How to mock current time in elixir - datetime

I have some tests which depends on current time and am not able to find a solution for it so far. I have tried some mocking libraries like mock but it mocks the whole module and it fails.
Any help will be really appreciated(if I only mock DateTime.utc_now everything is ok)
Note: tests depends heavily on other DateTime and Date functions so mocking whole modules is not a very good option(I have tried this also but failed due to very complex cases and I need this in many tests)
Actual test:
I have two dates, start date and end date as input to a function which I am trying to test. Before calling the function for test purpose I insert some data relevent to the current week(current dat to next seven days). Now the function will get current datetime and check for specific days(each record will tell if it applies to current day of the week and for current time period range on which being iterated -> start and end dates).
e.g one record applies for mon -> 2:12 to 3:13

The solution which best suits my needs(simple, works well and according to the requirements described above) is:
define your own function/service MyDateTime.utc_now/0 and mock it in your tests. — Reference.

NB this answer is obsoleted since Elixir v1.8 Now the default parameters are not evaluated at compile time. Credits #HentikN.
Now the function will get current datetime and check for specific days [...]
This is where the real issue sits. You made your function not pure for no reason. Usually the purity means the function has no side effects, but blindly changing the outcome depending on the outside world does not sound as a robust approach either.
That said, you should make this function to accept a parameter now or like (it might be defaulted to now for the sake of brevity):
- def my_func(param) do
+ def my_func(param, dt \\ nil) do
+ dt = if is_nil(dt), do: DateTime.utc_now(), else: dt
(Naïve dt \\ DateTime.utc_now() won’t work because function heads are evaluated at the compile time.)
Now in your tests you might call this function passing the time you want and (which is even more important) your function is not a blackbox depending on the unrelated conditions from the outside anymore.


Julia type conversion best practices

I have a function which requires a DateTime argument. A possibility is that a user might provide a ZonedDateTime argument. As far as I can tell there are three possible ways to catch this without breaking:
Accept both arguments in a single method, and perform a type conversion if necessary via an if... statement
function ofdatetime(dt::AbstractDateTime)
if dt::ZonedDateTime
dt = DateTime(dt, UTC)
Define a second method which simply converts the type and calls the first method
function ofdatetime(dt::DateTime)
function ofdatetime(dt::ZonedDateTime)
dt = DateTime(dt, UTC)
return ofdatetime(dt)
Redefine the entire function body for the second method
function ofdatetime(dt::DateTime)
function ofdatetime(dt::ZonedDateTime)
dt = DateTime(dt, UTC)
Of course, this doesn't apply when a different argument type implies that the function actually do something different - the whole point of multiple dispatch - but this is a toy example. I'm wondering what is best practice in these cases? It needn't be exclusively to do with time zones, this is just the example I'm working with. Perhaps a relevant question is 'how does Julia do multiple dispatch under the hood?' i.e. are arguments dispatched to relevant methods by something like an if... else/switch... case block, or is it more clever than that?
The answer in the comments is correct that, ideally, you would write your ofdatetime function such that all operations on dt within your function body are general to any AbstractDateTime; in any case where the the difference between DateTime and ZonedDateTime would matter, you can use dispatch at that point within your function to take care of the details.
Failing that, either of 2 or 3 is generally preferable to 1 in your question, since for either of those, the branch can be elided in the case that the type of df is known at compile-time. Of the latter two, 2 is probably preferable to 3 as written in your example in terms of general code style ("DRY"), but if you were able to avoid the type conversion by writing entirely different function bodies, then 3 could actually have better performance than if the type conversion is at all expensive.
In general though, the best of all worlds is to keep most your code generic to either type, and only dispatch at the last possible moment.

The Idiomatic Way To Do OOP, Types and Methods in Julia

As I'm learning Julia, I am wondering how to properly do things I might have done in Python, Java or C++ before. For example, previously I might have used an abstract base class (or interface) to define a family of models through classes. Each class might then have a method like calculate. So to call it I might have model.calculate(), where the model is an object from one of the inheriting classes.
I get that Julia uses multiple dispatch to overload functions with different signatures such as calculate(model). The question I have is how to create different models. Do I use the type system for that and create different types like:
abstract type Model end
type BlackScholes <: Model end
type Heston <: Model end
where BlackScholes and Heston are different types of model? If so, then I can overload different calculate methods:
function calculate(model::BlackScholes)
# code
function calculate(model::Heston)
# code
But I'm not sure if this is a proper and idiomatic use of types in Julia. I will greatly appreciate your guidance!
This is a hard question to answer. Julia offers a wide range of tools to solve any given problem, and it would be hard for even a core developer of the language to assert that one particular approach is "right" or even "idiomatic".
For example, in the realm of simulating and solving stochastic differential equations, you could look at the approach taken by Chris Rackauckas (and many others) in the suite of packages under the JuliaDiffEq umbrella. However, many of these people are extremely experienced Julia coders, and what they do may be somewhat out of reach for less experienced Julia coders who just want to model something in a manner that is reasonably sensible and attainable for a mere mortal.
It is is possible that the only "right" answer to this question is to direct users to the Performance Tips section of the docs, and then assert that as long as you aren't violating any of the recommendations there, then what you are doing is probably okay.
I think the best way I can answer this question from my own personal experience is to provide an example of how I (a mere mortal) would approach the problem of simulating different Ito processes. It is actually not too far off what you have put in the question, although with one additional layer. To be clear, I make no claim that this is the "right" way to do things, merely that it is one approach that utilizes multiple dispatch and Julia's type system in a reasonably sensible fashion.
I start off with an abstract type, for nesting specific subtypes that represent specific models.
abstract type ItoProcess ; end
Now I define some specific model subtypes, e.g.
struct GeometricBrownianMotion <: ItoProcess
struct Heston <: ItoProcess
Note, in this case I don't need to add constructors that convert arguments to Float64, since Julia does this automatically, e.g. GeometricBrownianMotion(1, 2.0) will work out-of-the-box, as Julia will automatically convert 1 to 1.0 when constructing the type.
However, I might want to add some constructors for common parameterizations, e.g.
GeometricBrownianMotion() = GeometricBrownianMotion(0.0, 1.0)
I might also want some functions that return useful information about my models, e.g.
number_parameter(model::GeometricBrownianMotion) = 2
number_parameter(model::Heston) = 4
In fact, given how I've defined the models above, I could actually be a bit sneaky and define a method that works for all subtypes:
number_parameter(model::T) where {T<:ItoProcess} = length(fieldnames(typeof(model)))
Now I want to add some code that allows me to simulate my models:
function simulate(model::T, numobs::Int, stval) where {T<:ItoProcess}
# code here that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess
simulate_inner(model, somethingelse)
# maybe more code that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess
function simulate_inner(model::GeometricBrownianMotion, somethingelse)
# code here that is specific to GeometricBrownianMotion
function simulate_inner(model::Heston, somethingelse)
# code here that is specific to Heston
Note that I have used the abstract type to allow me to group all code that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess in the simulate function. I then use multiple dispatch and simulate_inner to run any code that needs to be specific to a particular subtype of ItoProcess. For the aforementioned reasons, I hesitate to use the phrase "idiomatic", but let me instead say that the above is quite a common pattern in typical Julia code.
The one thing to be careful of in the above code is to ensure that the output type of the simulate function is type-stable, that is, the output type can be uniquely determined by the input types. Type stability is usually an important factor in ensuring performant Julia code. An easy way in this case to ensure type-stability is to always return Matrix{Float64} (if the output type is fixed for all subtypes of ItoProcess then obviously it is uniquely determined). I examine a case where the output type depends on input types below for my estimate example. Anyway, for simulate I might always return Matrix{Float64} since for GeometricBrownianMotion I only need one column, but for Heston I will need two (the first for price of the asset, the second for the volatility process).
In fact, depending on how the code is used, type-stability is not always necessary for performant code (see eg using function barriers to prevent type-instability from flowing through to other parts of your program), but it is a good habit to be in (for Julia code).
I might also want routines to estimate these models. Again, I can follow the same approach (but with a small twist):
function estimate(modeltype::Type{T}, data)::T where {T<:ItoProcess}
# again, code common to all subtypes of ItoProcess
estimate_inner(modeltype, data)
# more common code
return T(some stuff generated from function that can be used to construct T)
function estimate_inner(modeltype::Type{GeometricBrownianMotion}, data)
# code specific to GeometricBrownianMotion
function estimate_inner(modeltype::Type{Heston}, data)
# code specific to Heston
There are a few differences from the simulate case. Instead of inputting an instance of GeometricBrownianMotion or Heston, I instead input the type itself. This is because I don't actually need an instance of the type with defined values for the fields. In fact, the values of those fields is the very thing I am attempting to estimate! But I still want to use multiple dispatch, hence the ::Type{T} construct. Note also I have specified an output type for estimate. This output type is dependent on the ::Type{T} input, and so the function is type-stable (output type can be uniquely determined by input types). But common with the simulate case, I have structured the code so that code that is common to all subtypes of ItoProcess only needs to be written once, and code that is specific to the subtypes is separted out.
This answer is turning into an essay, so I should tie it off here. Hopefully this is useful to the OP, as well as anyone else getting into Julia. I just want to finish by emphasizing that what I have done above is only one approach, there are others that will be just as performant, but I have personally found the above to be useful from a structural perspective, as well as reasonably common across the Julia ecosystem.

Best practice to access variables several function layers deep

I am often confronted with the following situation when I debug my Julia code:
I suspect that a certain variable (often a large matrix) deep inside my code is not what I intended it to be and I want to have a closer look at it. Ideally, I want to have access to it in the REPL so I can play around with it.
What is the best practice to get access to variables several function layers deep without passing them up the chain, i.e. changing the function returns?
function multiply(u)
v = 2*u
w = subtract(v)
return w
function subtract(x)
i = x-5
t = 10
return i-3t
If I run multiply() and suspect that the intermediate variable i is not what I assume it should be, how would I gain access to it in the REPL?
I know that I could just write a test function and test that i has the intended properties right inside subtract(), but sometimes it would just be quicker to use the REPL.
This is the same in any programming language. You can use debugging tools like ASTInterpreter2 (which has good Juno integration) to step through your code and have an interactive REPL in the current environment, or you can use println debugging where you run the code with #show commands in there to print out values.

What is an elegant way to abstract functions - not objects?

I have a function that logs into a sensor via telnet/pexpect and acts as a data collector.
I don't want to rewrite the part that logs in, grabs the data, and parses out relevant output from it (pexpect). However, I need to do different things with this code and the data it gathers
For example, I may need to:
Time until the first reading is returned
Take the average of a varying number of sensor readings
Return the status (which is one piece of data) or return the sensor
reading (which is a separate piece of
data) from the output
Ultimately, it should still login and parse output the same and I want to use one code block for that part.
Higher up in the code, it's being used instantaneously. When I call it, I know what type of data I need to gather and that's that. Constructing objects is too clumsy.
My usage has outstripped adding more arguments to a single function.
Any ideas?
This is such a common situation, I'm surprised you haven't already done what everyone else does.
Refactor your function to decompose it into smaller functions.
Functions are objects, and can be passed as arguments to other functions.
def step1():
def step2():
def step2_alternative():
def original( args ):
def revised( args, step2_choice ):
Now you can do this.
revised( step2 )
revised( step2_alternative )
It's just OO programming with function objects.
Could you pass a data processing function to the function you described as an argument?
That may be more or less elegant, depending on your taste.
(Forgive me: I know nothing about pexpect, and I may even have misunderstood your question!)

How do I detect circular logic or recursion in a custom expression evaluator?

I've written an experimental function evaluator that allows me to bind simple functions together such that when the variables change, all functions that rely on those variables (and the functions that rely on those functions, etc.) are updated simultaneously. The way I do this is instead of evaluating the function immediately as it's entered in, I store the function. Only when an output value is requested to I evaluate the function, and I evaluate it each and every time an output value is requested.
For example:
pi = 3.14159
rad = 5
area = pi * rad * rad
perim = 2 * pi * rad
I define 'pi' and 'rad' as variables (well, functions that return a constant), and 'area' and 'perim' as functions. Any time either 'pi' or 'rad' change, I expect the results of 'area' and 'perim' to change in kind. Likewise, if there were any functions depending on 'area' or 'perim', the results of those would change as well.
This is all working as expected. The problem here is when the user introduces recursion - either accidental or intentional. There is no logic in my grammar - it's simply an evaluator - so I can't provide the user with a way to 'break out' of recursion. I'd like to prevent it from happening at all, which means I need a way to detect it and declare the offending input as invalid.
For example:
a = b
b = c
c = a
Right now evaluating the last line results in a StackOverflowException (while the first two lines evaluate to '0' - an undeclared variable/function is equal to 0). What I would like to do is detect the circular logic situation and forbid the user from inputing such a statement. I want to do this regardless of how deep the circular logic is hidden, but I have no idea how to go about doing so.
Behind the scenes, by the way, input strings are converted to tokens via a simple scanner, then to an abstract syntax tree via a hand-written recursive descent parser, then the AST is evaluated. The language is C#, but I'm not looking for a code solution - logic alone will be fine.
Note: this is a personal project I'm using to learn about how parsers and compilers work, so it's not mission critical - however the knowledge I take away from this I do plan to put to work in real life at some point. Any help you guys can provide would be appreciated greatly. =)
Edit: In case anyone's curious, this post on my blog describes why I'm trying to learn this, and what I'm getting out of it.
I've had a similar problem to this in the past.
My solution was to push variable names onto a stack as I recursed through the expressions to check syntax, and pop them as I exited a recursion level.
Before I pushed each variable name onto the stack, I would check if it was already there.
If it was, then this was a circular reference.
I was even able to display the names of the variables in the circular reference chain (as they would be on the stack and could be popped off in sequence until I reached the offending name).
EDIT: Of course, this was for single formulae... For your problem, a cyclic graph of variable assignments would be the better way to go.
A solution (probably not the best) is to create a dependency graph.
Each time a function is added or changed, the dependency graph is checked for cylces.
This can be cut short. Each time a function is added, or changed, flag it. If the evaluation results in a call to the function that is flagged, you have a cycle.
a = b
flag a
eval b (not found)
unflag a
b = c
flag b
eval c (not found)
unflag b
c = a
flag c
eval a
eval b
eval c (flagged) -> Cycle, discard change to c!
unflag c
In reply to the comment on answer two:
(Sorry, just messed up my openid creation so I'll have to get the old stuff linked later...)
If you switch "flag" for "push" and "unflag" for "pop", it's pretty much the same thing :)
The only advantage of using the stack is the ease of which you can provide detailed information on the cycle, no matter what the depth. (Useful for error messages :) )
