programming R loop - r

I need help with programming R. I have data.frame B with one column
x<- c("300","300","300","400","400","400","500","500","500"....etc.) **2 milion rows**
and I need create next columns with rank. Next columns should look as
y<- c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,......etc. )
I used cycle with for
for (i in 2:length(B$x))
B$y[i]<-ifelse(B$x[i]==B$x[i-1], B$y[i-1]+1, 1)
The process ran for 4 hours.
So I need help anything speed up or anything else.
Thanks for your answer.

Here is a solution with base R:
B <- data.frame(x = rep(c(300, 400, 400), sample(c(5:10), 3)))
B$y <- ave(B$x, B$x, FUN=seq_along)

Here's an approach with dplyr that takes about 0.2 seconds on 2 million rows.
First I make sample data:
n = 2E6 # number of rows in test
sample_data <- data.frame(
x = round(runif(n = n, min = 1, max = 100000), digits = 0)
) %>%
arrange(x) # Optional, added to make output clearer so that each x is adjacent to the others that match.
Then I group by x and make y show which # occurrence of x it is within that group.
sample_data_with_rank <- sample_data %>%
group_by(x) %>%
mutate(y = row_number()) %>%
head(sample_data_with_rank, 20)
# A tibble: 20 x 2
x y
<dbl> <int>
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 1 4
5 1 5
6 1 6
7 1 7
8 1 8
9 1 9
10 1 10
11 1 11
12 1 12
13 1 13
14 1 14
15 1 15
16 2 1
17 2 2
18 2 3
19 2 4
20 2 5


How to replace repeating entries in a data frame with n-(number of times it's repeated) in R?

In my data I have repeating entries in a column. What I'm trying to do is if an entry n is repeated more than 2 times within a column, then I want to replace that entry with n-(number_of_times_it_has_repeated - 2). For example, if my data looks like this:
df <- data.frame(
A = c(1,2,2,4,5,7,7,7,7,2,8,8),
B = c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
> df
1 2
2 3
2 4
4 5
5 6
7 7
7 8
7 9
7 10
2 11
8 12
8 13
we can see that in df$A 7 is repeated 4 times. If the entry is repeated more than 2 times, then I want to replace that entry. So in my example,the 1st and 2nd entry of the number 7 would remain unchanged. The 3rd instance of the number 7 would be replaced by : 7 - (3-2). The 4th instance of number 7 would be replaced by 7 - (4-2).
We can also see that in df$A, the number 2 is repeated 3 times. using the same method, the 3rd instance of number 2 would be replaced with 2 - (3-2).
As there are no repeating values in df$B, that column would remain unchanged.
For clarity, my expected result would be:
dfNew <- data.frame(
A = c(1,2,2,4,5,7,7,6,5,1,8,8),
B = c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
> dfNew
1 2
2 3
2 4
4 5
5 6
7 7
7 8
6 9
5 10
1 11
8 12
8 13
Here's how you can do it for one column -
df %>%
group_by(A) %>%
transmute(A = A - c(rep(0, 2), row_number())[row_number()]) %>%
# A
# <dbl>
# 1 1
# 2 2
# 3 2
# 4 4
# 5 5
# 6 7
# 7 7
# 8 6
# 9 5
#10 1
#11 8
#12 8
To do it for all the columns you can use map_dfc -
purrr::map_dfc(names(df), ~{
df %>%
group_by(.data[[.x]]) %>%
transmute(!!.x := .data[[.x]] - c(rep(0, 2), row_number())[row_number()])%>%
# A B
# <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 2
# 2 2 3
# 3 2 4
# 4 4 5
# 5 5 6
# 6 7 7
# 7 7 8
# 8 6 9
# 9 5 10
#10 1 11
#11 8 12
#12 8 13
The logic here is that for each number we subtract 0 from first 2 values and later we subtract -1, -2 and so on.
You can skip the order if you don't want it here is my approach, if you have some data where after the changes there are still some duplicates then i can work on the answer to put it in a function or something.
my_df <- data.frame(A = c(1,2,2,4,5,7,7,7,7,2,8,8),
B = c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
my_df <- my_df[order(my_df$A, my_df$B),]
my_df$Id <- = 1, to = nrow(my_df), by = 1)
my_temp <- my_df %>% group_by(A) %>% filter(n() > 2) %>% mutate(Count = = 1, to = n(), by = 1)) %>% filter(Count > 2) %>% mutate(A = A - (Count - 2))
my_var <- which(my_df$Id %in% my_temp$Id)
if (length(my_var)) {
my_df <- my_df[-my_var,]
my_df <- rbind(my_df, my_temp[, c("A", "B", "Id")])
my_df <- my_df[order(my_df$A, my_df$B),]
A base R option using ave + pmax + seq_along
function(x) {
x - ave(x, x, FUN = function(v) pmax(seq_along(v) - 2, 0))
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 2 4
4 4 5
5 5 6
6 7 7
7 7 8
8 6 9
9 5 10
10 1 11
11 8 12
12 8 13

dplyr: Mutate a new column with sequential repeated integers of n time in a dataframe

I am struggling with one maybe easy question. I have a dataframe of 1 column with n rows (n is a multiple of 3). I would like to add a second column with integers like: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,.. How can I achieve this with dplyr as a general solution for different length of rows (all multiple of 3).
I tried this:
df <- tibble(Col1 = c(1:12)) %>%
mutate(Col2 = rep(1:4, each=3))
This works. But I would like to have a solution for n rows, each = 3 . Many thanks!
You can specify each and length.out parameter in rep.
tibble(Col1 = c(1:12)) %>%
mutate(Col2 = rep(row_number(), each=3, length.out = n()))
# Col1 Col2
# <int> <int>
# 1 1 1
# 2 2 1
# 3 3 1
# 4 4 2
# 5 5 2
# 6 6 2
# 7 7 3
# 8 8 3
# 9 9 3
#10 10 4
#11 11 4
#12 12 4
We can use gl
df %>%
mutate(col2 = as.integer(gl(n(), 3, n())))
As integer division i.e. %/% 3 over a sequence say 0:n will result in 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, ... adding 1 will generate the desired sequence automatically, so simply this will also do
df %>% mutate(col2 = 1+ (row_number()-1) %/% 3)
# A tibble: 12 x 2
Col1 col2
<int> <dbl>
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 1
4 4 2
5 5 2
6 6 2
7 7 3
8 8 3
9 9 3
10 10 4
11 11 4
12 12 4

Dense Rank by Multiple Columns in R

How can I get a dense rank of multiple columns in a dataframe? For example,
# I have:
df <- data.frame(x = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3),
y = c(1,2,3,4,2,2,2,1,2,3))
# I want:
res <- data.frame(x = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3),
y = c(1,2,3,4,2,2,2,1,2,3),
r = c(1,2,3,4,5,5,5,6,7,8))
x y z
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 3
4 1 4 4
5 2 2 5
6 2 2 5
7 2 2 5
8 3 1 6
9 3 2 7
10 3 3 8
My hack approach works for this particular dataset:
df %>%
arrange(x,y) %>%
mutate(r = if_else(y - lag(y,default=0) == 0, 0, 1)) %>%
mutate(r = cumsum(r))
But there must be a more general solution, maybe using functions like dense_rank() or row_number(). But I'm struggling with this.
dplyr solutions are ideal.
Right after posting, I think I found a solution here. In my case, it would be:
mutate(df, r = dense_rank(interaction(x,y,lex.order=T)))
But if you have a better solution, please share.
data.table has you covered with frank().
frank(df, x,y, ties.method = 'min')
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 9 10
You can df$r <- frank(df, x,y, ties.method = 'min') to add as a new column.
Another option (though clunkier) is to use tidyr::unite to collapse your columns to one plus dplyr::dense_rank.
df %>%
# add a single column with all the info
unite(xy, x, y) %>%
cbind(df) %>%
# dense rank on that
mutate(r = dense_rank(xy)) %>%
# now drop the helper col
You can use cur_group_id:
df %>%
group_by(x, y) %>%
mutate(r = cur_group_id())
# x y r
# <dbl> <dbl> <int>
# 1 1 1 1
# 2 1 2 2
# 3 1 3 3
# 4 1 4 4
# 5 2 2 5
# 6 2 2 5
# 7 2 2 5
# 8 3 1 6
# 9 3 2 7
# 10 3 3 8

R dplyr - select values from one column based on position of a specific value in another column

I am working with gait-cycle data. I have 8 events marked for each id and gait trial. The values "LFCH" and "RFCH" occurs twice in each trial, as these represent the beginning and the end of the gait cycles from left and right leg.
Sample Data Frame:
df <- data.frame(ID = rep(1:5, each = 16),
Gait_nr = rep(1:2, each = 8, times=5),
Frame = rep(c(1,5,7,9,10,15,22,25), times = 10),
Marks = rep(c("LFCH", "LHL", "RFCH", "LTO", "RHL", "LFCH", "RTO", "RFCH"), times =10)
ID Gait_nr Frame Marks
1 1 1 1 LFCH
2 1 1 5 LHL
3 1 1 7 RFCH
4 1 1 9 LTO
5 1 1 10 RHL
6 1 1 15 LFCH
7 1 1 22 RTO
8 1 1 25 RFCH
I wold like to create something like
Total_gait_left = Frame[The last time Marks == "LFCH"] - Frame[The first time Marks == "LFCH"]
My current code solves the problem, but depends on the position of the Frame values rather than actual values in Marks. Any individual not following the normal gait pattern will have wrong values produced by the code.
l <- df %>% group_by(ID, Gait_nr) %>% filter(grepl("L.+", Marks)) %>%
summarize(Total_gait = Frame[4] - Frame[1],
Side = "left")
r <- df %>% group_by(ID, Gait_nr) %>% filter(grepl("R.+", Marks)) %>%
summarize(Total_gait = Frame[4] - Frame[1],
Side = "right")
val <- union(l,r, by=c("ID", "Gait_nr", "Side")) %>% arrange(ID, Gait_nr, Side)
Can you help me make my code more stable by helping me change e.g. Frame[4] to something like Frame[Marks=="LFCH" the last time ]?
If both LFCH and RFCH happen exactly twice, you can filter and then use diff in summarize:
df %>%
group_by(ID, Gait_nr) %>%
left = diff(Frame[Marks == 'LFCH']),
right = diff(Frame[Marks == 'RFCH'])
# A tibble: 10 x 4
# Groups: ID [?]
# ID Gait_nr left right
# <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 1 14 18
# 2 1 2 14 18
# 3 2 1 14 18
# 4 2 2 14 18
# 5 3 1 14 18
# 6 3 2 14 18
# 7 4 1 14 18
# 8 4 2 14 18
# 9 5 1 14 18
#10 5 2 14 18
We can use first and last from the dplyr package.
df2 <- df %>%
filter(Marks %in% "LFCH") %>%
group_by(ID, Gait_nr) %>%
summarise(Total_gait = last(Frame) - first(Frame)) %>%
# # A tibble: 10 x 3
# ID Gait_nr Total_gait
# <int> <int> <dbl>
# 1 1 1 14
# 2 1 2 14
# 3 2 1 14
# 4 2 2 14
# 5 3 1 14
# 6 3 2 14
# 7 4 1 14
# 8 4 2 14
# 9 5 1 14
# 10 5 2 14

R, dplyr: cumulative version of n_distinct

I have a dataframe as follows. It is ordered by column time.
Input -
df = data.frame(time = 1:20,
grp = sort(rep(1:5,4)),
var1 = rep(c('A','B'),10)
time grp var1
1 1 1 A
2 2 1 B
3 3 1 A
4 4 1 B
5 5 2 A
6 6 2 B
7 7 2 A
8 8 2 B
9 9 3 A
10 10 3 B
I want to create another variable var2 which computes no of distinct var1 values so far i.e. until that point in time for each group grp . This is a little different from what I'd get if I were to use n_distinct.
Expected output -
time grp var1 var2
1 1 1 A 1
2 2 1 B 2
3 3 1 A 2
4 4 1 B 2
5 5 2 A 1
6 6 2 B 2
7 7 2 A 2
8 8 2 B 2
9 9 3 A 1
10 10 3 B 2
I want to create a function say cum_n_distinct for this and use it as -
d_out = df %>%
arrange(time) %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
mutate(var2 = cum_n_distinct(var1))
A dplyr solution inspired from #akrun's answer -
Ths logic is basically to set 1st occurrence of each unique values of var1 to 1 and rest to 0 for each group grp and then apply cumsum on it -
df = df %>%
arrange(time) %>%
group_by(grp,var1) %>%
mutate(var_temp = ifelse(row_number()==1,1,0)) %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
mutate(var2 = cumsum(var_temp)) %>%
Source: local data frame [10 x 4]
Groups: grp
time grp var1 var2
1 1 1 A 1
2 2 1 B 2
3 3 1 A 2
4 4 1 B 2
5 5 2 A 1
6 6 2 B 2
7 7 2 A 2
8 8 2 B 2
9 9 3 A 1
10 10 3 B 2
Assuming stuff is ordered by time already, first define a cumulative distinct function:
dist_cum <- function(var)
sapply(seq_along(var), function(x) length(unique(head(var, x))))
Then a base solution that uses ave to create groups (note, assumes var1 is factor), and then applies our function to each group:
transform(df, var2=ave(as.integer(var1), grp, FUN=dist_cum))
A data.table solution, basically doing the same thing:
(data.table(df)[, var2:=dist_cum(var1), by=grp])
And dplyr, again, same thing:
df %>% group_by(grp) %>% mutate(var2=dist_cum(var1))
With your new dataset, an approach in base R
df$var2 <- unlist(lapply(split(df, df$grp),
function(x) {x$var2 <-0
indx <- match(unique(x$var1), x$var1)
x$var2[indx] <- 1
cumsum(x$var2) }))
# time grp var1 var2
# 1 1 1 A 1
# 2 2 1 B 2
# 3 3 1 A 2
# 4 4 1 B 2
# 5 5 2 A 1
# 6 6 2 B 2
# 7 7 2 A 2
Here's another solution using data.table that's pretty quick.
Generic Function
cum_n_distinct <- function(x, na.include = TRUE){
# Given a vector x, returns a corresponding vector y
# where the ith element of y gives the number of unique
# elements observed up to and including index i
# if na.include = TRUE (default) NA is counted as an
# additional unique element, otherwise it's essentially ignored
temp <- data.table(x, idx = seq_along(x))
firsts <- temp[temp[, .I[1L], by = x]$V1]
if(na.include == FALSE) firsts <- firsts[!]
y <- rep(0, times = length(x))
y[firsts$idx] <- 1
y <- cumsum(y)
Example Use
cum_n_distinct(c(5,10,10,15,5)) # 1 2 2 3 3
cum_n_distinct(c(5,NA,10,15,5)) # 1 2 3 4 4
cum_n_distinct(c(5,NA,10,15,5), na.include = FALSE) # 1 1 2 3 3
Solution To Your Question
d_out = df %>%
arrange(time) %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
mutate(var2 = cum_n_distinct(var1))
