I'm quite new to Erlang (Reading through "Software for a Concurrent World"). From what I've read, we link two processes together to form a reliable system.
But if we need more than two process, I think we should connect them in a ring. Although this is slightly tangential to my actual question, please let me know if this is incorrect.
Given a list of PIDs:
I want to form these in a ring of {My_Pid, Linked_Pid} tuples:
I have trouble creating an elegant solution that adds the final {5,1} tuple.
Here is my attempt:
% linkedPairs takes [1,2,3] and returns [{1,2},{2,3}]
linkedPairs([]) -> [];
linkedPairs([_]) -> [];
linkedPairs([X1,X2|Xs]) -> [{X1, X2} | linkedPairs([X2|Xs])].
% joinLinks takes [{1,2},{2,3}] and returns [{1,2},{2,3},{3,1}]
joinLinks([{A, _}|_]=P) ->
{X, Y} = lists:last(P)
P ++ [{Y, A}].
% makeRing takes [1,2,3] and returns [{1,2},{2,3},{3,1}]
makeRing(PIDs) -> joinLinks(linkedPairs(PIDs)).
I cringe when looking at my joinLinks function - list:last is slow (I think), and it doesn't look very "functional".
Is there a better, more idiomatic solution to this?
If other functional programmers (non-Erlang) stumble upon this, please post your solution - the concepts are the same.
Use lists:zip with the original list and its 'rotated' version:
1> L=[1,2,3].
2> lists:zip(L, tl(L) ++ [hd(L)]).
If you are manipulating long lists, you can avoid the creation of the intermediary list tl(L) ++ [hd(L)] using an helper function:
1> L = lists:seq(1,5).
2> Link = fun Link([Last],First,Acc) -> lists:reverse([{Last,First}|Acc]);
Link([X|T],First,Acc) -> Link(T,First,[{X,hd(T)}|Acc]) end.
3> Joinlinks = fun(List) -> Link(List,hd(List),[]) end.
4> Joinlinks(L).
But if we need more than two process, I think we should connect them
in a ring.
No. For instance, suppose you want to download the text of 10 different web pages. Instead of sending a request, then waiting for the server to respond, then sending the next request, etc., you can spawn a separate process for each request. Each spawned process only needs the pid of the main process, and the main process collects the results as they come in. When a spawned process gets a reply from a server, the spawned process sends a message to the main process with the results, then terminates. The spawned processes have no reason to send messages to each other. No ring.
I would guess that it is unlikely that you will ever create a ring of processes in your erlang career.
I have trouble creating an elegant solution that adds the final {5,1} tuple.
You can create the four other processes passing them self(), which will be different for each spawned process. Then, you can create a separate branch of your create_ring() function that terminates the recursion and returns the pid of the last created process to the main process:
init(N) ->
LastPid = create_ring(....),
create_ring(0, PrevPid) -> PrevPid;
create_ring(N, PrevPid) when N > 0 ->
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, loop, [PrevPid]),
Then, the main process can call (not spawn) the same function that is being spawned by the other processes, passing the function the last pid that was returned by the create_ring() function:
init(N) ->
LastPid = create_ring(...),
As a result, the main process will enter into the same message loop as the other processes, and the main process will have the last pid stored in the loop parameter variable to send messages to.
In erlang, you will often find that while you are defining a function, you won't be able to do everything that you want in that function, so you need to call another function to do whatever it is that is giving you trouble, and if in the second function you find you can't do everything you need to do, then you need to call another function, etc. Applied to the ring problem above, I found that init() couldn't do everything I wanted in one function, so I defined the create_ring() function to handle part of the problem.
I apologize beforehand for the length of this question. I have tried to make it as succinct as possible, but it's just a rather complicated beast.
In chapter 24 of Ierusalimschy's Programming in Lua (4th ed.), the author presents a toy ("ugly") implementation of any asynchronous I/O library, like this one1:
-- filename: async.lua
-- Based (with several modifications) on Listing 24.3 (p. 246) of *Programming
-- in Lua*, 4th edition.
local async = {}
local queue = {}
local function enqueue (command) table.insert(queue, command) end
function async.readline (stream, callback)
enqueue(function () callback(stream:read()) end)
function async.writeline (stream, line, callback)
enqueue(function () callback(stream:write(line)) end)
function async.stop () enqueue("stop") end
function async.runloop ()
while true do
local next_command = table.remove(queue, 1)
if next_command == "stop" then break end
return async
The author uses this toy library to illustrate some applications of coroutines, such as the scheme shown below for running "synchronous code on top of the asynchronous library"2:
-- Based (with several modifications) on Listing 24.5 (p. 248) of *Programming
-- in Lua*, 4th edition.
local async = require "async"
function run (synchronous_code)
local co = coroutine.create(function ()
local wrapper = function ()
local status, result = assert(coroutine.resume(co))
return result
function getline (stream)
local co = coroutine.running()
local callback = function (line) assert(coroutine.resume(co, line)) end
async.readline(stream, callback)
local line = coroutine.yield()
return line
function putline (stream, line)
local co = coroutine.running()
local callback = function () assert(coroutine.resume(co)) end
async.writeline(stream, line, callback)
The author uses this technique to implement a function that prints to stdout in reverse order the lines it read from stdin:
function synchronous_code ()
local lines = {}
local input = io.input()
local output = io.output()
while true do
local line = getline(input)
if not line then break end
table.insert(lines, line)
for i = #lines, 1, -1 do putline(output, lines[i] .. "\n") end
The general idea is that the run function creates a coroutine that "registers" itself (through the callbacks created by getline and putline) into the asynchronous library's main loop. Whenever the asynchronous library's main loop executes one of these callbacks, it resumes the coroutine, which can do a bit more of its work, including registering the next callback with the main loop.
The run function gets the ball rolling by invoking the wrapper function, which, in turn, "resumes" (actually starts) the coroutine. The coroutine then runs until it encounters the first yield statement, which, in this example, happens within getline, right after getline has registered a callback into the async library's queue. Then the wrapper function regains control and returns. Finally, run invokes async.runloop. As async.runloop starts processing its queue, it resumes the coroutine, and off we go. The "synchronous code" (running within the coroutine) continues until the next getline or putline yields (after registering a callback), and async's main loop takes over again.
So far so good. But then, in Exercise 24.4 (p. 249), the author asks:
Exercise 24.4: Write a line iterator for the coroutine-based library (Listing 24.5), so that you can read the file with a for loop.
("Listing 24.5" refers to the code in the second code fragment above, where run, getline, and putline are defined.)
I am completely stumped with this one. In the example above, the coroutine "delivers" the lines it reads by writing them to stdout, which it can do all by itself. In contrast, the iterator requested by Exercise 24.4 would have to deliver its lines to a different coroutine, the one that is doing the iteration.
The only way that I can imagine this could happen is if the two coroutines could reciprocally resume each other. Is that even possible? I have not been able to construct a simple example of this, and would appreciate to see code that does it3.
Also, it seems to me that for this to work at all, one would need to implement an object with a write method (so that it can be passed to putline) that is ultimately responsible for delivering lines (somehow) to the iterator's coroutine.
1I have changed some superficial details, such as the names of variables, indentation, etc. The overall structure and function are unchanged.
2Again, I have changed some inessential details, to make the code easier for me to follow.
3 It is worth noting that the remaining two exercises for this chapter (24.5 and 24.6) are both about implementing systems involving multiple concurrent coroutines. Therefore, it is not farfetched to imagine that Exercise 24.4 is also about having two coroutines talking to each other.
I believe you're completely overthinking this exercise. The way I understand it, you're only meant to write a synchronous-style for iterator that runs within the synchronous code given to the run function. Taking the third code block as a base:
function for_file(file)
return function(file)
return getline(file)
end, file, nil
function synchronous_code ()
local lines = {}
local input = io.input()
local output = io.output()
for line in for_line(input) do
table.insert(lines, line)
for i = #lines, 1, -1 do putline(output, lines[i] .. "\n") end
As you can see, you don't really need to be aware of the coroutines at all for this to work, which is kind of the point of the library.
How do I retrieve outputs from objects in an array as described in the background?
I have a function in R that returns multiple variables. For eg. if my function is called function_ABC,then:
a<-function_ABC (input_var)
gives a such that a$var1, a$var2, and a$var3 exist.
I have multiple cases to run such that I have put then in an array:
input_var <- c(1, 2, ...15)
for storing the outputs, I declared var such that:
var <- c(v1, v2, v3, .... v15)
Then I run:
However, after that I am unable to access these variables as v1[1]$var1. I can access them as: v1$var1, or v3$var1, etc. But this means I need to write 15*3 commands to retrieve my output.
Is there an easier way to do this?
Push your whole input set into an array Arr[ ].
Open a multi threaded executor E of certain size N.
Using a for loop on the input array Arr[], submit your function calls as a Callable job to the executor E. While submitting each job, hold the reference to the FutureTask in another Array FTArr[ ].
When all the FutureTask jobs are executed, you may retrieve the output for each of them by running another for loop on FTArr[ ].
Note :
• make sure to add synchronized block in your func_ABC, where you are accessing shared resources to avoid deadlocks.
• Please refer to the below link, if you want to know more about the usage of a count-down-latch. A count-down-latch helps you to find out, when exactly, all the child threads have finished execution.
As a beginner in Erlang, I am working my way through the Programming Erlang book (2nd ed). I have a very hard time grasping how to store and periodically update external information (such as intermittent user input) using the principles of functional programming exclusively.
To take my present example, I am now in the beginning of the concurrent programming section (Chapter 12) where the book talks about the area server. Below is my variant of it.
As an exercise, I am trying to add to this module a way to store all the requests the user makes. But despite having a bit of experience with recursive programming the lack of mutable variables, in the sense of imperative languages, seems to be crippling in this particular instance.
I have tried looking up a few related resources on SE sites such as mutable state in functional programming and
immutability in fp but it doesn't really answer my question in a practical way. I know that what I am trying to accomplish can be done by use of the ETS (or even a database), or by using the process-memory of a new process which receives and maintains the history within itself.
But what I would really like to understand (and the point of this question) is if this can be accomplished using generic functional programming principles without having to use Erlang-specific tools. The commented out lines in the code segment indicate what I am naively expecting the first steps to look like.
-export([start/0, client/2, loop/0]).
start() ->
spawn(geometry_server4, loop, []).
client(Pid_server, Geom_tuple) ->
Pid_server ! {self(), Geom_tuple},
%ok = storerequests(Geom_tuple),
{area, Pid_server, Area} -> io:format("Client: Area of ~p is ~p~n", [Geom_tuple, Area]);
{error, Error} -> io:format("~p~n", [Error])
%storerequests(Geom_tuple) -> addtolist(Geom_tuple, get_history()).
%addtolist(Item, History) ->
% [Item | History].
%get_history() -> ???
loop() ->
{Client, {rectangle, S1, S2}} ->
Area = S1 * S2,
Client ! {area, self(), Area},
{Client, {square, S}} ->
Area = S * S,
Client ! {area, self(), Area},
{Client, _} ->
Client ! {error, "invalid parameters"},
Based on the book, this toy server gets called in the terminal as:
1> c(geometry_server4).
2> P = geometry_server4:start().
3> geometry_server4:client(P, {square, 3}).
But what I would really like to understand (and the point of this
question) is if this can be accomplished using generic functional
programming principles without having to use Erlang-specific tools.
Yes, it can. You can use a loop variable to store what's known as the state.
First, a couple of preliminary points:
Don't post code with line numbers. You want someone to be able to copy your code and paste it in their text editor and be able to run the code.
In erlang, by convention you use camel case for variable names, such as ServerPid.
For your own sanity, don't use module names that are more than two letters long.
Consider putting all your server code in one portion of the file, and all the client code in another portion of the file. Your client code is in the middle of the server code.
start() ->
spawn(my, loop, [[]]).
loop(History) ->
{Client, {rectangle, S1, S2}=Tuple} ->
Area = S1 * S2,
Client ! {area, self(), Area},
loop([Tuple|History]); %Add Tuple to the history
{Client, {square, S}=Tuple} ->
Area = S * S,
Client ! {area, self(), Area},
{Client, history} ->
Client ! {history, self(), History},
{Client, Other} ->
Client ! {error, self(), "invalid parameters"},
loop([{error, Other}|History])
client(ServerPid, Req) ->
ServerPid ! {self(), Req},
Reply -> io:format("~p~n", [Reply])
test() ->
ServerPid = start(),
Requests = [
{rectangle, 2, 3},
{square, 4},
send_requests(Requests, ServerPid).
send_requests([], _) ->
send_requests([Req|Reqs], ServerPid) ->
client(ServerPid, Req),
send_requests(Reqs, ServerPid).
In the shell:
1> c(my).
2> my:test().
{error,<0.64.0>,"invalid parameters"}
While trying to figure out CLIM, I ran into this example program. It's a simple maze game. The author claims to have tested it in LispWorks (and even has #+Genera in there, implying that this program would work on a real Lisp Machine), but I'm trying to get it working in SBCL with McCLIM.
Under SBCL/McCLIM, the window draws, but nothing visible happens when you press the movement keys. Non-movement keys cause text to be entered into the pane with the game instructions.
I figured out that the game command keys are changing the game's internal state, so the only problem is that the screen does not update.
Then I realized that you couldn't write code to redraw the maze from the scope of the code that implements the commands. All the methods that draw receive a stream argument from CLIM, which must be passed to the graphics primitives. For example:
(defun draw-stone (stream x y cell-width cell-height)
(let ((half-cell-width (/ cell-width 2))
(half-cell-height (/ cell-height 2)))
(draw-ellipse* stream
(+ (* x cell-width) half-cell-width)
(+ (* y cell-height) half-cell-height)
half-cell-width 0
0 half-cell-height
:ink +red+)))
But the code that handles keystrokes receives no stream argument:
(defmacro define-stone-move-command (name keystroke dx dy)
`(define-maze-frame-command (,name :keystroke ,keystroke) ()
(let ((maze-array (maze-array *application-frame*)))
(move-stone maze-array ,dx ,dy)
(check-for-win maze-array))))
What I ended up having to do is to save the stream argument from the first (and only) call to draw-maze-array to a global variable, so that I could add update code to the define-stone-command macro as follows:
(defmacro define-stone-move-command (name keystroke dx dy)
`(define-maze-frame-command (,name :keystroke ,keystroke) ()
(let ((maze-array (maze-array *application-frame*)))
(move-stone maze-array ,dx ,dy)
(check-for-win maze-array)
(draw-maze-array *application-frame* *maze-stream*))))
This slight alteration gives the desired behavior on SBCL with McCLIM, but this doesn't seem right, however. After all, the author claimed that the code worked fine on LispWorks. I have a few questions:
Can somebody who has LispWorks confirm that this program works as-is on LispWorks?
Does my alteration to the code make it fail on LispWorks?
What is the accepted way to handle screen updating in CLIM applications?
Drawing the maze in the command is not the right approach. Putting a maze-stream into a global variable is also bad. ;-)
The display pane has a :display-function. The idea is that after a command the whole application frame gets updated automagically. For example for :display-time :command-loop, the display pane would be updated automagically, after a command runs. There are other ways to update panes, but in this case a keystroke runs a command and then the top-level-loop would just call the display-function for each applicable pane. The default toplevel-loop reads a command (via mouse, command lines, keystrokes, ...), executes it and updates the application frame - in a loop.
The whole redisplay thing is extremely tricky/powerful. It allows from fully automagical redisplay mechanisms to extremely fine-grained control.
You can read about it here: CLIM 2 Spec. Note: there might be quite a bit difference between the spec and what implementations provide...
I have tried
let _ = Unix.create_process "ls" [||] Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
in utop, it will crash the whole thing.
If I write that into a .ml and compile and run, it will crash the terminal and my ubuntu will throw a system error.
But why?
The right way to call it is:
let pid = Unix.create_process "ls" [|"ls"|] Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
The first element of the array must be the "command" name.
On some systems /bin/ls is a link to some bigger executable that will look at argv.(0) to know how to behave (c.f. Busybox); so you really need to provide that info.
(You see more often that with /usr/bin/vi which is now on many systems a sym-link to vim).
Unix.create_process actually calls fork and the does an execvpe, which itself calls the execv primitive (in the OCaml C implementation of the Unix module).
That function then calls cstringvect (a helper function in the C side of the module implementation), which translates the arg parameters into an array of C string, with last entry set to NULL. However, execve and the like expect by convention (see the execve(2) linux man page) the first entry of that array to be the name of the program:
argv is an array of argument strings passed to the new program. By
convention, the first of these strings should contain the filename
associated with the file being executed.
That first entry (or rather, the copy it receives) can actually be changed by the program receiving these args, and is displayed by ls, top, etc.