Firebase trigger on delete - firebase

Im trying to make a function where I can identify who delete, the problem is Im not getting any answer from the firebase server, someone could help me ? Thanks
exports.deleteFunction = functions.database.ref('/clientes')
.onDelete((context) => {
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
Here is the function who is deleting
confirm = (e) => {
if (id_deleta) {
notification('success', 'Excluido com sucesso');
} else {
notification('error', 'Ocorreu um erro, tente mais tarde');

Code correction
The onDelete event handler is defined as
function(non-null functions.database.DataSnapshot, optional non-null functions.EventContext)
So in your code above, .onDelete((context) => { should be .onDelete((snapshot, context) => {.
Getting the deleted ID
Next, if you are trying to get the value of id_deleta from the onDelete event, you can use var id_deleta = snapshot.key.
exports.deleteFunction = functions.database.ref('/clientes')
.onDelete((snapshot, context) => {
var id_deleta = snapshot.key;
console.log("deleted ID %s", id_deleta); // logs "deleted ID 1234", etc.
console.log(snapshot.val()); // logs the deleted data, no need for this
console.log(context); // logs the event context


Firestore query "onSnapshot" called at the same time does not work (

I created an app with Ionic and Firestore that features live chat and I'm having a problem with it.
The conversation is loaded with the method:
refUneConversationMyUserCol.ref.orderBy('date', 'desc').limit(20).get()
To this is added an "onSnapshot" request to retrieve the last message sent live
this.unsubscribeDataUneConversation = refUneConversationMyUserCol.ref.orderBy('date', 'desc').limit(1).onSnapshot(result => {
if (this.isCalledBySnapshot === false) {
this.isCalledBySnapshot = true;
} else if ([0].data().expediteur !== this.authentificationService.uidUserActif) {
const data =[0].data();
const id =[0].id;
this.dataUneConversation.push({ id, } as UneConversation);
It will work perfectly however, when I send a message at the same time (with 2 different accounts talking to each other), I encounter a problem, the onSnapshot is triggered only once and I only receive one message.
I specify that the two messages are sent well in the database, they are only not displayed both during the live session
Do you have any idea why?
Thank you
(Here is the whole method)
async getDataUneConversation(idI: string) {
if (this.loadedDataUneConversation !== idI) {
/* ANCHOR Msg en direct */
this.isCalledBySnapshot = false;
if (this.unsubscribeDataUneConversation) {
await this.unsubscribeDataUneConversation();
const refUneConversationMyUserCol = this.afs.collection<User>('users').doc<User>(this.authentificationService.uidUserActif).collection<Conversations>('conversations');
const result = await refUneConversationMyUserCol.ref.orderBy('date', 'desc').limit(20).get();
/* ANCHOR Msg en direct */
this.unsubscribeDataUneConversation = refUneConversationMyUserCol.ref.orderBy('date', 'desc').limit(1).onSnapshot(result => {
if (this.isCalledBySnapshot === false) {
this.isCalledBySnapshot = true;
} else if ([0].data().expediteur !== this.authentificationService.uidUserActif) {
const data =[0].data();
const id =[0].id;
this.dataUneConversation.push({ id, } as UneConversation);
/* ANCHOR Msg en brut */
if ( < 20) {
this.infiniteLastUneConversationMax = true;
} else {
this.infiniteLastUneConversationMax = false;
this.infiniteLastUneConversation =[ - 1];
this.dataUneConversation = => {
const data =;
const id =;
return { id, } as UneConversation;
this.loadedDataUneConversation = idI;
EDIT for working :
this.unsubscribeDataUneConversation = refUneConversationMyUserCol.ref.orderBy('date', 'asc').startAfter(this.dataUneConversation[this.dataUneConversation.length
- 1].date).onSnapshot(result => { => {
const data =;
const id =;
if (!this.dataUneConversation.some(e => === {
this.dataUneConversation.push({ id, } as UneConversation);
You're limiting live messages to only one last message. In a chat app, you want to listen to all new messages. So the issue is probably in your .limit(1) clause.
But if you do that, I understand that you'll get the whole conversation, with all messages, since the conversation started.
My approach would be like this:
Get the date of the last message from your refUneConversationMyUserCol... conversation loader.
When you do the onSnapshot() to get the last message, do not limit to 1 message, instead, start at a date after the date of the last loaded message.
Since you're ordering by date anyway, this will be an easy fix. Look into "Adding a cursor to your query".
Basically, you'll be saying to Firestore: give me LIVE new messages but start at NOW - and even if there are many messages posted at the same time, you'll get them all, since you're not limiting to 1.
Feel free to ask if this is not clear enough.

Create documents in different firestore collections, with same reference ID

My question is actually twofold, so I m not sure I should ask both in one post or create another post. Anyway, here it is:
I am creating users in firestore database. I do not want to put all details in a single document because it will be requested a lot, and all details will be retrieved, even if not needed. So I decided to create a collection members_full with all details of users I may not need often, and another collection called members_header to keep the few most important details. On creation of a new user, I want reference ID in both collections to be the same for a specific user.
- members_full -+
+ --- abnGMbre --- +
+ --- mother : 'His mom'
+ --- Father: 'daddy'
- members_header+
+ ---- abnGMbre -- +
+ ---- fullname: 'john Doe'
+ ---- pictURL: 'path to his profile pic'
I want something looking like the above.
So this is what I did in the cloud function:
/** Create / Update a member
* ------------------------- */
exports.updateMember = functions.https.onCall( (data, context) =>{
// root member and secretaries are allowed to update members
const authParams:any = {
uid: context.auth.uid,
// Check if user is allowed to perform operation
return checkPermission(authParams, ['root', 'secretary']).then(res => {
return { // Permission denied
status: STATUS.permission_denied,
// set object to add/ update
const member:any = data;
// Check if uid of member object is present (true:update, false: create)
var fullRef : admin.firestore.DocumentReference;
var headRef : admin.firestore.DocumentReference;
var countRef: admin.firestore.DocumentReference;
var createNewMember = false;
if(member.uid!==undefined && member.uid!==null){ // update
fullRef = fsDB.collection('members_full').doc(member.uid);
headRef = fsDB.collection('members_header').doc(member.uid);
} else {
fullRef = fsDB.collection('members_full').doc();
headRef = fsDB.collection('members_header').doc(;
countRef = fsDB.collection('counters').doc('members');
createNewMember = true;
return fsDB.runTransaction(t => {
return t.get(fullRef).then(doc => {
// Update full details
t.set(fullRef, {
surname : member.surname ,
firstName : member.firstName ,
birthDate : member.birthDate ,
birthPlace : member.birthPlace ,
email : ,
phone : ,
occupation : member.occupation ,
father : member.father ,
mother : member.mother ,
spouse : member.spouse ,
children : member.children ,
addressHome : member.addressHome ,
addressLocal: member.addressLocal,
contactHome : member.contactHome ,
contactLocal: member.contactLocal,
comment : member.comment ,
regDate : member.regDate ,
// Update header details
t.set(headRef, {
fullName : member.fullName ,
gender : member.gender ,
active : ,
picURL : member.picURL ,
// Increment number of members
if(createNewMember ){
t.update(countRef, {count: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)});
}).then(() => {
return { status : STATUS.ok }
}).catch(err => {
return {
message: err.message,
error: err
}).then(() => {
return { status : STATUS.ok }
}).catch(error =>{
return {
message: error.message,
debug: 'run transaction err',
error: error
}).catch(err => {
return {
message: err.message,
debug: 'check permission err',
error: err
/** Check if authenticated user's roles are among the ones allowed
* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
function checkPermission(authParams:any, allowedRoles:any[]):Promise<boolean>{
// Check if authenticated user as any of the roles in array 'allowedRoles'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// If one of allowed roles is root, check against global variables
if(allowedRoles.indexOf('root')>=0 &&
( ||
// Get autID
const uid = authParams.uid;
// Get corresponding user in collection roles
admin.firestore().collection('userRoles').doc(uid).get().then(snap => {
// Get roles of user and compare against all roles in array 'allowedRoles'
const memRoles =;
var found = false;
var zz = memRoles.length;
for(let z=0; z<zz; z++){
found = true;
}).catch(err => {
When I call this cloud function, it only writes in document members_full, and increment number of members. It does not create entry in members_header.
My first question: where did I go wrong? the way I' m getting ID from the first document to create second document, isn't it valid?
The second question, will it be better to create subcollections rather than having 2 collections? if yes, how to do I do that in a transaction?
Help much appreciated
You need to chain the method calls in the Transaction. It is not extremely clear in the documentation, but if you look at the reference document for a Transaction ( you will see that the update() and set() methods return a Transaction, which is
the "Transaction instance. [and is] used for chaining method calls".
So you should adapt your code along these lines:
return fsDB.runTransaction(t => {
return t.get(fullRef)
.then(doc => {
t.set(fullRef, {
surname : member.surname ,
firstName : member.firstName
.set(headRef, {
gender : member.gender
.update(countRef, {count: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)});
You also need to correctly chain all the different promises, as follows:
return checkPermission(authParams, ['root', 'secretary'])
.then(res => {
return fsDB.runTransaction(t => {
.then(t => {
return { status : STATUS.ok }
.catch(error => {...})
However, you may use a batched write instead of a transaction, since it appears that you don't use the document returned by t.get(fullRef) in the transaction.
For your second question, IMHO there is no reason to use sub-collections instead of two (root) collections.

Wait for multiple Promises in Firebase Functions

I try to figure out how I can wait for several promises to be executed before the function ends.
Essentially, this is what I try to do:
if a user deletes his/her account, I want to clean up all data which is associated with him
direct data can be deleted
if a user is part of a group, the group shall still exists, if other users are in that group; otherwise the group shall be deleted as well
Here is what I tried so far:
A) Main function (starts the first level of promises):
export function cleanUpAllData(user) {
const userId = user.uid;
const promises = [];
promises.push(deleteCategoriesData(userId)); // this works fine
promises.push(deleteUserAndGroupData(userId)); // this one has other promises which still run when Promise.all() is finished
.then(() => {
return "ok"; // this works so far, but not all promises are resolved
.catch(errPromises => {
console.log("an error occured during the processing of main promises");
console.log(errPromises, errPromises.code);
return "error";
B) deleteUserAndGroupData function (the other promise is working fine): each group found in the user data starts another level of promises and also triggers a thrid level of promises (deleteGroup) - the rest is working fine
function deleteUserAndGroupData(userId) {
const promisesUserData = [];
return admin.firestore().collection('users').doc(userId).collection('groups').get()
.then(userGroups => {
userGroups.forEach(userGroupData => {
// delete group data
promisesUserData.push(deleteGroups(userId,; // here are other promises that need to be resolved - somewhere is a problem
// delete all Groups in Users (subcollection)
promisesUserData.push(deleteGroupInUser(userId,; // this works fine
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
return "user data deleted"; // works fine
.catch(() => {
console.log("an error occured during deleting of user");
return "error";
.catch(errPromises => {
console.log("an error occured during the processing of promisesUserData");
console.log(errPromises, errPromises.code);
return "error";
.catch(errUserGroups => {
console.log(errUserGroups, errUserGroups.code);
return "no groups in User";
C) deleteGroups functions: deletes the sub collections in the group (works fine) and after that the group shall be deleted if there is no other user (which does not work)
function deleteGroups(userId,groupId) {
const promisesDeleteGroups = [];
// delete groups subcollection data
promisesDeleteGroups.push(deleteGroupRole(userId, groupId));
promisesDeleteGroups.push(deleteGroupUser(userId, groupId));
return Promise.all(promisesDeleteGroups).then(() => {
}).catch(errDeleteGroupSubcollections => {
console.log("an error occured during the processing of promisesDeleteGroups");
console.log(errDeleteGroupSubcollections, errDeleteGroupSubcollections.code);
return "error";
D) checkForOthers function - checks if there is any entry in the subcollection and shall start to delete the group (but does not)
function checkForOthers(groupId) {
return admin.firestore().collection('groups').doc(groupId).collection('users').get()
.then(groupUsers => {
return "other users exist - group should not be deleted";
.catch(errGroupUsers => {
// console.log("no other group members - group can be deleted");
// return "no other group members - group can be deleted";
console.log(errGroupUsers, errGroupUsers.code);
E) checkForInvitesAndDelete: first I want to delete another subcollection which might or might not exists, if another user has been invited to the group; then it should trigger the final group delete (which seems not to work)
function checkForInvitesAndDelete(groupId) {
const promisesInvitesAndDelete = [];
return admin.firestore().collection('groups').doc(groupId).collection('invitations').get()
.then(groupInvitations => {
console.log("delete open Group Invitations");
groupInvitations.forEach(groupInvite => {
.then(() => {
.catch(errPromisesInvitesAndDelete => {
console.log("an error occured during the processing of deleting group invites");
console.log(errPromisesInvitesAndDelete, errPromisesInvitesAndDelete.code);
return "error";
.catch(() => {
console.log("no open invitations");
F) deleteGroup function
function deleteGroup(groupId) {
return admin.firestore().collection('groups').doc(groupId).delete();
I am relatively new to programming, especially Firebase Functions, so any help would be appreciated!!
Thank you!
You are not using the return keyword everywhere, where it should be. If you do a async task, you must 'return' it someway.
Some examples:
example A: add return before Promise.all(promises)
... B: add return before Promise.all(promisesUserData)
... C: add return before checkForOthers(groupId)
... D: add return before checkForInvitesAndDelete(groupId)
... E: add return before Promise.all(promisesInvitesAndDelete) and deleteGroup(groupId)
I added the 'return' statements which helped a lot, but that was not the full answer.
In (D) I thought that if my collection has no data, it would run into the 'catch' phase, but it is not. So, I needed to check for an empty result set in my 'then' phase.
if (groupUsers.empty) {
return checkForInvitesAndDelete(groupId);
} else {
return "other users exist - group should not be deleted";
Same with the function (E) when there is no open invitation.

Firebase: Get notified just after the firebase-function trigger promise completed

In my app I pushed some object to my firebase-database and immediately after that (after the then-promise fully filled) I fetch the object (with the returned key) from the database (with the on-value method).
In addition, I make some changes on the pushed object using the firebase-functions.
How can I receive the object (in the app) just after the changes and not before? (like other ordinary backend services)
I hope this helps you, I have not tested this piece of code but it should help you in the right direction.
Also dont use this exact code in production, there is plenty room for improvement, this is just an example code.
exports.testFunction = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
if (req && req.body) {
if (
req.body.hasOwnProperty('name') &&
) {
const person = {
name: req.body['name'],
age: req.body['age']
// Make some changes to the person object
person['hobby'] = 'Programmer';
// Add object to FireStore
.then((success) => {
// Return the added & changed person
.catch((error) => {
// Error
console.error('Something broke', error)
else {
// Error
res.status(500).send({err: 'Missing property'});
else {
// Error
res.status(500).send({err: 'Missing something'});

RxJS wait for second observable then retry original observable on error - TypeScript/Angular 2

I am fairly new to Angular 2, TypeScript and RxJS and I am creating a simple application that leverages the Salesforce Ajax Toolkit connections library.
I am trying to write a handler to catch when a token has expired any time a method from the connections library is called. I have created a service that essentially wraps the connections library to use observables. For example if we look at the insert function I have created my own wrapper function:
public insert(object: sforce.SObject): Observable<any> {
return new Observable(observer => {
// successfully inserted the record
let insertSuccess = (result) => {;
// An error occured inserting the record
let insertError = (result) => {
// This does not work yet
if (result.faultcode.indexOf('INVALID_SESSION_ID') != -1) {
else {
let callback = { onSuccess: insertSuccess, onFailure: insertError };
sforce.connection.create([object], callback);
I have another function that refreshes the access token:
public refreshToken(): void {
response => {
Globals.SESSION_TOKEN = response.access_token;
//initialize the salesforce connection
this.init(Globals.SESSION_TOKEN, this.loginService.AuthParams.SOAP_URL);
error => {
I essentially want the original insert function to wait for refreshToken to complete. If it is successful I want to retry the same insert again, otherwise I want the original insert observable to call observer.error.
I've looked into retry and retryWhen, however I haven't been able to figure out how to implement it to wait for the refreshToken() function to complete. Any guidance or advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The catch operator accepts a function which processes an error and the source Observable. This means that if you catch an error you can determine whether you want to resubscribe to the original source in the catch block:
public insert(object: sforce.SObject): Observable<any> {
return new Observable(observer => {
// successfully inserted the record
let insertSuccess = (result) => {;
// An error occured inserting the record
let insertError = (result) => observer.error(result);
let callback = { onSuccess: insertSuccess, onFailure: insertError };
sforce.connection.create([object], callback);
}).catch((err, source) => {
if (err.faultcode.indexOf('INVALID_SESSION_ID') != -1) {
//This waits for the refresh to complete and then resubscribes
//to the source
//If the refresh errors then it will skip the resubscribe
return this.refreshToken().flatMapTo(source);
//Non-authentication error
return Observable.throw(err);
Then make your refreshToken function into something like so:
public refreshToken(): Observable<any> {
return this.loginService.login()
.tap(response => {
Globals.SESSION_TOKEN = response.access_token;
//initialize the salesforce connection
this.init(Globals.SESSION_TOKEN, this.loginService.AuthParams.SOAP_URL);
