Automatically respond "Yes" to R library prompt - r

I'm working to define a Docker container which can be spun up in a cloud environment and run some reporting on our firm's database and spin itself down, with as little involvement from our data science team (including myself) as possible.
I'm pretty much done getting everything up and running, with one irritating exception- the reporting is done in R using some code that we've been using for a few years. I'm building on top of Rocker verse, and I'm adding the needs library.
The annoying thing (in this use case) about needs is that when it is first run, it asks the following:
Should `needs` load itself when it's... needed? (this is recommended)
1: No
2: Yes
In a typical interactive setting this is fine, I just type "Yes" and hit enter and I'm good to go. However, when I want the whole environment to build and run once a week on its own, I don't want to have to answer this question. I'd like it to assume Yes.
What I've tried so far includes each of these:
library('needs', quiet=TRUE)
library('needs', quietly=TRUE)
suppressMessages(library('needs', quietly=TRUE))
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library('needs', quietly = T)))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library('needs', quietly=TRUE))
none of which solves the issue. The needs documentation provides for changing this setting later in a programmatic way, but not for defining the setting when first running needs:
Recommended use is to allow the function to autoload when prompted the
first time the package is loaded interactively. To change this setting
later, run needs:::autoload(TRUE) or needs:::autoload(FALSE) to turn
autoloading on or off, respectively.
I've also tried quietly installing needs, also to no avail. Unfortunately, I can't run bash commands in my Dockerfile to respond Yes, or at least I haven't found a way.
I'd like to avoid removing dependencies for needs, as it will involve a LOT of code refactoring.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Thank you! :]
Solution is a bit hacky, but in my Dockerfile I'm doing a vim edit of the file which needs assigns to the sysfile variable:
sysfile <- system.file("extdata", "promptUser", package = "needs")
which for ME was /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/needs/extdata/promptUser, and changing its contents from "1" to "0" solving my problem.

A better solution would probably be to make it so it doesn't ask the question in the first place. You can view the code it runs on package load on github:
If you set the option it checks for before hand then it doesn't need to ask the question in the first place:
options(needs.promptUser = FALSE)


Additional information to ensure R code will run on another computer?

sessionInfo() includes very useful info that will improve the chances of someone being able to run your code on their machine, including
OS and version
R version
Attached packages
What other info can be provided with an R script to ensure someone else will be able to run it in their environment?
NB please include how to get that info (i.e. what command to run or where to look for it)
While this is not a complete answer, I tend to include this function with scripts I send along as it will download a package if the computer does not have it. This is more of a suggestion for scripts. For packages, you can explicitly put what versions of other packages your package depends on.
package_load<-function(packages = NULL, quiet=TRUE,
verbose=FALSE, warn.conflicts=FALSE){
# download required packages if they're not already
pkgsToDownload<- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
install.packages(pkgsToDownload, repos="",
quiet=quiet, verbose=verbose)
# then load them
for(i in 1:length(packages))
require(packages[i], character.only=T, quietly=quiet,
## Example of use
package_load(c('dplyr', 'rgdal'))
This is helpful for one off scripts as it gets over the hurdle of a different computer not having the appropriate packages. However, I generally suggest to folks to make sure their version of R is up to date as well.
Is this the best solution? Probably not, but it does help with minor scripts you send along to others. For a larger code base, it would probably be better to put together a package or a docker image.
I think the criterion you listed are the "basics" of reusability of a script. The next levels would be the possible interaction of your scripts (e.g. R Shiny scripts will use web features: therefore, giving the web browser and its version used to produce the script is a good practice). Also, another kind of information would be commentaries precising the expected input and outputs.
NB: I would precise "attached packages and their versions", just for us to be sure...

RDCOMClient log file

I have been using RDCOMClient for a while now to interact with vendor software. For the most part it has worked fine. Recently, however, I have the need to loop through many operations (several hundred). I am running into problems with the RDCOM.err file growing to a very large size (easily GBs). This file is put in C: with no apparent option to change that. Is there some way that I can suppress this output or specify another location for the file to go? I don't need any of the output in the file so suppressing it would be best.
EDIT: I tried to add to my script a file.remove but R has the file locked. The only way I can get the lock released is to restart R.
Setting the permissions to read only was going to be my suggested hack.
A slightly more elegant approach is to edit one line of the C code in the package in src/RUtils.h from
\#define errorLog(a,...) fprintf(getErrorFILE(), a, ##__VA_ARGS__); fflush(getErrorFILE());
\#define errorLog(a, ...) {}
However, I've pushed some simple updates to the package on github that add a writeErrors() function that one can use to toggle whether errors are written or not. So this allows this to be turned on and off dynamically.
will turn off the error logging to the file.
I found a work around for this. I created the files C:\RDCOM.err and C:\RDCOM_server.err and marked them both as read-only. I am not sure if there is a better way to accomplish this, but for now I am running without logging.

How to run code when opening Rstudio? [duplicate]

I wrote an R function that updates the version number of a package in another question. I work a lot with GitHub and RStudio, and it would safe me quite some time (plus be much more precise) if this function was automatically run every time I opened a certain project (or better yet, make a git commit/push, but I assume that is harder to do). But I don't know how to do this or if this is even possible.
I could use .Rprofile to run R codes every time I start R, so I could just update versions whenever I start R (or build in that it only updates the version if the date is not today or something) but that seems overdoing it.
You can make a separate .Rprofile for each project. You have to put it in the main directory of the project (
Well I would use .Rprofile for that. There is something to be said for being independent of the tool chain around you: knitr works from RStudio as well as without it, dito for Rcpp/RInside etc pp.
You can hook into commit hooks for svn, both explicitly via hooks in the back end, or simply at your by end adding wrapper scripts. I presume you can do likewise with git but I simply know much less about it. So to abstract this away, I would write myself a 'commitThis' or 'pushThis' or ... function that does the number increment, test run, code push and what have you.
If your code needs RStudio to be already running (e.g. because it's relying on some rstudioapi:: function), putting it directly in .Rprofile won't work (.Rprofile is executed before RStudio is available).
Instead, you could set a hook for "rstudio.sessionInit":
hookName = "rstudio.sessionInit",
action = function(newSession) {
if (newSession) {
# your code goes here
action = "append"

Convenient way to load (and if needed install) a package in R

A user can work on many PCs. A good code runs no matter what PC it is running on. Assuming one does not want to rely on preference and option files, what is the best way to make sure a package is loaded (and installed if needed).
library command is cool, but the require command is much better. But even require is not getting the job done.
Triggering re-install that is not needed (eg, in R studio) causes an interesting prompt to restart the R session - and this is why unnecessary installs are best avoided.
One possible trick A is to do this (not to type the package name too often)
doInstall <- T;toInstall <- c("downloader");
if(doInstall) install.packages(toInstall);
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = T)
or a worse trick B would be
if (!require(downloader)) {install.packages("downloader"); require(downloader)}
Is there a "2015 way" of doing it with one command - something like
Here is an example of installing package zipcode using the pacman approach.
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
Assuming one does not want to rely on preference and option files
That rules out putting anything in .Rprofile or using external packages so we're stuck with base R to solve your problem. If that's the case then the answer is that you can't do this much better than what you have written in your question (I prefer B to A)
If you're willing to bend a little bit and require the user to load a package first (which could be done on startup by using .Rprofile) there are a few options that do exactly what you want.
installr::require2 and pacman::p_load do what you ask. Disclosure: I am a an author/maintainer of pacman. I agree with your sentiment that we shouldn't rely on options or external files though especially if we plan on sharing the code. I use pacman pretty much every day (it has much more use than just installing/loading packages) but for the most part these types of functions should be treated as useful for interactive use but if you want portable, shareable code without worries about whether packages will be available you will have to resort to something along the lines of what you have in your question.

emacs ess crashes when trying to access h_elp

My emacs/ess session crashes when I try to access help. This happens if I have two packages loaded with the same functions; for example:
In Rgui interface pops out and asks to choose from which packages I want help. Emacs just crashes. Similar issues happens with install.packages, but there is a way to specify mirror Is there a way to install R packages using emacs?
Is there a similar trick with help?
Well, there is no full proof solution for time being as nobody really understands why these crashes happen. I assume you are on windows, right?
There are plans in ESS to completely internalize all the help (and other) calls in order not to depend on R dialogs. Hopefully in the next version.
For time being put this into your .Rprofile
tis <-
formals(tis)[["firstOnly"]] <- TRUE
assignInNamespace("", tis, "utils")
It basically makes help system to pick the first package with the found topic. In your case month help page in data.table package will be ignored. Not a big deal as common topic names are quite rare anyways.
I found out that starting library(tcltk) solves this problem. Menu appears even after it is called from emacs+ess. I added library(tcltk) to my and now everything works great, install.packages() and accessing help when multiple packages load same function
