Rocket Universe Dictionary passing VM attribute value to subroutine - dictionary

Okay this might get a tad complex or not.
Have a file with a multivalues in attribute 4
I want to write another dictionary item that loops through the multivalue list, calls a subroutine and returns calculated values for each item in attribute 4.
somthing like
<4> a]b]c]d]e
New attribute
<4> AMT
a 5.00
b 15.00
c 13.50
d 3.25
Not quite sure how to pass in the values from RECORD<4>, had a vague notion of a #CNT system variable, but that's not working, which might mean it was from SB+ or one of the other 4GLs.

You might be over thinking this.
You should just be able to reference it without out doing the ";" and #1 thing (I am not familiar with that convention). Using an I-Descriptor this should do the trick, though I have traditionally used the actual dictionary names instead of the #RECORD thing.
This should work provided your subroutine is compiled, cataloged and returns your desired value with the same value/subvalue structure as #RECORD<4> in the first parameter of the Subroutine.
RETURN.VALUE<1,X> = JUICY.BITS<1,X>:" or something else"
Good luck.


Vim - mapping a key to a function which does something else plus the orginal function of that key

The target is to have the key j doing a possibly complex task and moving to the next line (the latter action performed just like the original function of the j key).
My initial attempt was to map j key this way:
nn j :<C-U>execute "call MyFun(" . v:count . ")"<CR>
(as you can see I intend to make j's behavior depend on the count which is prepended to it)
and to define the function MyFun appropriately:
fu! MyFun(count)
" do more stuff based on a:count
normal j
which is faulty, as hitting j now results in the error E169: Command too recursive, since the non-recursivity of nnoremap, as long as my deduction is correct, applies to the "literal" content of the {rhs} of the mapping, and not to whatever is "inside" it (in other words the function body makes use of the meaning of j at the moment it is called, thus causing the infinte recursion).
Therefore I tried the following
nn , j
nn j :<C-U>execute "call MyFun(" . v:count . ")"<CR>
fu! MyFun(count)
" do more stuff based on a:count
normal ,
However this means that I waste the key ,. I know I can avoid the waste of that mapping doing
nn <Plug>Nobody j
but then I wouldn't know how to use <Plug>Nobody (my understanding is indeed that its use is only in the {rhs} of another, non-nore mapping).
My initial attempt was to map j key this way
Using execute here is redundant. It's enough to do:
nnoremap j :<C-U>call MyFun(v:count)<CR>
now results in the error E169: Command too recursive
That's because of normal. To suppress remapping you must use "bang"-form: normal! j. Please, refere
to documentation for :normal, whose second paragraph describes exactly your use case:
If the [!] is given, mappings will not be used. Without it, when this
command is called from a non-remappable mapping (:noremap), the
argument can be mapped anyway.
Besides, note that j normally supports count, so 2j is expected to move two lines down. So you, probably, should do execute 'normal!' a:count . 'j' instead.


I am new to IDL and find the KEYWORD_SET difficult to grasp. I understand that it is a go no go switch. I think its the knocking on and off part that I am having difficulty with. I have written a small program to master this as such
Pro get_this_done, keyword1 = keyword1
y= WW*3
IF KEYWORD_Set(keyword1) Then BEGIN
WW prints but print, y is restricted by the keyword. How do I knock off the keyword to allow y to print.
Silly little question, but if somebody can indulge me, it would be great.
After compiling the routine, type something like
where the b after the one sets the numeric value to a BYTE type integer (also equivalent to TRUE). That should cause the y-variable to be printed to the screen.
The KEYWORD_SET function will return a TRUE for lots of different types of inputs that are basically either defined or not zero. The IF loop executes when the argument is TRUE.
Keywords are simply passed as arguments to the function:
get_this_done, KEYWORD1='whatever'
or also
get_this_done, /KEYWORD1
which will give KEYWORD1 the INT value of 1 inside the function. Inside the function KEYWORD_SET will return 1 (TRUE) when the keyword was passed any kind of value - no matter whether it makes sense or not.
Thus as a side note to the question: It often is advisable to NOT use KEYWORD_SET, but instead resort to a type query:
variable = 'default value'
It has the advantage that you can actually check for the correct type of the keyword and handle unexpected or even different variable types:
PRINT, "We need a number here... sure that the cast to LONG works?"
variable = LONG(variable)

Strange Dict behavior with keys of a custom type

I have a recursive function which utilizes a global dict to store values already obtained when traversing the tree. However, at least some of the values stored in the dict seem to disappear! This simplified code shows the problem:
type id
Vdict = Dict{id,Float64}()
function getV(w::id)
if haskey(Vdict,w)
return Vdict[w]
if w.level == 12
return 1.0
w.x == -111 && println("dont have: ",w)
local vv = 0.0
for j = -15:15
local wj = id(w.level+1,w.x+j)
vv += getV(wj)
Vdict[w] = vv
w.x == -111 && println("just stored: ",w)
The output has many lines like this:
just stored: id(11,-111)
dont have: id(11,-111)
just stored: id(11,-111)
dont have: id(11,-111)
just stored: id(11,-111)
dont have: id(11,-111)
Do I have a silly error, or is there a bug in Julia's dict?
By default, custom types come with implementations of equality and hashing by object identity. Since your id type is mutable, Julia is conservative and assumes that you care about distinguishing each instance from another (since they could potentially diverge):
julia> type Id # There's a strong convention to capitalize type names in Julia
julia> x = Id(11, -111)
y = Id(11, -111)
x == y
julia> x.level = 12; (x,y)
Julia doesn't know whether you care about the object's long-term behavior or its current value.
There are two ways to make this behave as you'd like:
Make your custom type immutable. It looks like you don't need to mutate the contents of Id. The simplest and most straightforward way to solve this is to define it as immutable Id. Now Id(11, -111) is completely indistinguishable from any other construction of Id(11, -111) since its values can never change. As a bonus, you may see better performance, too.
If you do need to mutate the values, you could alternatively define your own implementations of == and Base.hash so they only care about the current value:
==(a::Id, b::Id) = a.level == b.level && a.x == b.x
Base.hash(a::Id, h::Uint) = hash(a.level, hash(a.x, h))
As #StefanKarpinski just pointed out on the mailing list, this isn't the default for mutable values "since it makes it easy to stick something in a dict, then mutate it, and 'lose it'." That is, the object's hash value has changed but the dictionary stored it in a place based upon its old hash value, and now you can no longer access that key/value pair by key lookup. Even if you create a second object with the same original properties as the first it won't be able to find it since the dictionary checks equality after finding a hash match. The only way to lookup that key is to mutate it back to its original value or explicitly asking the dictionary to Base.rehash! its contents.
In this case, I highly recommend option 1.

OpenVMS initialization of record types

I have some legacy code that I am trying to improve... one approach I like to take is using structures to organize data rather than equivalence operations.... shudder. This is on OpenVMS Fortran 6.4 which I understand to be Fortran77 plus some stuff (might be wrong).
I want to initialize a record variable like so:
structure /my_data/
integer*2 var1
integer*2 var2
character*5 NameTag
end structure
record /my_data/ OrganizedData
data OrganizedData /1, 2, 'Fred '/
I know the data statement is an error, the compiler told me so. Checking in the help files, it appears that DATA does not support record variables in this version. Can anyone confirm? Any suggestions to initialize something like this other than direct assignments?
I have only the Oracle (Sun) manual here, not from OpenVMS, but it implements the same VAX extension (completely non-standard!). There is no structure constructor described there, that you could use for creating values of structure in single expression.
It also says:
Record fields are not allowed in COMMON statements.
Records and record fields are not allowed in DATA,EQUIVALENCE, or NAMELISTstatements.
Record fields are not allowed in SAVE statement.
If you can use a compiler which accepts Fortran 90 you could use
type my_data
integer*2 var1
integer*2 var2
character*5 NameTag
end type
type(my_data) :: OrganizedData
OrganizedData = my_data(1, 2, 'Fred')
(I left the also non-standard * notation there.)
This is how you do it in DEC Fortran:
structure /my_data/
integer*2 var1 /1/
integer*2 var2 /2/
character*5 NameTag /'Fred'/
end structure
record /my_data/ OrganizedData
Note that the initializations are on the type - this will give the same initial values for all variables of that type.
For that version of DEC FORTRAN, if you want different values for each instance, I think you need to initialize the record fields at run time.
OrganizedData.var1 = 1 ! etc.
There are tricks, like using a COMMON and making a MACRO Assembler PSECT that initializes the values at compile time, but I'm guessing that's not what you are looking for. (Let me know if you are).
Also, I forget if it's 6.4 or not, but receiving a passed argument that has static initialization would cause a compiler error or warning.

Variable Names in SWI Prolog

I have been using the chr library along with the jpl interface. I have a general inquiry though. I send the constraints from SWI Prolog to an instance of a java class from within my CHR program. The thing is if the input constraint is leq(A,B) for example, the names of the variables are gone, and the variable names that appear start with _G. This happens even if I try to print leq(A,B) without using the interface at all. It appears that whenever the variable is processed the name is replaced with a fresh one. My question is whether there is a way to do the mapping back. For example whether there is a way to know that _G123 corresponds to A and so on.
Thank you very much.
(This question has nothing to do with CHR nor is it specific to SWI).
The variable names you use when writing a Prolog program are discarded completely by the Prolog system. The reason is that this information cannot be used to print variables accurately. There might be several independent instances of that variable. So one would need to add some unique identifier to the variable name. Also, maintaining that information at runtime would incur significant overheads.
To see this, consider a predicate mylist/1.
?- [user].
|: mylist([]).
|: mylist([_E|Es]) :- mylist(Es).
|: % user://2 compiled 0.00 sec, 4 clauses
Here, we have used the variable _E for each element of the list. The toplevel now prints all those elements with a unique identifier:
?- mylist(Fs).
Fs = [] ;
Fs = [_G295] ;
Fs = [_G295, _G298] .
Fs = [_G295, _G298, _G301] .
The second answer might be printed as Fs = [_E] instead. But what about the third? It cannot be printed as Fs = [_E,_E] since the elements are different variables. So something like Fs = [_E_295,_E_298] is the best we could get. However, this would imply a lot of extra book keeping.
But there is also another reason, why associating source code variable names with runtime variables would lead to extreme complexities: In different places, that variable might have a different name. Here is an artificial example to illustrate this:
And the query:
?- p1(L), p2(L).
L = [_G337, _G340].
What names, would you like, these two elements should have? The first element might have the name _A or _B or maybe even better: _A_or_B. Or, even _Ap1_and_Bp2. For whom will this be a benefit?
Note that the variable names mentioned in the query at the toplevel are retained:
?- Fs = [_,F|_], mylist(Fs).
Fs = [_G231, F] ;
Fs = [_G231, F, _G375] ;
Fs = [_G231, F, _G375, _G378]
So there is a way to get that information. On how to obtain the names of variables in SWI and YAP while reading a term, please refer to this question.
