Add child-site to path of parent site in Nginx - nginx

In the interests of keeping my codebase modular, I have two static websites - site_a, which is the parent site, and site_b, which may be considered a child site. I am trying to find the right way to append site_b to a path of site_a, such that site_a/path is equivalent to the site_b's / directory.
Note that each site instance has its own set of static resources (img, css, js), and should be referenced from the corresponding web directory on the server, and there may be some overlap in the names of some of the resources (eg. style.css) and folders (eg. /img/..).
Any pointers of help would be very much appreciated!

What you are searching is a proxy_pass (Or I think it would work in your case).
site_a configuration:
location = /path {
return 301 /path/;
location = /path/ {
proxy_pass http://site_b/;
This should work if you only want it to be exactly like this, be careful, because the /path part is changed by / , but if you need the rest of the url, you could do:
location = /path {
return 301 /path/;
location /path/ {
proxy_pass http://site_b/;
Like this, site_a/path/pathtoglory/ would show site_b/pathtoglory/.
Choose whichever you like the most (or fits your actual situation).
Any more info on proxy_pass for special configurations can be found here:


Landing page in nginx, keep other urls

I have a Nginx + app in laravel. Right now it is working fine, but I need to show some important announcements to users - so I just create a simple index.html file.
How to setup Nginx to behave as follows:
when the user type "main URL" - just display a static HTML with the temporary announcement
when the user types URL to something on the page - - then just show him laravel app
Update # 2022.05.22
The following solution is not workable if the requested URI ends with a slash (which is exactly the case when a root request GET / HTTP/<version> is made). The reason is the index module (which is called before the static module) see that request URI ended with slash, checks it for being a directory and returns an error if it isn't. The right solution is to rewrite the URI to make it not ended with a slash, and provided below the not working one.
Not working
You can use an "exact match" location:
server {
location = / {
alias /full/path/to/your/stub.html;
# rest of the config remains as it was
location / {
location ~ \.php$ {
Using an alias directive you can specify any HTML file from any directory on your server no matter what your root directive is set to.
location = / {
root /path/to/static; # needed only if the path differs from the global root
rewrite ^ /stub.html break;

How to not need a .dotted file path in nginx configuration

I'm trying to serve my AppLink for google association services. The following works:
location /.well-known/assetlinks.json {
root /var/www/static/google-association-service/;
types { } default_type "content-type: application/json";
Provided I have the correct file placed at
The URI is what it it is, Google gets to decide that, but I'd rather not have it resolve to a hidden file at the bottom of a directory where the next guy wonders why the directory is even there because he forgot to ls with a '-a'. Is there a way to make it so I can map this URI to something like:
/var/www/static/google-association-service/assetlinks.json # omit the hidden sub directory
(I've tried understanding the difference between root and alias, but I'm not seeing how alias would help me here)
alias basically gives you the possibility to serve a file with another name (e.g. serve a file named foo.json at location /.well-known/assetlinks.json). Even if this is not required in your case I would favor this config, as it is easily understandable:
location = /.well-known/assetlinks.json {
alias /var/www/static/google-association-service/assetlinks.json;
Note that the = is required to not match locations like /.well-known/assetlinks.json1111.
You can use try_files to find the specific file you want.
For example:
location = /.well-known/assetlinks.json {
root /var/www/static/google-association-service;
try_files /assetlinks.json =404;
location = /.well-known/assetlinks.json {
root /var/www/static;
try_files /google-association-service/assetlinks.json =404;
The concatenation of the root value and the try_files parameter form the path to the file.

Drop all GET Parameters from main index file in Nginx

I would like to remove all GET parameters from the index file in the root folder, while leaving all GET parameters everywhere else.
I would like that to get ported to
Would still contain the ID parameter.
I have been able to wipe the parameters, what I'm looking for is help on limiting that wipe to just the root index.
I've found the solution to this, for anyone who comes across this issue.
I have two separate location parameters:
location ~* ^/(.+)$ {
location / {
The use of the (.+) tells Nginx only run this location if there is something after the slash. Because GET parameters aren't processed in that spot, it's safe to do this.

conditional rewrite or try_files with NGINX?

I'm having trouble setting up a conditional rewrite, and I've been trying to use the if directive (despite all sources indicating it's "evil") with the -f switch to check for the presence of a file, but it's not working. I believe the issue/case is best explained by example, so here goes:
Directory structure
Expected results
/ => /workspace/myapp/webroot/index.php
/assets/hello/foo.js => /workspace/myapp/webroot/assets/hello/foo.js
/assets/hello/bar.js => /workspace/myapp/modules/hello/assets/foo.js
/assets/baz.js => /workspace/myapp/webroot/assets/baz.js
In summary:
foo.js is only present in the modules/hello/assets folder and gets delivered from there.
bar.js is present both in webroot/assets/hello and modules/hello/assets and gets delivered from webroot.
(it hides/overrides the file in modules)
baz.js is only present in webroot/assets and gets delivered from there.
The part that doesn't work right now, is this:
location /assets/ {
if (-f $uri) {
root /workspace/myapp/modules;
rewrite ^/assets/([^/]+)/(.*)$ /$1/assets/$2 break;
Namely the if directive, doesn't seem to have any affect - the bar.js file gets delivered from modules rather than webroot.
Should I be using if or not?
Is there any way I can solve this problem with try_files instead? I can't seem to grasp how this would work together with rewrite which I can't seem to get around.
Please do not suggest reorganizing the assets using a deploy script or something - it's not an option, for various other reasons.
I have used this pattern with Apache before, and NGINX seems more capable in most respects, so I'm sure this must be possible?
One requirement that isn't absolute, is I don't have to be able to override modules/hello/assets/foo.js with webroot/assets/hello/foo.js - serving scripts from webroot/assets/* is however a requirement.
The answer is divided into two parts: the first part explains why your configuration does not work and the second one provides examples of how to solve your problem. If you are only interested in the solution, go straight to the second part.
The problem
First of all, note that the positon of the root directive in a location block is not important. It does not matter if you put it at the very top or at the bottom of a location, it will affect the whole location anyway. Also, keep in mind that break in the end of the rewrite line tells Nginx to stay within the current location even if the URI has been successfully rewrited.
Having said that, let's take a look at your configuration and see how every request from the Expected results is processed and why nothing works as expected.
Let's presume that there is no other suitable location with a higher priority in your configuration. Since every request from Expected results starts with /assets, all of them will be handled according to the rules presented in your location. So:
The root is set to /workspace/myapp/modules. The if directive will be evaluated to false, because /assets/hello/foo.js does not exist and so break will not be executed. Finally, the last rewrite will change the requested URI from /assets/hello/foo.js to /hello/assets/foo.js and the following break will tell Nginx to stay within the current location. As a consequence /workspace/myapp/modules/hello/assets/foo.js will be served.
This request is processed exactly the same way as the previous one, so /workspace/myapp/modules/hello/assets/bar.js will be served.
Yet again the root is set to /workspace/myapp/modules and the if is evaluated to false. But this time the final rewrite will not change the URI, because the request does not match the regular expression. As a consequence Nginx will try to serve /workspace/myapp/modules/assets/baz.js and since there is no such file exists, will return 404.
As you can see your configuration cannot possibly work as you want it to for several reasons:
if is always evaluated to false, because you try to check URIs and not files;
the request stays within the location because you tell it to stay there with break in the rewrite line;
root is always set to /workspace/myapp/modules in this location so no file can be served from anywhere else.
The solutions
The easiest solution would be to use try_files:
root /workspace/myapp/webroot;
location /assets/ {
try_files $uri #modules;
location #modules {
root /workspace/myapp/modules;
rewrite ^/assets/([^/]+)/(.*)$ /$1/assets/$2 break;
This configuration tells Nginx to look for a file in the webroot folder first and if nothing is found then go to the modules folder in another location. This approach is considered most preferable.
On the other hand, using if would allow you to solve the problem within one location:
location /assets/ {
root /workspace/myapp; # The parent folder
if (-f $document_root/webroot/$uri) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /webroot/$1 break;
rewrite ^/assets/([^/]+)/(.*)$ /modules/$1/assets/$2 break;
However, this approach is considered outdated is not recommended for use.

How to make nginx to stop processing other rules and serve a specific location?

I have this config that works as expected in an empty server { } definition
location ^~ /foo/ {
alias /var/www/foo/;
But when I move this in a considerably bigger server definition (one used for a WordPress multi-site config), it will stop working and wordpress will respond to it (which obviously was not my intent).
I tried to put at the begining or end of server block, but this didn't change it.
How can I force Nginx to use this location?
You are probably looking for break.
location ^~ /foo/ {
alias /var/www/foo/;
From the HttpRewriteModule documentation:
last - completes processing of current rewrite directives and
restarts the process (including rewriting) with a search for a match
on the URI from all available locations.
break - completes processing of current rewrite directives and
non-rewrite processing continues within the current location block
Note that outside location blocks, last and break are effectively the
Location blocks in Nginx are exclusive. If you use location ^~ then other rules probably expiry headers for static objects will not apply unless you copy those rules as nested under the same location block.
If you could share your full config then I can make it work for you. Most likely you need to use nested location blocks.
location = /aliasname/ {
alias /path/to/alias/
Trailing slash will be a problem if it is not present in URI.
