error: cannot allocate vector of size 13.8 GB. I realize this is a memory issue, but my PC already has a lot of memory. So the question is, can this function optimized in any way, so it doesn't require so much memory? I am unsure if this is more of a stats or a computational question. And as my dataset is quite large, I am unsure how to represent this case with a MWE. Basically what is needed is a lot of independent variables (e.g. 200+) and one arbitrary dependent variable, with length of each variable around 440 observations. Thanks for any hints.
I just ran a simulated version of what you did, and it worked fine: it took less than a second to run. This is 250 explanatory variables and one response, 500 observations.
For entertainment I pasted together a formula for it, but that isn't really necessary. The vif() were computed easily.
In general, since vif(j) = 1/(1-R^2_j), where R^2_j is the R-squared value when regressing the jth explanatory variable against all the other explanatory variables, computation should take, at most, the time of 250 linear regressions, with 500 observations and 250 explanatory variables, which is very, very fast and not at all memory intensive.
You might need to post your code so we can see what went wrong.
> resp <- rnorm(500)
> X <- matrix(nrow=500, ncol=250, rnorm(500*250))
> X <- data.frame(X)
> colnames(X) <- col_names <- paste("x",1:250, sep="")
> formula <- paste(col_names, collapse="+")
> formula <- paste("resp~",formula)
> hold <- lm(formula, data=cbind(resp,X))
> summary(vif(hold))

Imputing missing observation

I am analysing a dataset with over 450k rows about 100k rows in one of the columns I am looking at (pa1min_) has NA values, due to non-responses and other random factors. This column deals with workout times in minutes.
I don't think it makes sense to fill the NA values with the mean or median given that it's nearly a quarter of the data and the biases that could potentially create. I would like to impute the missing observations with a linear regression. However, I receive an error message:
Error: vector memory exhausted (limit reached?)
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
This is my code:
# imputing using multiple imputation deterministic regression
imp_model <- mice(brfss2013, method="norm.predict", m=1)
# store data
data_imp <- complete(imp_model)
# multiple imputation
imp_model <- mice(brfss2013, m=5)
# building predictive mode
fit <- with(data=imp_model, lm(y ~ x + z))
# combining results
combined <- pool(fit)
Here is a link to the data (compressed)
Note: I really just want to fill impute for one column...the other columns in the dataframe are a mixture of characters, integers and factors, some with more than 2 levels.
Similar to what MrFlick mentioned, you are somewhat short in RAM.
Try running the algorithm on 1% of your data, and if you succeed, you should try checking out the bigmemory package for doing in-disk computations.
I also encourage you to check if the model you fit on your data is actually good without bayesian imputation, because the fact of trying to have perfect data could not be much more beneficial than just imputating mean/median/first/last values on your data.
Hope this helps.

Compute dissimilarity matrix on parallel cores [duplicate]

I'm trying to compute a dissimilarity matrix based on a big data frame with both numerical and categorical features. When I run the daisy function from the cluster package I get the error message:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size X.
In my case X is about 800 GB. Any idea how I can deal with this problem? Additionally it would be also great if someone could help me to run the function in parallel cores. Below you can find the function that computes the dissimilarity matrix on the iris dataset:
d <- daisy(iris)
I've had a similar issue before. Running daisy() on even 5k rows of my dataset took a really long time.
I ended up using the kmeans algorithm in the h2o package which parallelizes and 1-hot encodes categorical data. I would just make sure to center and scale your data (mean 0 w/ stdev = 1) before plugging it into h2o.kmeans. This is so that the clustering algorithm doesn't prioritize columns that have high nominal differences (since it's trying to minimize the distance calculation). I used the scale() function.
After installing h2o:
h2o.init(nthreads = 16, min_mem_size = '150G')
h2o.df <- as.h2o(df)
h2o_kmeans <- h2o.kmeans(training_frame = h2o.df, x = vars, k = 5, estimate_k = FALSE, seed = 1234)

Random Forest with caret package: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb

I was trying to build a random forest model for a dataset in Kaggle, i always doing machine learning with caret package, the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size), 40+ variables are categorical and the outcome is the response i am trying to predict and it is binary. After some pre-processing with dplyr, I started working on building model with caret package, but i got this error message when i was trying to run the "train" function:"Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb" Here is my code:
## load packages
## prepare for parallel processing
n_Cores <- detectCores()
n_Cluster <- makeCluster(n_Cores)
## import orginal datasets
people_Dt <- read_csv("people.csv",col_names = TRUE)
activity_Train <- read_csv("act_train.csv",col_names = TRUE)
### join two sets together and remove variables not to be used
first_Try <- people_Dt%>%
## try with random forest
in_Tr <- createDataPartition(first_Try$outcome,p=0.75,list=FALSE)
rf_Train <- firt_Try[in_Tr,]
rf_Test <- firt_Try[-in_Tr,]
## set model cross validation parameters
model_Control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",repeats=2,number=2,allowParallel = TRUE)
rf_RedHat <- train(outcome~.,
My computer is a fairly powerful machine with E3 processors and 32GB RAM. I have two questions:
1. Where did i get a vector that is as large as 150GB? Is it because some codes I wrote?
2. I cannot get a machine with that big ram, is there any workarouds to solve the issue that i can move on with my model building process?
the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size)
To be clear here, you most likely don't need 1.5 million rows to build a model. Instead, you should be taking a smaller subset which doesn't cause the memory problems. If you are concerned about reducing the size of your sample data, then you can do some descriptive stats on the 40 predictors, on a smaller set, and make sure that the behavior appears to be the same.
The problem is probably related to the one-hot-encoding of caret in your categorical variables. Since you have a lot of categorical variables, this seems to be a real problem such that it increases your dataset in a huge way. One-hot encoding will create a new column for every factor per categorical variables that you have.
Maybe you could try something like the h2o-package, which handles categorical variable in another way such that in not exploding your dataset when the model is run.

Minimum number of rows in data set for accurate predictions

I am running glmnet favoring lasso regression on a 16 core machine. I have some 800K rows with around 2K columns in a sparse matrix format that should be trained to predict probability in first column.
This process has become very slow. I want to know, is there a way to speed it up
either by parallelizing on nfolds or if I can select a smaller number of rows without affecting the accuracy. Is it possible? If so, what would be better?
The process can be expedited by using parallelization, which as explained in comment link above executing glmnet in parallel in R is done by setting parallel=TRUE option in cv.glmnet() function, once you specify the number of cores like this:
m <- cv.glmnet(x, y, family="binomial", alpha=0.7, type.measure="auc",
grouped=FALSE, standardize=FALSE, parallel=TRUE)
Reducing the number of rows is more of a judgement call based on AUC value on test set. If it is above threshold, and reducing rows does not affect this, then it is certainly a good idea.
