Signalr running behind Nginx reverse proxy - nginx

I have really no knowledge on how to configure signalr of back-end server on Nginx box. I did lot of googling tried those but did not work so any information/help would be greatly welcomed.
Nginx server :
Backend server :
I have configured Nginx as reverse proxy on windows server 2012. I have configured my back-end server on Nginx server using the below mentioned configuration file.
So my proxy is working absolutely fine. Whenever client hits the Nginx it redirects call to the backend server.
The problem currently that I am facing is my client wants to connect to the backend server for signalr communication. The client(mobile app) uses login server details to connect the signalr, in the normal workflow the login server and signalr both are same but incase of reverse proxy the login server is actually Nginx so it is trying to connect to Nginx and failing to connect.
Are there any setting that we can make at Nginx to pass through signalr calls made by client.
My configuration below
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name localhost;
ssl_certificate "E:/Cer15/nginx.crt";
ssl_certificate_key "E:/Cer15/nginx.key";
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm;


Nginx reverse proxy to backend gives an error ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I have an application running on a server at port 6001(frontend, built by react.js) and port 6002(backend, built by node.js) in EC2 instance.
When I send a request through ubuntu terminal in the instance by curl -X GET, It works fine, I get a proper data.
Now I go to a browser with the domain ( However, I only get the front end getting called. When I send a request on a browser to the backend server, It gives me an error GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED (the domain goes through ELB)
Here's my nginx config.
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /home/www/my-project/;
index index.html;
location / {
location /api/ {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
my case is similar to this, he/she says
My entry point via the aws dns takes me to the React app that is the port 80 nginx is listening to. The react app is the one that makes the backend calls and it is coded to make the backend api calls on The client error you saw was because it is displaying what the react app is trying to call in the server, but nginx is not redirecting that call to the app that is running at that port. Does that make sense?
the selected answer didn't work on me.
Also, According to the comment, the problem is solved by sending a request by http://AWS_IP/ on the react app. but I'm not sure If it's a good solution for me since there's no point to use ELB then? If I understand the concept of ELB right? I think the requests need to be done via ELB?
Please help, this is driving me crazy.
From your question, I understood the following things,
Your Domain is pointing to Amazon ELB
And there is a VM behind this ELB, and it has Nginx and 2 applications in it.
Nginx is listening on port 80 and Backend application is listening on port
6002 and frontend is listening on port 6001
Here is the problem,
You can curl from the same instance where the application is running(listening to port 6001) because you are hitting the localhost of that instance, And it is different when your web application running on your local browser because your react application(all javascript application) executes in your local machine and for backend call, it is hitting the localhost(in your case) and returning CONNECTION REFUSED.
So the solution is you've to change the backend URL so that it should look something like http://yourdomain/api/works
In Addition to this, I've a couple of suggestions on your configuration.
You don't need a separate web server for your frontend since you can use the same Nginx.
Make sure that your ELB target port is 80 or the same port that NGINX is listening to.
And close the ports 6001 and 6002 (if it is publically accessible)

NGNIX reverse proxy with client certificate

I have front end serverA and back end serverB. the actual application is hosted on serverB. When the client makes call to API, serverB will have to authenticate using client certificate that is sent by client.
We have installed Ngnix in serverA to proxy_pass the traffic received from clients to serverB.
when the client make call to serverA with client certificate, the client certificate is not sent by Ngnix to serverB and due to this serverB reject the request from client.
Is there any way we can redirect the request to serverB along with client certificate that is originally sent by clients?
Below is my Ngnix configuration.
If Ngnix is not capable of doing this, is there any other opensource tool avaialable with this functionality?
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name localhost;
ssl_certificate cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key cert.pem;
ssl on;
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm;
proxy_pass "https://localhost:8099";
Sorry, maybe late for that, but hope it helps.
You can proxy requests with client certificate by sending the variable $ssl_client_cert in a request header when proxying to the back end serverB.

Kubernetes Using Proxy without ingress

My issue is that I have a web server running on port 80. I want to use nginx proxy (not the ingress) bto redirect the connection. I want to use link How should I tell nginx to proxy the connection on (which is a different app). I tried using service with load balancer but it changes the hostname ( to some aws link) I need it to be exactly
If I understood your request correctly, you may just use return directive in your nginx config
server {
listen 80;
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
If you need something more complex check this doc or this

Using Proxy server to switch between Golang Applications

I have a server with CentOS, and there I will have at least 4 Golang applications running, every one of them is a different site that I should be able to access in the browser with domain/subdomains as follows:
So, I need to configure some kind of software that redirects the requests to the correct Golang process. Every site will be running in a different port, so for example if someone calls I should be able to send that request to the process of dev00 site (this is for development porpouses, not production). So, here I'm starting to believe that I need Nginx or Caddy as I read, but I have no experience with none of them.
Can someone confirm that this is the way to fix that problem? and where can I find some example of configuration of any of that servers redirecting to Golang applications?
And, in the future if a have a lot (really a lot) of domains running in the same server, which of that servers is better? who is better with high load?
Yes, Nginx can solve your problem:
Start a web server using the standard library of Go or Caddy.
Redirect request to Go application using Nginx:
Example Nginx configuration:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;

How to configure nginx to proxy another service serving http and https on different ports?

Use case:
Using nginx as a frontend for several websites / services running on both 80 and 443 (several virtual hosts).
Having service x running on localhost that serves http:8090 and https:8099
How do I need to configure nginx so people can access using only the name, without specifying the port.
This a fairly normal setup. Configure the hosts served directly on Nginx as normal. Since they need to listen on both 80 and 443, each host entry would have this in it:
server {
listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;
The Nginx SSL docs has the full details.
Then proxy traffic for one server{} definition to the backend service:
server {
location / { proxy_pass; }
You only need one proxy connection to the backend server, either 'http' or 'https'. If the connection between the two servers is secure, you can 'http', even for connections that arrive to nginx over https. This might be appropriate if the service is on the same machine. Otherwise, all the traffic could be proxied through https if the connection between nginx and the backend server needs to be secured.
We use the following with our host:
http {
server {
server_name ~^(www\.)?(?<domain>.+)$;
listen *:80;
location / {
proxy_pass $scheme://<origin>$uri$is_args$args;
include basic-proxy-settings.conf;
server {
server_name ~^(www\.)?(?<domain>.+)$;
listen *:443 ssl;
location / {
proxy_pass $scheme://<origin>$uri$is_args$args;
include basic-proxy-settings.conf;
include ssl-settings.conf;
This allows our upstream proxy to talk to our origin server over HTTP when a request is made by a client for an insecure resource, and over SSL/HTTPS when a request is made for a secure one. It also allows our origin servers to be in charge of forcing redirects to secure connections, etc.
Next time, why not provide a code sample detailing what you've tried, what has worked, and what hasn't?
