Problems with adding pictures to gallery page - css

I have a gallery page that looks pretty good, but I need to add my own pictures of myself and/or family... I've tried to do so but it isn't working the way it should.
Here a codepen of the problem: code here
I need my photos to be in a shadowbox so I have a thumbnail on the page and when I click on it, it opens in a large view.

If the codepen has the exact same code your dreamweaver does, I found an error in the snippet.
It originally was:
" alt=""/> rel="shadowbox[picture]" title="a">
<img src="../Documents/SU Fall 2017/Foltz class/tmb_Lawtons_Marina.jpg">
Now it's:
<a href="../Documents/SU Fall 2017/Foltz_class/img_Lawtons_Marina.jpg" alt="" rel="shadowbox[picture]" title="a">
<img src="../Documents/SU Fall 2017/Foltz class/tmb_Lawtons_Marina.jpg">
It looks like the anchor tag <a> had closed too early.


wordpress website displaing image and image path

Recently I noticed in my Wordpress website that in all the pages, when I have an image to display, it displays the image and right after it displays the path to the image, including the image properties. The entire
Can someone helpe, please?
enter image description here
Seems like your HTML Structure breaks with your PHP Code. you need to check your code where you getting this Image. This is how its showing from Inspect Element:
<img src="" alt="weding" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-140" srcset=" 345w, <a href=" http:="""" wp-content="" uploads="" 2014="" 03="" weding-300x141.jpg"="" target="_blank" height="163" width="345">

Image Could not be loaded - Wordpress issue

I am having issue on my wordpress website. Where I have gallery plugin and the images in that gallery showing this error message when you click on the image. In past those used to pop up when you click on it. But currently it show this error message. I think there is some js conflict please help me here. screenshot- here
webpage -
image url is missing in anchor tag. please check.
<a href="#" class="poppup">
<img src="" title="Dining" alt="Dining" data-lazy-loaded="true" style="display: inline;"><noscript><img title="Dining" src="" alt="Dining"/></noscript>
Working script:
<a class="image-popup-no-margins boxed_shadow" href="" target="_self">
<img src="" class=" vc_box_border_grey attachment-full" alt="layout" data-lazy-loaded="true" style="display: inline;"><noscript><img src="" class=" vc_box_border_grey attachment-full" alt="layout" /></noscript>
The problem comes from file names, no accent, space or special character and it will work.

Wordpress Theme: Box jumping in chrome

Hoping someone here can help me, I installed a wordpress theme on a site ( ) and I have an issue I can't resolve and the developer of the theme is refusing to acknowlege the issue!
If you visit the above site in Chrome, the bottom section of the site jumps up and covers the four service areas underneath the image slider. This only happens in Chrome, it's ok in all other browsers, it's obviously something to with the responsiveness of the site as if you resize the bottom section moves back to the correct position.
I'm fairly familiar with CSS and HTML so if anyone could give me a hand figuring out the cause of this and a possible solution I'd greatly appreciate it.
There is a javascript bug which is giving the divs inside each <li> tag style="height: 0px;" on resize event like the example below:
<li class="span3 thumbnail">
<div class="block-thumbnail maxheight col" style="height: 0px;">
<i class="icon-3x icon-cogs"><i class="circle-border"></i></i>
<h3>Our Courses</h3>
<p>At NAI we have a number of different courses to suit everybody’s needs, academic to professional. <a class="link" href="">read more →</a></p>
if you find and fix the js that is causing this problem than the problem will be fixed.
But incase you need a faster fix you can add the following css:
display: inline-block;
It will override the style="height: 0px;" added by the js and the bottom section will be pushed down

Tumblr photo post caption positioning

I was hoping somebody would be able to help with the following query...
I've setup a Tumblr blog on which I'm going to regularly post photo sets.
I'd like to write a brief description with each set. I can do this
within the caption field that sits below the image. The problem with
this is that when including multiple images within a post the description
will be lost at the bottom, below all the images.
I'd like the caption to be positioned at the top of the post, before
the images so that viewers can read the description first.
Here's a link to the blog, though empty for now I've inserted a test
post to show how the information is displayed. The black block
represents an image set,'Coming Soon' was entered in the caption field.
Any thoughts/or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Would need to see your theme's code to provide you with specifics, but you just need to move where the {block:Caption} is being rendered.
An example:
This will put the photoset's caption above the photoset.
Just to expand upon graygimore's answer - changing the position of the {block:Caption} - Here's the exact code I modified from my custom tumblr theme. Worked a treat.
Thanks again.
<section class="caption group">
<div class="cont">{Caption}</div>
<div class="cont content_source">
<a href="{SourceURL}">
<img src="{BlackLogoURL}" width="{LogoWidth}" height="{LogoHeight}" alt="{SourceTitle}" />
<section class="top media" style="display:block;">
{LinkOpenTag}<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}"> {LinkCloseTag}{Question}

:focus on a img

I have a portfolio that works fine but I'm currently building a CMS for it so that I can simply upload the image and it adds it to the site for me. Before I build it, I'm rebuilding some of the scrappy code and converting the what was a JS powered gallery to a CSS powered one.
I'm trying to achieve this click effect in CSS.
I thought I could do it via the :focus selector but I've run into a little problem.
This is the HTML:
<a class="tile" href="#">
<img src="images/thumbs/DLPWD.png" class="dlpwd" />
and this is the CSS:
.tile:focus img{
background-image: url("images/large/DLPWD.png");
width: 771px;
height: 600px;
It doesn't seem to select it properly. Any one know why?
The problem is that a link is not necessarily focused when it's clicked, it's focused when you navigate to it. You can do this with the keyboard, or you could add a click handler to the link. Of course at that point, you're back into javascript, but it shows what's happening.
<a class="tile" href="#" onclick="this.focus()">
<img src="images/thumbs/DLPWD.png" class="dlpwd" />
Luckily, there is a better solution, and one that doesn't require javascript. If you add a tabindex to the link, clicking it will focus it even if the href is going nowhere. So...
<a class="tile" href="#" tabindex="0">
<img src="images/thumbs/DLPWD.png" class="dlpwd" />
Should do what you want.
(your next problem is going to be that the background-image won't be visible in front of the src image - you're just going to get a stretched version of the thumbnail. But I think that's a different question)
:focus is only available on elements that receive keyboard input (i.e. form elements). You could try :active but it will only apply the CSS while the mouse button is down.
