Load Wordpress template based on page you are leaving - wordpress

I want to be able to load the same post in Wordpress with a different page template based upon what URL a user has left to view the post.
So, if I have a post called "Post 1", and I click on it from a path such as www.mysite.com/flowers, then the post is loaded using the 'single-flowers.php' template. However, if the same post is selected from the page www.mysite.com/basketball, then the same page content is loaded, but with the page template 'single-basketball.php'. On the back end of Wordpress, the author can select the categories 'basketball' and 'flowers' to ensure the post displays in the correct places on the website.
Is this possible?

You can use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to grab the prev url
$ref = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
$regex = '/mysite.com\/flowers\//';
if (!empty($ref) && preg_match($regex, $ref)) {
get_template_part('single', 'flowers');


Woocommerce product archive displays nothing when called from custom Page

I have a woocommerce shop page which shows me all of the products perfectly. This page is also set as the "Shop" page in the settings. Now I want a second page called Home, which should use the same template as the shop page. (basically a second shop page without categories and some news)
<?php /* Template Name: Homepage */
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
wc_get_template( 'archive-product.php' );
I'm using the standard archive-product template from woocommerce's github.
I can see the template being loaded, like the header, but certain woocommerce functions don't return the expected value. woocommerce_before_shop_loop doesn't return anything, even though it should display the orderby dropdown. woocommerce_product_loop() returns true, but wc_get_loop_prop('total') returns zero.
I've also tried renaming the file to front-page.php but that didn't help. The home page is set correctly in the reading settings.
Am i missing a call to a query, or is it something else? Thank you in advance for your help!
When WooCommerce creates the builtin shop page it saves the id of the created page in the wp_options database table with option_name 'woocommerce_shop_page_id'. When WordPress loads a page WooCommerce checks if the page id of the page being loaded is equal to the option_value of option_name 'woocommerce_shop_page_id' and then executes code to generate the HTML of the shop page. If you have looked at the shop page in the page editor you will notice that the content is empty. The magic is being done with hard coded routines that execute for this special id.
Since, your custom page has a different page id none of the custom code for generating the shop page will be execute. So, you need to execute this magic code for your custom page. It can be done but you need a good understanding of WooCommerce.
I suggest you reconsider your design and instead of a new page just customize the existing shop page using actions and filters.

Custom post type: creating a page template with the same slug

I'm currently working on a custom post type and want to be able to edit the archive page from Wordpress with a page template. So I created the CPT called 'cars' and created a page template with template name: 'Cars overview'. Next i create a page inside WordPress and choose the template page 'Cars overview' and gave it the URL: mywebsite.com/cars/
Now the problem is that the slug 'mywebsite.com/cars/' is already in use by the custom post type itself causing the page to load the custom post type loop instead of the page template loop. So I can't edit the title, content etc inside WordPress. I could change the url of the page, but i want to be able to control the overview page in WordPress.
Long story short: How can I create a page template that is using the same URL as the custom post type archive page?
Thanks in advance!
One simple solution, simply disable the archive where you create your custom post type:
register_post_type("cars", array("has_archive" => false));
Another approach rather then disabling the archiving and adding another page to show the cars. Changing the archive template used by your theme might be a better option.
First step is to find the template currently in use by your theme, copy it to your plugin file and you can change the template file to whatever you like. You can find more information about it here.
The only thing you need to do is point WordPress to the right direction:
add_filter("archive_template", "archive_template");
function archive_template($archive_template) {
global $post;
if ($post->post_type == "cars")
$archive_template = "path/to/your/template.php";
return $archive_template;
Disabling the archive and creating one manually seems a bit strange to me. And I always replace the archive page and sometimes single page from our theme (usually the7).

Wordpress template for specific nested page

In Wordpress I have a page with the slug logged-user with a parent page ecadmin, making it accessible under the URL /ecadmin/logged-user/.
Since it has a parent page, I (or any other user) can create a page with the same slug logged-user as long as it isn't nested under the same parent page.
The problem now is that I cannot create a single page template page-logged-user.php in theme's folder, as this template can be potentially applied to any other page named logged user no matter where it belongs hierarchly.
Is there a way to name the template file in such way that is referencing to its parent page(s) as well? E.g. page-ecadmin-logged-user.php
The feature you are hoping for doesn't exist, but there is a quite simple way to accomplish what you want to do:
You can create a custom page template [whatever-you-want].php and place this comment in the header
Template Name: Logged In User
That template will be available in the Page Attributes meta box for any "Page" in Wordpress, but will only be applied to a given page if selected in that meta box.
All content creators have access to the page attributes meta box by default.
If you are worried about users applying that template inappropriately you could hide the Page Attributes meta box from everyone who isn't an admin:
function remove_post_custom_fields() {
if (!current_user_can( 'create_users' )){
remove_meta_box( 'pageparentdiv' , 'post' , 'normal' );
add_action( 'admin_menu' , 'remove_post_custom_fields' );
You could try using using page-$id.php which would be unique to that page.

Custom Pods.io detail page

I am attempting to create a custom template page for a details page for my Pods.io 'research_faculty' pod.
I have the url going currently to /people/details and it does go to that page but I created a 'details' page that I have assigned a custom template to display the information that I want. Problem I am having is that its treating the last part of the URL as a page and Wordpress is saying page cannot be found. So it would be /people/details/wally-kolcz. How can I use the past part of the URL as the way to pull the person's details and populate the template page rather than WordPress trying to use it as another page and defaulting to the single.php template?
Pod (Advanced Options)
Custom Rewrite Slug: people/details
You can use pods_v( 'last, 'url' ); to get the last segment of the url. If you put that in a variable you can use it to build your Pods object.
// get current item
$slug = pods_v( 'last', 'url' );
// get pods object for current item
$pods = pods( 'pod_name', $slug );
See this tutorial for more information: http://pods.io/tutorials/using-pods-pages-advanced-content-types/
Um create a pods page and on the Enter page URL section enter /people/details/* so that it responds to /people/details/+ anything. Also in the slug section u can try putting {#url,2} If it doesnt work. Also go to the advanced options of your advanced content type and in the detailed page URL enter pod_name/{#permalink} though that may not be necessary but try that and test it again.Make sure the pods page also has a pod to refer to and that it points at your php details template

Admin URL to my plugin's page

My plugin is basically a link display page, for instance if you want to display a page with links to other websites.
In wp-admin I have a menu item on the left side bar added with this code:
function bls_add_menu_page() {
add_menu_page('Custom Links', 'Custom Links', 'manage_options',
'customlinks', 'bsl_admin_page', '', 15);
After adding a new link, I want to redirect to my plugin home page in admin. The URL when I click on my plugin menu link is :
How do I get that URL in Worpdress? Currently I just do this :
but I hope there is a better way of getting my plugin admin URL?
You get the concrete URL to admin.php by using the admin_url function:
admin_url('admin.php'); # http(s)://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php
That function chooses the proper sheme (http/https) based on your Wordpress configuration for you so you do not need to care about it. Same for the path to the admin. The only thing you need to specify is the file name (admin.php).
And in your concrete example you add the page query-info part:
$url = admin_url('admin.php?page=customlinks');
URL for menu page or options page has 'page' parameter ( page slug defined in add_menu_page() or add_options_page() ). You can always get the current page from $_GET['page'] param, so URL for the options page is:
admin_url( "options-general.php?page=".$_GET["page"] )
, and URL for menu page ( actually it works with options pages also ) is:
admin_url( "admin.php?page=".$_GET["page"] )
