SCDF Metrics Collector - Include Prometheus metrics - spring-boot-actuator

I am using SCDF with Spring Boot 2.x metrics and SCDF metrics collector to collect metrics from my Spring Boot app. I really do not uderstand the logic of the collector regarding the aggregateMetricsdata.
When I am fetching the list of metrics collected for my stream, I only have the one starting with*and thus I have on ly the mean value. I tried everything to see other metrics appearing like the one exposed by the /actuator/prometheus endpoint.
I think I have misunderstand the way the metrics are aggregated. I noticed that SCDF add automatically some properties to metrics and I would like to apply these properties to all my metrics exposed in order to collect them all.
"_embedded": {
"streamMetricsList": [
"name": "poc-stream",
"applications": [
"name": "poc-message-sink",
"instances": [
"guid": "poc-stream-poc-message-sink-v7-75b8f4dcff-29fst",
"key": "poc-stream.poc-message-sink.poc-stream-poc-message-sink-v7-75b8f4dcff-29fst",
"properties": {
"": "poc-message-sink",
"": "poc-message-sink",
"": "poc-stream",
"": "sink",
"": "poc-stream-poc-message-sink-v7-75b8f4dcff-29fst",
"": "poc-stream",
"": "2.0"
"metrics": [
"name": "",
"value": 0,
"timestamp": "2018-10-25T16:34:39.889Z"
"aggregateMetrics": [
"name": "",
"value": 0,
"timestamp": "2018-10-25T16:34:52.894Z"
I have some Micrometer counters that I want to get the values with the Metrics collector. I know they are well exposed because I have set all the properties right and I even went into the Docker container launched to check the endpoints.
I have read that
When deploying applications, Data Flow sets the property, as shown in the
following example:,spring.application.index,*,*
The values of these keys are used as the tags to perform aggregation.
In the case of 2.x applications, these key-values map directly onto
tags in the Micrometer library. The property can be used to track back to the
specific application instance that generated the metric.
Does that mean that I need to specifically add these properties myself into the tags of all my metrics ? I know I can do that by having a Bean MeterRegistryCustomizerreturning the following : registry -> registry.config().commonTags(tags) with tags beeing the properties that SCDF normally sets itself for integrationmetrics. Or SCDF adds to ALL metrics the properties ?
Thanks !

while your observation about the MetricsCollector is "generally" correct, I believe there is an alternative (and perhaps cleaner) way to achieve what you've been trying by using the SCDF Micrometer metrics collection approach. I will try to explain both approaches below.
As the MetricsCollector precedes in time the Micrometer framework they both implement a quite different metrics processing flows. The primary goal for the Metrics Collector 2.x was to ensure backward compatibility with SpringBoot 1.x metrics. The MetricsCollector 2.x allows mixing metrics coming from both SpringBoot 1.x (pre micrometer) and Spring Boot 2.x (e.g. micrometer) app starters. The consequence of this decision is that the Collector 2.x supports only the common denominator of metrics available in Boot 1.x and 2.x. This requirement is enforced by pre-filtering only the* metrics. At the moment you would not be able to add more metrics without modifying the metrics collector code. If you think that supporting different Micrometer metrics is more important than having backward compatibility with Boot 1.x then please open an new issue in Metrics Collector project.
Still I believe that the approach explained below is better suited for you case!
Unlike the MetricsCollector approach, the "pure" Micrometer metrics are send directly to the selected Metrics registry (such as Prometheus, InfluxDB, Atlas and so on). As illustrated in the sample, the collected metrics can be analyzed and visualized with tools such as Grafana.
Follow the SCDF Metrics samples to setup your metrics collection via InfluxDB (or Prometheus) and Grafana. Later would allow you explore any out-of-the-box or custom Micrometer metrics. The downside of this approach (for the moment) is that you will not be able to visualize those metrics in the SCDF UI's pipeline. Still if you find it important to have such visualization inside the SCDF UI please open a new issue in the SCDF project (I have WIP for the Altals Micrometer Registry).
I hope that this sheds some light on the alternative approaches. We would be very interested to hear your feedback.


Contract testing on dictionary of objects

I'm trying to write contract tests for an object that contains a dictionary of objects. I want to verify the entries respect my contract. The keys are changing between the consumer and provider. Right now, the matching rules of my contract are trying to find specific keys in the body of my message such as "$.properties.desired.deploymentsRemovals['4JgEA5GCeqwVsu6Qada9XS'].appId"
Is it possible to write contract tests in my situation?
I'm using the PactNet nuget version 4.0.0-beta.3.
Using a matcher on the key such as
deployments = new Dictionary<object, object> {
new {...
produces a contract searching for "pactNet.Matchers.TypeMatcher" as the key
"deployments": {
"pactNet.Matchers.TypeMatcher": {
I'm Yousaf, A developer advocate here at Pact and Pactflow -
We have an open forum about contract testing in our Pact Foundation Slack, you can join over at
You may find the pact-net channel of particular interest.
.NET isn't my forte, and I haven't spend much time on StackOverflow in past, I hope to now!
You should be able to use matchers in your pact-net library, they were designed in V2 Pact specification onwards to solve that exact problem
Which particular version and library are you using, there are various implementations, both official and community supported.
There should be examples of their implementation in your respective libraries readme, but let me know if there isn't, and we can look to resolve.
We plan to display these matcher implementations across the various languages very soon

Unable to create knowledgebase for azure cognitive service (Error: "No Endpoint keys found.")

I am creating a new knowledge base connecting it to an already existing Azure Cognitive Service. But I am getting error: "No Endpoint keys found." when i click "Create KB".
See capture of the error:
My QnAMaker cognitive service has the endpoint
It seems that there is sometimes the problem that the endpoint keys can only be found, if the Resource Group holding all resources for the QnA Maker Service (like App Service, Application Insights, Search Service and the Application Service Plan) is hosted in the same region as the QnA Maker Service itself.
Since the QnA Maker service can only be hosted in West US (as far a I know and was able to find:, the current workaround for this case is to create a new QnA Maker service with the resource group being hosted in the West US region. Then the creation of a knowledge base should work as always.
PS: seems like this issues was already reported, but the problem still occurs for me from time to time (
My resources and resource group were all in West US but I still got the same "No Endpoint keys found." error.
Eventually I figured out that the issue was related to my subscription levels. Make sure that they are all the same for all your created resources.
If you are using the deploy.ps1 script in the Virtual Assistant VS template, open the file at .\Deployment\Resources\template.json
That is a template for the resource creation. You can look through it to see exactly which resources will be created and what parameters are sent to Azure for each of the resources.
I am using a My Visual Studio subscription so it is registered as a free tier in Azure. What worked for me, is that I had to update all the "standard" subscriptions to free in the Parameters JSON array. I didn't update anything lower down for fear that it might interfere with the creation process too much.
An example is the appServicePlanSku parameter. It was set to
"appServicePlanSku": {
"type": "object",
"defaultValue": {
"tier": "Standard",
"name": "S1"
I updated it to
"appServicePlanSku": {
"type": "object",
"defaultValue": {
"tier": "Free",
"name": "F0"
I made multiple of these updates in the parameters array. After those changes, deleting the resource group for the 100th time and running the deployment script again, it worked.

How to improve the performance when copying data from cosmosdb?

I am now trying to copy data from cosmosdb to data lake store by data factory.
However, the performance is poor, about 100KB/s, and the data volume is 100+ GB, and keeps increasing. It will take 10+ days to finish, which is not acceptable.
Microsoft document mentioned that the max speed from cosmos to data lake store is 1MB/s. Even this, the performance is still bad for us.
The cosmos migration tool doesn't work, no data exported, and no issue log.
Data lake analytics usql can extract external sources, but currently only Azure DB/DW and SQL Server are supported, no cosmosdb.
How/what tools can improve the copy performance?
According to your description, I suggest you could try to set high cloudDataMovementUnits to improve the performance.
A cloud data movement unit (DMU) is a measure that represents the power (a combination of CPU, memory, and network resource allocation) of a single unit in Data Factory. A DMU might be used in a cloud-to-cloud copy operation, but not in a hybrid copy.
By default, Data Factory uses a single cloud DMU to perform a single Copy Activity run. To override this default, specify a value for the cloudDataMovementUnits property as follows. For information about the level of performance gain you might get when you configure more units for a specific copy source and sink, see the performance reference.
Notice: Setting of 8 and above currently works only when you copy multiple files from Blob storage/Data Lake Store/Amazon S3/cloud FTP/cloud SFTP to Blob storage/Data Lake Store/Azure SQL Database.
So the max DMU you could set is 4.
Besides, if this speed doesn't match your current requirement.
I suggest you could write your own logic to copy the documentdb to data lake.
You could create multiple webjobs which could use parallel copy from the documentdb to data lake.
You could convert the document according to index range or partition, then you could make each webjob copy different part. In my opinion, this will be faster.
About the dmu, can I use it directly or should I apply for it first? The web jobs you mean is dotnet activity? Can you give some more details?
As far as I know, you could directly use the dmu, you could directly add the dmu value in the json file as below:
"name": "Sample copy activity",
"description": "",
"type": "Copy",
"inputs": [{ "name": "InputDataset" }],
"outputs": [{ "name": "OutputDataset" }],
"typeProperties": {
"source": {
"type": "BlobSource",
"sink": {
"type": "AzureDataLakeStoreSink"
"cloudDataMovementUnits": 32
The webjob which could run programs or scripts in WebJobs in your Azure App Service web app in three ways: on demand, continuously, or on a schedule.
That means you could write a C# program(or using other code language) to run the programs or scripts to copy the data from documentdb to data lake(all of the logic should be written by yourself).

How could Bosun fit for my usecase?

I need an alerting system where I could have my own metric and threshold to report for anomalies (basically alerting on the basis of logs and data in DB). I explored Bosun but not sure how to make it work. I have following issues:-
There are pre-defined items which are all system level, but I couldn't find a way to add new items, i.e. custom items
How will bosun ingest data other than scollector. As I understand could I use logstash as data source and totally miss OpenTDSP( Really don't like HBase dependency)?
By Items I think you mean metrics. Bosun learns about metrics, and their tag relationships when you do one of the following:
Relay opentsdb data through Bosun (
Get copies of metrics sent to the api/index route
There are also metadata routes, which tell bosun about the metric, such as counter/gauge, unit, and description.
The logstash datasource will be deprecated in favor of an elastic datasource in the coming 0.5.0 release. But it is replaced by an elastic one is better (but requires ES 2+). To use those expressions see the raw documentation ( docs will updated next release): To add it you would have something like the following in the config:
The functions to query various backends are only loaded into the expression library when the backend is configured.

which s best way to test the database packages?

I am currently working on a project where we need to test the database packages and functions.
We need to provide the input parameters to the database package and test the packages returns the expected value, also we want to test the response time of the request.
Please advice, if there is any tool available to perform this or we can write our test cases in Junit or some other framework.
Which one will be best approach?
I've used a more native approach when I had to do DWH testing. I've arranged the Test framework around the Dev data integration framework that was already in place. So i had a lot of reusable jobs, configurations and code. But using OOP like you suggest
write our test cases in Junit
is a way to go too. But keep in mind that very often the DWH design is very complex (with a lot of aspects to consider) and interacting with the Persistence layer is not always the best candidate for testing strategy. A more DB oriented solution (like tSQLt) offers a significant performance.
Those resources helped me a lot:
My framework Acolyte provides a JDBC driver & tools, designed for such purposes (mock up, testing, ...):
It's used already in some open source projects (Anorm, Youtube Vitess, ...), either in vanilla Java, or using its Scala DSL.
handler = handleStatement.withQueryDetection(...).
withQueryHandler(/* which result for which query */).
withUpdateHandler(/* which result for which update */).
// Register prepared handler with expected ID 'my-unique-id'
acolyte.Driver.register("my-unique-id", handler);
// then ...
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);
// ... Connection |con| is managed through |handler|
