Website still trying to call js files from uninstalled plugin - wordpress

I'm using GTmetrix (waterfall section) to troubleshoot a slow-loading Wordpress site, and it's showing that several .js files associated with the plugin that I have uninstalled/deleted are still loading - or trying to load. The plugin files are no longer on the server. When i navigate trough the Waterfall chart i can see the js files associated to the plugin. The calls are red and show 0 kb. But my website is still trying to call these files.
I've seen some suggestions to try and solve this such as looking at options.php to see if the plugin still had left something behind because of bad coding/writing. But my options.php file shows no leftovers from the particular plugin (accordion FAQ, formerly known as responsive accordion and collapse)
Why would my website still try to call these js files from plugins that have already been deleted?

Can't comment yet, so as an answer :) Are you using a caching plugin? You could be looking at cache. If so, purge all cache (always an option somewhere in the caching plugin).

Deleting cache + minified css/js option in WP fastest cache was what worked for me.


'Visual Composer' plugin is outputting weird image links

Morning everyone, i'm having a super weird issue with my recent wordpress migration. I moved the (working) site to another webspace and i'm slowly running out of ideas (jk, already ran out).
Issue: After the migration, the plugin Visual Composer is outputting nonsense image links to the frontend that look like this: instead of the uploaded images url. Result: No images are showing on the frontend.
This issue only happens when i use the single image block provided by VC itself. Inputting an image the wordpress way, inside of a text block, works.
What could be the reason for this? i'm super thankful for any advice since i'm not a programmer.
I have already tried:
Enabling wp debug, not getting any errors
Installing different versions of Visual Composer, multiple times
Reinstalling Wordpress, multiple times
disabling all plugins
completely reinstalling and reuploading everything from scratch
different php versions
As I saw in your screenshot with the src attribute of your image and it has data-src attribute also, I think that it's because the new site (or maybe the new hosting) is using lazy load which will update all images source of the site to the lazy load image for better performance.
Lazy load images mean that the image won't load at the beginning, when you start to scroll down to each section, the images of this section will be loaded. In this way, the site will be optimized and won't load many resources at the beginning.
I think you can:
Check if there is any cache plugin installed, try to deactivate this plugin.
Check with the hosting provider if there is any cache setting installed, try to deactivate this setting also.
See if the image is working in the backend or not, if it's still loaded in the backend, I'm pretty sure that it's the cache issue. If it doesn't load in the backend, I think there is something wrong with your theme source code.
Compare the hosting environment, especially the PHP version of the old and new site to see if there is any differences.

How can I optimize a WordPress website except minifying files and compressing images?

I am trying to optimize a WordPress website. I already minified some js and CSS files. I already tried compressing images and videos and trying to eliminate render-blocking files but the website speed is just the same.
The issue that I found on the website is that it has files that are too long and even I enabled caching, some files are not being cached.
Any information or website that will be helpful to optimize the website?
First of all, take a backup of your site manually
Go to public_html and compress all the files
After that export a copy of the database by phpMyAdmin
Then you can perform the following steps:
Clean the database where there is a lot of data that could be cached You can do this with several plugins (I recommend :WP-Optimize - Cache, Clean, Compress)
After you clean and optimize the database, deactivate this plugin and install the WP Fastest Cache plugin
Include the following options (note that you must turn off any other speed booster plug-ins because including more than one speed plugin can cause negative interference):
-cach system
-logged-in Users
-Minify HTML
-Drowser caching
-Disable Emojis
Enable – This tells the plugin to preload your pages. Upon firing, you'll get a popup asking you which pages to cache.
Check all the categories – Particularly Home
page, Posts, Categories, Pages
Leave the “pages per minute” at 4
You may need to reduce this number depending on your hosting provider limits.
Leave the “Restart After Completed” option unchecked.*
After you do that, compress the images with any compression plugin (i use smush)
Then go and test your site here
This article
I have benefited a lot from it on my personal site and it has reached 96% speed because of these tips
You need to follow the following instructions:
take a backup of your file.
Install a cache plugin like as [[1]
minify css,html,js of your wordpress file
This plugin is working fine.

Wordpress doesn't display PAGES link on Dashboard

I have had this site since 2014 and have been updating regularly. All of a sudden, there is no link on the dashboard to access existing pages. They are there (viewable), but there appears to be no way to edit existing pages or to add new pages. Where did the expected link go, and how do I get it back?
I would suggest re-uploading all the Wordpress core files. I suspect some file is missing or corrupt.
Make sure that all of your file permissions are correct (FTP/SSH).
It is a good idea to disable plugins one by one and switch to a default theme as well and see if the Pages menu item appears in your Wordpress administration. You can find the culprit this way.
PS. Backup the site prior to re-uploading the files.

Wordpress old/updated/deleted CSS files are being served minified and I cant delete them. Why?

We are using a LAMP stack (bitnami) to run a multisite Wordpress instance. This is the second time I have ran into a file that will not update when we push an update (We use git and pull the latest changes to the bitnami server).
We have noticed that when deleting (renaming for that matter) the file, it can still be retrieved by performing a GET on the resource (or the url in a browser). Also, if we were trying to make changes the changes do not come with the file - it is still the old file. Interestingly enough, the file is minified, which because of issues with this in the past we do not use any plugins that minify our CSS. So there should be no reason for it to be minified.
We have WP Total Cache - clearing all caches is successful but does not stop this from happening. (We used to use WP Super Cache, when this bug happened we decided to change plugins to WP Total Cache and purged the cache and it fixed the problem - but it is back and that no longer works).
I have also seen the trick where we can use a "?ver=###" query param on the url. This works but this would prevent us from using CloudFront for our files (currently disabled for all this testing so its not the problem either). Also I am not convinced it is a long term solution - or a solution at all since these minified files are being created and shouldnt be in the first place.
Additional information
It may not be helpful, but the files we have noticed this with are in a theme folder that is not technically an active theme. We just use the folder for additional resources that we have created ourselves. We reference them in the head of some pages.
/wp-content/themes/active-theme <- The active theme
/wp-content/themes/resources <- Our custom resources
Where is this file being stored?
How can I delete it?
How can I prevent this from wasting our time ever again?
I found that the issue was with the bitnami server itself. The Apache2 module PageSpeed was causing the served files to be minified and cached resulting in the pages never updating no matter what we did on wordpress.
To disable PageSpeed, comment out the following lines in your httpd.conf (/opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf)
#Include conf/pagespeed.conf
#Include conf/pagespeed_libraries.conf
Solution found here

The whole wordpress website got RESET

My wordpress blog was working perfectly fine, until one day when suddenly my blog got down. All I could see was a blank white page. I still don't know the reason.
But initially, I was able to figure out the Debug messages, which were some compatibility issues between prototype of function Walker() and some theme function extending Walker(). So, I somehow managed to resolve those issues, by changing the theme function prototype.
But still, I could only view a blank page without any error. Then, I went through my child theme files and I found that there was some PHP code written to upload image file in child "style.css". Fortunately, I had backup of my Blog so I restored my child style.css.
After so many efforts, I still couldn't restore my complete Blog.
Although, All the posts and everything is there in DB, but I can't see any post on my Blog and Admin panel. It seems that my created categories are no longer there in Admin panel, when I restored theme.
Can anyone please help me to find out...
Why it happened and How my blog got reset ?
How can I restore my blog and reflect all my posts from DB to Admin-panel & Blog ?
It looks like somebody hacked you up. And, edited some files on your server.
Wordpress, actually doesn't offer any backup features. But, most of the web hosting services have a usual backup option. So, you might consider that.
Or, if your Wordpress database is right in place, as before, then you the possible error is that your Wordpress core files are corrupted or edited by anyone. So, you might consider, deleting your Wordpress and reinstalling it, (without deleting your databases). This would not affect your blog at all, because all Wordpress information is stored in the databases. But, remember to backup the files of wp-content folder and copy them to your new installation.
