How does a one-down frame, and a down frame work? - openedge

I have been reading one-down frames and the down frames, I am a little but confused as in :-
a) What are they?
b) How does progress know what frame to allocate?
Thank you for your help :)

A frame can have "down" iterations. When the code writing to a down frame iterates the next occurrence of the data is below the previous. This is great for easily presenting data in tabular form.
Depending on the sort of block the frame is associated with it may automatically be a DOWN frame. For instance:
define variable i as integer no-undo.
repeat i = 1 to 10:
display i with no-box.
This will result in:
REPEAT blocks are iterating blocks and the default (unnamed) frame will be a down frame. (FOR EACH blocks are also iterating blocks).
DO blocks are not iterating so the following:
define variable i as integer no-undo.
do i = 1 to 10:
display i with no-box.
results in:
If you have a really slow system (or a connection via an old-fashioned 1200 baud modem) you might see "1" through "10" overwriting one another in the space that ends up being "10".
To get a DO block to act like the REPEAT block:
define variable i as integer no-undo.
do i = 1 to 10:
display i with no-box 10 down.
down. /* advances a down frame to the next line */
The "10 down" means that the frame will reserve room for 10 iterations. If you omit "10" the frame will use the rest of the space remaining on the screen.
The DOWN statement tells the frame (in this case the default, unnamed frame) to move to the next line. You could also say "down 2." or "down 5." to insert multiple blank lines.
If you want a frame to iterate but it does not do so automatically you probably need to add "down" to the frame phrase (the syntax that starts with "with") and maybe add an explicit DOWN statement depending on the nature of the loop that you are executing.


How to split data block in Fortran?

I need to count number of lines in each block and count number of blocks in order to read it properly afterwards. Can anybody suggest a sample piece of code in Fortran?
My input file goes like this:
# Section 1 at 50% (Name of the block and its number and value)
1 2 3 (Three numbers in line with random number of lines)
1 2 3
# Section 2 at 100% (And then again Name of the block)
1 2 3...
and so on.
The code goes below. It works fine with 1 set of data, but when it meets " # " again it just stops providing data only about one section. Can not jump to another section:
integer IS, NOSEC, count
double precision SPAN
character(LEN=100):: NAME, NAME2, AT
real whatever
101 read (10,*,iostat=ios) NAME, NAME2, IS, AT, SPAN
if (ios/=0) go to 200
write(6,*) IS, SPAN
count = 0
102 read(10,*,iostat=ios) whatever
if (ios/=0) go to 101
count = count + 1
write(6,*) whatever
go to 102
200 write(6,*) 'Section span =', SPAN
So the first loop (101) suppose to read parameters of the Block and second (102) counts the number of lines in block with 'ncount' as the only parameter which is needed. However, when after 102 it suppose to jump back to 101 to start a new block, it just goes to 200 instead (printing results of the operation), which means it couldn't read the data about second block.
Let's say your file contains two valid types of lines:
Block headers which begin with '#, and
Data lines which begin with a digit 0 through 9
Let's add further conditions:
Leading whitespace is ignored,
Lines which don't match the first two patterns are considered comments and are ignored
Comment lines do not terminate a block; blocks are only terminated when a new block is found or the end of the file is reached,
Data lines must follow a block header (the first non-comment line in a file must be a block header),
Blocks may be empty, and
Files may contain no blocks
You want to know the number of blocks and how many data lines are in each block but you don't know how many blocks there might be. A simple dynamic data structure will help with record-keeping. The number of blocks may be counted with just an integer, but a singly-linked list with nodes containing a block ID, a data line count, and a pointer to the next node will gracefully handle an arbitrarily large blob of data. Create a head node with ID = 0, a data line count of 0, and the pointer nullify()'d.
The Fortran Wiki has a pile of references on singly-linked lists:
Since the parsing is simple (e.g. no backtracking), you can process each line as it is read. Iterate over the lines in the file, use adjustl() to dispose of leading whitespace, then check the first two characters: if they are '#, increment your block counter by one and add a new node to the list and set its ID to the value of the block counter (1), and process the next line.
Aside: I have a simple character function called munch() which is just trim(adjustl()). Great for stripping whitespace off both ends of a string. It doesn't quite act like Perl's chop() or chomp() and Fortran's trim() is more of an rtrim() so munch() was the next best name.
If the line doesn't match a block header, check if the first character is a digit; index('0123456789', line(1:1)) is greater than zero if the the first character of line is a digit, otherwise it returns 0. Increment the data line count in the head node of the linked list and go on to process the next line.
Note that if the block count is zero, this is an error condition; write out a friendly "Data line seen before block header" error message with the last line read and (ideally) the line number in the file. It takes a little more effort but it's worth it from the user's standpoint, especially if you're the main user.
Otherwise if the line isn't a block header or a data line, process the next line.
Eventually you'll hit the end of the file and you'll be left with the block counter and a linked list that has at least one node. Depending on how you want to use this data later, you can dynamically allocate an array of integers the length of the block counter, then transfer the data line count from the linked list to the array. Then you can deallocate the linked list and get direct access to the data line count for any block because the block index matches the array index.
I use a similar technique for reading arbitrarily long lists of data. The singly-linked list is extremely simple to code and it avoids the irritation of having to reallocate and expand a dynamic array. But once the amount of data is known, I carve out a dynamic array the exact size I need and copy the data from the linked list so I can have fast access to the data instead of needing to walk the list all the time.
Since Fortran doesn't have a standard library worth mentioning, I also use a variant of this technique with an insertion sort to simultaneously read and sort data.
So sorry, no code but enough to get you started. Defining your file format is key; once you do that, the parser almost writes itself. It also makes you think about exceptional conditions: data before block header, how you want to treat whitespace and unrecognized input, etc. Having this clearly written down is incredibly helpful if you're planning on sharing data; the Fortran world is littered with poorly-documented custom data file formats. Please don't add to the wreckage...
Finally, if you're really ambitious/insane, you could write this as a recursive routine and make your functional programming friends' heads explode. :)

Set value for multiple variables at once?

While programming a sample program in my TI-84 calculator, I was wondering if there were a way to initialize multiple variables to a single value in one line?
I tried doing
0 -> A,B,C,D
However this did not work for the calculator. I know you can do each one on an individual line, but my question is, is it possible to initialize multiple variables to a single value at once in TI-BASIC?
No. You cannot initialize multiple variables to a single value at once in TI-Basic.
However, you can:
Set all values in an array or matrix to the same value at once.
Initialize variables to zero in three bytes instead of four using DelVar (variable) and then leaving off the following colon. For example, instead of doing :0->A:0->B:Disp A,B you can do :DelVar ADelVar BDisp A,B.
Remember that uninitialized variables are treated as zero when first used.
No, you can't set multiple variables at once with one value. But if you just want them on the same line, you can use a colon like this 0→A:0→B. If you really feel like it, you could make another program that zeroes out every variable and just call it from within your program like this.

Bit stuffing help. GATE-CS Set 3 2014

A bit-stuffing based framing protocol uses an 8-bit delimiter pattern of 01111110. If the output bit-string after stuffing is 01111100101, then the input bit-string is
(A) 0111110100
(B) 0111110101
(C) 0111111101
(D) 0111111111
Correct answer given is B.
My question is why 1 is added after five 1's from left even when delimiter has six continuous 1's.
I think we will add 1 only when we get six continuous 1's, to avoid a 0.
Correct me if I am wrong.
The delimiter given 01111110. Delimiter basically used to determine the start and end of the frame. So we need to make sure if the same pattern(01111110) is also in data frame then receiver will not think of it as start or end of frame rather a valid data portion. That's why after '011111' of data bits, one '0' bit is stuffed to make sure it will not give impression of start or end of frame.
When the receiver receives ,it checks for consecutive five ones and if the next bit is zero then it drops it(If next bit is 1 instead of 0 then check the next bit of this bit ,if that is 0 then it is delimiter else error has occured). This is known as '0' bit stuffing.

How to delete all rows in R until a certain value

I have a several data frames which start with a bit of text. Sometimes the information I need starts at row 11 and sometimes it starts at row 16 for instance. It changes. All the data frames have in common that the usefull information starts after a row with the title "location".
I'd like to make a loop to delete all the rows in the data frame above the useful information (including the row with "location").
I'm guessing that you want something like this:
readfun <- function(fn,n=-1,target="location",...) {
r <- readLines(fn,n=n)
locline <- grep(target,r)[1]
This is fairly inefficient because it reads the data file twice (once as raw character strings and once as a data frame), but it should work reasonably well if your files are not too big. (#MrFlick points out in the comments that if you have a reasonable upper bound on how far into the file your target will occur, you can set n so that you don't have to read the whole file just to search for the target.)
I don't know any other details of your files, but it might be safer to use "^location" to identify a line that begins with that string, or some other more specific target ...

Markov Algorithm for Random Writing

I got a litte problem understanding conceptually the structure of a random writing program (that takes input in form of a text file) and uses the Markov algorithm to create a somewhat sensible output.
So the data structure i am using is to use cases ranging from 0-10. Where at case 0: I count the number a letter/symbol or digit appears and base my new text on this to simulate the input. I have already implemented this by using an Map type that holds each unique letter in the input text and a array of how many there are in the text. So I can simply ask for the size of the array for the specific letter and create output text easy like this.
But now I Need to create case1/2/3 and so on... case 1 also holds what letter is most likely to appear after any letter aswell. Do i need to create 10 seperate arrays for these cases, or are there an easier way?
There are a lot of ways to model this. One approach is as you describe, with an multi-dimensional array where each index is the following character in the chain and the final result is the count.
# Two character sample:
int counts[][] = new int[26][26]
# ... initialize all entries to zero
# 'a' => 0, 'b' => 1, ... 'z' => 25
# For example for the string 'apple'
# Note: I'm only writing this like this to show what the result is, it should be in a
# loop or function ...
Then to randomly generate names you would count the number of total outcomes for a given character (ex: 2 outcomes for 'p' in the previous example) and pick a weighted random number for one of the possible outcomes.
For smaller sizes (say up to 4 characters) that should work fine. For anything larger you may start to run into memory issues since (assuming you're using A-Z) 26^N entries for an N-length chain.
I wrote something like a couple of years ago. I think I used random pages from Wikipedia to for seed data to generate the weights.
