IndexError while plotting netCDF data using Basemap, matplotlib and contour command - netcdf

I am trying to plot variables of pressure and wind velocities from the netcdf file of MERRA re-analysis data at a single level. I'm using the basemap module for the plotting and other necessary packages to get the data. Unfortunately, I end up with an error.
Here is my code:
from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDFFile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import os
import netCDF4
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from osgeo import gdal
os.chdir('F:\Atmospheric rivers\MERRA')
dirrec=str('F:\Atmospheric rivers\MERRA')
map = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlon=70.,llcrnrlat=8.,urcrnrlon=90.,urcrnrlat=20.,resolution='i')
#map.drawlsmask(land_color='Linen', ocean_color='#CCFFFF', resolution ='i') # can use HTML names or codes for colors
parallels = np.arange(0,50,5.) # make latitude lines ever 5 degrees from 30N-50N
meridians = np.arange(-95,-70,5.) # make longitude lines every 5 degrees from 95W to 70W
x,y= np.meshgrid(lon-180,lat) # for this dataset, longitude is 0 through 360, so you need to subtract 180 to properly display on map
#x,y = map(lons,lats)
clevs = np.arange(960,1040,4)
cs = map.contour(x,y,p[0,:,:]/100,clevs,colors='blue',linewidths=1.)
%run "F:/Atmospheric rivers/MERRA/"
C:\Users\Pavilion\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\edm\envs\User\lib\site-packages\mpl_toolkits\basemap\ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The ishold function was deprecated in version 2.0.
b = ax.ishold()
C:\Users\Pavilion\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\edm\envs\User\lib\site-packages\mpl_toolkits\basemap\ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: axes.hold is deprecated.
See the API Changes document (
for more details.
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
F:\Atmospheric rivers\MERRA\ in <module>()
36 #x,y = map(lons,lats)
37 clevs = np.arange(960,1040,4)
---> 38 cs = map.contour(x,y,p[0,:,:]/100,clevs,colors='blue',linewidths=1.)
C:\Users\Pavilion\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\edm\envs\User\lib\site-packages\mpl_toolkits\basemap\ in with_transform(self, x, y, data, *args, **kwargs)
519 # convert lat/lon coords to map projection coords.
520 x, y = self(x,y)
--> 521 return plotfunc(self,x,y,data,*args,**kwargs)
522 return with_transform
C:\Users\Pavilion\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\edm\envs\User\lib\site-packages\mpl_toolkits\basemap\ in contour(self, x, y, data, *args, **kwargs)
3540 # only do this check for global projections.
3541 if self.projection in _cylproj + _pseudocyl:
-> 3542 xx = x[x.shape[0]/2,:]
3543 condition = (xx >= self.xmin) & (xx <= self.xmax)
3544 xl = xx.compress(condition).tolist()
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
So, in summary the error turns out to be
IndexError: only integers, slices (:), ellipsis (...), numpy.newaxis (None) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
How can I fix this error?

I guess you are not using correct values for the x and y to make the plot. Basemap contour expects all x,y and z to be 2D arrays. In your case, x and y are most likely vectors of longitude and latitude values. In addtion, you should convert the longitude and latitude to the figure coordinates based on the map coordinates/projection.
Can you try:
lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon-180.,lat);
x,y = map(lons,lats)
cs = map.contour(x,y,p[0,:,:]/100,clevs,colors='blue',linewidths=1.)
The second line should convert your longitude and latitude values for the correct x and y values for your selected projection.


Plotly choropleth map in jupyter notebooks not showing color

Trying to make a choropleth map in plotly using some data I have in a csv file. Have created This is what i get in result(my map)
Below are the coding that I have did to the work:
import json
import pandas as pd
import as px
asean_country = json.load(open("aseancovidmap.geojson","r"))
df= pd.read_csv("covidcases.csv")
df["iso-2"]=df['Country'].apply(lambda x: id_map[x])
for feature in asean_country['features']:
feature['id']= feature['properties']['sform']
figure=px.choropleth(df,locations='iso-2',locationmode='country names',geojson=asean_country,color='Ttlcases',scope='asia',title='Total COVID 19 cases in ASEAN Countries as on 10/1/2022')
clearly I don't have access to your files, so have sourced geometry and COVID data. For reference this is at end of answer.
the key change I have made. *Don't loop over geojson Define locations as column in dataframe and featureidkey
clearly this is coloring countries
import json
import pandas as pd
import as px
# asean_country = json.load(open("aseancovidmap.geojson","r"))
asean_country = gdf_asean.rename(columns={"adm0_a3": "iso_a2"}).__geo_interface__
# df= pd.read_csv("covidcases.csv")
df = gdf_asean_cases.loc[:, ["iso_code", "adm0_a3", "total_cases", "date"]].rename(
columns={"iso_code": "iso_a2", "total_cases": "Ttlcases"}
figure = px.choropleth(
title="Total COVID 19 cases in ASEAN Countries as on 10/1/2022",
).update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=True).update_layout(margin={"t":40,"b":0,"l":0,"r":0})
data sourcing
import requests, io
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
# get asia geometry
gdf = gpd.read_file(
# get countries that make up ASEAN
df = pd.read_html("")[1].loc[1:]
# no geometry for singapore.... just ASEAN geometry
gdf_asean = (
gdf.loc[:, ["admin", "adm0_a3", "geometry"]]
df.loc[:, ["Country", "Rank"]], left_on="admin", right_on="Country", how="right"
# get COVID data
dfall = pd.read_csv("")
# filter to last date in data
dfall["date"] = pd.to_datetime(dfall["date"])
dflatest = dfall.groupby(["iso_code"], as_index=False).last()
# merge geometry and COVID data
gdf_asean_cases = gdf_asean.merge(
dflatest.loc[:, ["iso_code", "total_cases", "date"]], left_on="adm0_a3", right_on="iso_code"

Having issue using Julia library

I am trying to run this code in Julia to calculate the knn value, but I get the following error when I run it.
ERROR: LoadError: syntax: extra token "ScikitLearn" after end of expression
[1] top-level scope
# e:\Fontbonne\CIS 585 Independent Study\Code\knn.jl:6
in expression starting at e:\Fontbonne\CIS 585 Independent Study\Code\knn.jl:6
The error seems to be the library on line 6. I have searched for a couple of hours to try and find a solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code:
import Pkg
using ScikitLearn: fit!, predict, #sk_import
using DataFrames, CSV, DataStructures
from ScikitLearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from ScikitLearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from ScikitLearn.metrics import accuracy_score
function splitTrainTest(data, at = 0.8)
n = nrow(data)
ind = shuffle(1:n)
train_ind = view(ind, 1:floor(Int, at*n))
test_ind = view(ind, (floor(Int, at*n)+1):n)
return data[train_ind,:], data[test_ind,:]
# data preparation
df = open("") do file
read(file, String)
X, y = splitTrainTest(df)
# split data into train and test
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.8)
# make model
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3), y_train)
# check accuracy
print(accuracy_score(y_test, knn.predict(x_test)))
That comment should have been an answer: You're doing
from ScikitLearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
which is Python syntax, not Julia syntax. If you're trying to use a Python model in ScikitLearn.jl you probably want the #sk_import macro, in your case:
julia> #sk_import neighbors: KNeighborsClassifier
PyObject <class 'sklearn.neighbors._classification.KNeighborsClassifier'>

rpy2 does not convert back to pandas

I have an R object that will not convert to Pandas, and the strange part is that it doesn't throw an error.
Updated with the code I'm using, sorry not to supply that up front -- and to miss the request for 2 weeks!
Python code that calls an R script
import pandas as pd
import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
import datetime
from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter
def serial_date_to_string(srl_no):
new_date = datetime.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0) + datetime.timedelta(srl_no - 1)
return new_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
with localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter):
pd_from_r_df = ro.conversion.rpy2py(r_df)
The issue is that pd_from_r_df returns an R object rather than a Pandas dataframe:
>>> pd_from_r_df
R object with classes: ('list',) mapped to:
[ListSexpVector, BoolSexpVector]
value: <class 'rpy2.rinterface.ListSexpVector'>
<rpy2.rinterface.ListSexpVector object at 0x7faa4c4eff08> [RTYPES.VECSXP]
visible: <class 'rpy2.rinterface.BoolSexpVector'>
<rpy2.rinterface.BoolSexpVector object at 0x7faa4c4e7948> [RTYPES.LGLSXP]
Here's the R script "farrington.R", which returns a surveillance time series, which ro.conversion.rpy2py isn't (as used above) converting to a pandas dataframe
steps_back<- 28
counts <- read_csv("Weekly_counts_of_death_by_jurisdiction_and_cause_of_death.csv")
counts<-counts[,!colnames(counts) %in% c('Cause Subgroup','Time Period','Suppress','Note','Average Number of Deaths in Time Period','Difference from 2015-2019 to 2020','Percent Difference from 2015-2019 to 2020')]
wide_counts_by_cause<-pivot_wider(counts,names_from='Cause Group',values_from='Number of Deaths',values_fn=(`Cause Group`=sum))
wide_state <- filter(wide_counts_by_cause,`State Abbreviation`==jurisdiction)
wide_state <- filter(wide_state,Type=='Unweighted')
wide_state[] <-0
important_columns=c('Alzheimer disease and dementia','Cerebrovascular diseases','Heart failure','Hypertensive dieases','Ischemic heart disease','Other diseases of the circulatory system','Malignant neoplasms','Diabetes','Renal failure','Sepsis','Chronic lower respiratory disease','Influenza and pneumonia','Other diseases of the respiratory system','Residual (all other natural causes)')
all_columns <- append(c('Year','Week'),important_columns)
selected_wide_state<-wide_state[, names(wide_state) %in% all_columns]
sts <- new("sts",epoch=1:nrow(numeric_wide_state),start=start,freq=freq,observed=numeric_wide_state)
sts_4 <- aggregate(sts[,important_columns],nfreq=nfreq)
cntrlFar <- list(range=start_idx:end_idx,w==w,b==b,alpha==alpha)
surveil_ts_4_far <- farrington(sts_4,control=cntrlFar)
(using the NCHS data here [from a couple months back] )
In R, when calling source() by default on a script without named functions, the returned object is a list of two named components, $value and $visible, where:
$value is the last displayed or defined object which in your case is the far_df data frame (which in R data.frame is a class object extending list type);
$visible is a boolean vector indicating if last object was displayed or not which in your case is TRUE. This would be FALSE had you ended script at far_df <- tidy.sts(surveil_ts_4_far).
In fact, your Python error confirms this output indicatating a list of [ListSexpVector, BoolSexpVector].
Therefore, since you only want the first item, index for first item accordingly by number or name.
r_raw = ro.r['source']('farrington.R') # IN R: r_raw <- source('farrington.R')
r_df = r_raw[0] # IN R: r_df <- r_raw[1]
r_df = r_raw[r_raw.names.index('value')] # IN R: r_df <- r_raw$value
with localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter):
pd_from_r_df = ro.conversion.rpy2py(r_df)

How to make `Heatmaps` in `Bokeh` with a continuous color map, using Python 3?

I was trying to replicate this style of HeatMap that maps continuous values to a LinearColorMapper instance:
I wanted to make a HeatMap (w/ either charts or rect) and then add a single selection widget to select the obsv_id and then a slider widget to go through the dates.
However, I was having trouble in the beginning with the HeatMap itself with a single obsv_id/date pair. What am I doing wrong in creating this HeatMap? This would essentially be a 3x3 rectangle plot of the size variable and the loc variable.
Bonus: Can you help me/give some advice on how to wire the output of these widgets to control the plot?
I saw these posts but all of the examples use actual hex colors as a list instead of mapping using a continuous measure:
python bokeh, how to make a correlation plot?
# Init
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_notebook, output_file, reset_output, show, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import LinearColorMapper
# Coords
dates = ["07-3","07-11","08-6","08-28"]
#locs = ["air","water","earth"]
locs = [0,1,2]
size = [3.0, 0.2, 0.025]
observations = ["obsv_%d"%_ for _ in range(10)]
# Data
Ar_tmp = np.zeros(( len(dates)*len(locs)*len(size)*len(observations), 5 ), dtype=object)
i = 0
for date in dates:
for loc in locs:
for s in size:
for obsv_id in observations:
Ar_tmp[i,:] = np.array([obsv_id, date, loc, s, np.random.random()])
i += 1
DF_tmp = pd.DataFrame(Ar_tmp, columns=["obsv_id", "date", "loc", "size", "value"])
DF_tmp["value"] = DF_tmp["value"].astype(float)
DF_tmp["size"] = DF_tmp["size"].astype(float)
DF_tmp["loc"] = DF_tmp["loc"].astype(float)
# obsv_id date loc size value
# 0 obsv_0 07-3 air 3.0 0.548814
# 1 obsv_1 07-3 air 3.0 0.715189
# 2 obsv_2 07-3 air 3.0 0.602763
# 3 obsv_3 07-3 air 3.0 0.544883
# 4 obsv_4 07-3 air 3.0 0.423655
mapper = LinearColorMapper(low = DF_tmp["value"].min(), high = DF_tmp["value"].max())
# # Create Heatmap of a single observation and date pair
query_idx = set(DF_tmp.index[DF_tmp["obsv_id"] == "obsv_0"]) & set(DF_tmp.index[DF_tmp["date"] == "08-28"])
# p = HeatMap(data=DF_tmp.loc[query_idx,:], x="loc", y="size", values="value")
p = figure()
p.rect(x="loc", y="size",
fill_color={'field': 'value', 'transform': mapper},
My Error:
# Javascript error adding output!
# TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
# See your browser Javascript console for more details.
You have to provide a palette to LinearColorMapper. For example:
mapper = LinearColorMapper(
From the LinearColorMapper doc:
class LinearColorMapper(palette=None, **kwargs)
Map numbers in a range [low, high] linearly into a sequence of colors (a palette).
Not related to your exception, but you'll also need to pass a width and height parameters to p.rect().

Applying revgeocode to a list of longitude-latitude coordinates

I'm trying to get the Zip codes of a (long) list of Longitude Latitude coordinates by using the revgeodcode function in the ggmap library.
My question & data are the same as here: Using revgeocode function in a FOR loop. Help required but the accepted answer does not work for me.
My data (.csv):
ID, Longitude, Latitude
311175, 41.298437, -72.929179
292058, 41.936943, -87.669838
12979, 37.580956, -77.471439
I follow the same steps:
data <- read.csv(file.choose())
dset <-[,2:3])
location = dset
locaddr <- lapply(seq(nrow(location)), function(i){
output = c("address"),
messaging = FALSE,
sensor = FALSE,
override_limit = FALSE)
... and get the error message: "Error: is.numeric(location) && length(location) == 2 is not TRUE"
Specifically, is.numeric(location) is FALSE, which seems strange because I can multiply by 2 and get the expected answer.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are lots of things wrong here.
First, you have latitude and longitude reversed. All the locations in your dataset, as specified, are in Antarctica.
Second, revgeocode(...) expects a numeric vector of length 2 containing the longitude and latitude in that order. You are passing a data.frame object (this is the reason for the error), and as per (1) it's in the wrong order.
Third, revgeocode(...) uses the google maps api, which limits you to 2500 queries a day. So if you really do have a large dataset, good luck with that.
This code works with your sample:
data <- read.csv(text="ID, Longitude, Latitude
311175, 41.298437, -72.929179
292058, 41.936943, -87.669838
12979, 37.580956, -77.471439")
result <-,
data <- cbind(data,result)
# ID Longitude Latitude result
# 1 311175 41.29844 -72.92918 16 Church Street South, New Haven, CT 06519, USA
# 2 292058 41.93694 -87.66984 1632 West Nelson Street, Chicago, IL 60657, USA
# 3 12979 37.58096 -77.47144 2077-2199 Seddon Way, Richmond, VA 23230, USA
This extracts the zipcodes:
data$zipcode <- substr(str_extract(data$result," [0-9]{5}, .+"),2,6)
# ID Longitude Latitude zipcode
# 1 311175 41.29844 -72.92918 06519
# 2 292058 41.93694 -87.66984 60657
# 3 12979 37.58096 -77.47144 23230
I've written the package googleway to access google maps API with a valid API key. So if your data is greater than 2,500 items you can pay for an API key, and then use googleway::google_reverse_geocode()
For example
data <- read.csv(text="ID, Longitude, Latitude
311175, 41.298437, -72.929179
292058, 41.936943, -87.669838
12979, 37.580956, -77.471439")
key <- "your_api_key"
res <- apply(data, 1, function(x){
google_reverse_geocode(location = c(x["Latitude"], x["Longitude"]),
key = key)
## Everything contained in 'res' is all the data returnd from Google Maps API
## for example, the geometry section of the first lat/lon coordiantes
res[[1]]$results$geometry bounds.northeast.lng bounds.southwest.lng location.lng
1 -61.04904 180 -90 -180 -75.25097 -0.071389
location_type viewport.northeast.lng viewport.southwest.lng
1 APPROXIMATE -61.04904 180 -90 -180
To extract the zip code just write down:
