How to show photo credits in Apple News along with caption - wordpress

We are integrating WordPress with Apple News. We are able to show the photo caption, but we are unable to show photo credits. By Apple News documentation only caption is available. But there are few publisher in AN showing credits too.
Any hint will be help full.

The "caption" property in the Apple News Photo component is actually just there for accessibility purposes / for when the photo is full screen, it doesn't show up beneath the image. What you'll need to do instead is a Caption component beneath the Photo component. You can see an example of this here in the Apple News documentation.

Apple News allows you to do this with HTML and Markdown but you can also avail of inlineTextStyles. Just note where the what position (character count) you want the style to begin and end.
In this case, that first open-bracket begins at character number 23, and closes at character 43.
"role": "caption",
"text": "The text of the caption (Jane X for Reuters)",
"textStyle": "default-body",
"inlineTextStyles": [
"rangeStart": 23,
"rangeLength": 43,
"textStyle": {
"textColor": "#FF0000",
"backgroundColor": "#000"


tooltip not working in vis.js timeline

I need a tooltip for each items the problem is that when I put for example :
title:'<b>Hover over me<b></br>test'the style is not applicated and so in the tooltip the result was <b>Hover over me<b></br>test not Hover over me test.
I want to change the style of every title in the tooltip .
please have you any ideas
Without some further information, it seems you are in the correct path.
As per documentation:
title - string - "Add a title for the item, displayed when holding the mouse on the
item. The title can be an HTML element or a string containing plain
text or HTML."
Working sample below:
var data = new vis.DataSet([{
id: 2,
content: 'Pi and Mash',
start: '2014-08-08',
title: '<b> Bold title </b> <br> Not bold'
var timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, data, options);
Update vis version. In the older version, we don't have the tooltip. Make sure you are working with v4.21.0 and above

UIStatusBar Translucent Style

I've mentioned some new trends in "Segue-Navigation" paradigm from Apple.
In apps like Apple Music, Health or News all main "start-point" controllers do not have navigation bar. Instead - there is a big bold beautiful title.
I'd like to do the same in my app.
I created UITableViewController with static cells. The first one contains title of controller.
But when I scroll up, status bar merges with this cell, so I want this cell to be behind of status bar like in Apple apps.
let statusBarView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:view.frame.size.width, height: UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.height))
let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: .light)
let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
blurEffectView.frame = statusBarView.bounds
blurEffectView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]

How to set Apple Watch title for VoiceOver AccessibilityLabel

Is there any way to change the AccessibilityLabel of a WKInterfaceController title?
Or to turn off just the title VoiceOver?
I have shortened the title to X|Y to show the user what they are viewing but this is not very user friendly for someone using VoiceOver as it reads as "X bar Y" when it should either be turned off or read "Item X of Y"
I am doing a hack right now to check for VoiceOver and set the title but this obviously will not display well on a limited size Apple Watch screen:
let voiceOverON: Bool = WKAccessibilityIsVoiceOverRunning()
if voiceOverON
self.setTitle("Exercise \(itemSelected + 1) of \(itemsTotal).")
self.setTitle("\(itemSelected + 1)|\(itemsTotal)")
Any ideas that might help the visually impaired?
RADAR filed: 28355257 - WKInterfaceController does not support Accessibility

AmCharts Serial: How to break lines by long labels?

I have a horizontal SerialChart with AmCharts:
When displayed at a desktop browser, everything looks fine:
But when i'm resizing, the bars are getting smaller, but the text
stays the same:
Is there a way of resizing the categoryAxis as well so i see the bars
in a mobile screen? Or move the Labels on top of the bars when i'm
viewing them on mobile?
Try this, it will help to you.
"categoryAxis": {
"ignoreAxisWidth": true,
"autoWrap": true
If you look at this example I have just done,, you will see that I have added a line break in standard HTML tags, BR, into the name.
"dataProvider": [
"country": "All Other<br>Countries",
"visits": 441,
"color": "#CD0D74"
To make this work dymanically without having to add line breaks in yourself you could also use a scripting langauge such as PHP to add them for you.
//See for more details
//wordwrap([text string], [number of characters before line break], [HTML to use for line break]);
echo wordwrap("this is my text string", 20, "<br />");

play an audio with JW Player showing only the control bar

Im playing my audios with JW Player, but the problem is .. i dont want any video background. i only want to show the controlbar, it is showing when i HOVER it. I want to display only the controlbar and without hovering..I got many solutions from google, but the thing is i dont want to change the height of the player neither the height of the controlbar.There surely is a method that displays only the controlbar. no ??
Thanks alot !
This is my code:
autostart: true,
flashplayer: "player.swf",
file: name,
height: 270,
width: 480
I tried wmode:"none", but it displays the loading and shows me the controlbar on hover.
Try just adjusting the height:
autostart: true,
flashplayer: "player.swf",
file: name,
height: 24,
width: 480
EDIT: this is shown at
