How can I look at a specific generated train and test sets made from for loop? - r

My program divides my dataset into train and test set, builds a decision tree based on the train and test set and calculates the accuracy, sensitivity and the specifity of the confusion matrix.
I added a for loop to rerun my program 100 times. This means I get 100 train and test sets. The output of the for loop is a result_df with columns of accuracy, specifity and sensitivity.
This is the for loop:
for (g in 1:100 )
# Divide into Train and test set
smp_size <- floor(0.8 * nrow(mydata1))
train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(mydata1)), size = smp_size)
train <- mydata1[train_ind, ]
test <- mydata1[-train_ind, ]
My result_df (first 20 rows) looks like this:
> result_df[1:20,]
Acc Sens Spec id
1 26 22 29 1
2 10 49 11 2
3 37 43 36 3
4 4 79 4 4
5 21 21 20 5
6 31 17 34 6
7 57 4 63 7
8 33 3 39 8
9 56 42 59 9
10 65 88 63 10
11 6 31 7 11
12 57 44 62 12
13 25 10 27 13
14 32 24 32 14
15 19 8 19 15
16 27 27 29 16
17 38 89 33 17
18 54 32 56 18
19 35 62 33 19
20 37 6 40 20
I use ggplot() to plot the specifity and the sensitivity as a scatterplot:
What I want to do :
I want to see e.g. the train and test set of datapoint 17.
I think I can do this by using the set.seed function, but I am very unfamiliar with this function.

First, clearly, if in your code you store your estimate models, e.g., in a list, then you could recover your data from those models. However, it doesn't look like that's the case.
With your current code all you can do is to see that last train and test sets (number 100). That is because you keep redefining test, train, train_ind variables. The cheapest (in terms of memory) way to achieve what you want would be to somehow store train_ind from each iteration. For instance, you could use
train_inds <- list()[rep(1, 100)]
for (g in 1:100 )
smp_size <- floor(0.8 * nrow(mydata1))
train_inds[[g]] <- sample(seq_len(nrow(mydata1)), size = smp_size)
train <- mydata1[train_inds[[g]], ]
test <- mydata1[-train_ind[[g]], ]
# The rest
and in this way you would always know which observations were in which set. If you somehow are interested only in one specific iteration, you could save only that one.
Lastly, set.seed isn't really going to help here. If all you were doing was running rnorm(1) hundred times, then yes, by using set.seed you could quickly recover the n-th generated value later. In your case, however, you are not only using sample for train_ind; the model estimation functions are also very likely generating random values.


evaluating neural network performance

I trained my neural network with a sigmoid activation function so that the predicted values lie in the range [0,1). However, the range of real data in which the z-score transformation has been performed goes beyond [0,1). In this case what would be the appropriate way to evaluate my model. Should I rescale as well the original test data to the same range and then evaluate with criteria like mean square forecast error?
> real_predicted_neural
predicted real
1 1.909219e-07 -3.57877473
2 4.161819e-08 -2.28704595
3 1.754706e-11 -1.08509429
4 1.149891e-13 -0.46573114
5 7.777560e-02 0.42381300
6 4.173448e-07 -0.44060297
7 1.119703e-01 0.21075550
8 8.682557e-01 -0.01292402
9 4.736056e-08 -0.29830701
10 7.506821e-08 -1.20302227
11 7.341235e-01 -0.03986571
12 7.501776e-05 -0.94315815
13 1.145697e-04 0.49730175
14 2.214929e-13 0.04252241
15 4.597199e-01 -0.38539901
16 2.324931e-03 -0.74468628
17 4.366025e-06 -0.77037244
18 1.394450e-06 0.16679048
19 5.869884e-11 -0.75876486
20 1.817941e-04 0.04303387
21 7.060773e-04 0.06099372
22 8.267170e-06 -1.21687318
23 9.388680e-02 0.61135319
24 1.099290e-01 0.55715201
25 9.757236e-01 -0.33480226
26 9.544055e-01 0.09061006
27 7.322074e-07 0.09290822
28 1.014327e-06 -0.61658893
29 7.848382e-08 -0.78739456
30 1.791908e-04 -0.44073540
31 1.357918e-03 -0.22099008
32 5.192233e-06 -0.32744703
33 2.624779e-06 -0.37644068
34 6.414216e-02 -0.36947939
35 1.388143e-06 -0.00994845
36 3.010872e-05 -0.05984833
37 9.873201e-03 -0.21815268
38 3.896163e-04 -0.24009094
39 2.718760e-02 0.33383333
40 1.025650e-02 0.09779867

How can I create a matrix , with random number on row and not replace,but in col can replace, R language

How can I create a matrix , with random number on row and not replace.
like this
5 29 24 20 31 33
2 18 35 4 11 21
30 40 22 14 2 28
33 14 4 18 5 10
10 33 15 2 28 18
7 22 9 25 31 20
12 29 31 22 37 26
7 31 34 28 19 23
7 34 11 6 31 28
my code :
matrix(sample(1:42, 60, replace = FALSE), ncol = 6)
But I receive this error message:
Error in, size, replace, prob) : cannot take a
sample larger than the population when 'replace = FALSE'
but it's wrong because only 1~42, it can't create a 60 matrix.
You can not generate all 60 of the numbers with one sample function as you want to allow replacement of numbers in a different row. Therefore you have to do one sample per row. #Jav provided very neat code to accomplish this in the comment to the question:
t(sapply(1:10, function(x) sample(1:42, 6, replace = FALSE)))
if you want to have a different sample in each row, then replicate can help you -- but replicate (as pretty much everything else in R) works naturally columnwise, so you have to transpose the result:
t(replicate(10, sample(1:42, 6)))
replace = FALSE is the default, so I didn't include it
after transposing, 10 becomes the number of rows and 6 becomes the number of columns

Clustering biological sequences based on numeric values

I am trying to cluster several amino acid sequences of a fixed length (13) into K clusters based on the Atchley factors (5 numbers which represent each amino acid.
For example, I have an input vector of strings like the following:
key <- HDMD::AAMetric.Atchley
sequences <- sapply(1:10000, function(x) paste(sapply(1:13, function (X) sample(rownames(key), 1)), collapse = ""))
However, my actual list of sequences is over 10^5 (specifying for need for computational efficiency).
I then convert these sequences into numeric vectors by the following:
key <- HDMD::AAMetric.Atchley
m1 <- key[strsplit(paste(sequences, collapse = ""), "")[[1]], ]
p = 13
output <-, lapply(1:p, function(i)
m1[seq(i, nrow(m1), by = p), ]))
I want to output (which is now 65 dimensional vectors) in an efficient way.
I was originally using Mini-batch kmeans, but I noticed the results were very inconsistent when I repeated. I need a consistent clustering approach.
I also was concerned about the curse of dimensionality, considering at 65 dimensions, Euclidean distance doesn't work.
Many high dimensional clustering algorithms I saw assume that outliers and noise exists in the data, but as these are biological sequences converted to numeric values, there is no noise or outlier.
In addition to this, feature selection will not work, as each of the properties of each amino acid and each amino acid are relevant in the biological context.
How would you recommend clustering these vectors?
I think self organizing maps can be of help here - at least the implementation is quite fast so you will know soon enough if it is helpful or not:
using the data from the op along with:
rownames(output) <- 1:nrow(output)
colnames(output) <- make.names(colnames(output), unique = TRUE)
you define the number of cluster in advance
fit <- trainSOM( , dimension = c(5, 5), = 10, maxit = 2000,
scaling="none", radius.type = "gaussian")
the is used as intermediate steps for further exploration how the training developed during the iterations:
plot(fit, what ="energy")
seems like more iterations is in order
check the frequency of clusters:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
428 417 439 393 505 458 382 406 271 299 390 303 336 358 365 372 332 268 437 464 541 381 569 419 467
predict clusters based on new data:
predict(my.som, output[1:20,])
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 12 11 8 9 1 11 13 14 5 18 2 22 21 23 22 4 14 24 12
check which variables were important for clustering:
#part of output
Class : somRes
Self-Organizing Map object...
online learning, type: numeric
5 x 5 grid with square topology
neighbourhood type: gaussian
distance type: euclidean
Final energy : 44.93509
Topographic error: 0.0053
Degrees of freedom : 24
F pvalue significativity
pah 1.343 0.12156074
pss 1.300 0.14868987
ms 16.401 0.00000000 ***
cc 1.695 0.01827619 *
ec 17.853 0.00000000 ***
find optimal number of clusters:
fit1 <- superClass(fit, k = 4)
#part of output
SOM Super Classes
Initial number of clusters : 25
Number of super clusters : 4
Frequency table
1 2 3 4
6 9 4 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4
Degrees of freedom : 3
F pvalue significativity
pah 1.393 0.24277933
pss 3.071 0.02664661 *
ms 19.007 0.00000000 ***
cc 2.906 0.03332672 *
ec 23.103 0.00000000 ***
Much more in this vignette

Looping through rows, creating and reusing multiple variables

I am building a streambed hydrology calculator in R using multiple tables from an Access database. I am having trouble automating and calculating the same set of indices for multiple sites. The following sample dataset describes my data structure:
> Thalweg
StationID AB0 AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4 AB5 BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 Xdep_Vdep
1 1AAUA017.60 47 45 44 55 54 6 15 39 15 11 18.29
2 1AXKR000.77 30 27 24 19 20 18 9 12 21 13 6.46
3 2-BGU005.95 52 67 62 42 28 25 23 26 11 19 20.18
4 2-BLG011.41 66 85 77 83 63 35 10 70 95 90 67.64
5 2-CSR003.94 29 35 46 14 19 14 13 13 21 48 6.74
where each column represents certain field-measured parameters (i.e. depth of a reach section) and each row represents a different site.
I have successfully used the apply functions to simultaneously calculate simple functions on multiple rows:
> Xdepth <- apply(Thalweg[, 2:11], 1, mean) # Mean Depth
> Xdepth
1 2 3 4 5
33.1 19.3 35.5 67.4 25.2
and appending the results back to the proper station in a dataframe.
However, I am struggling when I want to calculate and save variables that are subsequently used for further calculations. I cannot seem to loop or apply the same function to multiple columns on a single row and complete the same calculations over the next row without mixing variables and data.
I want to do:
Residual_AB0 <- min(Xdep_Vdep, Thalweg$AB0)
Residual_AB1 <- min((Residual_AB0 + other_variables), Thalweg$AB1)
Residual_AB2 <- min((Residual_AB1 + other_variables), Thalweg$AB2)
Residual_AB3 <- min((Residual_AB2 + other_variables), Thalweg$AB3)
# etc.
Depth_AB0 <- (Thalweg$AB0 - Residual_AB0)
Depth_AB1 <- (Thalweg$AB1 - Residual_AB1)
Depth_AB2 <- (Thalweg$AB2 - Residual_AB2)
# etc.
I have tried and subsequently failed at for loops such as:
for (i in nrow(Thalweg)){
Residual_AB0 <- min(Xdep_Vdep, Thalweg$AB0)
Residual_AB1 <- min((Residual_AB0 + Stacks_Equation), Thalweg$AB1)
Residual_AB2 <- min((Residual_AB1 + Stacks_Equation), Thalweg$AB2)
Residual_AB3 <- min((Residual_AB2 + Stacks_Equation), Thalweg$AB3)
Residuals <- data.frame(Thalweg$StationID, Residual_AB0, Residual_AB1, Residual_AB2, Residual_AB3)
Is there a better way to approach looping through multiple lines of data when I need unique variables saved for each specific row that I am currently calculating? Thank you for any suggestions.
your exact problem is still a mistery to me...
but it looks like you want a double for loop
for(i in 1:nrow(thalweg)){
for(j in 2:11){

Ordering clustered points using Kmeans and R

I have set of data (of 5000 points with 4 dimensions) that I have clustered using kmeans in R.
I want to order the points in each cluster by their distance to the center of that cluster.
Very simply, the data looks like this (I am using a subset to test out various approaches):
id Ans Acc Que Kudos
1 100 100 100 100
2 85 83 80 75
3 69 65 30 29
4 41 45 30 22
5 10 12 18 16
6 10 13 10 9
7 10 16 16 19
8 65 68 100 100
9 36 30 35 29
10 36 30 26 22
Firstly, I used the following method to cluster the dataset into 2 clusters:
(result <- kmeans(data, 2))
This returns a kmeans object that has the following methods:
cluster, centers etc.
But I cannot figure out how to compare each point and produce an ordered list.
Secondly, I tried the seriation approach as suggested by another SO user here
I use these commands:
clus <- kmeans(scale(x, scale = FALSE), centers = 3, iter.max = 50, nstart = 10)
mns <- sapply(split(x, clus$cluster), function(x) mean(unlist(x)))
result <- dat[order(order(mns)[clus$cluster]), ]
Which seems to produce an ordered list but if I bind it to the labeled clusters (using the following cbind command):
result <- cbind(x[order(order(mns)[clus$cluster]), ],clus$cluster)
I get the following result, which does not appear to be ordered correctly:
id Ans Acc Que Kudos clus
1 3 69 65 30 29 1
2 4 41 45 30 22 1
3 5 10 12 18 16 2
4 6 10 13 10 9 2
5 7 10 16 16 19 2
6 9 36 30 35 29 2
7 10 36 30 26 22 2
8 1 100 100 100 100 1
9 2 85 83 80 75 2
10 8 65 68 100 100 2
I don't want to be writing commands willy-nilly but understand how the approach works. If anyone could help out or spread some light on this, it would be really great.
As the clusters can be easily plotted, I'd imagine there is a more straightforward way to get and rank the distances between points and the center.
The centers for the above clusters (when using k = 2) are as follows. But I do not know how to get and compare this with each individual point.
Ans Accep Que Kudos
1 83.33333 83.66667 93.33333 91.66667
2 30.28571 30.14286 23.57143 20.85714
I don't need top use kmeans but I want to specify the number of clusters and retrieve an ordered list of points from those clusters.
Here is an example that does what you ask, using the first example from ?kmeans. It is probably not terribly efficient, but is something to build upon.
#Taken straight from ?kmeans
x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
cl <- kmeans(x, 2)
x <- cbind(x,cl = cl$cluster)
#Function to apply to each cluster to
# do the ordering
orderCluster <- function(i,data,centers){
#Extract cluster and center
dt <- data[data[,3] == i,]
ct <- centers[i,]
#Calculate distances
dt <- cbind(dt,dist = apply((dt[,1:2] - ct)^2,1,sum))
},lapply(sort(unique(cl$cluster)),orderCluster,data = x,centers = cl$centers))
