Can a QToolbar be added to a QDockWidget? - qt

I have setup my app to have various dock windows within the main window. I am also able to add a toolbar to the main window. However, I would ideally like to add the QToolBar inside one of the QDockWindow instances (or the QWidget that it houses) as the toolbar will be specific to that window.
Is this possible? I'm using a recent version of Qt, 5.10.

I think it is possible.
1.QDockWidget can set a QMainWindow by setWidget() method.
QMainWindow is made for just a mainwindow but it is not prevented from being used as a subwidget.
2.QToolBar can be attached to the main-subwindow by addToolBar() method.
3.The subwidget-mainwindow can naturally have its own QToolbar.
If you don't want to use QMainWindow as the widget of its QDockWidget,you can attach the QToolBar as a child widget of QDockWidget. But The toolbar is not movable as QMainWindow's.
I think you want to add QToolBar and use it as QMainWindow.
So I recommend that you set a QMainWindow as the widget of QDockWidget.And you attach any widget you like to the mainwindow after that.


How to add a UI QWidget to a UI QWidget?

Completely using QT Designer. I've created a QWidget to encapsulate a collection of controls. I now want to use this QWidget several times in the QMainWindow form.
How do I 'put' my QWidget onto the QMainWindow using QT Designer only?
Shouldn't this just be a simple drag and drop operation? What am I missing?
You can promote widgets.
Simply drag and drop QWidget into your mainwindow with QtDesigner.
Right click on it and press promote to In the dialog fill in your created widget's Class name (header should be filled in automatically if it doesn't match edit accordingly) press add and promote.
Now build and run your application and you should see your widget with collection of controls.

Rendering QML over another window using QWidget

I am currently using QWidget to embed a window from another library (Panda3D). I've been trying to see if it was possible to add a QML-based interface to Panda3D by rendering a QQuickView over the QWidget containing Panda3D's window.
When I don't initialize Panda3D, I can see my QQuickView being properly rendered over the widget: but when I do reparent Panda3D's window to the widget, then the window is rendered over the QQuickView.
I'd like to know if what I'm trying to do is possible, and if yes, how would I do such a thing ?

How to embed QFontDialog and QColorDialog into QWidget?

I need to pop up Qwidget with some properties functions from QMainWindow. This QWidget has to embed QFontDialog and QColorDialog.
I want it pop everything with single click, not via i.e. QFontComboBox... Is it possible? Can these dialogs be embedded into QWidget
You can add a QMdiArea in your QMainWindow and add any dialog as a subwindow. You can make subwindow maximized and frameless if you want.
QMdiSubWindow* w = ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(new QColorDialog());

QStackedWidget navigation from page to page

I think i'm having a fairly basic Qt problem, but i can't figure it out:
I have a QMainWindow which holds a QStackedWidget. All page widgets in there are seperate classes derived from QWidget.
QMainWindow implements QStacked Window in one class.
All other pages inside the stacked widget are added classes and all have there own .ui filled with buttons and lists trough the Designer.
For navigating to different pages, inside the Mainwindow i have access to: ui.stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(2);
It seems i don't have access to ui.stackedWidget on another page inside the stacked widget? I have no access to the ui.stackedWidget because Ui is a private member in the mainwindow class. (auto generated by Qt - using VS addon for adding QT4 classes)
I would like to know, how can i jump to another page in the stacked widget, when clicking on a button that belongs to another page inside this widget?
All pages are added to the StackedWidget in mainWIndow's constructor:
// etc..
Example of a button click signal-slot inside page1Widget:
connect(ui.btnViewData, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(viewData()));
// navigate to another page here.
// note: ui.stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(3); is not accessible here!
I believe that putting your connect() and viewData() functions within your QMainWindow object will solve your problem, since the main window can have access to both the signals emited by the child widgets and the QStackedWidget items.
You might need to write a Ui getter for each of your page, and then do something like
connect(page1Widget->getUi().btnViewData, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(viewData)));
hope it helps,

QT How to remove the action menu item

when i add the widget to the main window, by default the action menu item will be present,
how to remove that?
verAction = new QAction(tr("&Version"),this);
connect(verAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(displayVersion()));
displayAction = new QAction(tr("&Display"),this);
connect(displayAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(displayMessage()));
exitAction = new QAction(tr("&Exit"),this);
connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(close()));
If you want to hide an QAction and display it when you need it, you can use the setVisible function.
If you want to remove the menu bar from the QMainWindow, you can use the QT_NO_MENUBAR preprocessor to remove all uses of a QMenuBar. If you are not using facilities provided by QMainWindow, maybe you can use a simple QWidget as main window in your application.
If you want to hide QActions at runtime, you will find them as member of the QMainWindow's UI. For example if you have a QAction named actionTest, you will access it like that: this->ui->actionTest->setVisible(false);
I know what you mean... you want to HIDE the DEFAULT CONTEXT MENU "Actions"....
You can do this in the Design section (not in code).
Then you see your Object-Stack on the right side like
MainWindow QMainWindow
centralWidget QWidget
webView QWebView
Now go to the property editor for "contextMenuPolicy" and change it from "DefaultContextMenu" to "NoContextMenu" for every component if necessairy.
In order to remove the default context menu with the label "Actions" the following code may be used:
// Remove context menu from the all widgets.
QWidgetList widgets = QApplication::allWidgets();
QWidget* w=0;
foreach(w,widgets) {
Essentially, the same as the Joel's answer, but the code version :)
(Code taken from QFriendFeed sample from
