Why does If block output vary for stop/warning? - r

Summary: Why does the fourth block below (with parentheses around the if block) work correctly to give the error, but the third does not?
I want to have a conditional warning/error based on the date for code that I'm working on. Specifically, I have an expensive operation to save some excel files that takes several minutes and is rarely required. If I don't do it, I want to be reminded, and if I don't do it after a date that I expect to have new data, I want an error to remind me.
The first block of code below works reasonably, but I wanted not to duplicate the message. I tried the second block of code which accurately generates the warning as desired, but when it should be an error (the third block), it returns the function stop instead of calling stop with the argument as it did for warning.
However, when I wrap the if block in parentheses (the fourth block below), it works correctly. Why does the output of if differ between stop and warning?
today <- Sys.Date()
if (Sys.Date() > today) {
stop("Not saving excel files")
} else {
warning("Not saving excel files")
#> Warning: Not saving excel files
if (Sys.Date() > today) {
} else {
}("Not saving excel files")
#> Warning: Not saving excel files
if (Sys.Date() > as.character(as.Date(today) - 1)) {
} else {
}("Not saving excel files")
#> function (..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL)
#> {
#> args <- list(...)
#> if (length(args) == 1L && inherits(args[[1L]], "condition")) {
#> cond <- args[[1L]]
#> if (nargs() > 1L)
#> warning("additional arguments ignored in stop()")
#> message <- conditionMessage(cond)
#> call <- conditionCall(cond)
#> .Internal(.signalCondition(cond, message, call))
#> .Internal(.dfltStop(message, call))
#> }
#> else .Internal(stop(call., .makeMessage(..., domain = domain)))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x000000001c2fb4a0>
#> <environment: namespace:base>
if (Sys.Date() > as.character(as.Date(today) - 1)) {
} else {
)("Not saving excel files")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): Not saving excel files
Created on 2018-10-29 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).

We can use the lobstr package on github to compare the abstract syntax trees returned when R parses these commands. Observe the difference.
lobstr::ast((if(FALSE) {stop} else {warning})("bad"))
# o-o-`(`
# | \-o-`if`
# | +-FALSE
# | +-o-`{`
# | | \-stop
# | \-o-`{`
# | \-warning
# \-"bad"
lobstr::ast(if(FALSE) {stop} else {warning}("bad"))
# o-`if`
# +-o-`{`
# | \-stop
# \-o-o-`{`
# | \-warning
# \-"bad"
Notice that in the case without the parenthesis, the () to call the function is only bound to the block passed in the else statement. The () associates more strongly to the {} than it does the result of the if statement. Adding in the parenthesis helps you override the default operator precedence.
The {} just wrap multiple statements. Consider what it looks like without the braces (which are not required in if statements)
if(FALSE) stop else warning("bad")
# vs
(if(FALSE) stop else warning)("bad")
You can see how it looks like the "bad" should only be passed to warning in the first case


Skipping errors in a loop in R

I have a list of file to read. I wrote a loop, like this (it is only a example). However, some of these elements are missing and I got a message error interrupting the loop.I would like to skip the error and finish the loop, with the other elements of the list.
list<- c("ciao",
for (symbols in list){
a <- symbols
b <- as.Date(symbols)
c <- as.numeric(symbols)
d<- cbind(a,b,c)
As, far as I know, I could use the function try. I have already read some examples here, but they don't fit my need... or I don't know how to implement it.
Any idea to solve the problem?
Thank you
You can use tryCatch() for this and use the error = part to indicate what you want in the case of an error.
For example, in the below we can continue checking if the symbol == "bau" even after "miao" caused an error:
# error before it checks all args of list
list <- c("ciao", "miao", "bau")
for (symbols in list) {
if (symbols == "miao") stop("Er!")
print(symbols == "bau")
#> [1] FALSE
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): Er!
# now it will check all args even with error
for (symbols in list) {
expr = {
if (symbols == "miao") stop("Er!")
print(symbols == "bau")
error = function(e) NA
#> [1] FALSE
#> [1] TRUE
Created on 2022-08-03 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

How to have try and catch in R? [duplicate]

I want to write trycatch code to deal with error in downloading from the web.
url <- c(
y <- mapply(readLines, con=url)
These two statements run successfully. Below, I create a non-exist web address:
url <- c("xxxxx", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xz")
url[1] does not exist. How does one write a trycatch loop (function) so that:
When the URL is wrong, the output will be: "web URL is wrong, can't get".
When the URL is wrong, the code does not stop, but continues to download until the end of the list of URLs?
Well then: welcome to the R world ;-)
Here you go
Setting up the code
urls <- c(
readUrl <- function(url) {
out <- tryCatch(
# Just to highlight: if you want to use more than one
# R expression in the "try" part then you'll have to
# use curly brackets.
# 'tryCatch()' will return the last evaluated expression
# in case the "try" part was completed successfully
message("This is the 'try' part")
readLines(con=url, warn=FALSE)
# The return value of `readLines()` is the actual value
# that will be returned in case there is no condition
# (e.g. warning or error).
# You don't need to state the return value via `return()` as code
# in the "try" part is not wrapped inside a function (unlike that
# for the condition handlers for warnings and error below)
error=function(cond) {
message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", url))
message("Here's the original error message:")
# Choose a return value in case of error
warning=function(cond) {
message(paste("URL caused a warning:", url))
message("Here's the original warning message:")
# Choose a return value in case of warning
# Here goes everything that should be executed at the end,
# regardless of success or error.
# If you want more than one expression to be executed, then you
# need to wrap them in curly brackets ({...}); otherwise you could
# just have written 'finally=<expression>'
message(paste("Processed URL:", url))
message("Some other message at the end")
Applying the code
> y <- lapply(urls, readUrl)
Processed URL: http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/connections.html
Some other message at the end
Processed URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xz
Some other message at the end
URL does not seem to exist: xxxxx
Here's the original error message:
cannot open the connection
Processed URL: xxxxx
Some other message at the end
Warning message:
In file(con, "r") : cannot open file 'xxxxx': No such file or directory
Investigating the output
> head(y[[1]])
[1] "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">"
[2] "<html><head><title>R: Functions to Manipulate Connections</title>"
[3] "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"
[4] "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"R.css\">"
[5] "</head><body>"
[6] ""
> length(y)
[1] 3
> y[[3]]
[1] NA
Additional remarks
tryCatch returns the value associated to executing expr unless there's an error or a warning. In this case, specific return values (see return(NA) above) can be specified by supplying a respective handler function (see arguments error and warning in ?tryCatch). These can be functions that already exist, but you can also define them within tryCatch() (as I did above).
The implications of choosing specific return values of the handler functions
As we've specified that NA should be returned in case of error, the third element in y is NA. If we'd have chosen NULL to be the return value, the length of y would just have been 2 instead of 3 as lapply() will simply "ignore" return values that are NULL. Also note that if you don't specify an explicit return value via return(), the handler functions will return NULL (i.e. in case of an error or a warning condition).
"Undesired" warning message
As warn=FALSE doesn't seem to have any effect, an alternative way to suppress the warning (which in this case isn't really of interest) is to use
instead of
readLines(con=url, warn=FALSE)
Multiple expressions
Note that you can also place multiple expressions in the "actual expressions part" (argument expr of tryCatch()) if you wrap them in curly brackets (just like I illustrated in the finally part).
tryCatch has a slightly complex syntax structure. However, once we understand the 4 parts which constitute a complete tryCatch call as shown below, it becomes easy to remember:
expr: [Required] R code(s) to be evaluated
error : [Optional] What should run if an error occured while evaluating the codes in expr
warning : [Optional] What should run if a warning occured while evaluating the codes in expr
finally : [Optional] What should run just before quitting the tryCatch call, irrespective of if expr ran successfully, with an error, or with a warning
expr = {
# Your code...
# goes here...
# ...
error = function(e){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an error is caught...
warning = function(w){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an warning is caught...
finally = {
# (Optional)
# Do this at the end before quitting the tryCatch structure...
Thus, a toy example, to calculate the log of a value might look like:
log_calculator <- function(x){
expr = {
message("Successfully executed the log(x) call.")
error = function(e){
message('Caught an error!')
warning = function(w){
message('Caught an warning!')
finally = {
message('All done, quitting.')
Now, running three cases:
A valid case
# 2.30258509299405
# Successfully executed the log(x) call.
# All done, quitting.
A "warning" case
# Caught an warning!
# <simpleWarning in log(x): NaNs produced>
# All done, quitting.
An "error" case
# Caught an error!
# <simpleError in log(x): non-numeric argument to mathematical function>
# All done, quitting.
I've written about some useful use-cases which I use regularly. Find more details here: https://rsangole.netlify.com/post/try-catch/
Hope this is helpful.
R uses functions for implementing try-catch block:
The syntax somewhat looks like this:
result = tryCatch({
}, warning = function(warning_condition) {
}, error = function(error_condition) {
}, finally={
In tryCatch() there are two ‘conditions’ that can be handled: ‘warnings’ and ‘errors’. The important thing to understand when writing each block of code is the state of execution and the scope.
Here goes a straightforward example:
# Do something, or tell me why it failed
my_update_function <- function(x){
# This is what I want to do...
y = x * 2
# ... but if an error occurs, tell me what happened:
error=function(error_message) {
message("This is my custom message.")
message("And below is the error message from R:")
If you also want to capture a "warning", just add warning= similar to the error= part.
Since I just lost two days of my life trying to solve for tryCatch for an irr function, I thought I should share my wisdom (and what is missing). FYI - irr is an actual function from FinCal in this case where got errors in a few cases on a large data set.
Set up tryCatch as part of a function. For example:
irr2 <- function (x) {
out <- tryCatch(irr(x), error = function(e) NULL)
For the error (or warning) to work, you actually need to create a function. I originally for error part just wrote error = return(NULL) and ALL values came back null.
Remember to create a sub-output (like my "out") and to return(out).

how to understand the use of tryCatch in R [duplicate]

I want to write trycatch code to deal with error in downloading from the web.
url <- c(
y <- mapply(readLines, con=url)
These two statements run successfully. Below, I create a non-exist web address:
url <- c("xxxxx", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xz")
url[1] does not exist. How does one write a trycatch loop (function) so that:
When the URL is wrong, the output will be: "web URL is wrong, can't get".
When the URL is wrong, the code does not stop, but continues to download until the end of the list of URLs?
Well then: welcome to the R world ;-)
Here you go
Setting up the code
urls <- c(
readUrl <- function(url) {
out <- tryCatch(
# Just to highlight: if you want to use more than one
# R expression in the "try" part then you'll have to
# use curly brackets.
# 'tryCatch()' will return the last evaluated expression
# in case the "try" part was completed successfully
message("This is the 'try' part")
readLines(con=url, warn=FALSE)
# The return value of `readLines()` is the actual value
# that will be returned in case there is no condition
# (e.g. warning or error).
# You don't need to state the return value via `return()` as code
# in the "try" part is not wrapped inside a function (unlike that
# for the condition handlers for warnings and error below)
error=function(cond) {
message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", url))
message("Here's the original error message:")
# Choose a return value in case of error
warning=function(cond) {
message(paste("URL caused a warning:", url))
message("Here's the original warning message:")
# Choose a return value in case of warning
# Here goes everything that should be executed at the end,
# regardless of success or error.
# If you want more than one expression to be executed, then you
# need to wrap them in curly brackets ({...}); otherwise you could
# just have written 'finally=<expression>'
message(paste("Processed URL:", url))
message("Some other message at the end")
Applying the code
> y <- lapply(urls, readUrl)
Processed URL: http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/connections.html
Some other message at the end
Processed URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xz
Some other message at the end
URL does not seem to exist: xxxxx
Here's the original error message:
cannot open the connection
Processed URL: xxxxx
Some other message at the end
Warning message:
In file(con, "r") : cannot open file 'xxxxx': No such file or directory
Investigating the output
> head(y[[1]])
[1] "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">"
[2] "<html><head><title>R: Functions to Manipulate Connections</title>"
[3] "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"
[4] "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"R.css\">"
[5] "</head><body>"
[6] ""
> length(y)
[1] 3
> y[[3]]
[1] NA
Additional remarks
tryCatch returns the value associated to executing expr unless there's an error or a warning. In this case, specific return values (see return(NA) above) can be specified by supplying a respective handler function (see arguments error and warning in ?tryCatch). These can be functions that already exist, but you can also define them within tryCatch() (as I did above).
The implications of choosing specific return values of the handler functions
As we've specified that NA should be returned in case of error, the third element in y is NA. If we'd have chosen NULL to be the return value, the length of y would just have been 2 instead of 3 as lapply() will simply "ignore" return values that are NULL. Also note that if you don't specify an explicit return value via return(), the handler functions will return NULL (i.e. in case of an error or a warning condition).
"Undesired" warning message
As warn=FALSE doesn't seem to have any effect, an alternative way to suppress the warning (which in this case isn't really of interest) is to use
instead of
readLines(con=url, warn=FALSE)
Multiple expressions
Note that you can also place multiple expressions in the "actual expressions part" (argument expr of tryCatch()) if you wrap them in curly brackets (just like I illustrated in the finally part).
tryCatch has a slightly complex syntax structure. However, once we understand the 4 parts which constitute a complete tryCatch call as shown below, it becomes easy to remember:
expr: [Required] R code(s) to be evaluated
error : [Optional] What should run if an error occured while evaluating the codes in expr
warning : [Optional] What should run if a warning occured while evaluating the codes in expr
finally : [Optional] What should run just before quitting the tryCatch call, irrespective of if expr ran successfully, with an error, or with a warning
expr = {
# Your code...
# goes here...
# ...
error = function(e){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an error is caught...
warning = function(w){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an warning is caught...
finally = {
# (Optional)
# Do this at the end before quitting the tryCatch structure...
Thus, a toy example, to calculate the log of a value might look like:
log_calculator <- function(x){
expr = {
message("Successfully executed the log(x) call.")
error = function(e){
message('Caught an error!')
warning = function(w){
message('Caught an warning!')
finally = {
message('All done, quitting.')
Now, running three cases:
A valid case
# 2.30258509299405
# Successfully executed the log(x) call.
# All done, quitting.
A "warning" case
# Caught an warning!
# <simpleWarning in log(x): NaNs produced>
# All done, quitting.
An "error" case
# Caught an error!
# <simpleError in log(x): non-numeric argument to mathematical function>
# All done, quitting.
I've written about some useful use-cases which I use regularly. Find more details here: https://rsangole.netlify.com/post/try-catch/
Hope this is helpful.
R uses functions for implementing try-catch block:
The syntax somewhat looks like this:
result = tryCatch({
}, warning = function(warning_condition) {
}, error = function(error_condition) {
}, finally={
In tryCatch() there are two ‘conditions’ that can be handled: ‘warnings’ and ‘errors’. The important thing to understand when writing each block of code is the state of execution and the scope.
Here goes a straightforward example:
# Do something, or tell me why it failed
my_update_function <- function(x){
# This is what I want to do...
y = x * 2
# ... but if an error occurs, tell me what happened:
error=function(error_message) {
message("This is my custom message.")
message("And below is the error message from R:")
If you also want to capture a "warning", just add warning= similar to the error= part.
Since I just lost two days of my life trying to solve for tryCatch for an irr function, I thought I should share my wisdom (and what is missing). FYI - irr is an actual function from FinCal in this case where got errors in a few cases on a large data set.
Set up tryCatch as part of a function. For example:
irr2 <- function (x) {
out <- tryCatch(irr(x), error = function(e) NULL)
For the error (or warning) to work, you actually need to create a function. I originally for error part just wrote error = return(NULL) and ALL values came back null.
Remember to create a sub-output (like my "out") and to return(out).

How to use tryCatch() in R with parallel code? [duplicate]

I want to write trycatch code to deal with error in downloading from the web.
url <- c(
y <- mapply(readLines, con=url)
These two statements run successfully. Below, I create a non-exist web address:
url <- c("xxxxx", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xz")
url[1] does not exist. How does one write a trycatch loop (function) so that:
When the URL is wrong, the output will be: "web URL is wrong, can't get".
When the URL is wrong, the code does not stop, but continues to download until the end of the list of URLs?
Well then: welcome to the R world ;-)
Here you go
Setting up the code
urls <- c(
readUrl <- function(url) {
out <- tryCatch(
# Just to highlight: if you want to use more than one
# R expression in the "try" part then you'll have to
# use curly brackets.
# 'tryCatch()' will return the last evaluated expression
# in case the "try" part was completed successfully
message("This is the 'try' part")
readLines(con=url, warn=FALSE)
# The return value of `readLines()` is the actual value
# that will be returned in case there is no condition
# (e.g. warning or error).
# You don't need to state the return value via `return()` as code
# in the "try" part is not wrapped inside a function (unlike that
# for the condition handlers for warnings and error below)
error=function(cond) {
message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", url))
message("Here's the original error message:")
# Choose a return value in case of error
warning=function(cond) {
message(paste("URL caused a warning:", url))
message("Here's the original warning message:")
# Choose a return value in case of warning
# Here goes everything that should be executed at the end,
# regardless of success or error.
# If you want more than one expression to be executed, then you
# need to wrap them in curly brackets ({...}); otherwise you could
# just have written 'finally=<expression>'
message(paste("Processed URL:", url))
message("Some other message at the end")
Applying the code
> y <- lapply(urls, readUrl)
Processed URL: http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/connections.html
Some other message at the end
Processed URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xz
Some other message at the end
URL does not seem to exist: xxxxx
Here's the original error message:
cannot open the connection
Processed URL: xxxxx
Some other message at the end
Warning message:
In file(con, "r") : cannot open file 'xxxxx': No such file or directory
Investigating the output
> head(y[[1]])
[1] "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">"
[2] "<html><head><title>R: Functions to Manipulate Connections</title>"
[3] "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"
[4] "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"R.css\">"
[5] "</head><body>"
[6] ""
> length(y)
[1] 3
> y[[3]]
[1] NA
Additional remarks
tryCatch returns the value associated to executing expr unless there's an error or a warning. In this case, specific return values (see return(NA) above) can be specified by supplying a respective handler function (see arguments error and warning in ?tryCatch). These can be functions that already exist, but you can also define them within tryCatch() (as I did above).
The implications of choosing specific return values of the handler functions
As we've specified that NA should be returned in case of error, the third element in y is NA. If we'd have chosen NULL to be the return value, the length of y would just have been 2 instead of 3 as lapply() will simply "ignore" return values that are NULL. Also note that if you don't specify an explicit return value via return(), the handler functions will return NULL (i.e. in case of an error or a warning condition).
"Undesired" warning message
As warn=FALSE doesn't seem to have any effect, an alternative way to suppress the warning (which in this case isn't really of interest) is to use
instead of
readLines(con=url, warn=FALSE)
Multiple expressions
Note that you can also place multiple expressions in the "actual expressions part" (argument expr of tryCatch()) if you wrap them in curly brackets (just like I illustrated in the finally part).
tryCatch has a slightly complex syntax structure. However, once we understand the 4 parts which constitute a complete tryCatch call as shown below, it becomes easy to remember:
expr: [Required] R code(s) to be evaluated
error : [Optional] What should run if an error occured while evaluating the codes in expr
warning : [Optional] What should run if a warning occured while evaluating the codes in expr
finally : [Optional] What should run just before quitting the tryCatch call, irrespective of if expr ran successfully, with an error, or with a warning
expr = {
# Your code...
# goes here...
# ...
error = function(e){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an error is caught...
warning = function(w){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an warning is caught...
finally = {
# (Optional)
# Do this at the end before quitting the tryCatch structure...
Thus, a toy example, to calculate the log of a value might look like:
log_calculator <- function(x){
expr = {
message("Successfully executed the log(x) call.")
error = function(e){
message('Caught an error!')
warning = function(w){
message('Caught an warning!')
finally = {
message('All done, quitting.')
Now, running three cases:
A valid case
# 2.30258509299405
# Successfully executed the log(x) call.
# All done, quitting.
A "warning" case
# Caught an warning!
# <simpleWarning in log(x): NaNs produced>
# All done, quitting.
An "error" case
# Caught an error!
# <simpleError in log(x): non-numeric argument to mathematical function>
# All done, quitting.
I've written about some useful use-cases which I use regularly. Find more details here: https://rsangole.netlify.com/post/try-catch/
Hope this is helpful.
R uses functions for implementing try-catch block:
The syntax somewhat looks like this:
result = tryCatch({
}, warning = function(warning_condition) {
}, error = function(error_condition) {
}, finally={
In tryCatch() there are two ‘conditions’ that can be handled: ‘warnings’ and ‘errors’. The important thing to understand when writing each block of code is the state of execution and the scope.
Here goes a straightforward example:
# Do something, or tell me why it failed
my_update_function <- function(x){
# This is what I want to do...
y = x * 2
# ... but if an error occurs, tell me what happened:
error=function(error_message) {
message("This is my custom message.")
message("And below is the error message from R:")
If you also want to capture a "warning", just add warning= similar to the error= part.
Since I just lost two days of my life trying to solve for tryCatch for an irr function, I thought I should share my wisdom (and what is missing). FYI - irr is an actual function from FinCal in this case where got errors in a few cases on a large data set.
Set up tryCatch as part of a function. For example:
irr2 <- function (x) {
out <- tryCatch(irr(x), error = function(e) NULL)
For the error (or warning) to work, you actually need to create a function. I originally for error part just wrote error = return(NULL) and ALL values came back null.
Remember to create a sub-output (like my "out") and to return(out).

Warnings instead of errors from assert_that()?

I'm using R's assertthat package and am wanting to (temporarily) output a warning instead of an error on assertion failure. What's the easiest way to do that with the assertthat package?
I realize that wanting warnings instead of errors kind of goes against what assertions are supposed to be used for. In the long term, we indeed want to be outputting errors on assertion failure. In the short term, we still want the code to function even with bad input, since the output with bad inputs is still "good enough" for now.
A simple example: suppose I have a function that takes x as input and outputs x+5. I want to output a warning if x!=3. Since we will be using assert_that ultimately, it would be nice if we can use assertthat package for the warning.
In the long term, we'll use this:
> x <- 3
> fn <- function(x) {assert_that(x==3); return(x+5)}
> fn(3)
[1] 8
> fn(4)
Error: x not equal to 3
In the short term, here's the best I have so far:
> fn <- function(x) {if(!see_if(x==3)) warning(validate_that(x==3)); return(x+5)}
> fn(3)
[1] 8
> fn(4)
[1] 9
Warning message:
In fn(4) : x not equal to 3
I'm looking for a more concise solution, if possible (best case would be passing an "output_warning" parameter to assert_that, but I don't think that exists).
I created a user defined function which accepts a string corresponding to an expression against which you would like to run validate_that() (ultimately assert_that()). The function prints a warning if the assertion fails and remains silent otherwise. See below for usage. You could easily extend this custom function to accept more than one expression if necessary. Note that I also use sys.calls() to obtain the name of the function which called this helper function. This is an important piece of information so you can correlate your warnings with the code that actually generated them.
assert_that_soft <- function(exp) {
if (!exp) {
print (paste("Error in function:",
parse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-1]])) ) # name of caller
> fn <- function(x) { assert_that_soft(x==3); return(x+5) }
> fn(3)
[1] 8
> fn(8)
[1] "Error in function: fn(8)"
[1] 13
Another option is to wrap assert_that in tryCatch.
fn <- function(x) tryCatch(assert_that(x == 3), error = function(e) warning(e), finally = return(x+5))
# [1] 8
# [1] 13
# Warning message:
# x not equal to 3
I think the easiest way to overwrite the function would be to copy most of the assert_that function as is, and call the new function by the same name so you don't need to change all the code when you go into error mode.
assert_that <- function(..., env=parent.frame()) {
res <- see_if(..., env=env)
if (res)
warning(attr(res, "msg"))
fn <- function(x) { assert_that(x==3); return(x+5) }
# [1] 8
# [1] 13
# Warning message:
# In assert_that(x == 3) : x not equal to 3
I am proposing an extension of the assertthat package to allow for simple warnings, see
any feedback is welcome!
