I want something like this
someone can help ?
You can use diff and subtract current date from end of day. Difference is in milliseconds
var result = moment().endOf('day').diff(moment())
console.log(result, moment(result))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.2/moment.min.js"></script>
I am trying to calculate the number of days between two dates using moment js.
function (value) {
var expiration= moment(value).format('DDMMYYYY');
var today = moment().format('DDMMYYYY');
var dayToExpiration = moment(expiration- today).format('D[days] ,H[hours]');
console.log(today + " : " + expiration
The result is:
11102018 : 28102020 //--> 11.10.2018 : 28.10.2018
1 days ,6 hours //why only one day??
Because your dayToExpiration variable should be a moment.Duration object, not a string.
The difference between two datetimes is a duration, not a datetime.
Short answer:
As John Madhavan-Reese stated in his answer, you have to use moment Duration to represent the diffecence between two moments in time.
Issue in the code sample:
In your code you are creating a moment object from the difference between expiration and today. This value is interpreded by moment as the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (see moment(Number)), so you are creating a moment object for a random day around the 1st January 1970 (see the output of moment(expiration- today).format() ). The D token in format() stands for Day of Month, so it gives an "incorrect" output.
My suggested solution:
You can calculate difference using momentjs' diff() then you can create a duration using moment.duration(Number).
Finally you can get your desired output using moment-duration-format plug-in (by John Madhavan-Reese :D)
Here a live sample:
function getDiff(value) {
var expiration= moment(value); // Parse input as momement object
var today = moment(); // get now value (includes current time)
// Calculate diff, create a duration and format it
var dayToExpiration = moment.duration(Math.abs(today.diff(expiration))).format('D[days], H[hours]');
console.log(today.format('DDMMYYYY') + " : " + expiration.format('DDMMYYYY'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.2/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-duration-format/2.2.2/moment-duration-format.min.js"></script>
I am getting errors. this one works for me:
moment.duration(expiration.diff(today))._milliseconds / (1000*60*60*24));
I'm using momentJS to format some dates for a chartJS implementation.
In the chart i'm predicting the next 15 minutes worth of data so need to add the next 15 minutess worth of datetimes to my chartLabel variable.
I use the below function to achieve this. The issue is that the formatting for every other datetime seems to reverse the day and month. I have no idea why this is happening, has anyone seen this before?
let lastDate = this.marketData[this.marketData.length-1][0]
lastDate = moment.unix(lastDate).add(1, 'minutes').format('DD/MM h:mm a')
for(var _i = 0; _i < 15; _i++){
lastDate = moment(lastDate).add(1, 'minutes').format('DD/MM h:mm a');
It appears to add minutes correctly but the day month formatting appears to reverse every other, screenshot provided.
Any help would be much appreciated!
How can I use momentjs to format a number in seconds like
moment(172800).format('hh[h] mm[min]')
to some like
'48h 00min'
in essential I want to count timer pass in hh:mm:ss with hours going way beyond 24.
You can use moment-duration-format plug-in.
You can create a duration from your seconds and then use format method from moment-duration-format to print duration according your needs.
Here a example:
// Create moment duration
var dur = moment.duration(172800, 's');
// Format duration according your needs
console.log( dur.format('hh[h] mm[min]') );
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.18.1/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-duration-format/1.3.0/moment-duration-format.min.js"></script>
i'm trying to calculate the difference between two UTC Datetime Strings with angular-momentjs like shown below:
var start = "1970-01-01T11:03:00.000Z";
var end = "1970-01-01T11:15:00.000Z";
var duration = $moment.utc($moment(end).diff($moment(start))).format("hh:mm");
when i execute the code above, the duration should be 00:12 but actually it is 12:12. I don't understand why and how to fix it.
You are actually creating a moment.js object for 1970-01-01T00:12:00.000Z, then getting the time as hour and minutes. The token "hh" is for 12 hour time, so you're seeing "12" for 12am. If you want to see 00:12, use the token "HH" which gives 24 hour time: 00:12.
I'm trying to get the difference in minutes between two timestamps
I have a timestamp that looks like this to begin with
And when I want to find the time elapsed I create a new moment timestamp
var currentTimestamp = Moment(new Date()).format('HH:mm:ss');
Which returns this
I then attempt to get the difference like so
var duration = Moment.duration(Moment(currentTimestamp,'HH:mm:ss').diff(Moment(userTimestamp,'HH:mm:ss')));
And then attempt to get it in minutes
var elapsedTime = duration().asMinutes();
But in the console when I log it I get this error
var elapsedTime = duration().asMinutes();
TypeError: object is not a function
I got most of this code from this stackoverflow
You can get the diff by using the moment constructor properly.
First, when you initialize your time stamp, you should use the following format:
var timestamp = moment('15:44:06','HH:mm:ss');
Second, when you want to use the diff function with the current time you should user it like so:
Then, the given number can be converted to minutes with .asMinutes() (the first )
for further information you should read the official docs here.
You can also try this with the lastest moment.js
var start = moment('15:44:06','HH:mm:ss');
var minutesPassed = moment().diff(start, 'minutes');
This question is getting a little bit old, this answer just bring the state up to date with a solution the question was looking for:
const startDate = moment();
elapsedDuration = moment.duration(moment().diff(startDate));
//in minutes
As per documentation about diff
and display duration in minutes