How to change path segment joint geometry in Paper.js? - paperjs

I'm using path = paper.Path(point1, point2) and path.add(pointN) to create a polyline:
I want the joints made with circles, like the following:
How can I make this?

Set path.strokeJoin to 'miter', 'round' or 'bevel' (default is 'miter'), and path.strokeCap to 'round', 'square' or 'butt' (default is 'butt').


In Godot the path returned by get_simple_path() seems offset by something

Just learning Godot, so maybe missing something obvious
I am trying to have the player navigate towards a point clicked on the map.
The path is calculated with some sort of offset I can't figure out.
Any pointers appreciated!
There is a very minimal replication of the problem here
On the image the white dot is the mouse click and the red is the path generated
The likely offending code is:
extends Node2D
var path : = PoolVector2Array()
func _unhandled_input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, event.position)
$Player.path = path
$Line2D.points = path
print(path.size(), ' Path:',path, ' Player:', $Player.position, ' Target:', event.position)
update() # so line and circles get drawn
func _draw():
for p in path:
draw_circle(p, 5, Color(200, 200, 200))
event.position is the local position regards the current respondent, you should convert the event position to the local one of Navigation2D instead, like this:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(event.position))
or use get_global_mouse_position() method like this:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(get_global_mouse_position())) properly scaling georeferenced 3D geometries (in metres) added through three.js

I have a 3D model in a coordinate system that is defined in metres. The coordinates have been transformed to have the centre of the bounding box of the model as the origin. A vertex with the coordinates (1, 0, 0) would thus lie 1 metre from the origin.
When trying to add the geometries to the map, with the actual latitude/longitude of the origin as geoPosition, they don't get placed at the exact location and appear smaller than they are. How could I solve this?
You can center the map at whatever point you would like in the world with this method:
//Singapore coordinates and zoom level 16:
new harp.GeoCoordinates(1.278676, 103.850216), 16
You can specify the projection type in the MapView's constructor.
To implement a globe projection:
const map = new harp.MapView({
theme: "",
projection: harp.sphereProjection,
//For tile cache optimization:
maxVisibleDataSourceTiles: 40,
tileCacheSize: 100
//And set it to a view where you can see the whole world:
map.setCameraGeolocationAndZoom(new harp.GeoCoordinates(1.278676, 103.850216), 4);
Please refer documentation for more reference:

Octave: Change color in drawArrow

I found this answer
[Octave : How to change line color and width in drawRect
how to change the color in drawRect.
When I try the same for drawArrow, I get:
h =
scalar structure containing the fields:
body = -12.469
head = -11.925
error: octave_base_value::array_value():
wrong type argument 'scalar struct'
error: set: H must be a graphics handle
What I am doing wrong here? For me it looks the same.
You really should mention that you are using the octave-forge geometry package. drawArrow returns a struct with handles for the arrow body and head (as shown by your code) so you can and have to set them separately:
pkg load geometry
h = drawArrow (0,0,3,1,1,1,1,1);
set (h.body, "color", "r")
set (h.head, "facecolor", get(h.body, "color"))
You can also set a border around the head with "edgecolor"

Scilab : add legend for surface plot

I would like to add a legend to a surface plot.
I have tried, doing like this :
X=[0:0.3:2*%pi]; //example data
legend(['z1','z1 divided by 2','z1 divided by 3'],opt=2,font_size=2);
I get the following error message:
!--error 10000
legend : Neither handle of type 'Polyline' can be found.
If it's not possible to do this with the basic version of Scilab, could you please advise to me some libraries Scilab permitting to do this.
Thanks for your help.
Legend not possible for surface plots
Legends is only for plot2dx graphs as stated in the documentation of legend properties:
This entity defines the parameters for legends drawn below plot2dx
graphs or created by the captions function.
You could simply add a title using xtitle
xtitle('z1,z1 div by2, z2 div by 3');
You could draw a box using uicontrol and style it using uicontrol_properties:
fig = gcf();
uicontrol(fig, "style", "text", ...
"string", "<html>z1<br>z1/2<br>z1/3</html>", ...
"position",[100 100 100 100], ...

actionscript graphics connecting 2 sprites

Using Flex 4 Builder
Is it possible to draw 2 rectangular shapes of "Box A" and "Box B" and place them apart, next, adding a magnetic line (black line) between them which will keep them connected without having to manually update the line xy position?
It depends on what you mean by manually, practically your black line should be drawn between two points defined by BoxA & BoxB coordinates, anytime you move either of the boxes, you should call a method that will refresh your line.
As long as your points are referenced to BoxA & BoxB positions, refreshing the line is only a matter of recalling the method you've used to draw it.
//Pseudo Code
define BoxA position
define BoxB position
define PointA PointA = new Point( BoxA.centerX , BoxA.centerY)
define PointB PointB = new Point( BoxB.centerX , BoxB.centerY)
define drawLine method // draw line between PointA & PointB
move( BoxB ); //will change the value of PointB
