awk change shell variable - unix

I would like to modify several shell variables within awk:
echo "$LINE_IN" | awk '/pattern1/ {print $0; WRITTEN=1; REC=$REC+1}' >> $FILE1
I tried to put eval, but still does not work:
eval $( echo "$LINE_IN" | awk '/pattern1/ {print $0; WRITTEN=1; REC=$REC+1}' >> $FILE1 )
Any suggestion?
I would like to use k-shell script, thanks!

Count the hits when you are finished:
echo "${LINE_IN}" | grep -E 'pattern1' > "${FILE1}"
REC=$(wc -l < "${FILE1}")
if (( REC > 0 )); then
When you really want to use awk, you must let awk write the results to stdout and parse stdout:
echo "${LINE_IN}" | awk '/echo/ {print $0 > "x3"; WRITTEN=1; REC++}
END { print "WRITTEN=" WRITTEN; print "REC=" REC}'
And when you want the variables really set, wrap it:
source (echo "${LINE_IN}" | awk '/echo/ {print $0 > "x3"; WRITTEN=1; REC++}
END { print "WRITTEN=" WRITTEN; print "REC=" REC}')
Note: Get used to using lowercase variable names like written, file and rec.


BASH SHELL print columns with specific order

I have this file :
1129|Carmen|Lepland|female|1984-02-18|2010-02-28T04:39:58.781+0000||Internet Explorer
4194|Hồ Chí|Do|male|1988-10-14|2010-03-17T22:46:17.657+0000||Internet Explorer
8333|Chen|Wang|female|1980-02-02|2010-03-15T10:21:43.365+0000||Internet Explorer
8853|Albin|Monteno|male|1986-04-09|2010-03-19T21:52:36.860+0000||Internet Explorer
and with this order
./ --browsers -f <file>
i want to count the number of the browsers in specific order , for example :
Chrome 143
Firefox 251
Internet Explorer 67
i use this command :
if [ "$1" == "--browsers" -a "$2" == "-f" -a "$4" == "" ]
awk -F'|' '{print $8}' $3 | sort | uniq -c | awk ' {print $2 , $3 , $1} '
but it works only for 3 arguments. How to make it work for many arguments? for example a browser with 4 words or more
Seems like an awk one-liner to count your browsers:
$ awk -F'|' '{a[$8]++} END{for(i in a){printf("%s %d\n",i,a[i])}}' inputfile
Firefox 3
Internet Explorer 4
This increments elements of an array, then at the end of the file steps through the array and prints the totals. If you want the output sorted, you can just pipe it through sort. I don't see a problem with multiple words in a browser name.
try this:
awk -F"|" '{print $8}' in | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2,$1}'
where in is the input file.
[myShell] ➤ awk -F"|" '{print $8}' in | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2,$1}'
Firefox 3
Internet 4
also for parsing argument is better to use getopts
function usage {
echo "usage: ..."
while getopts b:o:h opt; do
case $opt in
echo "filename[$fileName]"
awk -F"|" '{print $8}' $fileName | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2,$1}'
echo "otherargs[$otherargs]"
usage && exit 0
usage && exit 2
[myShell] ➤ ./arg -b in
Firefox 3
Internet 4
Your final Awk hard-codes two fields; just continue with $4, $5, $6 etc to print more fields. However, this will add a spurious space for each comma.
Better yet, since the first field is fixed width (because that's the output format from uniq -c), you can do print substr($0,8), $1
I'd do it in perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %count_of;
while ( <> ) {
$count_of{(split /\|/)[7]}++;
print Dumper \%count_of;
This can be cut down to a one liner:
perl -F'\|' -lane '$c{$F[7]++}; END{ print "$_ => $c{$_}" for keys %c }'

Why my awk string match not working?

$ echo foooobazbarrrrr |
> gawk 'match($0, /(fo+).+(bar*)/, arr)
> {print arr[1], arr[2] }'
The output of this code should be foooo barrrr but on my Ubuntu, it is not working and failed.
If I wrote this code
> gawk 'match($0, /(fo+).+(bar*)/)
> {print }'
Then its working. Why is the first version not working?
Your command is slightly different from the example in the GNU manual. It has the opening { at the very start so that there's no pattern to match and the newline is required to separate the two awk commmands.
$ echo foooobazbarrrrr | gawk '{ match($0, /(fo+).+(bar*)/, arr)
> print arr[1], arr[2] }'
foooo barrrrr
Alternatively, you could use a semi-colon instead of a newline to separate the commands:
$ echo foooobazbarrrrr | gawk '{ match($0, /(fo+).+(bar*)/, arr); print arr[1], arr[2] }'
foooo barrrrr
Your version of the command will work if it’s entered as one line:
$ echo foooobazbarrrrr | gawk 'match($0, /(fo+).+(bar*)/, arr) {print arr[1], arr[2] }'
foooo barrrrr

awk syntax to invoke function with argument read from a file

I have a function
echo x
then I want to use it to replace a particular column in a csv file by awk.
File input.csv:
I want output like:
Command used:
cat input.csv|awk -F, -v v="'"`xyz "$2""'" 'BEGIN {FS=","; OFS=","} {$2=v1; print $0}'
Open file input.csv, calling function xyz by passing file 2nd filed as argument and result is stored back to position 2 of file, but is not working!
If I put constant in place of $2 while calling function it works:
Please help me to do this.
cat input.csv|awk -F, -v v="'"`xyz "14""'" 'BEGIN {FS=","; OFS=","} {$2=v1; print $0}'
This above line of code is working properly by calling the xyz function and putting the result back to 2nd column of file input.csv, but with only 14*2, as 14 is taken as constant.
There's a back-quote missing from your command line, and a UUOC (Useless Use of Cat), and a mismatch between variable v on the command line and v1 in the awk program:
cat input.csv|awk -F, -v v="'"`xyz "$2""'" 'BEGIN {FS=","; OFS=","} {$2=v1; print $0}'
^ Here ^ Here ^ Here
That should be written using $(…) instead:
awk -F, -v v="'$(xyz "$2")'" 'BEGIN {FS=","; OFS=","} {$2=v; print $0}' input.csv
This leaves you with a problem, though; the function xyz is invoked once by the shell before you start your awk script running, and is never invoked by awk. You simply can't do it that way. However, you can define your function in awk (and on the fly):
awk -F, 'BEGIN { FS = ","; OFS = "," }
function xyz(a) { return a * 2 }
{ $2 = xyz($2); print $0 }' \
For your two-line input file, it produces your desired output.

awk passing a variable

I am struggling with an awk problem in my bash shell script. In the below snippet of code i am passing a variable var_awk for regular expression in awk. The idea is to get lines above a regular expression but the below echo is not displaying any data
echo `ls -ltr $date*$f* | /usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg=$var_awk '/reg/ {print $0}'`
I am unable to reg for regex though when i do print reg it is printing but when not doing regex as expected.
if [ $GE == "HBCA" ] || [ $GE == "HBUS" ] || [ $GE == "HBEU" ]; then
for f in `ls -ltr $date*GEN*REVAL*log|grep -v LPD | awk '{split($9,a,"_")}{print a[3]}'`; do
echo $f
echo $var_awk
echo `ls -ltr $date*$f* | /usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg=$var_awk '/reg/ {print $0}'`
You cannot use variable in regex that way. You need to do:
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg="$var_awk" '$0~reg{ print $0 }'
or simply
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v reg="$var_awk" '$0~reg'
Inside / / your variable reg will be used as a literal word.
Quote your shell variables.
try this:
...whatever you had already..|awk -v reg="$var_awk" '$0~reg'
it is better to wrap shell variable with quotes, e.g. if your var has spaces.
/pattern/ in awk is called regex constant. It cannot be used with variable, that's why it is called constant. We need to use dynamic regex here in this example.

how to get NF from AWK argument?

I've been trying to get the NF from 2 arguments (not files) in awk without success .
This is the command line:
awk -f the_program 12/12/2013 11/11/2014
Is it possible to some how pipe ARGV[1] or ARGV[2] to getline to get NF?
I wanted to get NF so I can easily validate the arguments before doing other stuff with them
You can do it in pure awk:
$ awk -F/ 'BEGIN{for (i=1;i<ARGC;i++) {print split(ARGV[i], a) }}' 12/12/2013 11/11/2014
I am not sure if it can be done alone using awk. Try using wrapper bash script around it.
awk 'BEGIN {
RS=" "; FS="/";
print NF;
}' <(echo $*)
% 12/12/2013 11/11/2014
Or eliminating use of echo with <<< as suggested by #fedorqui
awk 'BEGIN {RS=" ";FS="/";} {print NF}' <<<$*
Is this all you want?
$ awk 'BEGIN{ print ARGC - 1 }' 12/12/2013 11/11/2014
If not, post some expected output and explain why.
