How to access final element in Handlebars.js array? - meteor

Given the following data structure:
"name" : "test",
"assetType" : "Home",
"value" : [
"value" : "999",
"date" : "10/03/2018"
"value" : "1234.56",
"date" : "10/04/2018"
How can I directly access the first and last element of value in Handlebars? My code is:
<td>{{value.[value.length - 1].value}}</td>
The first statement works fine, but I cannot figure out how to access the last element. value.length inside the []'s does not return any value, but rendering value.length outside of the array works fine.
I tried using #first and #last in the array but those don't seem to work either.

As already pointed out, you can easily solve this with a template helper:
first (arr) {
return arr && arr[0]
last (arr) {
return arr && arr[arr.length - 1]
atIndex (arr, index) {
return arr && index >= 0 && index <= arr.length - 1 && arr[index]
You can then create a context using #with where the context object is the result of the helpers. Inside this context you can access properties using this.
Accessing values with the name value would look like the following:
<td>{{#with first value}}{{this.value}}{{/with}}</td>
<td>{{#with last value}}{{this.value}}{{/with}}</td>
<td>{{#with atIndex value 5}}{{this.value}}{{/with}}</td>


How to know if there are other paths than a given path?

Is it possible to know with JSONPath that other "paths" exist?
By an existing "path" I mean a string in the form "a.b.c" or "a.b.d" like for this JSON:
'a' : {
'b' : [ { 'c' : 0 }, { 'd': 1 ]
Can a JSONPath be written to tell if there any other "paths" other then a.b.c and a.b.d ?
For example in the following JSON, it should find that there is the property 'e':
'a' : {
'b' : [ { 'c' : 0 }, { 'd': 1 ],
'e': 2
It depends on JSONPath Implementation. The jsonpath options have a setting to output the path or value.
All possible Output Paths
Tool :
Checkbox Option : Output paths
Tool :
Checkbox option : Normalized path expressions

Get an array of specific parameters from Image Collection of Google Earth Engine

I've got an Image Collection like:
ImageCollection : {
features : [
0 : {
type: Image,
id: MODIS/006/MOD11A1/2019_01_01,
properties : {
LST_Day_1km : 12345,
LST_Night_1km : 11223,
system:index : "2019-01-01",
system:asset_size: 764884189,
system:footprint: LinearRing,
system:time_end: 1546387200000,
system:time_start: 1546300800000
1 : { ... }
2 : { ... }
From this collection, how can I get an array of objects of specific properties? Like:
LST_Day_1km : 12345,
LST_Night_1km : 11223,
system:index : "2019-01-01"
LST_Day_1km : null,
LST_Night_1km : 11223,
system:index : "2019-01-02"
I tried ImageCollection.aggregate_array(property) but it allows only one parameter at one time.
The problem is that the length of "LST_Day_1km" is different from the length of "system:index" because "LST_Day_1km" includes empty values, so it's hard to combine arrays after get them separately.
Thanks in advance!
Whenever you want to extract data from a collection in Earth Engine, it is often a straightforward and efficient strategy to first arrange for the data to be present as a single property on the features/images of that collection, using map.
var wanted = ['LST_Day_1km', 'LST_Night_1km', 'system:index'];
var augmented = (image) {
return image.set('dict', image.toDictionary(wanted));
Then, as you're already familiar with, just use aggregate_array to extract that property's values:
var list = augmented.aggregate_array('dict');
Runnable complete example:
var imageCollection = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD11A1')
.filterDate('2019-01-01', '2019-01-07')
.map(function (image) {
// Fake values to match the question
return image.set('LST_Day_1km', 1).set('LST_Night_1km', 2)
// Add a single property whose value is a dictionary containing
// all the properties we want.
var wanted = ['LST_Day_1km', 'LST_Night_1km', 'system:index'];
var augmented = (image) {
return image.set('dict', image.toDictionary(wanted));
// Extract that property.
var list = augmented.aggregate_array('dict');

How to add new item in specific index?

I new in kotlin , i want to update an item in lists.
I use this code:
var index: Int
for (record in recordList)
if ( == updatedHeader?.id) {
index = recordList.indexOf(record)
recordList.add(index, updatedHeader)
but it cant do this, because of ConcurrentModificationException
Assuming that recordList is a MutableList and val (so, you'd like to modify the records in place), you can use forEachIndexed to find the records you care about and replace them.
This did not cause a ConcurrentModificationException:
recordList.forEachIndexed { index, record ->
if( == updatedHeader?.id) recordList[index] = updatedHeader
On the other hand, if you redefine recordList as a non-mutable list, and a var, you could rewrite the entire list using map:
recordList = { if( == updatedHeader?.id) updatedHeader else it }
Of course, you could call .toMutableList() on the end of that if you wanted to turn your List into a MutableList.
If there's a single record with the given id in the list, you can find its index and add the header at that index:
val index = recordList.indexOfFirst { == }
if (index >= 0)
recordList.add(index, updatedHeader)
If there are multiple records with the given id and you want to prepend header before each of them, you can use get listIterator and use its methods to modify the list during the iteration without getting ConcurrentModificationException:
val iterator = recordList.listIterator()
for (record in iterator) {
if ( == {
iterator.previous() // move to the position before the record
iterator.add(updatedHeader) // prepend header // move next, back to the record

Create nested map from key in groovy

I'm relatively new to groovy and am using it in the context of a gradle build. So please don't be harsh if there is an easy out-of-the-box solution for this.
Basically I'm trying to accomplish the reverse of Return Nested Key in Groovy. That is, I have some keys read from the map for example user.home and corresponding values like C:\User\dpr. Now I want to create a map that reflects this structure to use it in a groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine as bindings:
[user : [home : 'C:\Users\dpr']]
The keys may define an arbitrary deep hierarchy. For example java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation should become:
[java : [vm : [spec : [vendor : 'Oracle Corporation']]]]
Additionally there are properties with the same parents such as and
user: [
name: 'dpr',
country: 'US'
Edit: While ConfigSlurper is really nice, it is somewhat too defensive with creating the nested maps as it stops nesting at the minimum depth of a certain key.
I currently ended up using this
def bindings = [:] {
def map = bindings
def split = it.key.split("\\.")
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
def part = split[i];
// There is already a property value with the same parent
if (!(map instanceof Map)) {
println "Skipping property ${it.key}"
if (!map.containsKey(part)) {
map[part] = [:]
if (i == split.length - 1) {
map[part] = it.value
} else {
map = map[part]
map = it.value
With this solution the properties file.encoding.pkg, java.vendor.url and java.vendor.url.bug are discarded, which is not nice but something I can cope with.
However the above code is not very groovyish.
You can use a ConfigSlurper :
def conf = new ConfigSlurper().parse(

How to pre-select an option in a dropdown knockout js

I've looked at this other question, but can't get my select box to work correctly:
Binding initial/default value of dropdown (select) list
I've got the following Game object:
function Game(visitingTeamDetails, homeTeamDetails, game) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this.VisitingTeamDetails = visitingTeamDetails;
this.HomeTeamDetails = homeTeamDetails;
this.GameId = ko.observable(game.GameId);
this.HomeTeamName = ko.observable(game.HomeTeamName);
this.VisitingTeamName = ko.observable(game.VisitingTeamName);
this.SportTypeName = ko.observable(game.SportTypeName);
this.HomeAccountName = ko.observable(game.HomeAccountName);
this.VisitingAccountName = ko.observable(game.VisitingAccountName);
this.GameDateString = ko.observable(game.GameDateString);
this.GameTimeString = ko.observable(game.GameTimeString);
this.AvailableSportTypes = ko.observableArray(game.Sports);
this.sportTypeFunction = function () {
for (sportType in this.AvailableSportTypes()) {
if (this.AvailableSportTypes()[sportType].Name == this.SportTypeName()) {
return this.AvailableSportTypes()[sportType];
return null;
this.SportType = ko.observable(game.SportType);
SportType is an object with Name and SportTypeId.
I have the following template:
<td rowspan="3"><select data-bind="options: AvailableSportTypes, value: SportType, optionsText:'Name', optionsCaption: 'Choose...'" class="sportType"></select></td>
AvailableSportTypes is a list of SportType.
The list is coming in with the names of the SportTypes in the drop down list, but I can't make the initial selection be SportType. I wrote sportTypeFunction to show myself that the data was coming in correctly, and it would select the correct value, but changing my selection in the drop down would not update SportType.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Anyone see it?
When game.SportType gets passed in, it needs to be a reference to the an item in the game.AvailableSportTypes and not just an object that looks the same.
Basically two objects are not equal unless they are actually a reference to the same object.
var a = { name: "test" },
b = { name: "test" };
alert(a === b); //false
So, you would need to call your function to locate the correct object in the array and set it as the value of your observable.
Not that it is way better, but in KO 1.3 you can extend .fn of observables, observableArrays, and dependentObservables to add additional functionality.
Here is a sample:
