How to convert string field into integer field in kibana - kibana

So i am sending data of event viewer through winlogbeat to kibana. Actually my event_data.boottime value is coming in string format and i wanted this data field in number format. I have tried changing the format in winlogbeat.template.json but its not working.boot time field

You need to make sure the mapping is defined correctly so that the data is automatically converted and save in required format by elastic.
"boot_time": {
"type": "long"
You can check the current mapping of your type by using


How to change date format in Email Template of Dynamics365?

I want to get the date in this format -
For example: 10-12-23
I'm writing this code but don't getting the desired solution -
{<entity_name>:<attribute>/#date;} Check-In Link
What should I write in the date part?
I'm afraid the only way to make it work is to set the user's locale to a locale that uses MM-dd-yy format.
Alternatively, it's possible to create a custom string field, populate that field with a properly formatted date and use the value of it in your template.

Flutter Cloud Firestore convert serverTimestamp to String

My flutter app needs to get the current Time, I already tried several packages for this like: truetime, ntptime, Datetime from dart, from cloud firestore they were all returning different times when switching the timezone in the phone settings. The only method were it was returning the same time for all devices on all time zones was the FieldValue.serverTimestamp() method, Im saving this value into a firestore document and there it recognizes it as a Field of Type Timestamp.
I want to convert this into a String so that I get a String like this: "year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds"
what I tried:
final now = FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
saving this now variable into a document ... , document field looks like this:
timestamp: Day.Month Year at Hours:Minutes:Seconds UTC+2 (Timestamp)
then Im taking this value from the field "timestamp" and assign it to a text widget:
Text Widget looks like this:
Timestamp(seconds=1568560057, nanoseconds=790000000)
what it should like(as already said):
"year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds"
final now = FieldValue.serverTimestamp().toString();
saving this now variable into a document ... , document field looks like this:
timestamp: "Instance of 'FieldValue'" (String)
then Im taking this value from the field "timestamp" and assign it to a text widget:
Text Widget looks like this:
Instance of 'FieldValue'
what it should like(as already said):
"year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds"
So anyone knows how I can get the String format I need or maybe another method which is returning same time for all devices and time zones and which is convertable into a String of the format I need?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks to Frank and CopsOnRoad
We have to save this value into a document field:
final now = FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
this will be saved as a Timestamp object in the document field.
now we need to convert it to a DateTime Object for using it in a Text Widget for example and then convert this to a String to get the format:
Text Widget looks like this:
Year-Month-Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds
When you read a timestamp from a document in Cloud Firestore you get back a Timestamp object.
To convert this to a regular date object, you can call the toDate() method on it.
And then you can format that Date object in any way you'd usually do, e.g. with the DateFormat class as shown in Date Time format in Flutter dd/MM/YYYY hh:mm

icCube dateTime format and Excel PivotTable TimeLine

I have a flat file datasource that I'm using to construct a Dimension. One of the columns is a DateTime in the format: yyyy.MM.dd HH:MM, which I specified as the 'Date Converter Pattern'.
However, when I connect to my cube using an Excel Pivot Table, the date format defaults to: yyyy-MM-DDTHH:MM:ss.SSS and when I try to create a Timeline on my PivotTable, excel does not recognize this as a valid DateTime format.
is there any way to change this in the config files
To create a TimeLine Excel is using several DISCOVER requests and is more or less assuming it is talking to SSAS to discover an " attribute " hierarchy. Support has been added into icCube (from 6.0.1) to flag a hierarchy as an Excel TimeLine (new field in the hierarchy definition): this hierarchy must have an ALL level and a single DATE (i.e., days) level below.
I'm a bit lost, I understand you've converted to a DateTime the strings from the data source. Why do you see 'yyyy-MM-DDTHH:MM:ss.SSS' as the member names/labels ?
You can choose whatever you want to ?
My educated guess, Excel is taking for the timeline the key of the member not the label (that needs to be a DateTime object in the datasource).
Can you clarify ?

Kibana shorten column name in data table

Is it possible to beautify this data table using advanced JSON or something?
Currently, I'm getting this back:
Ideally, I'd like to get rid of everything else, except date, which is yyyy-MM-dd.
I've added this JSON to Advanced JSON Input:
"format" : "yyyy-MM-dd"
It does work in backend side, results are brought back in this format. However - Kibana still displays them in its own manner.
Elasticsearch version - 2.0
Kibana version - 4.2
you can change the data format with kibana in the menu of the index. You go to the camp and select type date and the format. They allow multiple diferents format. As yyyy-mmmm that even display the name of the month.
The best option to dont change all the date is perhaps duplicate the date and only change the new data with the new format.
PD: is awesome that with scripted field you can do doc['time].value and you can not change the type of the new field but Kibana change the value to miliseconds.

How do you pass a date value to BIRT report via querystring

I have made a static html page (called start.jsp) containing a form where the user select 2 date ranges and this form has date pickers for those text boxes. When the user submits
the form, it should take them to the BIRT report that I have designed. It SHOULD
pass the 2 parameters that my report needs (start date and end date).
Here is the querystring that gets appended to the URL
birt-viewer/run__report=Business_Activity_Monitoring.rptdesign &FilterStartDate=2000-01-01&FilterEndDate=2009-01-01
I get an invalid date error: The parameter "FilterStartDate" is invalid. The value "06-08-2010" is invalid with the type "dateTime".
How is it that if I remove the querystring completely, then BIRT will prompt me to enter the
start date and end date (screenshot attached).
I enter the exact same data that the form tries to send and it works!?
This proves that my date string is correctly formatted but yet it will not accept them if they
are sent to the BIRT report via the querystring? Seems like it has a problem with the
fact that its a string in the first place.
I have correctly set up these report parameters in my BIRT report. I have also tried changing them
by specifying the "Format as" value to be a "custom" YYYY-MM-dd but this didnt work.
Is it even possible to send date parameters to a birt report via querystring?
Im guessing the solution will involve converting these strings to dates within the birt report's "script" tab.
but I dont know how to access querystring variables from here or how to set report
parameter variables.
Your report parameter probably has a data type of "DateTime". As such your passing of just the date is not sufficient. When you use the OOTB parameter request pages this is accounted for under the covers. Either change your parameter data type to "Date" or append a time signature to your parameter being supplied to the report via your page (i.e. 2009-01-01 00:00:00). Either approach should do the trick.
Good Luck!
The following is the format BIRT appears to use for validation of parameters:
So if you pass in date/time as it should work
&mydate=2009-11-22 00:00:00.0
If the start date parameter you are passing is 2000-01-01, why is it giving you an error message saying 06-08-2010 is invalid? It looks as though the date parameter is being set elsewhere within the report, either as a default value or possibly within an event script.
Check your date format; remember that MM is used for month and mm for minutes.
Also check this solution, found at the Eclipse Community Forums:
Try this in the URL:
Replace mydate with your parameter
name. The __isLocale parameter
specifies that the parameter has been
