19 digit number doesn't get parsed as is in R - r

I have the following number in JSON in a character array:
[1] 1544018118438041088.000000000000000000000
162.000000000000000000000 38.000000000000000000000 [4] 0.023529413999999998497
1.000000000000000000000 2131230815.000000000000000000000 [7] 1.000000000000000000000
I want it to return the right exact time (the big number: 1544018118438041139)
Please advise how to make it work.

This appears to be a limit in precision inherent in R itself. Consider:
x <- 1544018118438041139
[1] "1544018118438041088"
So, I'm not sure that the jsonlite package is responsible for this rounding error. Based on the #Konrad comment, this is a limit in precision of the IEEE data type.
There is a workaround if all you want to do is preserve the digits in the original number. You could instead treat the data as a string:
Then, presumably jsonlite would read in the "number" as a string, without any precision issues coming into play. But then you would still have the problem should you decide to cast to numeric in R and do math with it.


iconv() returns NA when given a string with a specific special character

I am trying to convert some strings of an input file from UTF8 to ASCII. For most of the strings I give it, the conversion works perfectly fine with iconv(). However on some of them, it returns NA. While manually fixing the issue in the file seems like the simplest option, it is unfortunately not an option that I have available at the moment at all.
I have made a reproducible example of my problem but we assume to assume that I have to figure a way for iconv() to somehow convert the string in s1 and not get NA.
Here is the reproducible example:
s1 <- "Besançon" #as read from an input file I cannot modify
s2 <- "Paris"
s3 <- "Linköping"
s4 <- "Besançon" #Manual input for testing
s1 <- iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s2 <- iconv(s2, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s3 <- iconv(s3, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s4 <- iconv(s4, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
I get the following output:
> s1
[1] NA
> s2
[1] "Paris"
> s3
[1] "Link\"oping"
> s4
[1] "Besancon"
After playing around with the code, I figured that something was wrong in the entry "Besançon" that is now copied exactly from the input file. When I input it manually myself, the problem is solved. Since I can't modify the input file at all, what do you think is the exact issue and would you have any idea on how to solve it?
Thanks in advance,
After closer inspection, there is something odd in the characters of the first line. It seems to be taken away by SO's formatting.
But to reproduce it, the best I could give is these two images describing it. First image places my cursor just before the #
Second image is after pressing delete, which should delete the white space... turns out it deletes the ". So there is definitely something weird there.
It turns out that using sub='' actually solved the issue although I am quite unsure why.
iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT', sub='')
From the documentation sub
character string. If not NA it is used to replace any non-convertible
bytes in the input. (This would normally be a single character, but
can be more.) If "byte", the indication is "" with the hex code of
the byte. If "Unicode" and converting from UTF-8, the Unicode point in
the form "<U+xxxx>".
So I eventually figured out that there was a character I couldn't convert (nor see) in the string and using sub was a way to eliminate it. I am still not sure what this character is though. But the problem is solved.
There is probably a latin1 (or other encoding) character in your supposedly utf8 file. For example:
> latin=iconv('Besançon','utf8','latin1')
> iconv(latin,to='ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'utf8','ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'latin1','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
> iconv(l,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
You can e.g. make one new vector or data column with the result of each character set encoding in your data, and if one is NA, fall back to the next one, e.g.
utf8 = iconv(x,'utf8','ascii//translit')
latin1 = iconv(x,'latin1','ascii//translit')
win1250 = iconv(x,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
result = ifelse(
If these encodings don't work, make a file with just the problem word, then use the unix/linux file command to detect the encoding, or else try some likely encodings.
I have in the past just listed all of iconv's supported encodings, tried all with lapply, and then used whichever results worked on each string, but some "from" encodings will return a non-NA but incorrect result, so it's best to try this on each unique character in your data in order to decide which subset of iconv's encodings to use and in which order.

R is adding extra numbers while reading file

I have been trying to read a file which has date field and a numeric field. I have the data in an excel sheet and looks something like below -
Date X
1/25/2008 0.0023456
12/23/2008 0.001987
When I read this in R using the readxl::read_xlsx function, the data in R looks like below -
Date X
1/25/2008 0.0023456000000000
12/23/2009 0.0019870000000000
I have tried limiting the digits using functions like round, format (nsmall = 7), etc. but nothing seems to work. What am I doing wrong? I also tried saving the data as a csv and a txt and read it using read.csv and read.delim but I face the same issue again. Any help would be really appreciated!
As noted in the comments to the OP and the other answer, this problem is due to the way floating point math is handled on the processor being used to run R, and its interaction with the digits option.
To illustrate, we'll create an Excel spreadsheet with the data from the OP, and demonstrate what happens as we adjust the options(digits=) option.
Next, we'll write a short R script to illustrate what happens when we adjust the digits option.
> # first, display the number of significant digits set in R
> getOption("digits")
[1] 7
> # Next, read data file from Excel
> library(xlsx)
> theData <- read.xlsx("./data/smallNumbers.xlsx",1,header=TRUE)
> head(theData)
Date X
1 2008-01-25 0.0023456
2 2008-12-23 0.0019870
> # change digits to larger number to replicate SO question
> options(digits=17)
> getOption("digits")
[1] 17
> head(theData)
Date X
1 2008-01-25 0.0023456000000000002
2 2008-12-23 0.0019870000000000001
However, the behavior of printing significant digits varies by processor / operating system, as setting options(digits=16) results in the following on a machine running an Intel i7-6500U processor with Microsoft Windows 10:
> # what happens when we set digits = 16?
> options(digits=16)
> getOption("digits")
[1] 16
> head(theData)
Date X
1 2008-01-25 0.0023456
2 2008-12-23 0.0019870
x <- formattable(x, digits = 7, format = "f")
or you may want to add this to get the default formatting from R:
options(defaultPackages = "")
then, restart your R.
Perhaps the problem isn't your source file as you say this happens with .csv and .txt as well.
Try checking to see the current value of your display digits option by running options()$digits
If the result is e.g. 14 then that is likely the problem.
In which case, try running r command options(digits=8) which will set the display digits=8 for the session.
Then, simply reprint your dataframe to see the change has already taken effect with respect to how the decimals are displayed by default to the screen.
Consult ?options for more info about digits display setting and other session options.
Edit to improve original answer and to clarify for future readers:
Changing options(digits=x) either up or down does not change the value that is stored or read into into internal memory for floating point variables. The digits session option merely changes how the floating point values print i.e. display on the screen for common print functions per the '?options` documentation:
digits: controls the number of significant digits to print when printing numeric values.
What the OP showed as the problem he was having (R displaying more decimals after last digit in a decimal number than the OP expected to see) was not caused by the source file having been read from Excel - i.e. given the OP had the same problem with CSV and TXT the import process didn't cause a problem.
If you are seeing more decimals than you want by default in your printed/displayed output (e.g. for dataframes and numeric variables) try checking options()$digits and understand that option is simply the default for the number of digits used by R's common display and printing methods. HOWEVER, it does not affect floating point storage on any of your data or variables.
Regarding floating point numbers though, another answer here shows how setting option(digits=n) higher than the default can help demonstrate some precision/display idiosyncrasies that are related to floating point precision. That is a separate problem to what the OP displayed in his example but it's well worth understanding.
For a much more detailed and topic specific discussion of floating point precision than would be appropriate to rehash here, it's well worth reading this definitive SO question+answer: Why are these numbers not equal?
That other question+answer+discussion covers issues specifically around floating point precision and contains a long, well presented list of references that you will find helpful if you need more information on the subject.

Using grep() with Unicode characters in R

(strap in!)
Hi, I'm running into issues involving Unicode encoding in R.
Basically, I'm importing data sets that contain Unicode (UTF-8) characters, and then running grep() searches to match values. For example, say I have:
bigData <- c("foo","αβγ","bar","αβγγ (abgg)", ...)
smallData <- c("αβγ","foo", ...)
What I'm trying to do is take the entries in smallData and match them to entries in bigData. (The actual sets are matrixes with columns of values, so what I'm trying to do is find the indexes of the matches, so I can tell what row to add the values to.) I've been using
matches <- grepl(smallData[i], bigData, fixed=T)
which usually results in a vector of matches. For i=2, it would return 1, since "foo" is element 1 of bigData. This is peachy and all is well. But RStudio seems to not be dealing with unicode characters properly. When I import the sets and view them, they use the character IDs.
dataset <- read_csv("[file].csv", col_names = FALSE, locale = locale())
Using View(dataset) shows "aß<U+03B3>" instead of "αβγ." The same goes for
A tibble: 1x1 <chr>
[1] aß<U+03B3>
A tibble: 1x1 <chr>
[1] aß<U+03B3>
However, and this is why I'm stuck rather than just adjusting the encoding:
[1] "αβγ"
[1] "UTF-8"
So it appears that R is recognizing in certain contexts that it should display Unicode characters, while in others it just sticks to--ASCII? I'm not entirely sure, but certainly a more limited set.
In any case, regardless of how it displays, what I want to do is be able to get
grep("αβγ", bigData)
[1] 2 4
However, none of the following work:
grep("αβ", bigData) #(Searching the two letters that do appear to convert)
grep("<U+03B3>",bigData,fixed=T) #(Searching the code ID itself)
grep("αβ", toString(bigData)) #(converts the whole thing to one string)
grep("\\β", bigData) #(only mentioning because it matches, bizarrely, to ß)
The only solution I've found is:
grep("\u03B3", bigData)
[1] 2 4
Which is not ideal for a couple reasons, most jarringly that it doesn't look like it's possible to just take every <U+####> and replace it with \u####, since not every Unicode character is converted to the <U+####> format, but none of them can be searched. (i.e., α and ß didn't turn into their unicode keys, but they're also not searchable by themselves. So I'd have to turn them into their keys, then alter their keys to a form that grep() can use, then search.)
That means I can't just regex the keys into a searchable format--and even if I could, I have a lot of entries including characters that'd need to be escaped (e.g., () or ), so having to remove the fixed=T term would be its own headache involving nested escapes.
Anyway...I realize that a significant part of the problem is that my set apparently involves every sort of character under the sun, and it seems I have thoroughly entrapped myself in a net of regular expressions.
Is there any way of forcing a search with (arbitrary) unicode characters? Or do I have to find a way of using regular expressions to escape every ( and α in my data set? (coordinate to that second question: is there a method to convert a unicode character to its key? I can't seem to find anything that does that specific function.)

Scientific notation issue in R

I have an ID variable with 20 digits. Once i read the data in R , it changes to Scientific notation and then if i write the same id to csv file, the value of ID changes.
For example , running the below code should print me the value of x as "12345678912345678912",but it prints "12345678912345679872":
x <- 12345678912345678912
[1] 12345678912345679872
My questions are :
1) Why it is happening ?
2) How to fix this problem ?
I know it has to do with the storage of data types in R but still i think there should be some way to deal with this problem. I hope i am clear with this question.
I don't know if this question was asked or not in so point me to a link if its a duplicate.I will remove this post
I have gone through this, so i can relate with the issue of mine, but i am unable to fix it.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
R does not by default handle integers numerically larger than 2147483647L.
If you append an L to your number (to tell R its an integer), you get:
x <- 12345678912345678912L
#Warning message:
#non-integer value 12345678912345678912L qualified with L; using numeric value
This also explains the change of the last digits as R stores the number as a double.
I think the gmp-package should be able to handle large numbers in general. You should therefore either accept the loss of precision, store them as character stings, or use a data-type from the gmp package.
To circumvent the problem due to number storing/representation, you can import your ID variable directly as character with the option colClasses, for example, if using read.csv and importing a data.frame with the ÌD column and another numeric column:
Using readr you can do
mydata <- readr::read_csv("file.csv", col_types = list(ID=col_character()))
where "ID" is the name of your ID column

Unicode normalization (form C) in R : convert all characters with accents into their one-unicode-character form?

In Unicode, letters with accents can be represented in two ways: the accentuated letter itself, and the combination of the bare letter plus the accent. For example, é (+U00E9) and e´ (+U0065 +U0301) are usually displayed in the same way.
R renders the following (version 3.0.2, Mac OS 10.7.5):
> "\u00e9"
[1] "é"
> "\u0065\u0301"
[1] "é"
However, of course:
> "\u00e9" == "\u0065\u0301"
Is there a function in R which converts two-unicode-character-letters into their one-character form? In particular, here it would collapse "\u0065\u0301" into "\u00e9".
That would be extremely handy to process large quantities of strings. Plus, the one-character forms can easily be converted to other encodings via iconv -- at least for the usual Latin1 characters -- and is better handled by plot.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Ok, it appears that a package has been developed to enhance and simplify the string manipulation toolbox in R (finally!). It is called stringi and looks very promising. Its documentation is very well written, and in particular I find the pages about encodings and locales much more enlightening than some of the standard R documentation on the subject.
It has Unicode normalization functions, as I was looking for (here form C):
> stri_trans_nfc('\u00e9') == stri_trans_nfc('\u0065\u0301')
[1] TRUE
It also contains a smart comparison function which integrates these normalization questions and lessens the pain of having to think about them:
> stri_compare('\u00e9', '\u0065\u0301')
[1] 0
# i.e. equal ;
# otherwise it returns 1 or -1, i.e. greater or lesser, in the alphabetic order.
Thanks to the developers, Marek Gągolewski and Bartek Tartanus, and to Kurt Hornik for the info!
