Firebase Functions Upgrading to Node 8 - firebase

Does the version of Node.js on my development machine / integrated development environment (IDE) machine have any effect on my ability to upgrade my Firebase Cloud Functions Node.js runtime to version 8?
I finally got my functions Node.js runtime upgraded to v8 but I had a difficult time doing it. I eventually installed node version manager, nvm, to nail my development machines Node version to 8.0.0 but then ran into the 8.0.0 issue w/ firebase-tools. "must use 8.1.0. 8.0.0 fails"
nvm install v8.1.0
nvm alias default 8.1.0
So, running Node.js v8.1.0 on my development machine seemed to be the breakthrough. I'd like to know but don'e have time to spend on recreating it all.


Any solution for firebase packages integration in flutter in MacBook m1 pro

I have a flutter project which is dependent on some firebase services like auth, db etc. It was working fine on mac mini (intel). But on my MacBook pro I can't build project for podfile error. It showing firebase issue. Any solution?
There is no direct solution for the same. But there is a work around for resolving the Podfile related errors. Follow the steps below,
Execute the below command to install ffi from the terminal,
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
Then in the iOS folder of Flutter project execute the below command to install the pods. You have to run this command every time a new Flutter project is created and if it needs firebase.
arch -x86_64 pod install
Finally run the application in the Android studio

Firebase CLI giving segmentation fault on Ubuntu

I'm having a hard time with firebase CLI,when I install it with npm, either locally in a projet or globally, and I call the command firebase it gives Segmentation fault with no further details.
I firs thought that the problem was with my version of Node since I was using 9.x, I moved back to 8.x versions, and reinstalled firebase with no success, I upgraded to 12.x, with no success too always same error.
I'm using NVM to handle my node versions properly, but still I can't find a fix for this problem.
nvm list gives this :
-> v8.11.3
When I run npm list firebase-tools it gives firebase-tools#7.9.0, I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no success .

Cannot update firebase tools from 3.19.1

Prior to version 4.0.0 being released I had no problems with my app. I have been trying to update Firebase Tools since 3.19.3 was released and it will not work. It says that it updates without any errors but the tools are stuck on version 3.19.1. It is not updating.
After the release of 4.0.0 hosting no longer works. Cloud functions and Firestore are working without issue. I don't get any errors. It just doesn't work. I've been tying everything I can and searching all over forums for answers and nothing.
Hosting is not working. Static assets are not loading. It says that index.html cannot be found...but that is because there is no index.html because I am using express-handlebars templating engine. I have index.handlebars which was working fine before the release of firebase-tools version 4.0.0.
Still can't update firebase-tools to the latest version.
The issue was that I had firebase-tools installed in two different directories on my computer. The directory that was being updated was not the directory that my project was using. I'm still not sure how that happened but I uninstalled firebase and node and reinstalled them and that solved the problem.
To update firebase-tools, just run this command in the terminal:
curl -sL | upgrade=true bash
note: you must have curl installed.

Nexus Repo Migration and updating.

Trying to upgrade Nexus 2.1.4 Repo to 3.X. This is what i have done till now and what what went wrong!
-- installed the 3.0.2 version on the same machine in a different port (8090) Then opened the UI and tried doing the upgrade agent and there was no upgrade agent in 3.0.2.
-- so i installed 3.1 on the different port and came across a java exception error in nexus Repo UI while migrating stuff from 2.1.4 (installed on port 80). I found out that one need to be at-least on 3.2.4 V to migrate.
-- now i installed 3.6 on a different port (8082)in the same machine. couldn't start nexus service now. which i was able to for other nexus version in other ports.

Create new Core 2.0 web project, core libraries can't be loaded

Visual Studio 2017, when creating a new ASP.NET Core Web project with ASP.NET Core 2.0, e.g. React w/ Flux preset, the core dlls fail to load. Nuget package restore does nothing, but I can uninstall and reinstall the AspNetCore.All package. If I do this, I get the following error:
Error MSB3073 The command "node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --config webpack.config.vendor.js" exited with code 8. ReactTest [PATH]\source\repos\ReactTest\ReactTest\ReactTest.csproj 33
I don't suspect this is a real error, I suspect it's because of the initial package install failure. I have been able to perform this operation on other devices, so I know that I am following the correct processes and have the correct SDKs and toolsets installed. I have repaired, and uninstalled / reinstalled Visual Studio 2017 with reboot and nothing has fixed this.
I had the same problem. My version of node.js was ancient (in web terms...). I installed the latest version (8.8.1) and everything was fine.
