Plotting the "AirPassengers" dataset in R - r

I need help plotting the log of the number of passengers for each month and, from this plot, proposing a model for the logdata along the lines of regression. I'm new to R so this is a little troublesome for me. Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Also, R knows this dataset so using data("AirPassengers") will retrieve the data set.

You could start by following many wonderful examples by Rob Hyndman


Forecasting unevenly spaced time series data

I am fairly new to this field and I would like to get some help/advices. Any help would be much appreciated!
I am currently doing a forecasting project with time series data. However, it does not contain any weekend/holiday data. My goal is to predict the future value on a specific date. For example, with given data from 2000-present, I would like to predict the value of 2023-05-01. I tried creating some plots and use the zoo package. However, I am unsure how to approach this unevenly spaced data. Can someone provide me with some ideas of what model I should try? Btw, I am using R for this project. Thank you all so much!
I would agree with #jhoward that this is missing data, not unevenly spaced (like timestamped data). So you can interpolate the missing data. Maybe this helps for an overview of the possible techniques: 4-techniques-to-handle-missing-values-in-time-series-data

How to describe cases included in analyses in R?

I'm very new to R and pretty basic with analyses generally. I successfully ran a regression in R, but a lot of my data are missing. I'm fine with that because R just ignores the missing observations in the analyses and shows me the dfs in the summary. My problems is that I'd like to look more into the observations that are included in the analyses, but I'm not sure how to do that.
I tried to do na.omit, but R created a dataset with far fewer observations than it used in the regressions, so I think that takes it too far.
Basically, I'm trying to get the ages for the respondents that were included in the final analyses, not just the ages of the entire sample, many of whom were not included in the analyses.
Any advice you can give me would be very appreciated!! Please let me know if you need more information.
Thank you!
Edited to include Screenshot of data.

Replacement of NAs for in the variable?

Good evening,
I have dataset where there is one variable which is Gender with missing data. Could anyone please help me how could i replace these NAs using R Packages. I have tried the "Mice" package however it does not replace the NAs and its still exist in data under gender column. I have provide the sample data below with my codes. Thanks in advance for the support.
Dataset sample
R- codes used:
Used R-codes
That's too much code. You can try imputing the missing data with either of method="rf" or method="cart" although in my experience the cart method seems to be more accurate.
You could also use the preprocess function and either of medianImpute or knnImpute as it gives pretty good results for this kind of imputation.
Example with mice:
test_imputed<-complete(test_imp,3)#Selects third imputation
Example with preprocess

How to find and plot Implied volatility in R

I'm writing because I want to find and plot implied volatility to the BS model using R. However, I'm not used to coding in R and I honestly don't know where to start so I wanted to ask if anyone on this forum has written such a code in R and therefor maybe could bed able to help me?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: I see I may have offended a few people by simply asking for code. I apologize for that. All I perhaps need to ask is where people on this forum usually get financial data to use in R from?
Posted by: Renato Vitolo
Quantitative risk analyst at Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Error handling is not stupendous, I ought to admit, but it's past bedtime. Try this from an R terminal:
Example 1: data taken from
Example 2: data taken from

'firstyearpop' for `pop.sim` in `demography` package

I'm using R demography package to study Mauritian population. However, I'm having some problem with pop.sim function as I can't figure out how the mid year population must be entered? Can anyone give me an example please?
The help file is rather brief (sorry about that). The first year population should be part of a demogdata object. The example at the end of the help page on pop.sim should help. It requires the addb package which is available from
