How to dynamically fetch value using cts:seach in Marklogic? - xquery

My Database is having "n" number of documents and i need to search for document dynamically using the elements and value i am providing. I am explaining it below-
Sample documents in my database-
I need to give input parameters as Rest End Point to perform my operation and the input to rest xml document is as below-
Output i need is shown in example-
Example- Search for all the documents from the database which is having Id=Id1 and it's value=12345
Any Suggestions ?

You can explore Query By Example (QBE) of MarkLogic. For more details go to URL

XPath can extract the input values for constructing a cts.elementValueQuery().
Something similar to the following should work in SJS:
Or similar to the following in XQuery:
cts:search(fn:collection(), cts:element-value-query(
For more information, see
Hoping that helps,


Not Able to fetch element using Get Element in Robot Framework

I have the below xml snippet and i am unable to fetch the element using Get Element.
<configuration commit-localtime="2020-06-27 12:48:13 IST" commit-seconds="1593242293" commit-user="root">
Is the xpath=configuration/groups/name incorrect?
Have also tried xpath=name but does not work.
Get error as No element matching 'configuration/groups/name' found
Your Xpath is incorrect, I have created a small test case as an example. In it you can see an xpath expression that returns what you want.
Fetch element in XML document
${root} = Parse XML ${XML}
log ${root}
${first} = Get Element ${root} xpath=.//groups/name
Should Be Equal ${first.text} group1

R SAX Parse attribute in empty element XML

I am new to R and I cannot find example of extracting specific attribute in an empty element, most example i found are extracting data value of a child nodes.
In a nutshell, how to extract an attribute using xmlEventParse() for XML like this:
<element attribute1="value" attribute2="value"/>
<element attribute1="value" attribute2="value"/>
Assuming I want to get attribute1 on the 2nd element.
Thanks in advance.
Update: Found the solution. It is xmlAttrs(root[[2]])[['attribute1']]

XQuery Create where clause based on xml structure as a kind of dynamic where clause

this is about XQuery - I am using MarkLogic as Database.
I have data as in the following example:
<instrument name="myTest1" id="test1">
<day date="2016-02-05">
<column name="i1">
<column name="i2">
<column name="i4">
I have many instruments, and each one has an entry for each day in the daily element, and inside screener, there can be manz columns, all with different names. Some screeners include more columns than others. Each column can include a value element, a bg element and a fg element.
I want to search for instruments that fullfill specific criteria about what kind of columns do have children with specific values. Example: I want a sequence of all instruments, that for a given day, have a value 1 for column i1 and that have a fg black for column i2
Since I have many different of those conditions, I would not like to hardcode them in XQuery where clauses. I did that for a few and it works, but the code gets a lot of duplications and is hard to maintain.
My question is, is it possible to build a where clause in a FLOWR statement programatically, meaning, based on another xml structure, which could look like this:
<pattern name="test1">
which would find those instruments, where the screener has a column i1 which itself has a value of 1, and also it must not have column i2 with a fg of red.
When I do it the normal way I query my date like this:
for $res in doc()/instrument
where $res/daten/daily/day[#date="2016-02-05"]/screener/column[#name="i1"]/value/text()="1"
and res/daten/daily/day[#date="2016-02-05"]/screener/column[#name="i2"]/fg/text()!="red"
This kind of where clause I want to generate based on an XML structure.
I did some research of the MarkLogic inbuilt cts:search function and a lot of stuff around it but it seems to be for something else (more user interactive searching)
If you have a hint to point me in the right direction, if what I want is even possible, I would very much appreciate it.Thanks!
The doc()/instrument XPath asks for every document with an instrument element and then filters those documents.
Where possible, it's usually better in MarkLogic to model the documents so you can use the indexes to retrieve as few documents as possible. It's also usually better to use cts:search() instead of XPath to generate the sequence so you are working directly with the indexes.
In this case, you might consider using the values of the name attribute as elements instead of the generic "column." You could then generate a cts:element-query that matches the name containing a cts:element-value-query that matches the value within the name.
Hoping that helps,
Yes, this can be achieved programmatically. If you want to check whether an element satisifes a test for every item in a sequence, the every ... satisfies construct comes to mind. So in this case it could be:
for $res in doc()/instrument
where every $pattern in $searchpatterns/pattern/c satisfies (
let $equal := $res/daten/daily/day[#date="2016-02-05"]/screener/column[#name = $pattern/name]/*[name() = $pattern/element] = $pattern/value
return if ($pattern/modifier = "not") then not($equal) else $equal
return $res
So every $pattern will be checked. I assume the modifier element is supposed to modify the equal construct. So we first check if the element satisfies the equal condition and the we check whether the modifier element is equal to not. Of course, applying the same idea could also be used to implement other modifiers as well.

Using Marklogic Xquery data population

I have the data as below manner.
<Status>Active Leave Terminated</Status>
<date>05/06/2014 09/10/2014 01/10/2015</date>
I want to get the data as in the below manner.
please help me on the query, to retrieve the data as specified above.
Well, you have a string and want to split it at the whitestapces. That's what tokenize() is for and \s is a whitespace. To get the corresponding date you can get the current position in the for loop using at. Together it looks something like this (note that I assume that the input data is the current context item):
let $dates := tokenize(date, "\s+")
for $status at $pos in tokenize(Status, "\s+")
return (
You did not indicate whether your data is on the file system or already loaded into MarkLogic. It's also not clear if this is something you need to do once on a small set of data or on an on-going basis with a lot of data.
If it's on the file system, you can transform it as it is being loaded. For instance, MarkLogic Content Pump can apply a transformation during load.
If you have already loaded the content and you want to transform it in place, you can use Corb2.
If you have a small amount of data, then you can just loop across it using Query Console.
Regardless of how you apply the transformation code, dirkk's answer shows how you need to change it. If you are updating content already in your database, you'll xdmp:node-delete() the original Status and date elements and xdmp:node-insert-child() the new ones.

Entity replacement not working in a KML/XML file, how do I use this data?

basically I want to put information into a balloon in Maps API, this is the KML file, the data is stored using SimpleData tags, and I am trying to access to it from the BalloonStyle text tag.
But it doesn't work, in the baloon is displayed simply $[something]. After some research, I discovered Entity replacement may not be supported anymore by SimpleData tags.
So how do I manage the data? I got the data from ogr2ogr conversion from a shapefile and I don't know how to manage its output to make it use ExtendedData and Data tags.
Thank for your help.
You can replace <SchemaData><SimpleData> with <Data><value> elements with a text editor preferably one that can perform regular expression replacements on searches such as NotePad++.
You start with this:
<SchemaData schemaUrl="#biblioteche">
<SimpleData name="INDIRIZZO">VIA SAN VITTORE, 21</SimpleData>
<SimpleData name="TIPOLOGIA">BIBLIOTECHE</SimpleData>
<SimpleData name="ID">0</SimpleData>
And need to convert to this form:
<Data name="INDIRIZZO">
<value>VIA SAN VITTORE, 21</value>
<Data name="TIPOLOGIA">
<Data name="ID">
Globally make the following replacements (in this order):
Find what
Replace with
<SchemaData schemaUrl="#biblioteche">
(<Data name=".*?">)
Steps 1 and 2 have an empty target such that you delete the element.
Step 4 is the only step that needs to be done as a regular expression.
working example
