wordpress network plugins page prompts login - wordpress

I am experiencing very weird behavior from my wordpress website.
My network section of the website keeps redirecting me to a login page that i cannot login with my administrator user of the website.
However when i use the url of the network pages like dashboard or plugins i see the same login page which this time i can actually login with my administrator user.
to clarify this:
lets say i have example.com/wp-admin/network/plugins.php
if i manually type this in the url section i get a login page which my admin user logs in no problem
if i use the link in the wordpress dashboard to access the same plugins page of my network drop down i get a login page that doesn't accept my admin user.
now in this situation my question is
1- Should the wordpress prompt login each time i want to access my network section. How can i cancel this?
2- Why are the links for the network section not working.
My guess is that the www.example.com and example.com for the network and one of the websites are not redirecting right.
Please Guide Me.
I'm afraid that I was unable to find the origin of the issue.
I have performed various tests that you can double-check below.
* I have deactivated all plugins for the entire Multisite network.
* Deactivated the SSL Force feature of Let's Encrypt tool.
* Tested by opening the website directly from the server in order to bypass CloudFlare servers.
* Restored the theme from a backup and reverted that modification after the test.
* Tested with different browsers(Chrome, Mozilla, Safari)
* Configured the correct Rewrite directives for the Multisite application defined in the .htaccess file as the old ones were for a regular single-site application.
* Tested different PHP versions.
* Confirmed that all WordPress core files are not modified or customized.
* Activated a default WordPress theme for the tests, and reverted to the default one after that.
After the mentioned tests, I would suppose that the issue is caused by a conflict in the database records.


WordPress Site - Site not sending any data on user login and checkout

I'm just wondering if anyone might of been had the same experience as me before? I have just migrated a WordPress site (running on an older version of WordPress) to a new dedicated server.
My website loads up perfectly fine, however, when my users are logging in or trying to access the WooCommerce Checkout page, there browsers are returning the "Site did not send any data".
The strangest thing is, some people can log-in, others can't. I've advised my users to try deleting there browser cache and I've setup a tempoary log-in link (Incase the old log-in link my users was seeing was being cached from when my site operated on my previous server)
I've disabled all caching plugins, but in the Network tab, I'm still seeing a few elements being cached, I'm not too sure if this could be WP CLI cache which is perhaps operating in the background?
Ultimately, I'm just trying to get my head around how to solve th "Website did not send any data" error - It's been around 4 days since the server migration completed and previously, users had no trouble at all logging in and navigating the website.
Here's what I've tried so far:
Reset the htaccess file
Disabled caching plugins (Third-party plugins)
Installed Really Simple SSL to ensure all my website paths are being redirected to HTTPS
Changed my PHP handler to SuExec
Disabled server-side cache
Reset permalinks (Changed my permalink setting from Post Name to Plain, and vice versa)
But quite a few of my users are still reporting the same error, whilst other users can access and navigate my website perfectly fine.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue before?
Thank you!

Login fails in first attempt each time in wordpress

I have wordpress ecommerce website. When i am trying to login to any account first time whether it is customer account or admin account it shown invalid address: your email address. But when i try to login with same credentials for second time it is logged in successfully. So basically it fails for the first time everytime but gets success in the second time. How can i solve this issue ?
-Clear Cookies to Resolve Login Issues
WordPress uses cookies for login authentication, so the first step in troubleshooting WordPress login issues is the simplest one. Clear your browser cookies and cache. Also make sure that your browser has cookies enabled. After doing that restart your browser and then try to login. This should fix the issue for most folks.
Clearing cookies and cache in Google Chrome
-Deactivate All Plugins
Sometimes WordPress plugins can cause this issue specially if there is a conflict between two plugins. To deactivate all your WordPress plugins, connect to your web hosting using an FTP client. Rename /wp-content/plugins/ directory to plugins_backup. This will deactivate all WordPress plugins installed on your website. We also have a detailed tutorial on how to deactivate all WordPress plugins when unable to access WP-Admin. Once you have deactivated all plugins, try to logging in to your WordPress site. If you succeed, then this means that one of your plugins was causing the issue.
-Delete .htaccess File
Sometimes .htaccess file can get corrupted which can result in internal server errors or login page refreshing error. Simply access your website through FTP. Backup the .htaccess file in your computer and then delete it from your website’s root directory. You may want to delete .htaccess file in wp-admin directory as well if it exist. Try logging in again. If you succeed, then this means that your .htaccess file were stopping you from logging into WordPress. Once you are logged in, simply go to Settings » Permalinks and click Save. This will generate a new .htaccess file.
Not a 100% sure youre issue is listed but have you tried this ?
REF: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-wordpress-login-page-refreshing-and-redirecting-issue/

woocommerce_my_account stopped working after moving to another hosting provider

I recently moved my site built in Word Press to another hosting provider and I found the shortcode [woocommerce_my_account] is not working anymore.
Previously, I had a page called account login where I had the shortcode [woocommerce_my_account]. In the settings I set the landing page to be the same page (account login). so, after an user logged in, it was redirected to the same page showing his/her details.
However, in the new hosting provider this is no longer working. After I put the login information and attempt to login it is taking me to wp-login.php page and ask me to enter my login details again.
The URL path that I see in the browser after attempting to login is similar to this <site_name_url>/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http://<site_name_url>/account-login/
Anybody has got to the bottom of this issue? Thank you.
Try adding this to your wp-config.php:
Make sure you change http://example.com with your own domaine. You can also try to search and replace your domaine in the database if it has changed.
You can also try to clear browser cache and cookies. I had an issue like this before, launched a private navigation and it was working fine.
Try setting define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);, you may see something going on.
Sometimes, php version makes a difference, try to set the same php version on you new host (google the name of your hosting provider + change php version).
When you move sites/restore databases you often need to save the permalinks again.
go to /wp-admin/options-permalink.php and click "save". This will setup your .htaccess file with the correct information for redirects.
Finally, after all of these days searching and trying different things, the answer for this issue in my case was not related with the Word Press installation itself but, with some software installed on the server called varnish, apparently used to cache the site and improve its performance.
After having a support chat with the hosting provider, they mentioned that varnish is breaking the woocommerce plugin.
At this point, I am not sure if varnish is not compatible with woocommerce or the settings applied on the server using this software make woocommerce not to work properly.

Admin bar doesn't appear on the front-end of a WordPress website

I have a WordPress installation in a subdomain (http://base.example.com), but I want users to access the front-end from (http://www.example.com). The subdomain is a subfolder within the root of the site. I have copied index.php and .htaccess to the root of my site and changed the path in index.php to point to my subdomain. The website works fine, both the front-end and back-end, but when I login and go to the front-end, I cannot see the admin bar, and it appears as if I am logged out. When I go to wp-admin, I see the admin bar, and I can preform all administration functions as needed. How do I fix this problem so I can see the admin bar on the front-end?
You should be able to resolve your issues using the plugin root Cookie. It hasn't been updated in 2 years, but it will fix the problem that you're having. You need the login/authentication cookie to be accessible across subdomains. Follow these directions:
Install and activate the plugin.
Enable subdomain support in plugin settings.
Logout of the WordPress admin.
Login again and check if it works.
The reason that this issue occurs is because when WordPress sets the cookie that says you're logged in, it sets it for the administration domain. That means, when you visit from the non-administration domain, the cookie isn't allowed to be used for authentication due to browser security. This plugin changes the URL for the cookie to allow for use across subdomains, which allows for you to see the admin bar on the front-end.

Wordpress clone on Dreamhost

So I created a new subdomain on Dreamhost. One-click installed Wordpress. Fresh Copied the olddomain.com to newdomain.com exported all the tables with the drop attribute to the new wordpress database via phpmyadmin. Then followed this post to update the urls.
The site doesn't load, giving me this error message:
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
I would make sure to check the 'www' rules in Fully Hosted (from the web panel: Manage Domains > Web Hosting > Edit), compared with your site URL settings in the WordPress dashboard. Make sure those aren't conflicting first.
If you need further assistance, just let me know the domain name and I can take a look. Please also feel free to start a LiveChat from the panel or submit a ticket; our support team is here to help 24/7!
Ellice S
DreamHost Staff
I finally ended up creating an empty site and then using the WP Duplicator plugin. Worked like a charm!
