Promoting the InterchangeID using a correlation set doesn't work - why not? - biztalk

I have a Direct to MessageBox send port publishing a message, for which I would like to have the InterchangeID promoted so that I can create a sequential convoy against the current batch of messages. I am using an initializing correlation set, declaring BTS.InterchangeID as the correlated property, and applying it to the Send action.
When I run the code, these messages cause routing errors. Looking at the routing failure report, I can see that the InterchangeID is present but is "Not Promoted".
Why in this particular case is the correlation set not promoting the property when this usually just works?

I would suggest you create your own message only context property that you can set using the BTS.InterchangeID value rather than trying to change the properties of an existing BizTalk one as it might have unintended consequences.


fetch 1 message at given offset when debugging app using spring-kafka

I understand, that random access in inefficient. But app failed, record content is (let's assume it) big for logging or otherwise inappropriate (that's true without assumption), so I only have info, that record at this offset failed and why. Good, now I want to see the data, let's say to be able to reproduce it. How to do that?
OK, I can use ConsumerSeekAware consumer, but that will rewind the position and process all records from that position on. I don't want that, I want just 1 specific message. I can use specific consumer in specific consumer group for this use case not to influence others and set ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG to 1 so that each pull returns just 1 record, but this will not stop all records from reaching the listener. Since there is no way how to call poll manually, programmatically. Right? Or is there such a way? Or other how to achieve this? Even if I try to reach spring-kafka internals, the org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.The consumer seems to be made inaccessible on purpose, or at least I do not see the way.
Yes, you can just create your own consumer manually and poll it.
Get a reference to the consumer factory and call `createConsumer("tempGroup", "tempClient").
You would need to create a second consumer factory with max.poll.records=1.
You can copy the other properties from the main factory by calling getConfigurationProperties() - and creating a new map from it and create a new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory.
Close the consumer when you are done.

BizTalk EDIFACT sub document splitting

Our partner sends a EDIFACT which has some custom segments. I have updated one of the existing edifact schemas to have these custom segments. The happy day scenarios are working. We are now trying to implement negative scenarios. The business wants BizTalk to process the successful message within the interchange and raise an error for the failed ones. I am not using partner agreement. In the EDIFACT fallback settings, I have set the inbound batch processing option to split the interchange as Transaction sets - suspend transaction set on error.
My partner will send multiple data (in our case, multiple S01Loop) within the same transaction set i.e. within UNH-UNT. If I apply the above logic, the entire interchange is failing.
We want the particular Loop data to fail and the remaining positive ones should pass.
What I have tried:
For HIPAA based edifact file, there is a concept called subdocument_break. I applied those annotations in the XSD. Unfortunately it didnt work.
If there is no out of the box solution, I am planning to write a EDI splitter pipeline component which will be custom flat file disassembler component which will split the multiple data into separate instances. I will then use the EDI disassembler to parse the data.
Let me know if anyone has got a out of the box feature available in BizTalk to do this.
In this case, Sub Document Splitting will not help because if there is an syntactical error, the entire Transaction Set will fail anyway.
There is a reason for this. If segments are out of order, the parser cannot reliably determine it's place.
The correct way to handle this is to move such validation to later in the process so the invalid messages are detected after parsing. If the Trading Partner is sending truly invalid EDI, they really need to fix that on their end.

BizTalk 2010 Prevent output of Property Schema

I have an orchestration which is receiving messages from the message box of type XmlDocument. The messages have promoted properties and I am including the property schema in my project so that I may filter on them (a separate application is creating these messages). I am then assigning the untyped message to a typed message (I am not altering the name space) via a standard message assignment shape e.g.
MsgAgressoNewStarters = MsgXmldoc;
I am then outputting the message to a file location. However when I do this the property schema is also outputted.
How can I prevent this? I have tried filters etc.
10th May 2012
I think I am possibly going about this the wrong way perhaps if I describe the full scenario you may be able to spot my deliberate mistake ;)
We are using BizTalk 2010.
I have a BizTalk application which talks to a 3rd party generic webservice that returns reports from one of our systems. This application is activated via the scheduled adapter which sends an XML document containing two values, the report name and the interface it is for. The web service returns the report as a string on a single XML node, this string in its self is an XML document. I then load this string into a message of type System.Xml.XmlDocument. There is no way of telling from the format of the data what report or for what interface this message is for. I need to send this message to the messagebox for it to be picked up by any number of related biztalk applications. So far I have tried creating a correlation set with the two values (from a property schema) & used that as the initialising correlation set on the send shape. I have then used the same property schema on another BT application to filter the message. This works but for some reason I get two messages, one being the XML which activities the orchestration which has the same fields as the property schema & correlation set. BizTalk doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between them although they are structurally different and this is where my problem starts.
I am now thinking of creating a multipart message in the report application one part being the XmlDocument and the other being a header with the values I wish to route on.
Hope that makes some kind of sense.
I've actually now answered my own question, because both messages have the same properties I am inadvertently subscribing to both, d'oh!

Biztalk message agnostic orchestration

After moving away from Biztalk since BT2006, we're looking at bringing it back into the organization. One of the frustrations I had early on was when dealing wht HL7 and orchestrations, we needed to have a seperate orchestration for each ADT message type, even though the schema for each type is essentially the same, and each orchestration did exactly the same thing. Moving forward into the world of BizTalk 2010, has anything improved here? Is there a pattern I can utilize to use a single orchestration for all ADT types?
HL7 messaging in BizTalk has remained roughly unchanged since the 2006 release. Because BizTalk defines a schema for each message and event type (e.g. ADT^A01, ADT^A03, ADT^A08) and not just for each message type (e.g. ADT, BAR, MDM), your mapping and orchestrations quickly become a mess.
Here is what I have done in the past to get around this limitation:
Allow messages to come in untyped to the orchestration. That is set the MessageType = System.Xml.XmlDocument. I found that generally, I am only interested in parsing out or updating a few elements, so I would just write a helper library with a few generic linq statements to get to the data that I needed. This way, I could write a linq statement that gets to PID-3 (Patient Id Number) and I would be able to use it consistently over any message or event type because PID remains the same. Likewise, I would use the same technique to update the message as well. This technique does not work great if there are large structural differences in the fields that you are looking to update or if you are looking to read/update a large amount of data.
Create master/canonical HL7 message type schemas. This takes a bit more work, but depending on how many message types you are looking to process, this can really pay off and is more consistent with how healthcare organizations think of their HL7 interfaces. In order to do this, you would need to define a new schema for a message type and include all possible segments for this message. So, instead of having multiple ADT types defined, you would roll all the possible variations for A01, A03, A04, etc. under one master schema. This will allow you greatly reduce the amount of mapping and parsing logic needed. Unfortunately, since this is not the HL7 accelerator's default behavior and will require some custom pipelines and orchestration logic to achieve. Basically, you will need to modify some properties to get the Accelerator to think that your new master message is valid.
For mostly pass-through interfaces, I would recommend technique #1. Otherwise, if you will be generating or needing to consume basically any message event in a canonical fashion, technique #2 can pay off in the long run.
As I see it you have two possibilities here.
Treat the message as anonymous. This means your message is "un-typed" (you declare it as a System.Xml.XmlDocument type). Then your orchestration can interrogate the message to decide what type it is.
Create an envelope message whose body can be all of your possible message types (using the xsd choice group selector). Your orchestration then handles the envelope message type. With this approach you can declare the type contained in the body of the envelope by setting a value in the envelope header.
I would prefer the second one; while it is certainly more work (you need to wrap all your inbound messages in an envelope) it allows you to understand the what the message is by just looking at the envelope header. This means you can still route by message type if you need to.

Accessing Promoted Property from within a map

I am trying to correlate an orchestration based on part of a received file location name and the date received. I have the receive port with an inbound map that assigns the date, but I cannot figure out out to access the promoted property for the receive location (which I have promoted).
Is there any way to access this info? Xpath? C# functoid?
Literally answering your question, yes, there is a C# functoid that allows access to the context properties from within a map.
However, if I understand your question correctly, you have an orchestration that sends a request message and is asynchronously waiting for a correlated response. I also understand that you would like all messages received from a specific Receive Location at a certain date to be routed back to the appropriate orchestration.
For this, you do not need to access promoted properties from within a map. All you have to do is initialize an appropriate Correlation when sending the message and have the properties specified in the Correlation Set promoted by the incoming Receive Pipeline.
For this to make sense, obviously, you would need to restrict the date to an acceptable range, with precision to a day, a hour-range or even a minute-range. Anything below that would run the risk of not being able to correlate the response to the appropriate time.
If you have some degree of control on the particular system that produces the response, using a GUID for the correlated property is probably the simplest approach.
