I created a local attribute on Part. The attribute is of Boolean type and is a synchronized attribute.
In my code, I'm trying to get the value of that attribute. Following the code:
PersistableAdapter pa = new PersistableAdapter (product,null,null,null);
System.out.println("Value is:: "+ pa.get("isImageChanged"));
The value is in sys out is always coming as null. Am I missing anything here?
Windchill/FlexPLM V11
Your Logic is good, are you sure the internal name of attribute isImageChanged & object you have used in PersistableAdapter is correct?
also you can try storing the value in Object and then typecast it to Boolean.
PersistableAdapter obj = new PersistableAdapter(my_persistable,null,null,null);
Object nameValue = obj.get(“name”);
I have a value that I get from a picklist. I set this value as a sessionScope variable.
I then want to use this value, do a lookup, and set the value of an input field - which is working.
However, I am doing the lookup code in the fields data binding section using SSJS, and as such am not too sure how to save this value (normally my data binding would just be document1.FIELDNAME)
I've tried setting the value as part of my code, but the change is not saved in the backend doc.
I've also tried doing the lookup code in the fields "Default value" property, but this always just returns nothing.
Does anyone know how I can display on the xpage the value from my lookup AND also save this value to the backend document?
I fear I am missing something simple and maybe getting tunnel vision!
The code I am using for my data binding value is below.
var key1 = sessionScope.PLProspectiveAssured;
var dbName:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(database.getServer(),"CIR2001.nsf");
if (key1==""){
returnVal = "Not found";
}else {
var vwOrgs:NotesView = dbName.getView("OrgDocID");
var doc:NotesDocument = vwOrgs.getDocumentByKey(key1);
returnVal = doc.getItemValueString("OrgCountry");
// set our field
var doc:NotesDocument = document1.getDocument();
doc.replaceItemValue("ProspectiveAssured", returnVal);
return returnVal;
Use your datasource and set the value using .setValue(field, value). In your case:
// set our field
document1.setValue("ProspectiveAssured", returnVal);
Make sure that you save your datasource somewhere (else).
I have looked at this link and I cannot seem to get it to work
Creating a New control of the same type as another control that is already declared
I have also tried this from searches:
Dim ClassToCreate As String = "TestClass1.CountItems"
Dim myInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(ClassToCreate), True)
Error is:
"Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type"
I have multiple classes and want to change which one is called based on a string.
(example is not correct of course)
Dim strClassToCall = "TestClass1.CountItems"
'then convert the string to the actual class so it can be called like this:
Dim strResult = TestClass1.CountItems(strSomeParameter)
Thanks for your help!
Based on the error message it sounds like your Type is not getting loaded properly as it is null. The method you are using will create the object like you need assuming you get the valid Type to pass to the activator. Is the type coming from an referenced DLL?
Here is one method you could use to get the type if just using the string representation is not working. This uses reflection to find the type:
// Sorry this is c# :)
System.Reflection.Assembly pAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(
GetReferencedAssemblies().Single(a => a.Name.Equals("YourNamespace.ClassName")));
yourType = pAssembly.GetTypes().First(c => (c.FullName != null) &&
var yourObject = Activator.CreateInstance(yourType, true);
Following on from my earlier question about creating Address Books (many thanks Peter!), I have a small throw-away console application doing just that and working great - but in addition I'm trying to update the metadata of a Keyword with the Item Id of the created Address Book.
Slightly shortened snippet ...
StaticAddressBook ab = new StaticAddressBook();
ab.Title = title;
ab.Key = key;
// id is a correct Keyword TCM ID
Keyword k = tdse.GetObject(id, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeEdit);
if (k != null)
k.MetadataFields["addressbookid"].value[0] = ab.Id.ItemId;
I keep getting the following error on Save():
XML validation error. Reason: The element 'Metadata' in namespace
'uuid:2065d525-a365-4b45-b68e-bf45f0fba188' has invalid child element
'addressbookid' in namespace
'uuid:2065d525-a365-4b45-b68e-bf45f0fba188'. List of possible elements
expected: 'contact_us_email' in namespace
But I know the Keyword has the correct Metadata assigned, (thats why I don't bother checking!). Shortened Tridion XML from a current keyword in question:
<tcm:MetadataSchemaxlink:type="simple"xlink:title="IP.Location.Metadata" xlink:href="tcm:49-2142-8" />
<Metadata xmlns="uuid:2065d525-a365-4b45-b68e-bf45f0fba188">
Have I missed something can Keyword metadata not be updated in this way?
I guess I could look at the Core Service to update Keywords, but it seemed to to make sense to do everything within this application.
Order was key here, strangely!
The following code works:
ItemFields fields = k.MetadataFields;
string email = fields[1].value[1];
string contact = fields[3].value[1];
string request = fields[4].value[1];
string webinar = fields[5].value[1];
fields[1].value[1] = email;
fields[2].value[1] = ab.Id.ItemId;
fields[3].value[1] = contact;
fields[4].value[1] = request;
fields[5].value[1] = webinar;
Got caught out by the non-0-based index when getting/setting values and had to reassign existing fields back, in order.
It seems that the order of the fields has changed in the Schema since that Component was created. At least the Schema expects contact_us_email in the position where you current have addressbookid.
There may be other changes, so I'd verify the order of fields in the Schema and make sure the Component(s) match, before you run your tool.
I am having below code in VBScript
' Retrieve the keyword category for page section names
Set SectionCat = TDSE.GetObject(WebdavToUri(getPublicationWebDav(WEBDAV_SECTION_CAT)), 1)
' Retrieve the localized section keyword
Set SectionKeyword = SectionCat.GetKeywordByTitle(meta)
' Open the English translated section keyword
Set SectionKeyword = TDSE.GetObject(SectionKeyword.Id, 1, WEBDAV_UKEN_PUB)
SectionName = SectionKeyword.Title
Where WEBDAV_UKEN_PUB is the WebDavPath, now in VBScript GetObject method we have got option to pass three parameters 1) Item.ID, 2) TDSDefines.OpenModeEditWithFallback and 3) WebDavPath from where to make the object.
Now I want to write same logic in 2009 .Net templating, below is the sample code, I am trying to write but not able to get rid of VBScript Object.
Category cat = engine.GetSession().GetObject(WebdavToUri(getPublicationWebDav(Constants.WEBDAV_SECTION_CAT,package,engine), engine)) as Category;
if (cat != null)
//_log.Info("Category" + cat.Title);
Keyword keyword = cat.GetKeywordByTitle(meta);
//_log.Info("keyword 1" + keyword.Title);
keyword = engine.GetObject(Constants.WEBDAV_UKEN_PUB) as Keyword;
//_log.Info("keyword 2 " + keyword.Title);
if (keyword != null)
sectionName = keyword.Title;
keyword = null;
I am able to create Category object, however when I am trying to make Keyword object its getting failed and giving object reference error.
Do we have any class or method which work same like VBScript GetObject which will make the Object from the passed webdavpath or can somebody can give sample code on this.
I think your problem is here:
keyword = engine.GetObject(Constants.WEBDAV_UKEN_PUB) as Keyword;
You are using the WEBDav URL of a publication, and then attempting a dynamic cast to Keyword. You can't cast a Publication to a Keyword, so the cast fails and your keyword variable is assigned null.
Using dynamic casts in this way is an easy way to fool yourself. The "As" keyword (C# keyword not Tridion keyword) should be used when you don't know at compile time what type you expect. If you know that you expect an item of type Keyword, then you should write:
keyword = (Keyword)engine.GetObject(Constants.WEBDAV_UKEN_PUB);
This way - when the cast fails, you'll get an exception that identifies the problem correctly.
In TOM.NET we cannot get an object and specify which pub to read it from, we need to modify the TcmUri to be in context.
Repository context = (Repository)session.GetObject(WEBDAV_UKEN_PUB);
TcmUri keywordInContext = new TcmUri(keyword.Id.ItemId, keyword.Id.ItemType, context.Id.ItemId);
Keyword keyword = (Keyword)session.GetObject(keywordInContext);
Please help me. Here is my code
ArrayList arrValues = new ArrayList();
arrValues = (ArrayList)Session["ArrValues"];
string CustName, Addr1, Addr2, City, State, Country, Pin, Email,Order,CustToken;
string SName, SAddr1, SAddr2, SCity, SState,SPin, SCountry;
CustName = arrValues[1].ToString().Trim();
It is thrwoing a "NullReference excption" while trying to get the value of CustName from the arraylist stored in the session. Below is the link to see the video
The problem is that your session variable doesn't exist.
arrValues is null. You need to look into why you are loosing your session variable.
Are you trying to get this value from within a page or a module?
If you work with HttpModule the session is not available at all times and it might be that the session object is null.
since your session variable is not set to any value previously thats why u are getting an error.make this code safe by putting it inse something like this..
//your block of code//