How to query exactly selected items in Paper.js? - paperjs

According to my understanding, project.getItems({selected: true}) returns wrong results: I'm selecting a curve, it returns the parent Path: Sketch
Try clicking on a curve or a segment. Whole path will be moved. Then try changing the behavior by setting var workaround = false to var workaround = true to observe desired behavior.
How can I get exactly what is really selected?
Current workaround
I'm currently adding those objects into an array on selection and use those items instead of project.getItems({selected: true}).

The thing is that in Paper.js architecture, curves and segments are not items (they are part of a specific item which is the path). So you shouldn't expect project.getItems() to return anything else than items.
Another thing you have to know is that a path is assumed selected if any of its part is selected (curves, segments, points, handles, position, bounds, ...). And a curve is assumed selected if all of its parts are selected (points and handles).
With that in mind, you can create an algorithm to retrieve "what is really selected" based on project.getItems({selected: true}) as its first part. Then, you need to loop through curves and segments to check if they are selected.
Here is a sketch demonstrating a possible solution.
var vector = new Point(10, 10);
// Create path.
var path = new Path({
segments: [
[100, 100],
[200, 100],
[260, 170],
[360, 170],
[420, 250]
strokeColor: 'red',
strokeWidth: 10
// Translate given thing along global vector.
function translateThing(thing) {
switch (thing.getClassName()) {
case 'Path':
thing.position += vector;
case 'Curve':
thing.segment1.point += vector;
thing.segment2.point += vector;
case 'Segment':
thing.point += vector;
// On mouse down...
function onMouseDown(event) {
// ...only select what was clicked.
path.selected = false;
hit = paper.project.hitTest(event.point);
if (hit && hit.location) {
hit.location.curve.selected = true;
else if (hit && hit.segment) {
hit.segment.selected = true;
// We check all items for demo purpose.
// Move all selected things.
// First get selected items in active layer...
project.activeLayer.getItems({ selected: true })
// ...then map them to what is really selected...
// ...then translate them.
// This method returns what is really selected in a given item.
// Here we assume that only one thing can be selected at the same time.
// Returned thing can be either a Curve, a Segment or an Item.
function getSelectedThing(item) {
// Only check curves and segments if item is a path.
if (item.getClassName() === 'Path') {
// Check curves.
for (var i = 0, l = item.curves.length; i < l; i++) {
if (item.curves[i].selected) {
return item.curves[i];
// Check segments.
for (var i = 0, l = item.segments.length; i < l; i++) {
if (item.segments[i].selected) {
return item.segments[i];
// return item by default.
return item;
That said, depending on your real use case, your current workaround could be more appropriate than this approach.


How to select a single Curve in a Path in Paper.js?

I need to distinctly select a single Curve of a clicked Path, how can I do that?
For example, in this sketch we can select a whole path when clicked on it:
Currently I can detect the curve (not sure if it is the appropriate approach, anyway):
..onMouseDown = (event) ~>
hit = scope.project.hitTest event.point
if hit?item
# select only that specific segment
curves = hit.item.getCurves!
nearest = null
dist = null
for i, curve of curves
_dist = curve.getNearestPoint(event.point).getDistance(event.point)
if _dist < dist or not nearest?
nearest = i
dist = _dist
selected-curve = curves[nearest]
..selected = yes
But whole path is selected anyway:
What I want to achieve is something like this:
There is an easier way to achieve what you want.
You can know if hit was on a curve by checking its location property.
If it is set, you can easily get the curve points and manually draw your selection.
Here is a sketch demonstrating it.
var myline = new Path(new Point(100, 100));
myline.strokeColor = 'red';
myline.strokeWidth = 6;
myline.add(new Point(200, 100));
myline.add(new Point(260, 170));
myline.add(new Point(360, 170));
myline.add(new Point(420, 250));
function onMouseDown(event) {
hit = paper.project.hitTest(event.point);
// check if hit is on curve
if (hit && hit.location) {
// get curve
var curve = hit.location.curve;
// draw selection
var selection = new Group(
new Path.Line({
from: curve.point1,
to: curve.point2,
strokeColor: 'blue',
strokeWidth: 3
new Path.Rectangle({
from: curve.point1 - 5,
to: curve.point1 + 5,
fillColor: 'blue'
new Path.Rectangle({
from: curve.point2 - 5,
to: curve.point2 + 5,
fillColor: 'blue'
// make it automatically be removed on next down event
As an alternative, to avoid messing up with the exported drawing, you can simply select the line instead of applying it a stroke style.
See this sketch.
var selection = new Path.Line({
from: curve.point1,
to: curve.point2,
selected: true
There is no built-in way to do what you'd like AFAIK.
You basically need to walk through the segments, construct a line, and see if the hit is on that particular line. The line cannot be transparent or it's not considered a hit which is why I give it color and width to match the visible line; it's also why it's deleted after the test.
Here's the sketch solution that implements a bit more around this:
function onMouseDown(event){
if (!myline.hitTest(event.point)) {
// there's a hit so this should find it
let p = event.point
let segs = myline.segments
for (let i = 1; i < segs.length; i++) {
let line = new Path.Line(segs[i - 1].point, segs[i].point)
line.strokeWidth = 6
line.strokeColor = 'black'
if (line.hitTest(p)) {
c1 = new Path.Circle(segs[i-1].point, 6)
c2 = new Path.Circle(segs[i].point, 6)
c1.fillColor = 'black'
c2.fillColor = 'black'
throw new Error("could not find hit")
Here's what I draw:

Triggering mouse/touch events in Matter.js

How would one go about adding programmatically triggered touch/mouse events in Matter.js? I have a few collision events set up for the engine, but can not trigger a mouseup event that stops the current dragging action. I've tried various combinations of targeting the canvas element, the mouse/mouseConstraint, and the non-static body.
If you, like me, came here trying to figure out how to be able to click on a Matter.js body object, let me give you one way. My goal in my project was to assign some attributes to my rectangle objects and call a function when they were clicked on.
The first thing to do was to distinguish between dragging and clicking, so I wrote(using Jquery):
$("body").on("mousedown", function(e){
mouseX1 = e.pageX;
mouseY1 = e.pageY;
$("body").on("mouseup", function(e){
mouseX2 = e.pageX;
mouseY2 = e.pageY;
if((mouseX1 == mouseX2) && (mouseY1 == mouseY2)){
//alert("click!\n" + mouseX2 + " " + mouseY2 +"\n");
var bodiesUnder = Matter.Query.point(books, { x: mouseX2, y: mouseY2 });
//alert("click!\n" + mouseX2 + " " + mouseY2 +"\n");
if (bodiesUnder.length > 0) {
var bodyToClick = bodiesUnder[0];
This was accomplished when listening for "mouseup" and asking if ((mouseX1 == mouseX2) && (mouseY1 == mouseY2)).
Second- the juicy part- create a var array to hold the objects, or 'bodies', we are going to dig up under the mouse. Thankfully there's this function:
var bodiesUnder = Matter.Query.point(books, { x: mouseX2, y: mouseY2 });
For the first element in here I entered "books". For you this needs to be the name of an array you've put all your objects, or 'bodies' into. If you don't have them in an array, it's not hard to throw them all in, like so:
var books = [book1, book2, book3];
Once that was all done, I was able to alert(book1.title2) to see what the title of that book (body) is. My bodies were coded as follows:
var book2 = Bodies.rectangle(390, 200, 66, 70, {
render : {
sprite : {
texture: "img/tradingIcon.jpg"
restitution : 0.3,
title1 : 'Vanessa and Terry',
title2 : 'Trading'
Hope that helps! This one had me hung up for a whole day.
It turns out I had incorrectly configured the Matter.Mouse module, and was re-assigning the mouse input that had already been set in MouseConstraint. The following works in regards to my original question:

Workaround for copying style with PHPExcel

I want to copy the style information from cells to ranges, like Format Painter in Excel. The documentation says to do something like this:
$activeSheet->duplicateStyle($activeSheet->getStyle('A1'), 'D1:D100');
$activeSheet->duplicateStyle($activeSheet->getStyle('B1'), 'E1:E100');
There appears to be a bug because both D1:D100 and E1:E100 get the style from cell B1. If I change the order of the two lines, both ranges get the style from A1. Similarly,
$styleA = $activeSheet->getStyle('A1');
$styleB = $activeSheet->getStyle('B1');
$activeSheet->duplicateStyle($styleA, 'D1:D100');
results in D1:D100 getting style info from cell B1. The last getStyle value is used in all duplicateStyle results.
I'm sure that a future release of PHPExcel will have a fix, I just need to figure out a work-around until then.
One workround for you might be to use the style xf Indexes:
$xfIndex = $activeSheet->getCell('A1')->getXfIndex();
Then to set that value for the xfIndex of all cells in the range
for ($col = 'D'; $col != 'E'; ++$col) {
for ($row = 1; $row <= 100; ++$row) {
$activeSheet->getCell($col . $row)->setXfIndex($xfIndex);
Alternatively, apply fix to the duplicateStyle() method in Classes/PHPExcel/Worksheet.php
lines 1479 to 1486 currently read:
if ($this->_parent->cellXfExists($pCellStyle)) {
// there is already this cell Xf in our collection
$xfIndex = $pCellStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$xfIndex = $pCellStyle->getIndex();
change to:
if ($existingStyle = $this->_parent->getCellXfByHashCode($pCellStyle->getHashCode())) {
// there is already such cell Xf in our collection
$xfIndex = $existingStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$xfIndex = $pCellStyle->getIndex();
Similarly in the applyFromArray() method in Classes/PHPExcel/Style.php
lines 425 to 432 currently read:
if ($workbook->cellXfExists($newStyle)) {
// there is already such cell Xf in our collection
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $existingStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $newStyle->getIndex();
change to:
if ($existingStyle = $workbook->getCellXfByHashCode($newStyle->getHashCode())) {
// there is already such cell Xf in our collection
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $existingStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $newStyle->getIndex();
Fix has now been pushed to the develop branch on github. It does give a slight performance hit, depending on the number of styles in use... I'll try and get a faster version tomorrow night

ctrl and space key used in Action script class?

I have a switch statement in my action script class.I have a function onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) which contain a switch statement.which control the different keys.
But now I want to handle the same functionality which TAB key is doing using two keys CTRL and SPACE key.
I want add a case more in my switch statement first I pressed CTRL and then SPACE key then a a specific function is called.
Anyone can tell me how two keys used in my switch statement?
private function onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) : void{
if (popUp.displayPopUp){
switch (event.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
case Keyboard.END:
case Keyboard.HOME:
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
inputTxt.selectRange(text.length, text.length)
case Keyboard.ENTER:
case Keyboard.TAB:
if (requireSelection)
popUp.displayPopUp = false
case Keyboard.ESCAPE:
popUp.displayPopUp = false
case Keyboard.CONTROL && Keyboard.SPACE:
if (requireSelection)
popUp.displayPopUp = false
This is a pretty common problem.
event.keyCode is only going to give you the keyCode for the most recent key pressed. So you will have to store key presses and key releases. Fortunately, AS3 is a pretty sweet Array implementation that allows this to be done easily.
var _keys:Array;
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownEvent);
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpEvent);
function keyDownEvent(e:KeyboardEvent)
// turn the key on
_keys[e.keyCode] = true;
// perform logic
function keyUpEvent(e:KeyboardEvent)
// turn the key off
_keys[e.keyCode] = false;
function keyLogic()
// this is where the actual logic is
if(_keys[Keyboard.SPACE] && _keys[Keyboard.CONTROL])
if (requireSelection)
popUp.displayPopUp = false
This allows you to have a neat little array that always tells you what keys are down. It also separates your program logic from your input logic. Double win.
In your case you can just check ctrlKey property on KeyboardEvent. But #DingoEatingFuzz's answer will allow check combinations like 'space' + 'letter' and so on.
case Keyboard.SPACE:
if (event.ctrlKey)
i think this one approch is good........

When to render Legend in Flex

My Flex chart has code that creates a legend from each data series. Currently, I have the drawLegend function execute when a button is clicked.
I am trying to get the legend to draw automatically but I am having trouble determining when to call the drawLegend function. Users click on an 'Update' button which retrieves data. I want the legend to get created after this, without the users having to click on another button.
I have put my drawLegend function in several places (ResultHandler, afterEffectEnd(for chart animation, etc.) and nothing works.
Sometime after the series has been added to the chart and after the series animation ends, the legend can be added.
How can I trap this point in time and call my function?
Any ideas?
Below is the code I used to create the legend. Note that even though the code processes each series, I noticed that the Fill color is null if it is called too early.
private function drawLegend(event:Event):void {
// Use a counter for the series.
var z:int = 0;
var numRows:int;
if (chart.series.length % rowSize == 0) {
// The number of series is exactly divisible by the rowSize.
numRows = Math.floor(chart.series.length / rowSize);
} else {
// One extra row is needed if there is a remainder.
numRows = Math.floor(chart.series.length / rowSize) + 1;
for (var j:int = 0; j < numRows; j++) {
var gr:GridRow = new GridRow();
for (var k:int = 0; k < rowSize; k++) {
// As long as the series counter is less than the number of series...
//skip columnset group
if (chart.series[z] is LineSeries || chart.series[z] is ColumnSeries){
if (z < chart.series.length) {
var gi:GridItem = new GridItem();
var li:LegendItem = new LegendItem();
// Apply the current series' displayName to the LegendItem's label.
li.label = chart.series[z].displayName;
// Get the current series' fill.
var sc:SolidColor = new SolidColor();
sc.color = chart.series[z].items[0].fill.color;
// Apply the current series' fill to the corresponding LegendItem.
li.setStyle("fill", sc.color);//was just sc
// Apply other styles to make the LegendItems look uniform.
li.setStyle("textIndent", 5);
li.setStyle("labelPlacement", "left");
li.setStyle("fontSize", 9);
gi.setStyle("backgroundAlpha", "1");
gi.setStyle("backgroundColor", sc.color);
//gi.width = 80;
// Add the LegendItem to the GridItem.
// Increment any time a LegendItem is added.
Well, I couldn't quite figure out what event to trap so I used the following in the chart's parent container:
Seems to work ok.
