RStudio crashes when running JDBC() function in the RJDBC package - r

Whenever I try to make a JDBC object:
jdbcDriver <- JDBC(driverClass="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver",
My RStudio immediately crashes with no warning with this popup
However, the code works perfectly in the terminal R environment outside of RStudio, so I am certain it is an RStudio issue.
OS: Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6
latest version of RStudio (1.1.456) and R (3.5.1).
JDK version 1.8.0_191
Using ojdbc6.jar

I set JAVA_HOME in my terminal, but somehow it didn't "work" for RStudio.
So the fix was that I created an .Renviron file and put the following inside:
That did the trick


Problems installing RStudio in anaconda environment (base) on ubuntu

I am not able to get rstudio into my anaconda base environment. I have tried installing it from the GUI and from the command line. In the GUI it just says that it is installing and either A) crashes, or B) stays on the installing screen forever.
I am using the following code in the base env.
conda install rstudio
System: Ubuntu 19.10 on vitualboxVM with a mac os mojave host.
Also, It is trying to install pypq, is this the problem? This doesn't seem like a package I need for my R scripts, do popular R packages depend on it? If not, can I tell anaconda just to skip installing it?
The terminal log is very long so I attached the image instead of copying the code:
UPDATE: I can install in another env, but not base.
Yes, that's it. For some reason you cannot install R Studio in the base environment but you're obliged to create a specific R environment to install it.

Cannot get IRkernel::installspec() to work, jupyter-client not visible

I am still in progress to get Jupyter-Notebook and R working together on Windows 10 machine. After solving the problem with install_github() I am now facing just another issue. I am still following the official installation guide, I am stuck at step 2:
Every time I get this error - I have tried this in R GUI and RStudio, the same:
> IRkernel::installspec()
Error in IRkernel::installspec() :
jupyter-client has to be installed but “jupyter kernelspec --version” exited with code 127.
In addition: Warning message:
In system2("jupyter", c("kernelspec", "--version"), FALSE, FALSE) :
'"jupyter"' not found
My attempts so far: It was suggested here and here, that this could be a problem with the PATH variable setting, so I have added Anaconda to the PATH enviroment. I also installed the jupyter-client via the Anaconda console. No change so far. Any ideas?
This answer is based on this by #Ryan, but since the question answered was actually about a Linux based system I put it here in a Windows question:
One way to overcome the problem - if adding PATH variables to the environment doesn't work - is the following:
If Anaconda is installed and the Jupyter-Notebook with it (should be the standard install), open up the Anaconda prompt, not the Windows command prompt or the Anaconda Navigator
Look up the executable of R (not Rgui or Rstudio), it should be somewhere like C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.1\bin and copy the path
Paste the path into the Anaconda prompt and start R by typing R
Now execute IRkernel::installspec() once again, this time there shouldn't be an error
Now you can start an R kernel within Jupyter-Notebook
You should try to open R in the terminal, if you changed directory where R il located type:
and then run:
I was having this issue trying to run Jupyter Lab on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS headless server running in an Azure VM.
To resolve the issued, I had to navigate to /usr/bin and open R from there. It turns out that despite my path, calling R from the terminal opened the anaconda3 version in /home/<you>/anaconda3/bin/R.
Run IRkernel::installspec() from /usr/bin/R in as sudo and it should add the kernel.
If jupyter.exe is installed under c:\python36\sripts, run
"setwd("c:/python36/scripts")" on R GUI, run "IRkernel::installspec()"
Simply create a new virtual environment for R. Either using the CLI or the anaconda Navigator (best recommended, If and if you're using Anaconda).

RStudio Install Packages and Package Updates both download then fail with cannot open file

Running happily with R 3.4 and RStudio 1.0.143 under Win10 this problem occured bringing project development to a halt. Downloads each occur and are unzipped and then the a presumably first file in the first item gets:
Error in install.packages : cannot open file 'C:/Users/Admin/Documents/R/
Permission denied
and the prompt returns.
Updating to R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30), RStudio Version 1.0.153 was to no avail. Using the OS to remolve all R versions and trying again with 3.4.1 did not work. Removing R again and deleting the R directory to refresh the library did not work. My virius software like to tell how helpful it has been and has not, so that issue seems unlikely.
Giving the user full control of the R library did not help.
could package-updates be a tag like install-updates?
It looks there is a problem between Java and rJava.
You should try reinstalling Java using chocolatey package manager ( and then reinstall rJava package.
I had a similar issue two weeks ago on a windows laptop.
I had this problem for a long time. only in RStudio.
Install the package on R and Library it. Go to RStudio and require the package.
It works!

R: install.packages() doesn't work nor produce an error message

I am running R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09) with RStudio 0.98.1103 under OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite). I migrated to this machine recently and moved files and applications (R and profile files included) with OS X Migration assistant.
R has worked perfectly until I tried to install.packages(). The function initiates but it doesn't produce any printout or terminate. I tried different things:
I removed my .Rprofile file which indicates my package folder and restart R;
I tried different mirrors with install.packages('RMySQL', repos='');
I tried install.packages() both from shell and from R GUI;
I tried to upgrade all packages with RStudio.
I never encountered an error message of sort and none of the above worked or produced any result.

R version doesn't support quartz graphic device - RStudio won't plot

I'm running Mac OS Maverick.
In my previous setup, the plots would correctly display on the plot tab on RStudio.
I reinstalled R with homebrew and, when I use RStudio, it gives me the following warning
WARNING: The version of R you are running against does not support the
quartz graphics device (which is required by RStudio for graphics).
The Plots tab will be disabled until a version of R that supports
quartz is installed.
When I plot something, it opens up the XQuartz app on my mac. It does display the graphs (sometimes with weird colors though), but I'd really like it to plot in RStudio itself.
Is it that homebrew has a version of R that doesn't support the quartz graphics device or have I messed up something elsewhere?
As always, any help will be very much appreciated.
Some details of my setup:
R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) -- "Pumpkin Helmet"
RStudio Version 0.98.1091
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit). Mac OS 10.9.5
I installed R with homebrew the following way
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install r
Previously I had installed tcl/tk the following way
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install tcl-tk --with-tk
I run into the same issue.
According to the R brew formula history the last bottled version (i.e. precompiled version, which is what is installed by default) isn't run against aqua due to some bug so the installation of R has no aqua capabilities, which is what RStudio graphics device requires.
After trying to understand the formula logic I figured that if built from source:
brew install r --build-from-source
it would compile with clang (check brew --env) and therefore correctly build against aqua. It takes a little longer to install but it worked for me. To check, from the terminal open R and see capabilities() aqua should be TRUE for RStudio's graphics device to work.
I'm using homebrewed R and Rstudio on Yosemite. I ran into the same problem, probably after I had updated R from ver. 3.1.2 to ver. 3.1.2_1.
My ad-hoc solution is
to brew uninstall R, and
to install R from CRAN.
RStudio display graphs inside its window when I use CRAN version of R. However, this is not the best solution to me, because I love to manage all unix packages using homebrew to avoid possible conflicts.
I ran into this problem too. I previously had homebrewed R installation with a working quartz graphic device, which comports with others in this thread who suggest that an update to homebrew's R script caused the problem.
I can confirm that daniel's answer works. I tried brew install r --build-from-source and quartz() has stopped throwing errors.
